Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Thursday, August 30, 2018

“Who Can Be A Nadi Astrologer” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) Nadi Method: There is some confusion about it as nowadays the Kp Astrologers start calling Kp system as Nadi System which is a big hoax.

(ii) There are some who say the great works of Meena in Meena – Nadi are the research works on ancient Nadi and the founder of Kp took the theory of Sub from Meena’s works.

(iii) In fact Brighu Samhita is the greatest work on Nadi in north India and Brighu was a Vedic Rishi he was also known as Shukra and in Navagrah planet Shukra represents Brighu. Rishi Parashara the originator of Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra also put Brighu or Shukra as one of the Pravartaka of Vedic Jyotish and this Shukra is the originator of Nadi Jyotisha. Maharishi Shukra lost one of his eyes (which represent Jyotisha) so Astrologers practicing Nadi Jyotish should recite Mritsanjivini Mantra to remove all the side effects coming out of practicing Nadi Jyotisha. The Samhita in North is known as Nadi in South.

(iv) Kartikey the Deva Senapati the elder son of Lord Shiva and the originator of Samudrik Gyana went to south to spread Shiva Bhakti. In his stay in South Kartikey accepted Maharisha Agastya as his Guru. Vedic rishi Agastya was also known as Kumhodhava as rishi Agastya appeared from a Kumbha (Pitcher) that is why he was known as Kumbhodava. Once upon a time whan Vedic era was going on the Devta Mitra saw the most beautiful dancer of Swarga the Urvashi naked when she was bathing in a river. Devta Mitra got excited and he put his sperms (ruled by Shukra or Venus) into a Kumbha (Pitcher) placed nearby him and that resulted in the appearance of rishi Agastya from that Kumbh. Agastya rishi went to South from North and he never came back. The Sanskrit word Kumbhodava can also be translated as the person having Kumbh (Sidereal Aquarius) as Lagna (Ascendant), Kumbh (Sidereal Aquarius) as Dashmansh Lagna, Kumbh (Sidereal Aquarius) as Bhansh Lagna (D27, Ascendant) or Kumbh (Sidereal Aquarius) as Vinshansh Lagna. So Astrologers having Kumbh (Sidereal Ascendant) or Kumbh (Sidereal Aquarius) as Dashmansh Lagna, Kumbh (Sidereal Aquarius) as Bhansh Lagna or Kumbh (Sidereal Aquarius) as Vinshansh Lagna can learn Nadi Jyotish as in case of Kumbh (Sidereal Aquarius) Lagna the Shukra or Venus the founder of Nadi Jyotish becomes the 9th lord indicating Guru

(vi) As stated earlier Mars indicate Kaartikey and Shukara the profounder of Nadi when forms conjunction in Rashi Chart, Navsnash Chart, Dashmansh Chart, Vinshansh Chart, Bhansh Chart (D27), Panchmansh Chart (Cyclic D5), Akshvedansh Chart (D45) or Shyashthansh Chart (D60) the person having this conjunction inclines to predict on the basis of Nadi Jyotish.

(vii) I am conducting researches on Nadi since year 1991 in my own way taking D150 & D300 into consideration. Whenever I shall be able to relate these two and other charts with other technique of Vedic Jyotish I put it in use.

(2) Swarodaya Shaastra: This is based on the use of Pranayama in Jyotish and from this Five Tatwa such as Agini, Prithivi, Vaayu and Jala are traced from Yogic Practices and then the predominated Tatwa is used to read Rashi Chart to predict. Many times I use this method when immediate prediction is to be given.

(3) Vedic Numerological Methods: This has a vast field and it related Vedic Numbers to Vedic Jyotish and the dominance of Tatwa is found with the help of Number and then it is applied to Rashi Chart to predict. I use these methods effectively.

Written on Thursday, August 30, 2018 at 16:09 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

“Can It Be Possible To Predict Merely On The Basis Of Rashi Chart” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) Well this is a simple Query that has somewhat tough reply. The reply of these types of Queries is beyond the reach of those Astrologers who don’t have dedicated & honest experiences in the field of Vedic Jyotish.

(2) Suppose you have a Book and let assume that Book has a title: “How To Predict Astrologically?” You buy that Book and start going through its Index. You find in the Index of that assumed Book several chapters having different technique to predict.

(i) Now you go through that Book and find several techniques very complicated and several very simple to predict. Obviously you would like to apply simple techniques first. If you don’t find success you will possibly discontinue your researches but you find partial success you will stick to those simple techniques but after some time you find that the technique is not working in several Horoscope then you will either forced yourself to accept that the failure of your Prediction on the basis of simple technique is nothing but the Law Of Average then you will stick to those simple techniques forever.

(ii) On the other hand if you think that nothing is fixed and rules of Vedic Jyotish act as street light and while moving to next street at night you will be find your path illuminated by the street light of that next street and thus you require new and somewhat complex technique to predict. If you do that you progress well in the field of Vedic Jyotish.

(iii) The Divisional Charts are like the Street Lights of different Streets. Suppose you in a night you are going through a street leading to Wealth (Consider it to be a spot) then Hora Chart (D2) and Ekadashansh Chart (D11) will be the street lights and so on.

(iv) The term night used in foregoing paragraphs refers to the hidden prospects to be traced by a wise Astrologer and that is the Rashi Chart of his client.

(v) Whatever is described earlier in (ii) and (iii) under paragraph (2) is applied in case of dark nights but if you are going through the concerned street in Full Moon night or the nights having enough Moon light making the visibility almost clear in night then there is no need of street lights in the night to walk on the concerned streets.

