Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Astrologers & Fifth House

(1) The great Manteshwara in his book Phala Deepika, while describing the contents of Fifth Bhava / Fifth House, guides every Astrologer to judge the Knowledge Of Future from Fifth Bhava / Fifth House. This clearly indicates that Fifth Bhava / Fifth House stand for Foresight.

(2) For Astrologers it is the Foresightedness of that Astrologer which enables him to make correct predictions so if you are a Vedic Astrologer, Nadi Astrologer, Fortune Teller, Western Astrologer, Tropical Astrologer, Sidereal Astrologer or any kind of Astrologer and predicts well then it reflects you have well disposed Fifth Bhava / Fifth House.

(i) If you predicts well but in your Vedic Horoscope the Fifth Bhava / Fifth House is found under the influence of malefic Planets and debilitated Planets it does not mean that Fifth Bhava / Fifth House in your Horoscope is damaged in terms of your Foresightedness. What I want to say here that it is not only the Fifth House of Rashi Chart which affects your Foresightedness in positive or negative manner but it is the well disposition of Fifth House in your 1. Navansh Chart 2. Dashmansh Chart 3. Vinshansh Chart 4. Bhansh Chart 5. Akshvedansh Chart or 6. Shayshthansh Chart that can also make your Foresightedness too sharp to make correct predictions.

(ii) Even if all then Fifth houses of various divisional charts as described under (i) are also found damaged you can have shart foresightedness to predict well provided either of your Fifth house in various divisional charts as described under (i) from 1. Chara Aatmkarka 2. Chara Aamatya Karka or 3. Aroodhpada Lagna of Fifth House is well disposed.

(iii) Always Remember: Judgment of Horoscope is not a joke. If you are having sharp Foresightedness and predicts well it does not mean you can well judge a Horoscope. An Astrologer with well developed Fifth Bhava / Fifth House can judge a horoscope well and predicts well.

(iv) If you are an Astrologer with well disposed Fifth Bhava / Fifth House you can predict accurately when you are judging the horoscope of your client and you equally predict well when you are in a place where you are before unknown people without having their horoscopes.  I hope all of you try your best to understand what has been written in this paragraph and here in this Article.

(4) Nowadays a thought is spreading in Astrologers that the connection within Fifth and Eight houses makes one an Astrologer with predictive abilities. In my opinion this is not true. Such combination if present in your horoscope can make you a research oriented Astrologer or an Astrologer with occult approaches. Eight House is one of the houses related to Water. In water you see the mirror images of Planets and Stars. The presence of Maya can put you in the world of illusions.

(i) Always remember the true knowledge (Gyana) comes from Tapa indicated by Ninth House. This Ninth House is one of the Houses representing Agni (Fire). Agani (Fire) always remain in upward direction intending to touch the sky and this Agani (Fire) is free from the gravitational pull of the earth or in abstract terms it is free from all the illusions produced by Maya. Astrologers having connections of 5th House and 9th house in the divisional charts described earlier in this Article can understand the Vedic Jyotish and can touch the inner depth of it.

(ii) Since this Article is written on the role of Fifth Bhava / Fifth House in making one a true Astrologer so I am not giving combinations that make one true Astrologer without the support of the Fifth Bhava / Fifth House.

(5) The following combinations making one Astrologers are culled out from various sources on Vedic Jyotish and they should be applied to all the Divisional Charts in addition to Rashi Chart and Chalit – Chakra before arriving at any conclusion.

(i) Either Sun or Rahu & Mercury in Fifth Bhava / Fifth House makes on not only a good Astrologer but it also supports one to be a Medical Doctor.

(ii) Ketu in Fifth Bhava / Fifth House House or in conjunction with lord of Fifth Bhava / Fifth House makes one a true Astrologer provided Ketu has a minimum of three benefic dots in the Ashtaka Varga of Mercury.

