Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Thursday, August 17, 2017

“The Ruling Deities Of Dashmansh” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) Rishi Parashar in his Shodashvarga Scheme allots presiding Vedic Devta to every division in every Divisional Chart except Rashi Chart i.e. from Hora Chart (D2) to Shyastamansh Chart (D60). For example in Hora Chart the 00⁰ to 15⁰ of any sign comes under the divine ruler ship of Devas and from 15⁰ to 30⁰ comes under the ruler ship of Pitra. The planets occupying 00⁰ to 15⁰ of any sign have the influence of Deva and those occupying 15⁰ to 30⁰ come under the influence of Pitra. In Drashkan Chart (D3) the planets occupying 00⁰ to 10⁰ of any sign come under the divine ruler ship of rishi Narada, from 10⁰ to 20⁰ of any sign come under the divine ruler ship of Rishi Agasti and from 20⁰ to 30⁰ under the ruler ship of rishi Durvasa.

(2) In Brihit Prashara Hora Shaastra the great rishi only speaks about the use of Shyasthansh (D60) Devta and about the influence of the Devta of other Varga (Divisional Charts) for predictive purposes he (rishi Parashara) left it for the spiritual understandings of an astrologer    

(3) The concept of Devta of any divisional chart is too difficult for a beginner to understand. Here scientific approach to understand Vedic Jyotish in terms of Planets fails completely and spiritual approach needs to be developed to understand it. In other words it is the spiritual portion of Vedic Jyotish that can be understood by the astrologers having spiritual and karmic approaches.  

(4) An astrologer well versed in Vedas, Upnishadas, Purana, Ramayana and Mahabharta etc only can understand the use of such Devta with his spiritual approach in predictive purposes.

(5) Several years ago I saw the horoscope of an engineer in his horoscope Mercury in 5th house in Dhanu Rashi was under the influence of Shyasthansh (D60) Devta Deva Ganesha and I at once declared his devotion towards Ganesha and he accepted that with a big surprise. In fact to develop my professional approach in those years I was too devoting Shri Ganesh with a specific Mantra (I am not giving that Ganesha mantra here) and at that moment Parmatma Ganesha blessed me insight to use the concept of Devta for predictive purposes. That engineer also made the software of several Indian indoor games. It was from that incident I got the divine insight about the use of Devta of Divisional Charts. I am sure every research minded astrologer with spiritual and Karmic approach will understand it.

(6) In this article I shall share about the ruling Vedic Devta in Dashmansh Chart (D10) theoretically and that will give necessary insights to research minded astrologers having spiritual approaches.

(7) One Dashmansh is the 10th part of 30⁰ i.e. 3⁰ and there are 10 Dashmansh in a sign and 12 × 10 = 120 Dashmansh in a Zodiac.

(8) In any sign:
00⁰ to 03⁰ - First Dashmansh
03⁰ to 06⁰ - Second Dashmansh
06⁰ to 09⁰ - Third Dashmansh
09⁰ to 12⁰ - Forth Dashmansh
12⁰ to15⁰ - Fifth Dashmansh
15⁰ to 18⁰ - Sixth Dashmansh
18⁰ to 21⁰ - Seventh Drashmansh
21⁰ to 24⁰ - Eighth Dashmansh
24⁰ to 27⁰ - Ninth Dashmansh
27⁰ to 30⁰ - Tenth Dashmansh

(9)The counting of Dashmansh in Odd signs is from the sign itself. For example in Mesh Rashi Planets occupying first Dashmansh occupy the first  Dashmansh of Mesh Rashi, in second Dashmansh occupy Vrish Rashi, third Dashmansh occupy Mithuna Rashi, forth Dashmansh occupy Kark Rashi, fifth Dashmansh occupy Simh Rashi, sixth Dashmansh occupy Kanya Rashi, seventh Dashmansh occupy Tula Rashi, eighth Dashmansh occupy Vrischika Rashi, ninth Dashmansh occupy Dhanur Rashi and 10th Dashmansh occupy Makra Rashi. For Mithuna Rashi this counting should be started from Mithuna as first Dashmansh, Kark as second Dashmansh and so on. The counting of Dashmansh for other odd Signs should be done in similar way.