(vi) The dark nights and visible nights described under (v) refer to the Weak and Strong Prarabdha that reflects in client’s Horoscope.

(vi) If you find in the Horoscope of your client the reflecting of strong Prarbdha then you can make predictions of your client about his marriage, professional success & failures, academic success, spiritual attainments and many more prospects of his life.

(3) While reading this Article you may find some confusion about the judgment of the Prarabdha of your client through the Horoscope. In forthcoming paragraph under (3) the efforts will be made to enable all of you to understand this:

(i) The great Vedic astrologer Varhamihira in his famous book Brihitjataka wrote whenever a person suffers on account of misfortunes then that sufferer approaches to an astrologer so there is a relation between the Planets in his horoscope and the position of planets at the time he puts his query before an astrologer. This is the most important thing to understand as it clearly indicates the importance of a horary horoscope.

(ii) Always erect a Horary Horoscope (i.e. Question Horoscope) it will be helpful to judge the strength and weakness of the Prarabdh of you client. Here I would like to say that most of the practicing Astrologers always do the mistake of not taking into consideration the Horary Horoscope.

(iii) If you find the configuration of Planets in the natal Rashi Chart of your client and that of Horary horoscope is different than his Horoscope is week in his Prarabdh so here various Divisional Charts are needed to predict about your client.

(iv) If you find your client’s natal Rashi Chart reflecting strong indications say his tenth house or seventh house is found strong but in Horary Horoscope you find the Planets forming strong yoga in your client’s nativity weak and adversely disposed then it is the indication that the Karma or Kirymana Karma performed by your client in this life have ceased all of his Karma from his previous birth to manifest in this life. Here the different divisional charts in Horary Horoscope too need to be judged by you to give the fruitful predictions.

(v) If you find in your client’s Rashi Chart the adverse pattern of planets regarding a particular House say Seventh or Tenth House and the Planets so disposed adversely form favorable pattern nourishing Seventh or Tenth House in a Horary Horoscope then you should understand that your client has performed auspicious Karma in this life those altered the adverse results indicated by the nativity of his client. In such cases too, you should analyze the concerned Divisional Charts in your client’s nativity to predict accurately and if you find it suitable he can recommend necessary remedies to his client on the basis of the concerned Divisional Charts of his client.

(vi) If you find in your client’s natal Rashi Chart the planets nourishing a particular House say Seventh or Tenth also nourish same house in Horary Horoscope then it is the unique auspicious combination that your client is going to get from his Prarabdha in full measure and this is the only condition when you can predict the fruitful results likely to be enjoyed by your client very soon.  

(4) The predicting of events merely on the basis of Rashi Chart is very feeble so an Astrologer should consider concerned Divisional Charts.

(5) Earlier in this Article the term Horary Horoscope (Prashana Kundli) has been used. Many of you find it confusing about the considering the time to erect a Horary Horoscope. In forthcoming paragraphs under this paragraph I am going to explain that:

(i) Nowadays the people approaches an astrologer in various ways. I am giving some hints about the time to cast horary horoscope of concerned person.

(ii) Time of the posting of the email of your client. But in this case you should know the location of your client at the time of posting of email to you. Generally people do not write their location at the time of sending emails to astrologer.

(iii) Time of receiving of mobile call from your client. It is one of the most trustworthy times for an astrologer to cast a horary horoscope for his client and in this case the location of astrologer will be taken as the place of Question.

(iv) Whenever you receive a message from any person recommending another person to you for consultations and in case that recommended person neither makes a mobile call or any email and he suddenly visit your office / residence then the time he asks question should be taken under consideration to cast a horary horoscope for him. Same process should be applied in case any known or unknown person approaches to an astrologer suddenly without prior information.

(v) Whenever a astrologer receives a call from his client about his visit to that astrologer then that astrologer should ask his client to give him a missed call as soon as he left his house / office / immediate location and started his journey to that astrologers and astrologer should also ask that client to send a message mentioning the immediate place that client had left while making his journey to that astrologer. In this case this Yatra Lagna or Journey horoscope of his client should be taken as horary horoscope. It is also a brilliant process. The main advantage of this process is that astrologer can fix the commencement of journey moment for his client by taking into consideration of astrological rules to fix a Yatra Muhurtha or auspicious time to commence journey. From that journey lagna it should be decided by that astrologer about the results of the journey of his client to him and the fulfilment of the motive of his client through that journey. But every Vedic astrologer should note that while fixing such moment you should be expertise in judging Khavedansh Chart or D40 Chart otherwise you are doing a mistake. So in this case avoid fixing the moment.

(vi) Whenever you see your emails and one of your client sends an email with a query in that case note the time when you read his query. It is also one of the most trustworthy recoded times to cast a horary horoscope. You have read in my pervious posts how I best use this time for making horary horoscope for others for predictions. In this process the astrologer’s location becomes the place of Question.

(5.7) You can consider every time and cast horary horoscope for every selected time and the horary horoscope you find giving best result befitting the motive of your client should be taken into consideration.

(6) I hope this Article written by me will prove insightful to all the dedicated learners and researcher of Vedic Jyotish and it will also entertain the experts very well.

Written on Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 12:30 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Query Asked by Vidhya Mv to Vishal Aksh: What are the remedies if Rahu in the 1st house and Kethu is in the 7th house?

Answer: (1) It was today on Wednesday, August 22, 2018 at 08:00 (IST) when I saw in Quora Notifications a request from Vidhya Mv (Quora Profile: to about Astrological Remedies to be performed in a horoscope having Rahu in First house and Ketu in 7th house.

