Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Thursday, May 31, 2018

"The Other Prospects Of Vedic Astrology" - an article written by Vishal Aksh

In ancient books on Vedic Jyotish it is written that when a person intending to know about his bhagya approaches to an astrologer then the auspicious and inauspicious Daiva (past karma) about that person approaching to an Astrologer appears in the heart of astrologer. So these things have several hidden factors and those should not be discussed openly and that is why in ancient books on Vedic Jyotish the astrologers are advised to do mantrajapa and other good practices to keep him of satvik mana or pure mind.

In prediction the role of natal horoscope is only about 40% there are many other factors and they should not be discussed openly but for the benefit of all I am writing few of them

(1) Lakshana are very much useful to check the ruling strength of influential planet e.g if a person approaches to an astrologer on Thursday wearing yellow cloths and that person is ignorant about astrology then it is a Lakshana and it indicates about the strength of Jupiter ruling on him at that moment for example if in his horoscope the dahsa of any planet and the antar of some planet but prytantar of Jupiter is going on or about to commence shortly then the position of Jupiter in his horoscope becomes significant and this is one use

(2) The Ank Kundli is of very much importance and many times it alone is sufficient to predict but very few astrologer know about the cast of this type of horoscope. In this process a puja is to be performed by astrologer and then a numeric figures are calculated by the power of mantrajapa of astrologer and then those numeric figure is tranformed into corresponding Lagna and that Lagna acts as equivalent Lagna of that person approached to astrologer to know about his future and the time at which that lagna rises on that day with actual degrees minutes and seconds is taken as the time of that person approached an astrologer and horoscope cast at that time acts as equivalent horoscope of the person approaching to an astrologer. 

In this process the Lagna comes out to be from the transformation of numbers into the corresponding degrees minutes seconds of equivalent lagna so it is highly accurate and the higher order divisional charts such as D45, D60 and D150 can be accurately cast and analysed. How to erect and analyse Ank Kundili that is my research.

(3) It is practically impossible to get the accurate time of any person and there are several process of rectifications are described in ancient books on Vedic Jyotish but all the processes have their own limitations and Swarodya methods of breath inhaling and exhaling are also useful

(4) There are other systems too and those can not be discussed openly. Reading of books on medical does not make one doctor similarly reading books on astrology never makes one astrologers. In modern books on Vedic Jyotish the writer never opens his methods and he writes his book in a puzzle format so that what he knows will not be understood by others. 

The ancient books on Vedic Jyotish are written in a coded form and this can be decoded by mantrajapa and leading a well disciplined and simple life by an astrologer.

Written by
Vishal Aksh 


(The aforesaid Article written by me was first published on July 3, 2014 at 21:57 (IST) in my Facebook Public Group. Follow link: to view it there.)

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

"Is It Possible To Get Depth Of Jyotish Without Gurumantra?" - an article written by Vishal Aksh

One of my brilliant facebook student once queried in my Whatsapp group (Now deactivated) about the possibility of getting depth of Jyotish Vidya without reciting the secret mantra provided by a Guru or if Guru does not provide any mantra.

The answer of this question is clear but for that it is essential to understand the meaning of Jyotish, Guru and Mantra. 

(i) The word Jyotish indicates encyclopedic knowledge about divine light 

(ii) The word Guru indicates a physical or non physical agency bringing one from tamsik darkness to satvik light and 

(iii) Mantra is the wordings of that Guru.

Written by
Vishal Aksh


(The aforesaid Article written by me on 
on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 at 16:08 (IST) was published in my Facebook Public Group on on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 at 16:28 (IST). Follow link: to view it there) 

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

"Who Is Quack Astrologer?" - an article written by Vishal Aksh

 If you are approaching an astrologer then here are some tips for you:

(1) If that astrologer try his best to divert your attention to your birth time rectification then be sure either he is having less than 20 years of experience or he is trying to take extra charges for that.

(2) If the astrologer talks about Navansh or 64th Navansh (D9) then be sure he is at the beginning stage of Vedic Jyotish. Same applies to his talking about 22nd Drashkand (D3)   

(3) If the astrologer speaks about Kaal Sarpa Yoga present in your horoscope then that astrologer have no knowledge of Jyotish and he only wants to make money

(4) Just think it seriously

Written by
Vishal Aksh


(The aforesaid Article is the refine form of one of the Article written by me on Friday, December 23, 2016 at 13:33 (IST) and published on on Friday, December 23, 2016 at 13:36 (IST) in my Facebook Public Group. Follow link: to view it there) 

Monday, May 28, 2018

“Jyotish – Vastu – Numerology & Palmistry” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) On various sites everyone see well established so called multi talented astrologers. A talented astrologer deserves appreciations if he is only astrologer but what happens when an astrologer claims himself as expert in Vastu, Numerology and other occult subjects? This is very simple to answer that either that astrologer is over smart or confused.