(9.1)The counting of Dashmansh in Even sign is from 9th sign from any even sign. For Example in Meen Rashi the first Dashmansh is the 9th sign from it i.e. Vrischika Rashi and Planets occupying first Dashmansh of Meen will be in the Dashmansh of Vrischika Rashi, second Dashmansh occupy Dhanur Rashi, in third Dashmansh occupy Makar Rashi and so on. In Vrish Rashi the even sign the Dashmansh counting starts from 9th sign from it i.e. Makar Rashi. Similar counting should be made for other even signs like Kark, Kanya, Vrischika and Makar.

(10) The following two Sanskrit Shloka is from Brihit Prashara Hora Shaastra:

दिगंशया ततश्चौजे युग्मे तन्नवमाद्वदेत।
पूर्वादिदशदिक्पाला इंद्राग्नियमराक्षसाः॥६३॥
[Dignshya Tatshchoje Yugme Tannvmaadvadet
Purvaadidikpaala Indraagniraakshaa63]

वरुणोमारुतश्चैव कुबेरेशानपद्मजाः।
अनन्तश्च क्रमादोजे समे वा व्युत्क्रमेण तु॥६४॥
[Varunomaarutscheiv Kubereshaanpadamjaa
Anantsch Kramadoje Sme Vaa Vyutkramena Tu64

(10.1) The aforesaid two Sanskrit Shloka are written in almost typical Sanskrit with Sandhi in various words. For the benefits of all the research minded astrologers I am translating both of the Sanskrit Shloka by giving necessary Vicchada of Sanskrit words in forthcoming paragraphs:

(10.2) दिगंशया (Dignshya) = दिक् + अंशया (Dik + Anshya): here Dik means Directions and they are ten in numbers and Ansh stands for the parts so Digansh becomes the 10th part and here it stands for the 10th part of a sign of 30⁰ in other words 30⁰÷ 10⁰ = 3⁰ and this is the value of each Dashmansh. 

(10.3) ततश्चौजे (Tatshchoje)  = तत्(Tata) + च्(Ch) +ओजे(Oje): From there count from the sign itself in case of Oja Rashi. The Oja Rashi are all the Odd signs such as Mesh, Mithuna, Simh, Tula, Dhanur & Kumbh.

(10.4) युग्मे तन्नवमाद्वदेत (Yugme Tannvmaadvadet) = युग्मे (Yugme means Even signs), तत् (Tata) + नवमात् (Navmaat means from 9th sign) + वदेत् (Vadet means should say) and it reflects that in case of Even signs the Dashmansh Counting should be said to start from 9th sign from that even sign.

(10.5) पूर्वादिदशदिक्पाला (Purvaadidikpaala): पूर्व (Poorv means East) + आदि (Aadi means starting from)  +दश (Dash means Ten) +दिक्पाला (Dikpaala means Great Vedic defenders of Directions). It reflects that starting from the east the ten great defenders of directions are…….

(10.6) इंद्राग्नियमराक्षसाः (Indraagniyamraakshaa) = (१)इंद्र ( (1)Indra or King of Swarga) + (२)अग्नि ((2)Agni or fire) + (३) यम ((3) Yama means God of Death) + (४)राक्षस ((4)Raaksh or Devil)……

(10.7) वरुणोमारुतश्चैव (Varunomaarutscheiv) कुबेरेशानपद्मजाः(Kubereshaanpadamjaa) अनन्तश्च (Anantsch): (५) वरुण ((5) Varuna or God of water) + (६) मारुत ((6) Marut or God of wind) + च् (Ch means and), (७) कुबेर ((7) Kubera or God of wealth) (८) ईशान ((8) Ishana as per Purana Ishana is Shiva) (९) पद्मज​ ((9) Padmaj it indicates a God who appeared from Lotus means Bhrama the creator), (१०) अनन्त (Anant or endless means Vishnu)

(10.8) Summing up what has been written under (10.6) & (10.7) Ten great defenders starting from the east direction are (1) Indra, (2) Agni, (3) Yama, (4)Raaksha, (5) Varuna, (6) Maruta, (7) Kubera, (8) Ishana, (9) Padmaj & (10) Ananta.

(10.9) क्रमादोजे (Kramadoje) = क्रमात (Sequence) +ओजे (Odd Signs) it reflects that the sequence of Devta as written under (10.8) is the ruling Devta from eastern direction onwards when counting of Dashmansh is from Odd signs.

(10.10) समे वा व्युत्क्रमेण तु (Sme Vaa Vyutkramena Tu): समे (Sme means Even signs), व्युत्क्रमेण (Vyutkramena means reverse order). It reflects in case when counting of Dashmansh is done for Even Signs like Vrish, Kark, Kanya, Vrischika, Makar or Meen the order of presiding Devta will be reversed i.e. it becomes from Ananta to Indra.

