Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Sunday, November 16, 2014

More About Upchaya Bhavas / houses

Before explaining the concept of Upchaya Bhava / Houses of Vedic Jyotisha it will be better to write something about Treshadaaya Bhavas / Houses and without the understanding of Treshadaaya concept properly it becomes difficult to understand Upchya Bhava / Houses in full measures.

(1)        In any horoscope 3rd, 6th & 11th bhavas / houses are known as treshadaaya

(1.1) Treshadaaya = Tre + Shad + aaya

in above equation,

Tre (Sanskrit word) = Three

Shad (Sanskrit word) = Six

and Aaya (Sanskrit word) = Income = 11th Bhava

(1.2) According to classical theory of Vedic Jyotisha malefic planets gives good results in these Bhavas either in main chart or in transit

(1.3) According to other reading:

(1.31) In 3rd, 6th & 11th bhava / houses benefice planet gives good results in childhood

(1.32) In 3rd, 6th & 11th bhavas / houses malefic planets give good results in advance age

(1.33) In my experience I have not seen Rahu giving good results while transiting 6th & 11th houses from Lagna & Chandra Lagna and this is very important. 

(1.331) Natural malefic & Tamsik Planets Mars & Saturn give good results while transiting 3rd, 6th or 11th houses from Chandra Lagna or Moon sign.

(1.34) Once again in above equation (1.1)

Tre = 3rd Bhava / house = courage

Shad = Obstacles & Hurdles

Aaya = Gains

So no gains without pains is the presentation of Treshadaaya whether it occurs on Physical plane, Mental Plane or Spiritual Plane 

(1.35) While earning money or getting materialistic success one has to face a lot of hurdles represented by 6th house and then he displays courage represented by 3rd house to overcome that and finally he gets Gains represented by 11th house and same thing applies to Mental & Spiritual Planes.

(2)       When 10th house or Karma is added to Treshadaaya then this group of Bhavas  / Houses becomes Upchaya Bhavas / Houses

(2.11) So Upchaya Bhavas / houses = Treshadaaya + 10th Bhava / House

(2.111) So gains always comes through pains and several times affect the human being adversely and that is why great rishi Prashara in his Brihit Prashara Hora Shaastra described 3rd, 6th & 11th Bhava / Houses as inauspicious houses. But when Karmic approach represented by 10th Bhava / house is introduced then the evil nature if Treshadaaya is brought under control and then this group of Bhavas / Houses in any horoscope becomes Upchaya group of Bhavas or Houses or simply Upchaya Bhavas / Houses.

(2.12) Natural Malefic but Satvik Planet Sun gives good results in Upchaya Bhavas / houses in main horoscope and in transit through Lagna as well as from Chandra Lagna or Moon sign.

(2.13) Natural malefic & Tamsik Planet Mars gives good results while transiting these Upchaya Bhavas / Houses from Lagna or Surya Lagna (Vedic Sun Sign different from Sun Sign)

(2.14) Natural Malefic & Tamsik Planet Saturn gives good results while transiting through Upchaya Bhava / Houses from Lagna.

(2.15) Natural benefice planet Moon gives good results when it transits Upchaya houses from Chandra Lagna or Moon Sign and it is only benefice planet to give benefice results in transiting Upchaya houses from Chandra Lagna or Moon sign.

(3)        In famous text on Vedic Jyotisha, Phaladeepika it is stated that when all the natural benefice planets such as Moon, Jupiter, Mercury & Venus occupy Upchaya houses from Lagna or Moon the resulting Yoga is Vasumati yoga and the person born under this yoga is supposed to live in his own house with plenty of wealth.

(3.1) In Vedic Jyotisha there are only four natural benefice planets out of nine planets so practically this Vasumati yoga cannot be formed from Chandra Lagna so it is possible from Lagna only.

