Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Role Of Navansh In Vedic Jyotish

In this article I am going to tell the role of Navansh in Vedic astrology. It is true if every aspect of Navansh is written the a complete book can be written on the subject but for the benefit of learners and researchers of Vedic Astrology this article over Navansh Chart has been written.
Part (A)
What is Navansh?

This is perhaps the most important chart in Vedic astrology and it finds its dignity in almost every ancient text on Vedic Jyotish. Mathematically it is the division of a rashi of 30o in nine equal parts.
The value of a Rashi = 30o
The value of a Navansh = 30o / 9 = 03o20’
So in any sign the value of each Navansh is 03o20’. Before going deep into Navansh Chart it will be better to understand how Navansh Chart is casted.
In every rashi of 30o
00o to 03o20’: First Navansh
03o20’ to 06o40’: Second Navansh
06o40’ to 10o00’: Third Navansh
10o00’ to 13o20’: Forth Navansh
13o20’ to 16o40’: Fifth Navansh
16o40’ to 20o00’: Sixth Navansh
20o00’ to 23o20’: Seventh Navansh
23o20’ to 26o40’: Eighth Navansh
26o40’ to 30o00’: Ninth Navansh

In ancient texts on Vedic Jyotish following results are given for the person born in different Navansh:

(1)                     Person Born In First Navansh 00 to 03o20’ Of Any Sign is a snitcher, of wavering mind, wicked, sinner, ugly and indulge in the wicked acts of foes.

(2)                     Person Born In Second Navansh 03o20’ to 06o40’ of Any Sign is a religious, truthful, learned in many Shaastras, of strong will power and enthusiastic. According to another reading he does not like fighting and he is in a relationship with the wives of singers or musicians.

(3)                     Person Born In Third Navansh 06o40’ to 10o00’ of Any Sign is religious, always a patient, expert of knowing each and every types of motions, full of every kind of knowledge and devotee of Devtas.

(4)                     Person Born In Forth Navansh 10o00’ to 13o20’ of Any Sign is always in search of a true Guru to become his devotee and he gains whatever is available on this earth.

(5)                     Person Born In Fifth Navansh 13o20’ to 16o40’ of Any Sign is long lived, he have many sons and a King with many qualities.

(6)                     Person Born In Sixth Navansh 16o40’ to 20o00’ of Any Sign suffers defeat at the hands of a female, he is without fortunes, he gets respect, he is impotent and without wealth.  

(7)                     Person Born In Seventh Navansh 20o00’ to 23o20’ of Any Sign is courageous, intelligent, army man as described in Vedic texts, winner in battle, enthusiastic and always has gratification.

(8)                     Person Born In Eighth Navansh 23o20’ to 26o40’ of Any Sign is thankless, jealous & cruel. He always suffers from many tragedies, he has many children and he refuses to take the auspicious Karmaphala produced by Dasha in his horoscope due to his dirty actions.

(9)                     Person Born In Ninth Navansh 26o40’ to 30o00’ of Any Sign is good at performing physical actions, verbal actions & mental actions, proficient. His displayed positive energy makes him very popular, he has a control over his senses, and he possesses many servants.

The aforesaid results as described under (1) to (9) for person born in various Navansh are vey general in nature so care should be taken while applying these results to various horoscopes. These results may be helpful in rectifying one’s birth time. But these results give an idea about how to use Navansh on various horoscopes.

Part (B)
Wonders Of Navansh Chart
    (1) In all the Chara Rashi (Movable Signs) the counting of Navansh should be started with the Rashi or Sign e.g. if any planet is found within 00o00’ to 03o20’ of Mesh, Kark, Tula or Makar rashi then it will occupy Mesh, Kark, Tula or Makar Navansh and Second Navansh will be in Vrish, Simh, Vrischika or Kumbh Navansh and so on.

(2)                     In all Sthir Rashi (Fixed Signs) the counting of Navansh should be started with 9th Rashi from that Rashi or Sign e.g. if a planet is found within 00o00’ to 03o20’ of Vrish, Simh, Vrischika or Kumbh rashi then it will occupy Makar, Mesh, Kark or Tula Navansh and Second Navansh will be in Kumbh, Vrish, Simh or Vrischika Navansh and so on.

(3)                     In all Dweswabhava Rashi (Duel Signa) the counting of Navansh should be started with 5th Rashi from that Rashi or Sign e.g. if a planet is found within 00o00’ to 03o20’ of Mithuna, Kanya, Dhanur or Meen rashi then it will occupy Tula, Makar, Mesh or Kark Navansh and Second Navansh will be in Vrischika, Kumbh, Vrish or Simh Navansh and so on.

(4)                     With a little practice these calculations can be done mentally. The following Table will be useful to construct Navansh Chart. Learners of Vedic astrology should check that whatever has been written under (1), (2) & (3) is also verified through the Table Of Navansh.