(1.1) Vidhya has not mentioned any useful information to erect the horoscope. Basically Vedic Remedies are recommended after a deep analysis of horoscope and from that Query it was not cleared that the request for Remedies was for Vidhya or Vidhya asked it for someone else. In general Astrologers with less than 20 years of dedicated experiences in the field of Vedic Jyotish find it difficult to answer such Queries and I advised them to disregard such Queries.

(1.2) Astrologers with very rich in dedicated experiences in the field of Vedic Jyotish know how to reply such Queries with no details.

(1.3) Let me tell you all the learners and researchers of Vedic Jyotish that there are several moments in a day when anyone puts a Query (i) For Fun, (ii) To test an Astrologer or (iii) Aimlessly become result giving.

(1.4) As I have mentioned foregoing paragraph (1) that it was Wednesday, August 22, 2018 at 08:00 (IST) when I saw the Request of Vidhya Mv so these details can be taken as Details to erect Horary Horoscope and a faithful Analysis of which will be helpful to recommend Vedic Astrological remedies to Vidhya Mv.

(2) The very first step in judging a Horary Horoscope with no Natal Horoscope is checking the authenticity of that Query astrologically.

(2.1) In Horary Horoscope the Chara Aatmakarka is Jupiter and Chara Aamatyakarka is Venus. Here I would like to tell you that it is a mistake not to consider Chara Aamatyakarka .

(2.2) The Akshvedansh Chart symbolized as D45 is also used to know about all the events besides Shyashtansh Chart (D60) in Horary Akshvedansh (D45) the Chara Aamatyakarka Venus occupies Kark Rashi (Sidereal Cancer) so Kark Rashi becomes Chara Karakakshvedansh Lagna.

(2.3) In Horary Rashi Chart this Chara Karakakshvedansh Lagna is occupied by Rahu and 7th from it is occupied by Ketu so astrologically it becomes clear that the Analysis of this Horary Horoscope and Remedies Recommended on that basis will apply to Vidhya Mv. Forget all the possibilities like Vidhya asked it, to test the skill of an Astrologer, for fun, Aimlessly or on the behalf of someone. Vidhya’s Query is result giving and needs an Answer.

(3) In Hoary Horoscope the following Mahadasha are found effectively progressing:
(i) From 16/02/2013 to 16/02/2033: Mahadasha of Venus
(ii) From 27/05/2016 to 27/06/2022: Mahadasha Of Sun from Lagna Longitude
(iii) From 27/05/2022 to 27/05/2032: Mahadasha Of Moon from Lagna Longitude.
(iv) From 22/08/2018 to 25/03/2021: Kaalhora Mahadasha of Sun
(v) From 25/03/2021 to 06/06/2026: Kaalhora Dasha of Moon   
(vi) From 22/08/2018 to 23/07/2027: Paatyansh Mahadasha of Lagna.
(vii) From 14/03/2011 to 15/03/2031: Shatabdika Mahadasha of Mars from Lagna Longitude
(ix) From 17/05/2045 to 18/05/2050: Shatabdika Mahadasha of Moon
(x) From 21/09/2017 to 22/09/2027: Ashtottri Mahadasha of Saturn

(3.1)  Horary Chara Karakakshvedansh Lagna is occupied by node Rahu and from this Chara Karakakshvedansh Lagna  the Moon occupies 6th in conjunction with Saturn the Eighth Lord from this Lagna and it indicates fear of adverse health of Vidhya on account of (i) Diseases and (ii) Injuries within the Ashtottri Mahadasha of Saturn from 21/09/2017 to 22/09/2027.

(3.2) From Horary Chandra Lagna Dhanur Rahu occupies Eighth House and there it comes under the tenth aspect of malefic Gulika and Ketu is twelfth from Chandra Lagna and Mahadasha Lord Venus is the sixth lord from Chandra Lagna. It indicates within the Mahadasha of Venus from 16/02/2013 to 16/02/2033 Vidhya will suffer from disease relating to depression or some psychological complexes and Vidhya’s health needs care within this period. Actually Rahu & Ketu affect Vidhya’s health adversely within this period and Vidhya needs to be very much careful about the same within the Shatabdika Dasha of Moon from 17/05/2045 to 18/05/2050. Healing will be effective several times within the periods discussed in this paragraph.

(3.3) A deep analysis of Horary Horoscope indicates that some sort of several Aristha Yoga affecting the health of Vidhya adversely is present so in that case there may be several remedies but an Astrologer is also known for recommending one remedy for several adverse Yoga. In Horary Horoscope Moon, Rahu, Ketu and Gulika affect Vidhya’s Health adversely.

(3.4) Remedy: I am recommending Durga Mantra to Vidhya as remedy. Vidhya should recite the following Mantra for 108 times daily from any coming Monday up to 22/08/2033:

ॐ कं कल्याणशोभनाभ्याम् नमः 
(Om Kam Kalyaanshobhanabhyaam Namah)    

(3.5) In Planets Moon represents Parvati and Parvati is Durga also and in the form of Durga she defeated Chand – Munda & Shumbh – Nishumbha the Asura indicated by Rahu & Ketu so Parvti has a power to remove all the afflictions of Rahu, Ketu, Sun & Moon and that is why the aforesaid Durga Mantra is the powerful mantra to remove all the Arishtha Yoga affecting the Vidhya’s health adversely.

(3.6) Vidhya Should use Rudraksha Mala to recite the Mantra.