(iii) Lord of Fifth Bhava / Fifth House in Second Bhava / Second House makes one an Astrologer who earns on account of practicing of Vedic Jyotish or any other branch of Vedic Jyotish.

Written on Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at 21:00 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh


Sunday, September 9, 2018

What Does Sanskrit Terms Like Rashyadi Etc. Indicate?

Always Remember - 10

(1) When an honest researcher of Vedic Jyotish finds the terms like राश्यादि (Rashyaadi), अंशादि (Anshaadi) or कलादि (Kalaadi) or existing in Sanskrit Shloka containing the information about the rules of Vedic Jyotish, he often gets confused about their meanings. The following are the few clarifications in these contexts:

(i) The Sanskrit Word राश्यादि (Rashyaadi) is formed after combining two Sanskrit words राशि (Rashi or Zodiacal Sign) and आदि (Aadi or Starting from) as per Sanskrit Vyakaran (grammar) rule known as “इकोय णचि” (Ekoy nchi) which comes under यण सन्धि (Yana Sandhi):
राशि (Rashi) + आदि (Aadi) = राश्यादि (Rashyaadi)

Always Remember: Thus राश्यादि (Rashyaadi) indicates Vedic Parameters starting from Rashi

Hence, राश्यादि (Rashyaadi) stands for: Rashi (Sign): Ansh (Degrees): Kala (Minutes): Vikala (Seconds): Prativikala (1/60 of a Second)    
(ii) The Sanskrit word अंशादि (Anshaadi) is also formed after combining two Sanskrit words अंश (Ansh) and आदि (Aadi or Starting from) as per Sanskrit Vyakaran (grammar):

अंश (Ansh) + आदि (Aadi) = अंशादि (Anshaadi)

Always Remember: Thus अंशादि (Anshaadi) indicates Vedic Parameters starting from Ansh (Degrees)  

Hence, अंशादि (Anshaadi) stands for: Ansh (Degrees): Kala (Minutes): Vikala (Seconds): Prativikala (1/60 of a Second)   
(iii) The Sanskrit word कलादि (Kalaadi) is formed after combining two Sanskrit words कला (Kala) and आदि (Aadi or Starting from) as per Sanskrit Vyakaran (grammar):

कला (Kala) + आदि (Aadi) = कलादि (Kalaadi)

Always Remember: Thus कलादि (Kalaadi) indicates Vedic Parameters starting from Kala (Minutes)

Hence, कलादि (Kalaadi) stands for: Kala (Minutes): Vikala (Seconds): Prativikala (1/60 of a Second)         

Note: According to the classical theory of Vedic Jyotish as propounded by Vedic muni Parashar there is no predictive techniques giving dignity to except Rashi, Ansh and Shodashansh (Also known as Kalansh). In any ancient text of Vedic Jyotish if in any predictive technique the Sanskrit word कलादि (Kalaadi) exists then Ansh (Degrees) should be converted into corresponding Kala or Minutes and that predictive technique should be applied.    

Written on Sunday, September 9, 2018 at 13:51 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Book Worm & Earth Worm

Always Remember - 09

Instead of becoming Book Worm, a researcher of Vedic Jyotish 
should try his best to be an Earth Worm as Book Worms on the scale of visibility harm the book and on abstract scale it crushes the fertility of brain & intelligence. On the other hand an Earth Worm always tries to go into the earth but in doing so it makes the soil of the earth fertile. Try to understand what has been written in this paragraph for those who only quote Sanskrit Shloka without understanding the soul of that Sanskrit Shloka.

Written on Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 12:48 by
Vishal Aksh

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Importance Of Chara Aatmkarka, Chara Aamatyakarka & Karkansh Lagna

Like Sun, Moon & Ascendant, Chara Aatmkarka, Chara Aamatyakarka & Karkansh Lagna indicate the Soul, Mind & Body respectively. It will be a mistake to disregard Chara Aamatyakara. Think how will you predict if you disregard the Moon while analyzing any horoscope? The Planet possessing second highest Degrees: Minutes: Seconds is known as Chara Aamatyakarka.