(10.11) You can understand about the presiding Devta of Dashmansh through the following figure:

(11) Now for the benefits of all of you I am also giving the ten directions
(11.1) Purva (East) and its Dikpal is Indra
(11.2) Aagney (South East) its Dikpal is Agni
(11.3) Dakshin (South) its Dikpal is Yama
(11.4) Nairiti (South West) its Dikpal is Raaksha
(11.5) Paschim (West) its Dikpala is Varuna
(11.6) Vaayavya (North West) its Dikpal is Maruta
(11.7) Uttar (North) its Dikpal is Kubera
(11.8)Eshanya (North East) its Dikpal is Ishana or Shiva
(11.9) Urdhva (Upper Space) its Dikpal is Padmaj or Bhrama
(11.10) Adha (Lower Space) its Dikpal is Ananta or Vishnu.

(12) The functioning of these Ten Devta of Dashmansh is written in Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Ramayana and Mahabharata. Its only astrologers spiritual approach which works while he predicts by including these Devta.

(13) This Dashmansh Chart still has a very fertile field of research

(14) I want to make this article theoretical and that is why I am not quoting any practical case concerning this. Disclosing the secrets of functioning of a Devta (Deity) through Jyotish is not so much favored by ancient Rishi of India.

(15) A question may come to your mind that why Raaksha was given the status of Devta in Dashmansh Chart. For your benefits I am giving you its reasoning. There are eight Deva Yonis or categories of Devas as described in Puranas such as (1) Deva, (2) Daanava, (3) Gandherva, (4) Yaksha, (5)Raaksha, (6) Naaga, (7) Bhoota, and (8) Vidyadhara. The Raaksha also comes under Deva so the King of Raaksha the Nairity Deva was also given the status of Deva in Purana. The abode of these Dev Yoni is described in Vyoma (Sky) so they do not exist on earth as other creatures exist but they influence the earth by their powers and keep the controlling of earth according to their characters as described in various Purana.

Written on Thursday, August 17, 2017 at 20:16 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Regarding Predictions

(1) Certain astrologers are of the opinion that one of the cause to the failure of predictions by any astrologer are:

(1.1) The strong remedial measures recommended by a different astrologer already performed by the client approaching him and

(1.2) When astrologer predicts in Ashudh Avastha.

(2) For the benefit of learners and researchers I am explaining the aforesaid points (1.1) & (1.2) below:

(2.1) Whatever is mentioned above under point (1.1) needs further explanation and it can be divided into two parts

(2.2) Remedies performed by a common person and

(2.2) Upasaana performed by a Sadhaka.

(2.3) In first case as written under (2.2) Horary Horoscope are useful for an astrologer to check the success of remedies recommended by different astrologer performed by the client approached him for example if astrologer finds that in the horoscope of his client approaching him first time Mercury is weak and adverse but in client's Khavedansh (D40) & Vinshansh (D20) Charts this Mercury is well disposed and comes under the aspect of Jupiter or Lord of 9th of respective divisional charts and in Horary horoscope that Mercury is found to be well disposed in terms of the main query of his client then this is an indication that that client has performed remedial measure recommended by other astrologer or a Guru and here Parmatma has given chance to that astrologer to predict about the client approaching him.

(2.4) In second case as written under (2.2) if any astrologer predicts about a Sadhaka performing upsana and without the permission of that Sadhaka then that astrologer is insulting his knowledge of Jyotisha or Astrology. In most of the cases his predictions will go wrong unless and until astrologer has more spiritual powers than that Sadhaka.

(2.5) In Sadhaanas or Upsaanas selfless approach works and the approach of Jyotish is useful to the people earning by their vritees (professions). This is very important to understand

(3) The another interesting point of this post written under (1.2) is the Ashudh Avastha and it also needs further clarification. As per Ayurveda there are three stages of Mana (Mind?) (1) Satvik (2) Rajsika and (3) Tamsika and when astrologer's mana is under tamsika influences then even though astrologer has bathed well and also performed yogic Shatkarma to pure himself the predictions made by him will not fructify because of the impurity of his mana (mind). The greatest Ashudh Avastha is only the Tamsik Mana or Impure Mind.

(3.1) If  any astrologer is running under the phase of Dhyya or Saade Saati then under such circumstances his mind representing by Moon comes under the Saturn’s Tamsik nature and with this Ashuddha Mana the predictions made by him become fruitless if he intends to do this to popularize himself. 