(3.7) Vidhya should silently recite the Mantra

(4) In Horary Chara Karakakshvedansh Lagna  the presence of Rahu in first house and Ketu in 7th house somehow not good for Vidhya’s married life or creates hurdles in materializing Vidhya’s marriage and if aforesaid mantra is recited by Vidhya with full devotion then it removes all the afflictions regarding Vidhya’s married life. At any time within a period started from 22/08/2018 to 23/07/2027 there will be occurrence of Vidhya’s marriage if Vidhya is not married before.

(5) In Hoary Rashi Chart benefic Jupiter in second House, second lord Venus in Lagna in debilitation and the Horary Lagna Lord Mercury in 11th house and the cancellation of second lord Venus on account of quadrangular disposition of lord of exaltation sign of Venus the Jupiter and that of debilitation sign of Venus the Mercury improves the overall financial status of Vidhya’s family within the Paatyanshi Mahadasha of Lagna started from 22/08/2018 to 23/07/2027.

(6) In Horary Horoscope Mars & Ketu occupy fifth house indicating that within the Shatabdika Mahadasha of Mars started from 14/03/2011 to 15/03/2031 the spiritual, mystical and occult inclination of Vidhya will increase but no combination of Vrikati is present so Vidhya will never touch the depth of spirituality.

(7) In Horary Horoscope Sun occupies its own sign Simh (Sidereal Leo) and in Bhansh Chart (D27) being Bhansh Lagna Lord Sun occupies it. It gives Vidhya instincts to dominate, desire of fame, strong inclination towards self respect and these qualities further started increasing from 13/10/2006 and they will be on increase up to 13/10/2021. At present the Horary Kaalhora Dasha of Sun is from 22/08/2018 to 25/03/2021 and Vidhya’s instincts to dominate will increase further and Vidhya will be able to maintain dignity and self respect within this period. From 12/09/2017 to 11/10/2018 Jupiter is transiting Tula Rashi (Sidereal Libra) the debilitation sign of Kaalhoradasha Lord Sun and several time it has put Vidhya in low spirit but this phase will be over with the moving to next sing by Jupiter from 11/10/2018 onwards.

(8) Because of instincts to dominate Vidhya several times display thankless approaches which prove adverse in the building of Bhagya. Vidhya should always remember that a Lion makes a big leap when he bows so to become high spirited Vidhya should bow and regard Guru, Astrologers, professors and all other pure hearted and spiritually elevated person.

Written on Wednesday, August 22, 2018 at 18:25 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

“Significance Of 8th House In Vedic Jyotish” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) If you look at any Horoscope you will find that 8th house is 2nd from 7th house so it is the Marka house of Marka house. Similarly it is the 7th house from 2nd house it also indicates that it is a Marka house of Marka 2nd house. Hence being Maraka of both the Marka house this 8th house is known as House of life and Longevity in Vedic Jyotish.

(2) There a several occasion in your life when you find yourself alone then you always have a chance to communicate to your inner self. At that moment ask your inner self about the life, the purpose of your life and who you are. One think you will receive from your inner self that life is sometimes clear like the panorama, sometimes it is illusive like a mirage in a deadly desert  and sometimes it appears to be mysterious like horizons. You at once draw a conclusion that life is mysterious as clarities and illusions easily merge with Mystery so if 8th house is a house of Longevity and life then it must represent Mystery and occult. Knowing and unlocking the doors leading to mysteries is a subject of Science with logical and practical approaches.

(3) Like the mysterious sky several times you think is there any sky within you and this mysterious thought motivates you to travel towards the ultimate horizon known as Parmatma and thus the development of Yoga comes into being so 8th house represents Yoga, Pranayama and all the other Yogic Practices.

(4) Leading a life you often think is crossing of endless ocean known as Bhavasagara so on physical plane this 8th house indicates sea voyages, on mental plane it indicates instincts to go into depth of thinking in either ways and on positive ways it results in inventions and discoveries and on spiritual Plane this 8th house indicates a deep trance state known as Samadhi.

(5) Sometimes you think life like the period of spending several days in a deadly desert where days are the hell like heat and nights are the hell of cold and you find yourself into a hell on this earth and thus this 8th house also indicates punishments and imprisonment.

(6) Sometimes you think life that all the essence which you enjoyed has gone and suddenly you think that in your childhood you hit a street dog barking at you by throwing a stone and after passing several years you start feeling and regretting on that action and that results in huge mental pains and sustainment of these huge mental pains for longer period result in depression so 8th house also indicates huge mental pains and depression.

(7) Several times you think that if in your life any tragedy putting you on bed occurs then you get insights that you should save money for those days too and you plan to invest money in insurance and so money invested in life insurence is also indicated by 8th house.

(8) Several times you think that life is a Jungle where beasts like Kama, Kroadha, Lobha, Moha, Maya, Ahankaara etc live and this leads you to virakti so 8th house also indicates Virakti.

(9) The mere presence of malefic Planets or any node in 8th house in a horoscope does not indicate threaten to life for that several Divisional Charts like (i) Shastansh Chart (D6), (ii) Ashtansh Chart (D8), (iii) Trishansh Charts (D30, Both Traditional and Cyclic) and (iv) Shyasthansh Chart (D60) are to be judged precisely which is beyond of the approaches of most of the astrologers having less than 20 years of dedicated experiences in the field of Vedic Jyotish.

(10) To know more about the 8th house just read the Article: “The Positive Side Of 8th Bhava / House In Vedic Jyotish” written by me which was published on my Website on Wednesday, February 15, 2017. Follow link: to view that there.