Written on Sunday, September 2, 2018 at 21:41 (IST) by

Vishal Aksh


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Saturday, September 1, 2018

“The Remembrances” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) It was perhaps the year 1991 or year 1992 when suddenly I met a person searching several books in a Book Shop. He was a person very much advanced in age at that time I was holding Phala Deepika the famous text book on Vedic Jyotish in my hand. That gentle man after seeing that book in my hand asked me about my involvement in Astrology and my reply was regarding my involvement in researches on Jyotish at personnel level.

(1.1) I came to know that, that gentleman himself was an Astrologer with experiences of many years. According to him the Indian Astrology was written in a codified form and he also talked about the superiority of Western Astrology. Up to that time I read few books on Western Astrology written by Linda Godman and Cheiro so my thinking about Western Astrology was that it was nothing but a Number reading, Hand readings and Sun Sign reading contrary to that, that gentleman told me the advancement of Western Astrology by telling me that Western Astrologer consider three signs (i) Sun Sign, (ii) Moon Sign & (iii) Rising Sign and in any horoscope if all these three signs are found weak then the person will be the unfortunate person. This made me to think either that gentleman had no knowledge about Jyotish or he is trying to befool me. The concept of Sudarshana Chakra already exists with the consideration of these three signs in Brihit Parashara Jyotish Shaastra. He also told me that with Jyotish we cannot draw the characteristics of a person as one can do with Western Astrology. In fact as my researches carried on Vedic Jyotish I found that the characteristics of any person can effectively be traced by taking into consideration the Bhansh Chart (D27).

(1.2) Soon I found that, that gentle man started advocating Kp system and that impressed me at that moment. That gentleman advised me to use Kp otherwise I would not get any success in predictive astrology through Vedic Jyotish. In fact the several predictions given by me on the basis of the books written by Dr. BV Raman already came into being from year 1990 to that time but the argument of that gentleman compelled me to think that the fulfillment of predictions already given by me could be per chance. In fact my researches on Kp system put a big question mark on Kp system. I then concluded that the profounder of Kp was a legendry astrologer but the system which he developed and showed before public was idle like the two big external teeth of an elephant (Of no use practically). In fact several predictions given by me in the year 1990 came true in year 1995 and this deviated my mind from so called Kp System finally.

(2) It was year 1996 and I was suffering from acute depression but even then I was able to conduct researches on Jyotish. What I noticed then was amazing! Whenever I talked to any person his rising sign started appearing before me. I remember one such instance which I am going to share with you. On a fine day in years 1996 when I was feeling good I went to a Hanuman Mandir nearby my residence and there I saw a young man of my age asking the main Pandit for the analysis of his horoscope. I saw that young man and I felt as if Makar Rashi started ascending on his face and when I asked him if his rising sign was Makar he voted in my favor. Though this did not impress him as according to him I knew how to calculate that but this impressed the main Pandit of the Mandir and then that Panditji appreciated me by saying it was practically impossible to calculate without knowing one’s birth details. That pure hearted Panditji knew about the acute depression I was suffering from so he advised me not to think about hidden aspects of Jyotish very much.