(2) Try to understand it minutely numerology (Vedic) is a part of Vedic Jyotish but this Vedic Numerology is different from modern numerology. An expert of Vedic numerology only has his identity as Vedic Astrologer as here his expertise in Vedic Numerology merges into Jyotish. Vedic Numerology is a part of Vedic Jyotish and not a separate subject.

(2.1) For the benefits of all of you I am sharing the numbers 1 to 9 coming under the dominion of Planets. As per Vedic Numerology no. 1 is ruled by Sun, 2 by Mars, 3 by Jupiter, 4 by Mercury, 5 by Venus, 6 by Saturn, 7 by Moon, 8 by Rahu and 9 by Ketu and it is different from modern numerology except 1 ruled by Sun and 3 ruled by Jupiter. This every research minded astrologer needs to keep in mind.

(2.2) In modern numerology due to the few days differences between Gregorian and Julian Calendars the two different ruling numbers occur in case of person born under Julian Calendar when changed to Gregorian Calendar. Here this modern numerology appears impractical.

(2.3) Modern Numerology does not give any basis in allotting the numbers to various Planets.

(2.4) Modern Numerology considers English Alphabets not the alphabets of Devnaagri Sanskrit whose Swara & Vyanjana are directly connected with Parmatma and also have definite meaning e.g. कः (Who), यः (That), सः (He), खं (Sky), च (And) and वा (Or) they are many more like that. In modern numerology this greatness of Sanskrit words has been disregarded and superiority of Malechch Bhasa (English) over Sanskrit has been taken into account. Astrologers are playing with the innocent person for earning sudden gains. Let me make it more clear there are three different words but they have same spelling in English…. कृष्ण (Krishana, it means black), कृष्णः (Krishana, it means Lord Krishana) & कृष्णा (Krishana, but it means Draupadi). You have seen the inner meaning of words completely changes when they are written in English script. People should avoid seeking remedies based at modern numerology.

(2.5) I know person practising modern numerology will be disheartened on reading this article but they should understand it seriously for their better future too in long run.

(2.6) The approach of Vedic Numerology is divine and pure and it can be understood by regularly reciting certain mantras of Shiva & Parvati.

(2.7) I have written an exclusive article: “How To Predict Without Horoscope” to dignify Vedic Numerology and that was an on line fulfilled prediction too. Follow link:…/how-to-predict-withou…/ to view that article written by me for clear understandings of Vedic Numerology. You will see that Vedic Numerology comes under Jyotish and it is not a separate thing.

(3) The understandings of Vedic Jyotish is a subject of common sense and a serious study of Vedic literature and its predictive side is a subject based on  researches with divine approach. It takes a minimum of 90 hours for me to judge a single horoscope. What I mean to say that it is a complete subject and no other Vidya is required in its support. Astrologers who cannot devote such huge time to read a horoscope generally becomes Vastu Consultant cum Astrologer to get easy going

(3.1) One thing goes in their favour that practising Vaastu they are able to purify their hearts though unknowingly as Vaastu and heart both relate to 4th house and so in several cases their predictions come true but they should keep this in mind that their fulfilled predictions are due to their pure heart not on account of their astrological judgements.

(3.2) Vaastu too has some portions of Jyotish like Karmakanda Khanda of Vedic rituals. But Vedic Jyotish has its superiority over Vaastu. If one has in his horoscope damaged 4th house then what Vaastu does in his case?

(3.3) In ancient India the Cities were officially designed on the basis of the rules of Vaastu but nowadays they are not designed as per Vaastu. In those days Vedic Aacharan was followed by society but nowadays this Vedic Aacharan is rarely found to be followed in any society so the rules of Vaastu if followed in constructional works or as remedies prove fruitless or may even result in side effect. Every Vaasu researcher and expert should keep this in mind for his own health as well as his client’s health in long run. I am sure no one has read Sanskrit texts on Vaastu in their original form and most of the Vaastu experts studied Vaastu through translated works and commentaries.