Written on Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 19:50 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh


Saturday, August 18, 2018

"A Short Note On Drishti (Aspect)….. (Part: II) - an article written by Vishal Aksh

[(Part: I) written by me published on my Blog on Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 10:55 (IST). Follow link: to view it there]

Do Planetary Aspects Exist In Divisional Charts Like Navansh, Dashmansh Etc.?

(1) The consideration of Planetary Aspects in Divisional Charts like (i) Drashkan, (ii) Chaturthansh, (iii) Panchmansh, (iv) Shasthansh, (vi) Saptansh, (vii) Ashtansh, (viii) Navansh, (ix) Dashmansh, (x) Ekadashansh, (xi) Dwadashansh, (xii) Shodashansh, (xiv) Vinshansh, (xv) Sidhansh, (xvi) Bhansh, (xvi) Trinshansh, (xvii) Khavedansh, (xviii) Akshvedansh, (xix) Shysthansh) & (xx) Nadyansh remained a great confusion among the then existing Astrologers in Dr. B. V. Ramsn’s era and it is still in continuation nowadays too.

(1.1) Here I would like to mention the two legendary Vedic Astrologers, (1) Dr. B. V. Raman who always used Planetary Aspects in Navansh Chart and Shri. L. D. Madan whose consideration of Planetary Aspects in Dashmansh Chart resulted in his thousands of fulfilled predictions. Apart of this the then existing Vedic Astrologers always remained confused on this topic.

(1.2) There are several types of Astrologers and I don’t want to discuss here but I would like to discuss two types of Astrologers in forthcoming paragraphs under this paragraph:

(i) Theoretical Astrologers: They find it difficult to predict even on the basis of their own developed system and if per chance any prediction given by them coincidently comes into being they use to quote it for several years. Actually they are simply Authors. They often use big words to write the Articles on Vedic Jyotish. These type of Astrologers can be further divided into two categories (1) Idealistic and (2) Egoistic. The Idealistic Astrologer always want references of Ancient Books on Vedic Jyotish and when they get that they accept that but on the other hand Egoistic Astrologer quote the wordings of classical Vedic Jyotish when they want but they ignore and disapprove the wordings of Vedic Jyotish when they do not find that necessary to quote and in short they do what there uncontrolled mind wants them to do or to say. Several times Egoistic Type of such self praised and self proclaimed Astro Master is found shouting in several social sites misleading others by his Shabdjaal.  

(ii) Practical Astrologers: They are true Astrologers and they like to predict after deep research works. They can be divided into two categories (1) Practical Classical & (2) Practical non Classical. The Practical Classical Astrologer knows how to relate Classical rules of Vedic Jyotish with Practical Approaches and they are the best Astrologers there is no doubt in that. Practical non Classical Astrologers only predicts on the basis of his understandings and researches and they do not want to know Classical method more as they only want alphabetic knowledge of Vedic Jyotish to grow and rest they develop in the light of their experiences.    

(iii) This Article written by me will prove insightful to all the Idealistic Astrologers and Practical Astrologers.

(2) It was on Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 10:55 (IST) when I published the Article: "A Short Note On Drishti (Aspect)” written by me. In forth coming paragraphs I am going to reproduce several lines from that Article:

(i) If you apply your common sense you will find that there are two types of Dristi (Aspects) any human can have:
(ii) Bhyaay Dristi: It is External aspect used to visualize physical objects in this world and even in this universe. You see tree, animal, Stars and yourself in a reflecting surface like Mirror etc.
(iii) Antar Dristi:It is Internal Aspect and nobody can deny this aspect. It is the most powerful Aspect. As an exercise just close your eyes and concentrate in the middle of your eyebrows and if you have good Internal sight then soon you see a circle of light. This indicates your internal light or spiritual light. The Divisional Charts are based on the Vedic Law which states, "Yeta Pinde Tata Brhmande" which means a smaller object even like Anu(an atom) is similar to a Brahmanda (Universe)
Every Rashi (Zodiacal Sign) has a complete universe represented by the group of other Rashi (Zodiacal Sign) in itself and it is the basis of the concept of Divisional Charts and if there is Drishti (Aspect) concept working in Rashi Chart, Chalit Chakra or Mathematical Aspects as Externally then it must work as Internal Aspect in Divisional Charts.
(iv) To know more in this context just read the Article: "A Short Note On Drishti (Aspect)” written by me on my Blog and for that follow link: to view that Article there.

(2.1) In foregoing paragraphs (i), (ii) & (iii) under (2) a brief theoretical basis about the existence of  Planetary Aspects in Divisional Charts has been provided.   

(3) Now for the benefits of all of you I am providing that valuable Sanskrit Shloka from two legendry texts on Vedic Jyotish and in forthcoming Paragraphs they will be discussed:

(i) The following Sanskrit Shloka is from Maansagri which recommends the consideration of Planetary Aspects in Navansh Chart:

नवांशलग्नात्सुतपश्च सौम्यः शुभाशुभैर्युक्तविलोकितो वा।
शुभैः सुताः स्युः प्रचुरा नरस्य क्रूरग्रहैर्पुत्रसुखञ्च न स्यात्।।

नवांशलग्नात्सुतपश्च = Navanshlagnaatsutpsch = The lord of 5th from Navansh Lagna
सौम्यः = Saumya = benefic planet
शुभाशुभैर्युक्तविलोकितो = Shubhasubheryuktvilokito = In conjunction with benefic and malefic or receives aspects from benefic or malefic Planets
शुभैः सुताः स्युः प्रचुरा नरस्य = Shubhe Sutah syuh Prachura Narasya = the effect of benefic Planets under such circumstances bless one many sons
क्रूरग्रहैर्पुत्रसुखञ्च न स्यात् = Kroorgraherputrasukha Nea isyaat = If conjunction or Aspect of malefic Planet on 5th lord then one will not get happiness on account of his sons
The meaning of aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka is if in any one’s horoscope the lord 5th house from Navmansh lagna is in conjunction or comes under the aspects of benefic planets or malefic then the benefic influences bless one with many sons and malefic influences on the lord of 5th from Navmansh lagna do not give one happiness on account of his sons.