(5)     The following Table will be helpful to construct Navansh Chart



(6)                     A closer look at the Tables Of Navansh indicates the wonderful deductions that if there are three planets or more, assume Planet A, Planet B, Planet C & Planet D in conjunction but  occupying different Navansh zones, Suppose planets A & Planet B are in conjunction in first Navansh level of 00o00’ to 03o20’, Planet A & Planet C are in conjunction with Planet A occupying 00o00’ to 03o20’  & Planet C occupying 03o20’ to 06o40’  and Planet A occupying 00o00’ to 03o20’  & Planet D occupying 20o00’ to 23o20’ they will display different results and make the net result of the conjunction varying.

(6.1)           In aforesaid assumed case Planets A & B will form powerful conjunction

(6.2)           In aforesaid assumed case Planets A & C will form ordinary conjunction

(6.3)           In aforesaid assumed case the conjunction of Planets A & D will form powerful mutual aspect in Navansh Chart and sometimes this type of conjunction changes the entire complexion of the horoscope e.g. Replace Planet A by Mars & Planet D by Saturn so there will be conjunction of Mars occupying its own Sign within 00o00’ to 03o20’ & Saturn occupying its debilitation sign within 20o00’ to 23o20’ will form mutual aspect in Navansh Chart with Mars occupying its own Navansh in Mesh rashi & Saturn occupying it exaltation Navansh in Tula rashi and this type of conditions many times changes the entire complexion of any horoscope.

(6.4)   So minimum two planets occupying same sign with one planet occupying first Navansh & other planet occupying 7th Navansh will form mutual aspect in Navansh Chart and similar results will apply if one planet occupying 2nd Navansh & other planet occupying 8th Navansh and one Planet occupying 3rd Navansh & other planet occupying 9th Navansh.  

Part (C)
More about Navmansh
(This article written by me as an answer to a question put by a person and afterwards it was given the format of an article and published on the timeline of my facebook on Monday, February 10, 2014 and the Link for this is
In Indian astrology Navansh chart finds a special position. In classical Indian astrology it is the only chart which is highly regarded after rashi chart. This is considered as source of strength. Even a weak planet in rashi chart but placed strong in Navansh chart becomes powerful.

There are 12 rashi and each rashi has 9 Navansh there total number of Navansh in a Zodiac becomes = 12 × 9 = 108.

The entire Zodiac is equally divided into 27 parts and thus there are 27 Nakshatra in a Zodiac and every Nakshatra has 4 charan so total number of charan in a Zodiac of 27 Nakshatra becomes = 27 × 4 = 108.

So there is wonderful similarity between a Navansh and a Nakshatra chran. This strength to a Navansh chart which is imaginary when compared with Nakshatra which is real. So Navansh position derives strength from Nakshatra.

On the basis of its applicability it is put to use in two ways (1) as an independent chart (2) as a supportive chart.

(1) As an independent chart it is used to judge everything about one's life partner.

(1.1) One can also calculate the Longitude of planets for the Navmansh position of Planets of one’s horoscope and from this you can also work out shodash varga for the concerned Navmansh. It will give some enlarged view of the events of one’s life partner such as D24 of this Navmansh indicates the academic attainments of one’s life partner, D10 of this Navmansh about the profession of one’s life partner and so on. The Navmansh of this Navmansh will indicate something about that person very especial. But mind it it is possible only when the details of that person whose horoscope is under consideration should be highly accurate otherwise this system will not work.

(2) As supportive chart it is used to judge the entire events of one's life in addition to the main chart. Some of them are as under:

(2.1) Vargottam: Any planet occupies same rashi and same Navansh becomes vargottam planet and supposed to give the result as if it were in its own sign provided it should not occupy its debilitation rashi. 

(2.2) it is auspicious to have vargottam lagna.

(2.3) any conjunction, aspect or yoga occurring in main chart as well as in Navansh chart becomes powerful.

(2.4) If planets form conjunction in chalit chakra and are found to be in aspectual relationship in Navmansh chart than their conjunction in chalit chakra becomes powerful and result giving and if otherwise than it is not much powerful.

(2.5) If any planet in chalit chakra is found to move from one house to another Bhava and in Navmansh it occupies the same house as that occupied by it in chalit chakra than it gives the results of the bhava it occupies in chalit chakra more effectively. If it occupies otherwise in Navmansh than its chalit chakra Bhava position will not be so effective.

(2.6) When Jupiter transits the Navmansh position or 5th & 9th from the position of any bhava lord of main chart than the auspicious results of that bhava occurs within the transit of Jupiter befitting the age of person. In Indian astrology Navansh chart finds a special position. In classical Indian astrology it is the only chart which is highly regarded after rashi chart. This is considered as source of strength. Even a weak planet in rashi chart but placed strong in Navansh chart becomes powerful.

Written by
Vishal Aksh