(4) Most of the time clients due to their greed of saving money force the astrologer to analyze their horoscopes free of cost and that astrologer predicts under compulsion and tries to stop those clients going to next door under such condition too astrologer is insulting his knowledge and thus predictions made by him will not fructify. An astrologer with Dharmic, Karmic & Spiritual approaches never comes under any compulsions

(5) There is a hidden agency which always resists the predictive abilities of an astrologer and that is Maya so no one in this world including Saadhaka too can predict even important events correctly due to the influence of that Maya. Some events easily estimated by common sense cannot be predicted by astrologer, some unexpected events are predicted by astrologer correctly and many times when astrologer tries to mix his predictive abilities with common sense even though he is not able to predict correctly all due to the influence of Maya.

(6) If you find in any astrologer's Vinshansh Chart (D20) the placement of Jupiter in 6th house then that astrologer will have to perform saadhanas and tapa to make himself fit for giving predictions because in this case he has to oppose his 6 inner enemies (1) Kaama, (2) Krodha, (3) Lobha, (4) Moha, (5) Mada & (6) Maya to make him fit for predicting the events.

Written on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 13:09 (IST) by 
Vishal Aksh

(The aforesaid article written by me was first published in my facebook public group on Wednesday, April 8, 2015. Follow link: to view this article there. On this Blogger this article is republished with necessary edits.)

Thursday, May 4, 2017

“गुरु योग” [“Guru Yoga”] – an article written by Vishal Aksh

[This article written by me was first published at my Hindi Facebook Page. Follow link: to view it there]   

भगवान पाराशर अपने द्वारा रचित ग्रन्थ "बृहित्पाराशरहोराशास्त्रम्" में लिखतें हैं: - सुतेशे मातृभवने चिरं मातृसुखं भवेत। लक्ष्मीयुक्तः सुबुद्धिश्च सचिवोऽप्यथवा गुरुः॥
[Lord Parashara in his “Brihitparasharhorashaastram” writes, “Sutesh Matribhavane chiram Matrisukham Bhavet. Lakshmiyuktah Subuddhisch Sachivopyathva Guru”]

हिन्दी अनुवाद:- जिसकी कुण्ड़्ली  पुत्रेश मातृभाव में हो। ऐसा जातक चिरकाल तक अपनी माता का सुख प्राप्त करता है, वह धनी, सात्विक बुद्धि वाल​, सचिव या गुरु होता है॥
[English Translation:- Anyone having 5th lord in 4th house such person gets blessings of his mother for a very long time, he is rich, of pure intelligence, secretary or a Guru]  

व्याख्या: - हे ज्योतिष विद्यार्थीयों एवं शोधकर्त्ताओं!
तनिक उपर्लिखित श्लोक एवं उसके अर्थ पर विचार करने के पश्चात अपना ध्यान पञ्चमभाव के नैसर्गिक कारक्त्व पर केन्द्रित करें तो आप पायेंगे
[Interpretation: - O learners and researchers of Vedic Jyotish!
After going through the aforesaid Shloka and its meaning for a while then concentrate on the natural contents of 5th house then you will get]   

(१) किसी भी कुण्डंली में संतानभाव, बुद्धिभाव एवं त्रिकोणभाव ही पञ्चमभाव की संज्ञायें हैं और पञ्चमभाव का नैसर्गिक कारक गुरु है।
[(1) In any Horoscope fifth house stands for children, wisdom and a triangular house and it comes under the natural jurisdiction of Jupiter]  

(२) यह गुरु पञ्चमभाव का नैसर्गिक कारक होकर कालपुरुष कुण्ड़्ली के चतुर्थ भाव यानी कर्क राशि में उच्च का होता है एवंऽस्तु पञ्चमेश का चतुर्थभाव में होना इसी सिद्धांत का अनुगमन करता है।
[(2) This Jupiter signifying 5th house gets exalted in 4th house Cancer of natural zodiac so the placement of 5th lord in 4th house follows this theory.]  

आप सभी विद्यार्थीयों के हित मे मैं इस गुरु योग के संदर्भ में अपना शोध प्रस्तुत करता हूँ:
[For the benefits of all of you students I am presenting my findings about this Guru Yoga:]

(१) यदि पञ्चंभाव का स्वामी गुरु के अतिरिक्त कोई अन्य ग्रह हो तो उस पञ्च्मेश पर या तो गुरु कि दृष्टि हो या पञ्च्मेश की गुरु की युति हो तो यह गुरु योग और प्रबल होजाता है।
[(1) If the 5th lord is a planet other then Jupiter and it receives the aspect of Jupiter or in conjunction with Jupiter then this Guru Yoga becomes more powerful.]