(3.1) The aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka clearly reflects the consideration of Planetary Aspects in Navansh Chart.

(3.2) The following Sanskrit Shloka is from Horaratna a classical text on Vedic Jyotish which recommends the consideration of Planetary Aspects in Trinshansh Chart:

त्रिशांशादष्टमस्थानाधिपे सोम्ये शुभेक्षिते।
शुभे त्रिशांशके मृत्युः शोभनो नो विपर्यये।।

त्रिशांशादष्टमस्थानाधिपे =Trishanshadashtamsthanadhipe = The benefic lord of 8th house from Trishansh Lagna
सोम्ये शुभेक्षिते = Saumye Shubhekshite = Receives aspects from benefic Planet

The meaning of above Sanskrit Shloka is that if in one’s Trishmansh chart the benefic lord of 8th from his Trishmansh lagna comes in conjunction with benefic planet or receives aspect from benefic planet then one’s death will be under auspicious situations and if lord of 8th in Trishmansh chart is malefic or under the aspect of malefic the one will have painful death in an inauspicious situations.

(i) In aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka the consideration of Planetary Aspects in Trishansh Chart is clearly recommended.
(ii) Note: Whatever has been described under (3), (3.1) & (3.2) is taken from the Article: More About Divisional Charts written by me on Blog and in this Article further explanations are also added to the points described under this Paragraph. Follow link: to view that Article written by me there.

(4) It is clear from foregoing reasoning that the Planetary Aspects works well in Navansh Chart and Trishansh Chart.

(5) On the basis of my huge experience in the field of Vedic Jyotish I can say that the Planetary Aspects not only work well in Navansh & Trishansh Charts but also in all the other Divisional Charts.

Written on Saturday, August 18, 2018 at 01:35 (IST) by

Vishal Aksh


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

"Rajyoga in Horary Vedic Jyotish" - written by Vishal Aksh

(1) It is interesting to know that the concept of Rajyoga is also there in Indian horary astrology like Indian natal astrology. They are supposed to be very powerful yoga. Before describing these yogas it will be better to give some basic terms used in Indian horary astrology.

(2) In Indian horary astrology the person who puts question before astrologer is signified by the rising sign or lagna and the house governing the nature of question is karya bhava. For example if a person puts a question before an astrologer about property. Here the person who has asked a question before an astrologer is represented by lagna and the bhava ruling property i.e. 4th bhava is the karya bhava. In Indian horary astrology the lord of lagna is lagnesh and that of karya bhava is karyesh.

(3) An Astrologer intending to apply Vedic Horary Jyotish generally find himself confused about the consideration of time to be noted for erecting the Vedic Horary Horoscope. It was on Monday, June 29, 2015 when I wrote an Article: How To Judge A Horary Horoscope? In that Article under Paragraphs (5), (5.1), (5.2), (5.3), (5.4), (5.5), (5.6) & (5.7) I have given several time to be noted to erect Vedic Horary Horoscopes. For the benefits of you all I am reproducing them under forthcoming paragraph (3.1) of this Article:

(3.1) The great Vedic astrologer Varha Mihira in his famous book Brihitjataka wrote whenever a person suffers on account of misfortunes the that sufferer approaches to an astrologer so there is a relation between the Planets in his horoscope and the position of planets at the time he puts his query before an astrologer. This is the most important thing to understand as it clearly indicates the importance of a horary horoscope.

(i) Nowadays the people approaches an astrologer in various ways. I am giving some hints about the time to cast horary horoscope of concerned person.

(ii) Time of the posting of the email of your client. But in this case you should know the location of your client at the time of posting of email to you. Generally people do not write their location at the time of sending emails to astrologer.

(iii) Time of receiving of mobile call from your client. It is one of the most trustworthy times for an astrologer to cast a horary horoscope for his client and in this case the location of astrologer will be taken as the place of Question.

(iv) Whenever you receive a message from any person recommending another person to you for consultations and in case that recommended person neither makes a mobile call or any email and he suddenly visit your office / residence then the time he asks question should be taken under consideration to cast a horary horoscope for him. Same process should be applied in case any known or unknown person approaches to an astrologer suddenly without prior information.

(v) Whenever a astrologer receives a call from his client about his visit to that astrologer then that astrologer should ask his client to give him a missed call as soon as he left his house / office / immediate location and started his journey to that astrologers and astrologer should also ask that client to send a message mentioning the immediate place that client had left while making his journey to that astrologer. In this case this Yatra Lagna or Journey horoscope of his client should be taken as horary horoscope. It is also a brilliant process. The main advantage of this process is that astrologer can fix the commencement of journey moment for his client by taking into consideration of astrological rules to fix a Yatra Muhurtha or auspicious time to commence journey. From that journey lagna it should be decided by that astrologer about the results of the journey of his client to him and the fulfillment of the motive of his client through that journey. But every Vedic astrologer should note that while fixing such moment you should be expertise in judging Khavedansh Chart or D40 Chart otherwise you are doing a mistake. So in this case avoid fixing the moment.