(3.11) This Vasumati yoga is not given in Brihit Prashara Hora Shaastra

(3.12) It is a rare yoga because natural benefice planets Mercury & Venus cannot occupy 3rd and 6th house from Lagna with Mercury in 3rd house and Venus in 6th house or Venus in 3rd house & Mercury in 6th house and the only possibility is Mercury occupying 10th house and Venus occupying 11th house or Venus occupying 10th house and Mercury occupying 11th house to complete the necessary half requirement of this Vasumati yoga.

(3.123) The remaining two natural benefice planets Moon and Jupiter can occupy 3rd & 6th house with Moon in 3rd house or Jupiter in 6th house or Moon in 6th house & Jupiter in 3rd house. This mutual disposition of Moon & Jupiter forms powerful Gajkeshri yoga in an adverse house for these planets as in 3rd house Jupiter is supposed to give adverse results & in 6th house Moon is also supposed to give adverse results and so it appears as if this disposition of these two natural benefice planets in their adverse house is balanced by 1. The formation of Gajkeshri yoga by their mutual disposition & the presence of Mercury in 10th or 11th house and Venus in 11th or 10th house further enhance the strength of two natural benefice planets Moon and Jupiter.

(3.13) The formation of Vasumati yoga is possible in Divisional Charts with every possibilities as in Divisional Charts Mrcury and Jupiter may have a difference of 6 signs.

Written on Sunday, November 16, 2014 by

Vishal Aksh

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Graha Sambandha or Planetary Relationship In Vedic Jyotish

Graha Sambandha or Planetary relationship is the striking feature of Vedic Jyotish and it is somewhat similar to the concept of Aspect of Western Astrology. Without knowing and applying this unique concept of planetary relationship in the judgement of any horoscope it is very difficult to predict.

A careful reading of Brihit Prashara Hora Shaastra reveals that this Graha Sambandha can be categorized into two major parts 1. Major Graha Sambandh & 2. Minor Graha Sambandh and they are discussed below: 

Part (A)
1. Major Graha Sambandh

(1)  In ancient texts on Vedic Jyotish four types of major Graha Sambandhs or major planetary relationship have been given and they are described below:

(2)  Kshetra Sambandh: This is the strongest relationship between two planets and it is result givng combination. When two planets exchanges their signs e.g. Sun occupying Mesh rashi ruled by Mars and Mars occupying Simh rashi ruled by Sun. It said to be the strongest and result giving good or bad yoga between Sun & Mars. Any student native of Mesh Lagna having this combination gets success in education and any native of Kanya Lagna having this combination suffers from misfortunes as here it becomes Dainey yoga or he gets success in occult if this combination is present in his Vinshansh Chart (D20) with Vrish as his Vinshansh Lagna (D20).  

(2.1)Every learner and researcher should note that this Kshestra Sanbandh is further divided into two more parts 1. Two planets exchange their Nakshatra e.g. Sun occupying Swati Nakshatra ruled by Rahu and Rahu occupying Kritika Nakshatra ruled by Sun & 2. Any planet occupying its own sign in conjunction with other planet. Here it should be noted though it is a Yuti Sambandha or Conjunction but it becomes strongest and is taken into Kshetra Sambandh because a rashi or sign is also known as Kshetra in Vedic Jyotish.

(2.2) Thus Kshetra Sambandha is divided into three parts (1) Exchange of Sign between two planets (2) Exchange of Nakshatra between two planets & (3) Conjunction of two planets in a sign with either of the planet as a lord of that sign. If a maximum of 60 units as numeric strength is allotted to the Graha Sambandha then this Kshetra Sambandha gets 60 units as its numeric strength.

(3) Dristi Sambandh or Mutual Aspect: When minimum two planets aspect each other then they are said to be in Dristi Sambandha in Vedic Jyotish and it is possible when two planets has a difference of six signs from each others. Moon occupying Kark rashi & Mars occupying Makar rashi are said to be in mutual aspect. In Western Astrology this type of Dristi Sambandh is known as The Opposition Aspect and it is supposed to enhance clashes and tensions as per Western Astrology but in Vedic astrology it may also result in Rajyoga or a malefic yoga depending upon the overall structure of horoscope. This Dristi Sambandh gets 45 units of strength out of 60 units of strength.