(4) Palmistry in modern form relates to Skin and thus is an inferior subject and this is for them who devote Khudra Devta and recite Khudra Mantra such as Karan Pischani Mantra and like that. It should be avoided by astrologers for their better health and fortunes at every cost.

(4.1) There is a subject which is known as Astro Palmistry and this too needs the devotion of Khudra devta and reciting of Khudra Mantra. It is the correlation between Jyotish and Palmistry and it should be avoided at every cost.

(4.2) But there is a subject known as Saamudrika Shaastra and it deals with the relationship between Planetary Cabinet with entire human body setup. It is a complete subject like Vedic Jyotish but it needs deep researches. The Vedic Rishi Narada was the greatest expert of this subject. It appears to be similar to astro palmistry but it only appears in fact it is quite different and when this subject is practised with purity it removes all the curses coming out due to practising of palm readings and astro palmistry.

Written by
Vishal Aksh


(The aforesaid article written by me on Friday, August 11, 2017 at 19:51 (IST) was first published on the timeline of my Facebook on Friday, August 11, 2017 at 19:53 (IST). Follow link: to view it there)

Sunday, May 27, 2018

“If You Are Going To Teach Vedic Jyotish” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) This article written by me is for all the astrologers planning to teach Vedic Jyotish on professional basis.

(2) Astrologer / Astrologers planning to do so should self analysis about himself by considering the followings points:

(2.1) Are you able to predict about yourself by analysis your own horoscope or through Horary Horoscope? If yes then it reflects either you have more than 20 years of honest experience in the field of Vedic Jyotish or you are a gifted person.

(2.2) If you don’t have that as written under (2.1) then it reflects you are simply an author writing on Jyotish or you did not do serious efforts to understand horoscopes. A writer can write better on Jyotish than a well versed astrologer.

(2.3) Can you predict correctly merely on the basis of Rashi Chart and Chalit Chakra. If yes it indicates that you have one of those internal qualifications to teach Jyotish.

(2.4) Can you make effective use of Divisional Charts like Bhansh (Nakshatranash, Saptvinshansh or D27), Siddhansh Chart (Chaturvinshansh or D24), Vinshansh Chart (D20) and Panchmansh Chart (Cyclic D5) while making correct predictions. If yes then you have instincts to transform eternal knowledge into Vidya and this is welcoming.

(2.5) Do you have effective Guru Yoga in your horoscope? If yes then you are blessed.

(2.6) Have you created any divisional chart through your honest and serious experience? If yes only then you have insights to understand and explain other Divisional Charts.

(2.7) Can you put Chatturthansh Chart (D4) into use by leaving aside its use as kitchen topic? If no then let me tell you this Chaturthansh Chart (D4) is also known as Turyansh and without doing Sadhnas or Japa no astrologer can understand its proper use.

(2.8) Can you make effective use of Sandhya Dasha, Yogini Dasha, Kaal Chakra Dasha in making correct predictions? If yes then you can give a lot to your students.

(2.9) Have you invented your own Dasha System? If yes then go ahead and teach Jyotish.

(2.10) Do you know how to make use of Dasha or Antardasha commencement Horoscopes? If you do that you can do teaching.

(3) If you only use the Shaastra’s Quotes in your teaching or made your basis on that grounds on social sites then your jump into astrological teaching profession will spoil the career of students taught by you even though your prediction generally come into being and this is very important to understand. For correct prediction no Jyotish use is required as people having no knowledge of Jyotish also predict correctly if they have Vaak Siddhi, an active Trteey Netra or any Tamsik Siddhi.

(4) Do you have an ability to relate Vedic philosophy with predictive techniques? If no then you cannot be able to teach your students about how to do predictions.

Written by
Vishal Aksh


(The aforesaid Article written by me on Thursday, October 26, 2017 at 11:51 (IST) was first published on the timeline of my Facebook on Thursday, October 26, 2017 at 11:52 (IST). Follow link: to view it there.)

Saturday, May 26, 2018

"Jyotish & Tantra"- an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) Some person argue that if everything is going right in one’s horoscope then why does that person become sufferer of various hurdles & obstacles and this is nothing but that person became the victim of some black magic used by his rival. But this is not so, the horoscope indicates all events about one’s life. There are several events those are not visible in horoscope and to visualise them through horoscope a detailed analysis of horoscope is required. 

(i) If any horoscope is found weak only then disease, failures and so called black magic work. 