(२) इस गुरु योग को अन्य वर्गकुण्ड़्लीयों में यथा सलाह एवं व्याख्यान की प्रतिभा के लिये भांश (वर्ग-२७) में, शैक्षणिक व्याख्यान की योग्यता के लिये सिद्धांश (वर्ग-२४) में एवं आध्यात्मिक व धार्मिकता के क्षेत्र में गुरु बनने के लिये विंशांश (वर्ग-२०) व पंचमांश (वर्ग- ५) में भी देखें। इसे दशमांश (वर्ग-१०) में भी देखना चाहिय।
[Judge this Guru Yoga in other Sub Divisional Charts like Bhansh(D27) for the talents of lecturing, Siddhansh (D24) for the eligibility of academic lecturing and  in Vinshansh (D20) & Panchmansh (D5) for becoming Guru in the fields of spirituality and religion. It should also be judged in Dashmansh (D10).]    

लेखक, चिंतक एवं विचारक
विशाल अक्ष

गुरुवार्, मार्च १७, २०१६,रात्री: २३:३६(भारतीय मानक समय)

Writer, thinker & philosopher
Vishal Aksh

Thursday, March 17, 2016 at 23:36(IST) 

Sunday, April 16, 2017

"सन्ध्या दशा" [“Sandhya Dasha”] – an article written by Vishal Aksh

[This article written by me was first published on my facebook Hindi page in Hindi. Follow link: to view this there. Now that article after necessary edits is published on this Blogger with the English translation so that everyone can read it.]

प्रिय वैदिक ज्योतिष शास्त्र के विद्यार्थीयों एवं शोधकर्त्ताओं !
[Dear learners & researchers of Vedic Jyotish]

(१) आज मैं आपके समक्ष वैदिक ज्योतिष शास्त्र में वर्णित एक ऐसी दशा का उल्लेख करता हूँ जिसका ज्ञान कुछ ही दैवज्ञों को है। जहाँ तक मेरा विचार है यह दशा किसी सोफ़्टवेयर में भी उपलब्ध नही है।
[(1) Today I am describing before you a Dasha which is known to few superior astrologers only. In my opinion this Dasha is not available in any software.]

(२) इससे पूर्व भी मैं इस चमत्कारी दशा का उल्लेख अनेकानेक ज्योतिष शास्त्र के विद्यार्थीयों एवं प्रतिष्ठत ज्योतिषियों से कर चुका हूँ एवं उन सभी को इस दशा को प्रयोग में लाने के लिये प्रेरित भी कर चुका हूँ और अपने अनुभव पर आधरित इस दशा को कैसे प्रयोग में लाया जाय यह भी निर्देशित कर चुका हूँ।
[(2) Before this too I have described this miraculous Dasha to so many students of Jyotish and reputed astrologers and inspired all of them to use this Dasha too and directed them about how to use this Dasha based on my experience]   

(३) यह दशा ज्योतिष शास्त्र कि अनुपम पुस्तक मानसागरी में वर्णित एवं प्रशंसित सन्ध्या दशा है और इसके सन्दर्भ में निम्न श्लोक दिया है:

परमायुर्दशांश च स्फुटं सन्ध्या  भवेत्ततः।
स्वलग्नाधिपतेरादौ ततोऽन्येषु च॥
[(3) This dasha described & praised in an admirable Jyotish book Maansagri is Sandhya Dasha and in this context the following Shloka is given:

Paramayurdashansh ch sphutam Sandhya Bhavetath !
Swalagnaadhipateraado tatoanyeshu ch!!]

हिन्दी अनुवाद: - परमायु का दसवा भाग ही सन्ध्या दशा के वर्ष हैं।सर्वप्रथम लग्नेश की दशा होगी ततोपरांत ग्रह वार क्रम से अन्य ग्रहों की दशा होगी।
[English Translation: - The 10th part of absolute age is the years allotted to Sandhya Dasha. The very first dasha will be the lord of rising sign followed by the Dasha of other planets according to weekday’s pattern.]