(vi) Whenever you see your emails and one of your client sends an email with a query in that case note the time when you read his query. It is also one of the most trustworthy recoded times to cast a horary horoscope. You have read in my pervious posts how I best use this time for making horary horoscope for others for predictions. In this process the astrologer’s location becomes the place of Question.

(vii) You can consider every time and cast horary horoscope for every selected time and the horary horoscope you find giving best result befitting the motive of your client should be taken into consideration.

(3.2) Note: If you are interested to know about the judgment of a Vedic Horary Horoscope then you must read the Article: : How To Judge A Horary Horoscope? written by me by clicking anyone of the following links:

(4) It was in year 1237 AD when the legendry Indian Astrologer & Author पद्मप्रभसूरि (Padamprabhsuri) wrote classical text: भुवन दीपक (Bhuvan Deepak) on Vedic Horary Jyotish. In that classical text Aacharya पद्मप्रभसूरि (Padamprabhsuri) mentioned four valuable Rajyoga and for the benefits of you all those Rajyoga will be described in forthcoming paragraphs (4.1), (4.2), (4.3) & (4.4)

(4.1) आद्यो लग्नपतिः कार्ये लग्ने कार्याधिपो।
[Adhyo Lagnapatih Karye Lagne Kaaryadhipo!]

आद्यो = Adhyo = The very first (Here First Horary Rajyoga)
लग्नपतिः = Lagnapatih = The Horary Rising Lord
कार्ये = Karye = Situates in a house about which Query is put before an Astrologer
लग्ने = Lagne = In Horary Ascendant
कार्याधिपो = Kaaryadhipo = Karyesh or Lord a house about which Query is put before an Astrologer

Translation Of Aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka In English: First Horary Rajyoga: When Horary Rising lord situates in a house about which Questioner puts a Query before an Astrologer and Karyesh or Lord a house about which Query is put before an Astrologer is in Horary Ascendant

(4.2) द्वितीयो लग्नपो लग्ने कार्ये कार्याधिपो भवेत्॥
[Dwetiyo Lagnapo Lagne Karye Karyadhipo Bhavet!!]

द्वितीयो = Dwetiyo = The Second (Here Second Horary Rajyoga)
लग्नपो = Lagnapo = Lord Of Horary Ascendant
लग्ने = Lagne = In Horary Ascendant
कार्ये = Karye = In a house about which Query is put before an Astrologer
कार्याधिपो = Karyadhipo = Karyesh or Lord a house about which Query is put before an Astrologer

Translation Of Aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka In English: Second Horary Rajyoga: Lord of Horary Ascending sign is in Horary Ascendant & Karyesh is in karya bhava

(4.3) लग्नपः कार्यपश्चापि लग्ने यदि तृतीयकः।
[Lagnaph Karyaschapi Lagne Yadi Triteeyakah!]

लग्नपः = Lagnaph = Lord Of Horary Ascendant
कार्यपश्चापि = Karyaschapi = Karyesh or Lord a house about which Query is put before an Astrologer also
लग्ने = Lagne = In Horary Ascendant
यदि = Yadi = If
तृतीयकः = The Third (Here Third Horary Rajyoga)

Translation Of Aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka In English: Third Horary Rajyoga: If both the Horary Ascendant Lord as well as Karyesh are in Horary Ascendant.  

(4.4) चतुर्थः कार्यगौ स्यातां यदि लग्नपकार्यपौ॥
[Chaturthh Karyago Esyaataam Yadi Laganpkaarypo!!]

चतुर्थः = Chaturthh = The Forth but here it is Forth Horary Rajyoga
कार्यगौ = Karyago = In Karya Bhava or In a house about which Query is put before an Astrologer
स्यातां = Both to be present  
यदि = Yadi = If
लग्नपकार्यपौ = Laganpkaarypo = Lord of Horary Ascendant & Karyesha

Translation Of Aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka In English: Forth Horary Rajyoga: If both Horary Ascendant Lord and Karyesha are to be in Karya Bhava    

(4.5) चतुर्षु तुभयत्रापि चन्द्रदृग्दर्शनं मिथः।
कार्यसिद्धिस्तदा ज्ञेया मित्रे चेदधिकं शुभम्॥
[Chaturshu Tubhyatrapi Chanderdrigdarshnam Mithah!
Karyasiddhistada Geya mitre chedadhikam Shubham!!]

Translation Of Aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka In English: In all these four Horary Rajyoga the mutual aspect of Moon if occurs then it gives success and if Moon occupies its friendly sign then the success will be more.

(5) Always Remember: (i) The Aspects of Planets in all the four Horary Rajyoga yoga described earlier should be Vedic Aspects not the Tajik Aspects. Every Plane has 7th Aspect except Mars which also has 4th and 8th Aspects, Jupiter which also has 5th & 9th Aspects and Saturn which also has 3rd & 10th Aspects as special Aspects.

(ii) The Aspects described above should also be considered in Divisional Charts. There are few Astrologers who do not recommend the consideration of Aspects in Divisional Charts and for them I can say they are only theoretical Astrologers without practical approaches and proper understandings of ancient Jyotish texts written in Sanskrit. I have already written an Article: "A Short Note On Drishti (Aspect)" in this context. Follow link: to view that Article written by me for better understandings.

(iii) Moon must occupy at least its friendly sign and form mutual aspect with either the lord of rising Ascendant or Karyesh to give success.

