Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Conjunction of Mars & Venus

Last year I wrote an article “Who will be astrologer?” on the time line of my facebook and then I posted this article to various facebook groups and I also posted this article on the timeline of my page and recently I posted it to a group Astrology at Google+

In that post I have mentioned a combination that conjunction of Mara & Venus in one’s horoscope makes one good astrologer.

In that group at Google+ it was asked by the moderator of that group why the conjunction of Mars & Venus present in one’s horoscope makes one an astrologer? I replied in that group at Google+ and here I am giving below that article written by me as a reply of that question about the Mars & Venus conjunction:

First of all I want to share something from my experience of about 25 years in the field of Vedic astrology and what I understood from Vedic astrology:

(1) Vedic astrology recommends three types of results of any conjunction, aspect or situation of planets

(1.1) Results of planetary relationship affecting one physically

(1.2) Results of planetary relationship affecting one mentally

(1.3) Results of planetary relationship affecting one spiritually

The very first thing in Vedic astrology is to decide the strength of any horoscope in terms of physical, mental or spiritual levels and if any horoscope is found rich in mental strength then the malefic results expected to come out from malefic combinations such Sun & Rahu or Moon & Rahu or any other malefic combination affecting one mentally does not work.

If any horoscope under judgment is found to possess strength at spiritual level then the person concerned has a power to see something beyond the level of science or beyond his level of intelligence too and in such case malefic combinations like Sun & Rahu or Moon & Ketu gives him enlightenment.

If any horoscope under judgment is found rich at physical level only then the combination like Sun & Rahu or Moon & Rahu gives him troubles, dipression or may be problems related to eyes.
Here I mean to say that every combination displays three types of results depending on the overall strength of horoscope. So we see that different results are assigned to the same combination of planets at different levels of strength in Vedic astrology. 

In year 1991 or so I came across several horoscopes in them I saw the conjunction of Mars and Venus and those people were Sages, astrologers or spiritualists and I was very much puzzled. It was my surprise when I saw this conjunction of Mars and Venus in the horoscope of world famous Indian Vedic astrologer Dr. B.V. Raman but I was surprised at that time no one talked about this combination and even that great Dr. B. V. Raman was also silent and did not talk about this conjunction and this further confused and puzzled me.
And soon I saw this combination in an ancient text on Vedic astrology and the following Sanskrit sloka about the conjunction of Mars and Venus is from that text:

गुणप्रधानो गणको द्यूतानृतरतः शठः
परदाररतो मान्यः शुक्रमंगलसंगमे
In above Sanskrit sloka:
गुणप्रधानो (Gunapradhano) = having many qualities
गणको (Ganako) = Astrologer
द्यूतानृतरतः (Dueetaanritah) = Indulge in gambling
शठः (Shatah) = Cunning
परदाररतो (Pardaarrato) = takes interest in others wife
मान्यः (Manyah) = Respected
शुक्रमंगलसंगमे (Shukra Mangal sangme) = Conjunction of Venus and Mars

Summing up the English translation of above sloka becomes:

Any person having the conjunction of Venus and Mars in his horoscope is of many qualities, astrologer, indulge in gambling, cunning, interested in others wife and respected.

I also found this conjunction of Mars & Venus working well in Divisional charts such as D9, D20 and D5

There are some more results written about this conjunction of Mars & Venus in other Vedic texts and I am giving some of them:

The person having the conjunction of Mars & Venus in his horoscope is bold in fight and is deceitful. He protects cows and he is a wrestler.

This conjunction of Mars & Venus is supposed to give different results in different houses and these results are given below:

In first House: The person having this conjunction of Mars & Venus in first house suffers from kapha, performs aimless works, unthankful and without victory.

In second house: The person having this conjunction of Mars & Venus in second house suffers in fresh air, without wisdom, tough in behavior and does not speak truth.

In third house: The person having this conjunction of Mars and Venus in third house is experts in various handicrafts, religious, pilgrim and a musician.

In forth house: The person having conjunction of Mars & Venus in forth house knows different kinds of arts, of bad character, sexy, less educated and suffers from food.

In fifth house: The person having conjunction of Mars & Venus in fifth house has strong feeling of enmity, defeated by wicked person, wanderer and does not pay respect to guru, teacher and intellectuals.

In sixth house: The person having conjunction of Mars & Venus in sixth house is fond of beautiful ladies, suffers defeat at the hands of his wife, sinner, of good intelligence, likes the company of wicked person and without the morals and conduct prescribed in Vedas.

In seventh house: The person having the conjunction of Mars and Venus in seventh house suffers defeat by public, poor, suffers physically in various accidents and he does not follow the law.

In eighth house: The person having this conjunction of Mars & Venus in 8th house always performs bad acts, steals others moneys by showing acts of kindness, without strength and he is stupid.

In ninth house: The person having this conjunction of Mars & Venus in ninth house is religious, shows respects to guests, handsome, liked by everyone, chief of his family and he follows certain rules.

In tenth house: The person having the conjunction of Mars & Venus in tenth house possesses food in various forms, intents to live near religious places, always in good mood and kind to everyone.

In eleventh house: The person having the conjunction of Mars & Venus in eleventh house strongly follows certain rules, gets diksha from guru, possesses all-round knowledge, enthusiastic, talented and kind hearted.

In twelfth house: The person having the conjunction of Mars & Venus in twelfth house he is without plenty of wealth, suffers at the hands of his children, he does not give donations, suffers from various diseases, inferior and unthankful.

The aforesaid results about the conjunction of Mars & Venus in various houses is applicable only when Chalit – Chakra system of house division of Vedic system is applied and these results are vey general and should be applied after judging the horoscope minutely. Learners and researchers of Vedic astrology will find these results of the conjunction of Mars & Venus very useful.

So in Vedic astrology this conjunction is supposed to give different results at different levels.

Vedic astrology depends on Vedas and Vedic literature and to know the depth of Vedic astrology the understanding of Vedas and Vedic literature is essential. Now I am explaining why this conjunction of Mars & Venus in any horoscope makes one expert astrologer:

Mars is ruled by Kaartikey the god of war and the son of lord Shiva as per Vedic literature. Kaartikey wrote a text on the knowledge of past, present and future and the psychology of person including various signs appearing on human body and his written text was rejected by lord Shiva and then accepted when lord Shiva found his written text filled with astrological knowledge. So Mars (Kaartikey) without knowledge (Jupiter or Venus) is warrior. So Mars to become astrologer he needs a support of a guru (Knowledge) and in plants Jupiter (Guru of devtas) and Venus (Guru of daanvas but respected by devtas too) are Guru and that is why Mars & Venus conjunction makes one an expert astrologer.

Written by

Vishal Aksh