(ii) If this black magic is so powerful then various parts of the world came under the control of person practising black magic. 

(iii) Set – back in business, profession, education or similar things can be judged from detailed horoscope, horary horoscope and annual horoscope and even though there are several other astrological methods.

(2) I am giving some general combination of planets found in any horoscope then that person becomes victimise of this so called black magic. 

(i) If in Bhansh (D27) Chart any horoscope Sun or Moon is found in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu 

(ii) In Shysthansh (D60) Chart Moon or Sun comes in conjunction with debilitated Saturn, Rahu or Ketu. This is the effective opinion of some Astrologer which is found true in my researches.

(3) The term magic indicated a trick displayed by an expert to entertain others and it is English word. The other word is Jaadu and it is also not Snaskrit or Hindi word. Some years before I read somewhere that Jaadu is a Persian word and it means trick to entertain others and several centuries before this word Jaadu introduced in Hindi.

(4) But the term Vashikaran is totally different from this so called black magic or kaala jaadu. Vashikaran is one of the Shatkarma described in Tantra Shaastra. The entire Tantra Shaastra was given to devi Parvati by parmatama Shiva. The Sanskrit word Shiva stands for Welfare then how can his teachings be harmful? The use of Tantra is for the betterment of society and country and not to fulfil one’s evil motive. The entire Tantra darshana is written in Sanskrit. The term Vashikaran used in Tantra is a scientific process and nowadays it is known as Hypnotism and it is used for treatment.

(5) The motive of Tantra is pure and not like so called black magic or kaala jaadu.

(6) In ancient text on Vedic Jyotish the relationships between planets and supernatural forces have been given.

(7) Several such supernatural forces and waves have been discovered by modern science and one such wave is electromagnetic wave and the other is radio wave. You talk on mobile to your friend miles away from you is the best example of one such supernatural force by modern science.

Written by
Vishal Aksh


(The aforesaid article written by me was published in my Facebook Public Group on August 29, 2014 at 20:22 (IST). Follow link: to view it there)

Friday, May 25, 2018

Every learner & researcher of Vedic Jyotish should note

(1) Avoid participation in Jyotish, astrological or any mystical seminars if you do so then it will affect your predictive mechanism developed by you adversely.

(2) If you predict about yourself correctly only then you can think for attending such seminars.

(3) Writing philosophical posts on Jyotish / astrology can not make you an astrologer so it is better to write a descent article about the fulfilled predictions you made and it will give you more confidence and clarity.

(4) If you have activated Treetya Netra (Third Eye) in your horoscope then be sure you have predictive abilities and even you can predict about yourself correctly.

Written  by
Vishal Aksh


(The aforesaid short note written by me 
on Friday, December 16, 2016 at 14:48 (IST) was first published in my Facebook Public Group on Friday, December 16, 2016 at 14:49 (IST). Follow link: to view it there.)

Thursday, May 24, 2018

“About 4th House Of Any Horoscope” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) 4th house and its lord represents house / flat and Mars signifies landed property and Chaturthansh (D4) Chart with the disposition of these parameters gives clear picture about house / flat

(2) 4th house and its lord also represents assets such as domestic appliances, vehicles and other costly items but here the planets signifying them are Venus for Vehicles and other costly items and Mars for electrical appliances and Moon signifies cooling machine and washing machine and the disposition of these parameters in Shodashansh (D16) Charts gives clear picture about assets.

(3) 4th house and 4th lord also represents domestic peace and here Moon signifies peaceful mind and Venus introduces Rasa (Taste) and Shrangara (Beautification) to life and the well disposition of these parameters are essential in Bhansh (D27) Chart and Navansh (D9) Charts. This well disposition makes house a home and under these situations when all the members of the home give dignity and respect to female members then home becomes Bhavan or Mandir as it is said in Vedic texts:

यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता:।
यत्रैतास्तु न पूज्यन्ते सर्वास्तत्राफला: क्रिया:
[Yatra Naariastu Pujyantae Ramentae Tatra Devatah!
Yatretaastu Nea Pujyantae Sarvaasttatraphalaah Kriyaa!!]

English Translation Of Aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka: The place where females are given dignity becomes the abode of Devatas and the places where females are disregarded all the activities like worship, devotion and similar such activities become fruitless.