(3) Adhisthisth Rashish Dristi Sambandh: When any planet occupying any sign receives an aspect from the lord of that sign but both of these planets should not be in mutual aspect then it is Adhisthisth Rashish Dristi Sambandh between two planets. Sun occupying Mesh rashi and ruler of Mesh rashi i.e. Mars occupying Makar rashi in any horoscope are said to be in Adhisthisth Rashish Dristi Sambandh. But Sun in Mesh and Mars in Tula rashi also indicate this combination but here everyone should note they are in mutual aspect. Saturn in Mesh rashi and Mars in Makar rashi also display this combination but here too it should be noted that under such condition Mars & Saturn exchange their signs and it will be Kshetra Sambandha. This Adhisthisth Rashish Dristi Sambandh gets 30 units of numeric strength out of 60 units.

(4) Yuti Sambandh or Conjunction: When two planets occupy a single sign then it is a Yuti Sambandha or conjunction. Here everyone should note planets occupying two different sign but in a single Nakshatra are also as effective as Yuti Sambandha e.g Moon occupying 28O of Mithuna & Jupiter occupying 01O of Cancer occupy different signs but in Pushys Nakshatra may also be treated in Yuti. So Yuti Sambandha of planets can be divided into three types (1) Rashi Yuti of Planets, (2) Nakshatra Yuti of Planets & (3) Ansha Yuti of Planets i.e. conjunction of planets in Divisional Charts such as Navansh Chart, Dashmansh Chart etc. A numeric strength of 15 units out of 60 units can be given to this Yuti Sambandh or Conjunction.

(5)  The aforesaid four major Graha Sambandha are useful to judge any horoscope in depth and various dashas are applied for their timings of fructifications and they are applicable to Antardasha of Planets forming Graha Sambandha up to some extent.

Part (B)
2. Minor Graha Sambandh

(1)         Besides the aforesaid Graha Sambandha there are five minor Graha Sambandha hinted in Brihit Prashara Hora Shaastra and they are 1.Kendra Sambandha 2. Trikona Sambandha 3. Tre-ekadash Sambandha 4. Dwedwadash Sambandha & 5. Shatastaka Sambandha. These Graha Sambandha display their results in the dasha of a planet forming Graha Sambandh in the Antardasha of other planet forming that Graha Sambandha. These types of Graha Sambandh are applied in Vinshottridasha up to a greater extant only. They are very useful and they are given below:

(2)         Kendra Sambandh:  When one Planet A is disposed 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house from other Planet B then in the Dasha of Planet B the Antardasha of Planet A will display good results but if it is disposed in 7th house from dasha lord and Planet A is found under malefic influence then there will be adverse results and in Western Astrology this is known as the opposition aspect giving rise to clashes & tensions. In Western Astrology (1) Single house disposition of two planets is termed as conjunction and it stands for focalising of energy, the disposition of Planet A in 4thor 10th house from Planet B is known as Square Aspect in Western Astrology and it is supposed to enhance challenging developments.   

(3)         Trikona Sambandha: Under aforesaid conditions as described in (2) of Part (B) if Planet A is disposed in 5th or 9th houses from the Dasha Lord Planet B then in the Antardasha of Planet A benefice results will occur and in Western Astrology this Trikona Sambandha of Vedic Jyotisha is termed as Triangular Aspect and it is supposed to be supportive one.

(4)         Tre-ekadasha Sambandhs: When aforesaid Planet A is disposed in 3rd or 11th house from the Planet B whose Mahadasha is going on and in the Antardasha of Planet A there will be some benefice results. In Sextile Aspect described in Western Astrology comes under this Triekadasha Sambandha of Vedic Jyotisha. In Western Astrology it is a supportive aspect.