(४) भावार्थ: - हे वैदिक ज्योतिष शास्त्र के विद्यार्थीयों एवं शोधकर्त्ताओं!
[(4) Gist:  - O learners & researchers of Jyotish Shaastra!]

(४.१) श्लोक में वर्णित परमायु का अर्थ है विंशोत्तरी मतानुसार १२० वर्ष और इस १२० वर्ष परमायु का दसवा भाग यानी १२ वर्ष अतैव सन्ध्या दशा में प्रत्यैक ग्रह की दशा १२ वर्ष होती है।
[(4.1) The absolute age described in Shloka means 120 years as per Vinshottri Dasha and the 10 part of 120 years the 12 years so in Sandhya Dasha every planet has a Dasha of 12 years.]

(४.२) उद्धाहरण स्वरूप मेष लग्न की कुण्ड्ली में सर्वप्रथम १२ वर्ष की उसके स्वामी ग्रह मंगल की दशा होगी एवं उसके पश्चात बुध की, गुरु की, शुक्र की, शनि की, राहु की, केतु की, सूर्य की एवं अंत में चंद्र की होगी। इसी प्रकार अन्य लग्नों की भी जानें।
[(4.2) For example in a horoscope with Aries rising the first Dasha of 12 years will be of its lord Mars followed by Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Sun and at last Moon. In case of other rising signs follow similar approach.]  

(४.३) इस प्रकार सन्ध्या दशा में इन नवग्रहों के कुल वर्ष १०८ हो जातें हैं। इस सन्दर्भ में यह ध्यान रखना आवश्यक है कि राहु एवं केतु किसी भी लग्न के स्वामी नही होते अतैव सन्ध्या दशा का प्रारम्भ राहु या केतु से नही हो सकता।
[Thus in Sandhya Dasha the total number of years of nine planets becomes 108. In this context it is essential to remember that Rahu & Ketu have no lordship of any rising sign so Sandhya Dasha can never start with Rahu or Ketu.]  

(४.४) क्योंकि यह नक्षत्र दशा नही है अतैव भुक्त एवं भोग्य दशा निकालने का प्रश्न ही नही उठता।
[(4.4) Because it is not a Nakshatra Dasha so the calculation of consumed and balance of Dasha becomes out of question.]

(५) अब मैं वैदिक ज्योतिष शास्त्र के विद्यार्थीयों एवं शोधकर्त्ताओं के हितार्थ इस लेख में वर्णित सन्ध्या दशा पर अपने शोध के कुछ अंश प्रस्तुत करता हूँ:
[(5) Now for the benefit of learners and researchers of Vedic Jyotish I am sharing some points based on my researches about Sandhya Dasha described in this article:]

(५.१) प्रत्यैक सन्ध्या ग्रहदशा के प्रारम्भ की कुण्डलियां निर्मित करो और देखो कि दशाप्रवेश का चंद्र जन्मकुण्ड्ली के किस भाव में है तो यह प्रारम्भ हुयी ग्रहदशा जन्मकुण्ड्ली के उस भाव का शुभाशुभ फल व्यक्त करेगी।
[(5.1) Erect horoscope at the commencement of Sandhya Dasha of every Planet and observe in which house the Dasha Commencement Moon appears in one’s natal chart then so commenced Dasha of Planet will give the auspicious and inauspicious results of that house in natal chart.]

(५.२) यदि सन्ध्या ग्रहदशा के प्रारम्भ का चन्द्र जन्मकुण्ड्ली में ग्रहदशा के स्वमी ग्रह पर स्थित है तो आरम्भ हुयी दशा जन्मकुण्ड्ली में ग्रहदशा के स्वामी ग्रह की नवांशादि वर्गों की स्थिति का भी फलबोध करवायगी।
[(5.2) If the Moon at the commencement of Sandhya Dasha of a Planet appears on the natal position of that Planet ruling the commenced Dasha then the commenced Dasha will reflect results of the occupancy of that Dasha ruler Planet  in Sub divisional charts like Navansh etc.]

(५.३) बहुदा यह सन्ध्या ग्रहदशा ग्रहों के नैसर्गिक कारकत्व का भी फलबोध करवाती है।
[(5.3) Many times this Sandhya Dasha of Planet reflects the results of natural significances allotted to Planets]

लेखक, चिंतक एवं विचारक
विशाल अक्ष

सोमवार, मार्च २०, २०१६, प्रातः ०२:२८

[Writer, Thinker & Philosopher]
Vishal Aksh

Monday, March 20, 2016, 02:28 AM