(3.1) Moon also represents Devi Parvati and Venus represents Devi Laxmi. In a horoscope Moon and Venus are supposed to be the Planets signifying Mother & Wife respectively and in 4th House both of them get directional strength. If you obey your Mother you will increase the strength of Moon and if you fulfill the justified desire of your Wife you will increase the strength of Venus and by increasing the strength of both the Planets you will be able to bring Swarga (Heaven) in your home.

(4) I am giving below a practical case concerning 4th house and it was predicted by me and on Facebook and following is the link:

Written by
Vishal Aksh

(The aforesaid Article written by me was published on January 29, 2015 at 01:21 (IST) in my Facebook Public Group. Follow link: to view it there)

Monday, May 21, 2018

“House Denoting Decision Taking Capabilities” - an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) In short there are two types of decisions

(i)  Short term

(ii) Long term.

(2) Generally instant decisions taken under unavoidable circumstances are short term decisions and 3rd house governs it.

(3) The decisions taken for future point of view even when there are no unavoidable circumstances are generally long term decisions and if the famous rule *Bhaavet Bhaavem* of Vedic Jyotish is followed then 3rd from 3rd house becomes 5th house becomes the house of taking long term decisions.

(4) In short term decisions courage is important than wisdom but in case of long term decisions wisdom represented by 5th house is more important than courage.

Written by
Vishal Aksh

1. The aforesaid article written by me on Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 21:16 was published in my Facebook Public Group on Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 21:49 (IST). Follow link: ro view it there.
. Follow link:

2. This Article written by me is is also available on my Facebook Page. Follow link: to view it there.

3. The aforesaid article written by me is the reply to the query about house denoting decisions taking capabilities asked by a reputed member in my Whatsapp Group now that Whatsapp group has been deactivated.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

“Dignity Of Intellect” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

प्रज्ञा की प्रतिष्ठा
[Dignity Of Intellect]

यस्य नास्ति स्वयं प्रज्ञा शास्त्रं तस्य करोति किम्।
लोचनाभ्यां विहीनस्य दर्पणः किं करिष्यति॥
[Yasya Naasti Swyam Pragya Shaastram Tasya Karoti Kima!
Lochanabhyaam Viheenasya Darpanah Kima Karishyati!!]

उपरोक्त श्लोक संस्कृत साहित्य में वर्णित "सुभाषित श्लोको" से है।
[The aforesaid Shaloka is from “Subhashit Shloka” described in Sanskrit Literature]

हिन्दी अनुवाद:- जिस व्यक्ति में स्वयं की बुद्धि नही है उसका शास्त्र क्या करेंगे यथा एक नेत्रहीन व्यक्ति के लिये दर्पण क्या करेगा।
[English Translation: One who has no self intellect what the Shaastra (Vedic) means for him same as what the Mirror means for a blind]
भावार्थ: - जैसे एक नेत्रहीन के लिये दर्पण व्यर्थ है ठीक उसी प्रकार शास्त्रों का अध्यन करना किसी भी व्यक्ति के लिये व्यर्थ है जिसमें शास्त्रों के गूढ अर्थो को समझने की विशेष बुद्धि "प्रज्ञा" नही है।
[Gist: - Just like the Mirror finds no utility for a Blind same as reading the Shaastra (Vedic) proves useless for a person having no special intellect known as “Pragya” to understand them]

व्याख्या:- ज्योतिष ज्ञान को धारण करने में तत्त्पर हे विद्यार्थीओं एवं शोधकर्त्ताओं !
[Explanation: - O Students & Researchers! Intending to grasp the Knowledge of Vedic Jyotish]

(१) यह ज्योतिष एक शास्त्र है जो छह शास्त्रों के अन्तर्गत आता है। यह एक अच्छी बात है कि आप इस ज्योतिष शास्त्र का अध्यन पूर्ण निष्ठा से कर रहें हैं और इस संदर्भ में विभिन्न विद्वानो की टीकाओं एवं टिप्पणियों का भी भली भांती अध्यन कर रहे हो पर जब तक आप शास्त्र के गूढ वाक्यों को समझने की विशेष बुद्धि "प्रज्ञा" का विस्तार नही कर लेते तब तक आपका यह अध्यन पूर्णता प्राप्त नही कर सकता। आप सब के हितार्थ मैं कुछ सरल सूत्रों का वर्णन कर रहा हूँ जिनका अनुकरण कर आप अपने में समाहित बुद्धि "प्रज्ञा" का विस्तार कर सकते हैं जो अधोलिखित है:
[(1) This Jyotish is a Shaastra which is one of the Six Vedic Shaastra. This is fair enough that you are studying this Jyotish Shaastra with full devotion and in this context you are also studying the commentaries of various experts in true sense but  unless you expand the special intellect “Pragya” necessary to understand the inner meanings of subtle statements of Vedic Shaastra your study will not complete. For the benefits of all of you I am describing several simple clues described hereunder following them you will be able to expand the intellect “Pragya” living inside you:]