(5)         Dwedwadash Sambandh: When in aforesaid condition Planet A is disposed in 2nd or 12th house from Dasha Lord Planet A then in its Antardasha in within the Dasha of Planet B will give adverse results. The Semi-Sextile aspect described in Western Astrology comes within Dwedwash Sambandha of Vedic Jyotish. In Western Astrology it is supposed to be somewhat favourable aspect.

(6)         Shastaka Sambandha: Under above condition if Planet A is disposed in 6th or 8th house from Dasha Lord Planet B then within this Dasha of Planet B and in tha Antardasha of Planet A there will be miseries and other unfavourable results. The Quincunx Aspect described in Western Astrology comes within Shastaka Sambandha of Vedic Jyotish and in Western Astrology this is supposed to be stress giving aspect.

Written by
Vishal Aksh


Monday, November 3, 2014

Analysis Of The Horoscope Of Shailesh Bhatt By Vishal Aksh

(1)                     Today on Monday, November 3, 2014 for the benefit of learners & researchers of Vedic Jyotish I am going to analyze the horoscope of a gentleman Shailesh Bhatt who sent a post in my facebook public group on Sunday, November 2, 2014 containing his details required to cast horoscope and his query about the hurdles & obstructions appearing in the materialising of his marriage.

(2)                     The following is the picture of his post containing his birth details, query and his permission given to me to analyze & publish his horoscope on my facebook page & my blog in the comment section of his post:

(1)                     The following is the horoscope of Mr. Shailesh Bhatt:

(1)                     The following Mahadasha / Antardasha are found progressing in his horoscope in ‘dd:mm:yyyy’ format:

(4.1)         From 16/02/1992 to 16/02/2008: Mahadasha of Jupiter

(4.2)         From 11/08/2007 to 11/08/2023: Mahadasha of Jupiter from his Lagna Longitude.

(4.3)         From 06/09/2016 to 07/09/2026: Kaal Chakra Mahdasha of Jeeva rashi Dhanur ruled by Jupiter.

(4.4)         From 20/05/2018 to 26/12/2019: Kaal Chakra Antrardasha of Vrish rashi ruled by Venus in the Kaal Chakra Dasha of his jeeve rashi Dhanur rashi ruled by Jupiter.

(4.5)         From 10/02/2007 to 10/02/2026: Ashttotri Mahadasha of Jupiter

(4.6)         From 12/08/2010 to 12/08/2029: Ashttotri Mahadasha of Jupiter from his Lagna Longitude.

(4.7)         From 25/01/2016 to 05/10/2019: Ashttotri Antardasha of Venus in the Ashttotri Mahadasha of Jupiter from longitude of his Lagna.

(4.8)         From 22/03/2016 to 22/03/2025: Dwadashottri Mahadasha of Jupiter applicable in his case as a conditional dasha as his Navansh Lagna is Tula ruled by Venus.

(4.9)         From 16/02/2008 to 16/02/2027: Mahadasha of Saturn.

(2)                     The very first thing in his horoscope is to judge whether his marriage is promised or not as he is now 38 years old.

(3)                     In his horoscope the Lagna is Kanya, 7th house falls in Meen rashi and 7th lord Jupiter is placed in 8th house being lord of his D60 Meen occupying inauspicious Shyasthansh Kantaka (Obstructions & Hurdles) and in his Rashi Chart this Jupiter comes under the aspect of natural malefic Saturn. This Jupiter is in conjunction with Sun and Venus i.e. a planet signifying his marriage also conjunct Jupiter & Sun in 8th house under the aspect of natural malefic planet Saturn and this Venus is also a ruler of his Navansh Lagna Vrish & D45 Lagna Tula. So in his horoscope Badhaka 7th house, its lord Jupiter & Karka of his marriage Venus all are found badly afflicted in terms of his marriage and it is a highly malefic yoga as his marriage is concerned.