(6) It is now clear that based on the mutual relationship between lagnesh & karyesh, 4 types of powerful rajyogas have been classified in Indian horary astrology as described earlier in this Article. Once again they are given below as a summary: -
(i) First Horary Rajyoga: Lord of rising sign at the time of question is in karya bhava & lord of Karya bhava in lagna. Either of them has an aspect of Moon.

(ii) Second Horary Rajyoga: Lord of rising sign at the time of question is in lagna & lord of karya bhava is in karya bhava. Either of them has an aspect of Moon.

(iii) Third Horary Rajyoga: Lord of rising sign at the time of question & lord of karya bhava are in lagna having the aspect of Moon.

(iv) Forth Horary Rajyoga: Lord of rising sign at the time of question & lord of karya bhava are in karya bhava having the aspect of Moon.

(7) They are very powerful Horary Rajyogas. In these Rajyogas the aspect of Moon is essential for the fulfillment of the object of the question asked.
(8) In my long experience in the field of Vedic Jyotish, I have found under certain conditions these           Horary Rajyogas work very well in natal horoscopes too in addition to horary horoscopes.

Written on Tuesday, August 14, 2018 at 20:54 (IST) by

Vishal Aksh


(The aforesaid Article written by me is actually an expansion of the Article: Rajyoga in Indian Horary Astrology also written & published by me on the timeline of my Facebook on Wednesday, August 14, 2013 at 11:53 (IST). Follow link: to view it there)

Monday, August 13, 2018

“The Worthiest Dasha To Predict” – written by Vishal Aksh

(1) In Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra the ultimate book on Vedic Jyotish written centuries ago by Vedic muni Parashara more than forty types of Dasha has been described. If you are a learner or researcher of Vedic Jyotish then you should repeated read that book.

(2) I am sure that the question about the worthiest Dasha always rises in your mind especially who are doing researches on Vedic Jyotish.

(2.1) In this Article an effort will be made to make it clear. First I shall try to make you understand what the ancient text on Vedic Jyotish say about it then I give my opinion in the context in forth coming Paragraphs.

(3) Vedic muni Parashara in his Brihit Parashara Horashaastra instructs the use of (i) Vinshottri Dasha (ii) Kaala Chakra Dasha for all horoscopes to predict but he also recommends the application of Ashtottri Dasha to determine death inflecting period in addition to Vinshottri and Kaal Chakra Dasha. The Vinshottri Dasha is the most used Dasha and Kaal Chakra Dasha is the versatile Dasha to predict and very few Astrologers know how to predict on the basis of this Dasha.

(3.1) In Brihit Jataka the legendry author of this book Shri Varaha Mihira instructs the astrologers to use (i) The Anshayurday Dasha (ii) Nasargik Dasha to predict. In the Anshayurday the Dasha periods are calculated on the basis of tough mathematical calculations. Acharya Varaha Mihira also instructs the cross verifications of the expected events through Naisergik Dasha also.

(3.2) The great author Vaidyanat Dixit of Jataka Paarijaata instructs Astrologers to use Vinshottri Dasha and Kaal Chakra Dasha to predict.

(3.3) In Maansaagari the use of (i) Vinshottri Dasha (ii) Ashtottri Dasha, (iii) Sandhya Dasha and (iv) Yogini Dasha for predictive purposes has been recommended.

(4) In my opinion, based on my huge experience of more than 28 years in the field of Vedic Jyotish, I can say that (i) Vinshottri Dasha (ii) Kaal Chakra Dasha (iii) Ashtottri Dasha & (iv) Yogini Dasha should be applied to all the horoscopes. They are all Nakshatra Dasha.

(4.1) The non Nakshatra Dasha like (1) Sandhya Dasha, (ii) Grahanusaar Bhava Dasha, (iii)Sudarshana Chakra Dasha should be applied to all the horoscopes.

(4.2) Paatyaani Vinshotri Dasha is equally useful dasha for predictive purposes. In fact Paatyaani Vinshotri Dasha is no where mentioned in any ancient classical text on Vedic Jyotish. The Paatyani Dasha of one year is mentioned in Taajik Neelkanthi and Paatyaani Vinshotri Dasha is an expansion of one year Paatyani Dasha to 120 years Paatyaani Vinshotri Dasha. In my experiences this Paatyaani Vinshotri Dasha is found effective. So far I have not written any article on it but I am planning to write in future.

(4.3) A research minded experienced Astrologer also develops his own Dasha System to predict and this is very important to understand.

(5) I have already written several Articles on various Dasha Systems on my Blog and various other sites but here I am only providing the links for various Articles written on my Blog.

(6) For your benefits I am also giving the links for the Articles written by me on several Dasha mentioned earlier in this Article:

(6) I conclude by saying that no Dasha is the worthiest it is the experience and researches of an astrologer which enable him to select a particular Dasha for a particular horoscope to predict and perhaps that Dasha is the worthiest Dasha for that horoscope.

Written on Monday, August 13, 2018 at 11:15 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh


Sunday, August 12, 2018

“Varaha vs Prithusha” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

Always Remember - 07

First of all let me remind you it was Prithusha who mentioned Vinshottri Dasha in his work Horasara not his father Varaha. If you study both Brihit Jataka and Horasara you will find Brihit Jataka is useful in making you to think astrologically whereas the study of Horasara makes you versatile in predicting astrologically 

In short Varha gives you the astrological paths to travel and his son Prithusha teaches you how to walk on those paths. Varaha does not motivate you to consider Rahu and Ketu but Prithusha mentions Rahu’s power in 10th house and it holds good in predictions.

Written by
Vishal Aksh

(Also follow link: to view the aforesaid Article written by me published in my Facebook Public Group)