(१.१) किसी भी ज्योतिष पद का जो भी अर्थ आपकी बुद्धि में आता हो उसी पर विशेष ध्यान देवे यथा फलित की व्याख्या करते समय यदि कोई विद्वान भांश शब्द का अर्थ नवांश करता है तो इस पर भी विचार करें कि मुनि पारशर ने भांश का अर्थ एक राशि का २७ वा भाग मान कर भांशचक्र का निर्माण किया है तो यदि ज्योतिष पद में वर्णित भांश को मुनि पारशरोक्त भांश मान कर शोध किया जाय तो आप ठीक मार्ग का अनुगमन कर रहे है। इस तरह आप संस्कृत के शब्दों के अनेकानेक अर्थों को प्रयोग रूप मे ला सकतें हैं क्योंकि संस्कृत के एक शब्द के अनेकार्थ होतें हैं।
[(1.1) The meaning of any Jyotish term you understand on the basis of your intellect just concentrate on that for example if any expert while explaining predictive side of Jyotish gives the meaning of Bhansh as Navansh then you should also consider that Vedic muni Parashara made Bhansh Chakra after considering Bhansh as 27th part of a Zodiacal Sign so if you are conducting your researches by considering Bhansh described in Jyotish term as Bhansh described by Vedic muni Parashara then you are following the right path. In this way you can use Sanskrit words in many ways because there may be many meanings for one Sanskrit word.]  

(१.२) जिन विद्यार्थीयों का अनुभव ज्योतिष क्षेत्र में १० वर्ष से कम है वो ज्योतिष सम्बंधित अलंकृत लेखो को लिखने के स्थान पर शोध, समझ एवं भविष्यफलकथन में सटीकता कैसे प्राप्त की जाए इस पर विचार एवं प्रयत्न अधिक करें।
[(1.2) The students having an experience of less than 10 years in the field of Vedic Jyotish should avoid writing decorative Articles concerning Jyotish instead they should try their best to think and practice more about how to conduct researches, how to understand and how to get accuracy in predictive side.]

(१.३) शब्द व्योम में निहित है और शब्द में ज्ञान निहित है तो व्योम में समाहित ज्ञानप्रप्ति हेतु व्योमोपासना अनिवार्य है। क्षमा कीजिए यह व्योमोपासना कैसे की जाती है यह मैं उन्ही विद्यार्थीयों को बतला सकत हूँ जो व्यक्तिगत रूप से मेरे संपर्क में है पर मैंने एक महत्वपूर्ण संकेत यहाँ दिया है।
[(1.3) Shabda (Word) exists in Vyoma (Sky) and Gyana (Knowledge) exists in Shabda (Word) so to get knowledge stored in Vyoma (Sky) the Vyomopasana (Worship of Sky) is essential. Just excuse me please how to do Vyomopasana I can only tell to those students who are in my contact personally but here I gave an important clue.]

(१.४) ज्योतिष के विद्यार्थी यदि इस मंत्र का जप कुछ समय के लिए नित्य करें तो वे अपने अंदर समाहित "प्रज्ञा" बुद्धि को विस्तृत कर सकतें हैं और यह मंत्र इस प्रकार है:

ॐ होरापाथोनिधेः पारं दुष्पारं तर्त्तुमिच्छतः ।
महागणपतेः शुण्डोऽवलम्बाय प्रजायताम ॥
[(1.4) The following Mantra if recited by students of Jyotish for some times daily then they will expand the special intellect “Pargya” living inside them and that Mantra is as:
Om Horapathonidheh Paaram Dushpaaram Tartunichchteh!
Mahaganpateh Shundiavmlambaay Prajaayetaam!!

लेखक, चिंतक एवं विचारक
विशाल अक्ष

Writer, Thinker & Philosopher
Vishal Aksh

(The aforesaid article written by me on Saturday, April 23, 2016 at 21:50 (IST) was first published on my Facebook Page in Hindi on Saturday, April 23, 2016 at 21:56 (IST). Follow link: to view it there.)