(4)                     From his Lunar sign or Chandra Lagna Tula the 7th house is occupied by Jupiter, Venus, Sun & Ketu and his 7th house comes under the aspect of Malefic but yogakarka planet Saturn and this gives some hope. 7th Lord from his Chandra Lagna is ruled by Mars but Mars is debilitated and it is in conjunction with natural malefic but yogakarka planet Saturn. Venus being Lord of his Chandra Lagna occupies 7th house from his natal Moon by occupying auspicious Shysthansh (1/60th) of Sudha and it is the natural karka of his marriage too. So from his Chandra Lagna or his Moon sign there is a possibility of his marriage.

(5)                     If comparing of what has been described under (7) & (8) is done it becomes clear that his horoscope reflects two currents flowing in opposite directions and whenever these types of situations occur in any horoscope then prevailing Mahadasha is the deciding factor. So various Mahadasha should be applied to those horoscopes to find the time of fructification of the events stored in those horoscopes.

(6)                     If aforesaid (4.1), (4.2), (4.5), (4.8), (4.3), (4.5) & (4.6) are considered then everyone can find that he is under the influence of Jupiter from 16/02/1992 to 12/08/2029. This indicates that from his 14 years of age to about his 53 years of age he is under the strong influence of Jupiter and as written under (6) that in his horoscope Jupiter opposes the metallization of his marriage.

(7)                     In his Navansh Chart the lagna is Vrish ruled by Venus and its lord Venus in conjunction with Jupiter and this conjunction receives aspect from another natural benefice planet Mercury. In his Navansh Chart his Chandra Lagna & Surya Lagna is Dhanur and its lord Jupiter is along with natural Karka of his marriage i.e. Venus and receives aspect from 7th lord from Chandra Lagna & Surya Lagna in his Navansh Chart i.e. Mercury and it is another good combination of his marriage and the Kaal Chakra Dasha of Dhanur rashi in his horoscope is from 06/09/2016 to 07/09/2026 and by that time in his horoscope Dwadashootri dasha of Jupiter will start from 22/03/2016 to 22/03/2025. At this very point this Dwadashottri dasha of Jupiter in his horoscope gets support from his Jeeva rashi Kaal Chakra Dasha of Dhanur rashi. It indicates his marriage is likely to occur at any time after 22/03/2016 if not occurred before.

(8)   Antardasha of Kaal Chakra Vrish rashi ruling his Navansh Lagna in the Kaal Chakra Dasha of Dhanur rashi will be from 20/05/2018 to 26/12/2019 & From 25/01/2016 to 05/10/2019  Ashttotri Antardasha of Venus in the Ashttotri Mahadasha of Jupiter from longitude of his Lagna. So his marriage will occur at anytime within a period starting from 25/01/2016 to 26/12/2019 if not occurred before.

(9)                     After considering each and every points minutely it becomes clear that his marriage if not occurred before will occur at any time within a period starting from 25/01/2016 to 26/12/2019 and a period starting from 12/05/2016 to 12/05/2017 may also prove significant and failing which a period starting from 12/05/2018 to 12/05/2019 will prove relevant in this context. At present period up to 12/05/2015 may also give him some hope.

Remedies: (1) he should recite Ashwath Strotra under a pipple tree daily to remove ill effects of the unkind placement of Jupiter in your horoscope for several years

(2) He should recite following Vedic Mantra 108 times daily from any coming Friday to two years:

ओं आगच्छत आगतस्य नाम गृह्णाम्यायतः ।
इन्द्रस्य वृत्रघ्नोवन्वे वासवस्य शतक्रतोः ॥१॥

येन सूर्या सावित्रीमश्विनौ वहतः पथा ।
तेनमाब्रवीद् भगो जायामावहतादिती ॥२॥

यस्तेंकशो वसुदानो बृहन्निन्द्र हिरण्यमयः ।
                        तेना जनीयते जायां मह्यं धेहि शचीपते ॥३॥  

With best wishes & regards
Vishal Aksh

Contact No: +918447838569