(3) In year 1998 I had a chance to meet a surgeon. The wife of that surgeon was a great surgeon at that time and their hospital was shining well because of the wife of that surgeon. I remember that day was Sunday when I met that surgeon. When that surgeon came to know that I am progressing in the field of Astrology he showed his horoscope to me and when I was about to see his hand made Horoscope with Rashi Chart only that surgeon told me about him as a heart expert with no success in profession but a ninety years old great Astrologer of Rajasthan predicted his success as a surgeon in the coming Dasha of Mars going to operate shortly. When I saw his Horoscope of Simh Lagna (Sidereal Leo) with Mars in his rising sign and I still remember that at that time in transit Saturn was in Mesh Rashi (Sidereal Aries), Sun ruling his rising sign in transit was in conjunction with a debilitated Planet and Mars was in Simh Rashi this with several other points lead me to conclude that the surgeon will not get any success as a healer but he will be the owner of a better hospital any time in his coming Mars Dasha. After hearing my predictions that surgeon showed me a hand written book in which the readings about his future by that Astrologer were written. In that hand written booklet the name of his wife and his children were also written and as per that surgeon that, that Astrologer did not know about the name of his wife and his children as he wrote it on the basis of his Astrological knowledge. In fact that surgeon has a better hospital in his Mars dasha that is run successfully by his wife and other doctors but that surgeon did not get success as a healer. The Astrologer who wrote the names of that surgeon’s wife and his children accurately proved wrong in predicting surgeon’s success as a healer in surgeon’s Mars Dasha.

(3.1) Vedic Jyotish is a study of divine light so everything can be seen from it and it allows Karma to visualize so I never appreciate the use of Jyotisha in knowing the names of someone’s wife and his other family members. This is somewhat you are trying to attract someone this is wrong practice in Jyotish and it should be avoided.   

(4) The depression from which I was suffering from was in continuation in year about 2000 and for about eleven years more. In year 2000 to 2001 a government servant showed his horoscope to me and I gave him a time range for him to ascend as Gazetted Officer. That government servant laughed at my prediction by saying that false. In fact that government officer was promoted unexpectedly and became government officer within the time period predicted by me. One day the wife of that Government Servant told me that he showed me his wrong horoscope and according to her my prediction was a coincidence in its fulfillment. In fact she was not ready to treat it as a prediction.

(4.1) I would like to say that so many times I predicted correctly from wrong horoscopes shown to me and it is still in continuation.  It is all from the data I collect from nature at the time when I meet a person seeking my consultations.

(5) It was year 1996 or year 1997 when I went to Durga Mandir and that was also nearby my residence. There in that Durga Mandir the main Panditji was talking to a gentleman and the handmade horoscope was in the hands of that Panditji. That Panditji handed over that horoscope to me to judge. It was the horoscope of the son of that gentleman. I just glanced at that horoscope of Simh lagna with Mars in Lagna and I at once declared that the son of that gentleman will do Electronic Engineering and both the main Panditji of that Mandir and that gentleman were surprised on the prediction given by me and that gentleman voted in my favor by saying that his son was selected few days before in Engineering college for BE (Electroncs). I never met that gentleman before and he was the devotee of that main Panditji who came first time to that Durga Mandir. This fulfillment of the predictions given by me always confirmed the way of understanding the nature and relating the several activities occurring in nature to horoscope.

(6) It was during year 2000 or year 2001 I met with a Restaurant Owner Mr. Vinod and he took me to his restaurant and produced a Computerized Horoscope of his daughter. I analyzed the horoscope of his daughter and predicted after telling several past events reflected in the horoscope of his daughter and him. He was totally convinced with the analysis done by me. Mr. Vinod told me very amazing information about a village of Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh. In that village there are several people whenever you meet one of them he starts telling correctly about you, your wife and your other family member by telling their names, ages and body structures without judging their horoscopes. Till now I never heard about that village of Mathura again.

(7) An Eye Surgeon came to my residence in year 2002 or Year 2003 and he was worrying about his professional reputation and he was seemed worried too. When I looking at that Doctor’s horoscope he told me some time before a Nadi Reader examined his thumb and that Nadi reader told several amazing facts about him then as prediction Nadi Reader warned him about the danger of his professional reputation. The adverse period predicted by Nadi Reader was going on when that Doctor approached me and as per that doctor the adverse atmosphere about his professional reputation started to generate. I checked the horoscope of that Doctor and then I looked at that Doctor he was wearing spectacles of black glasses which he did not put down during consultation. I remember his rising sign was Vrish (Sidereal Taurus) with retrograded Dasha Lord Saturn in 2nd House. To verify the authenticity of his horoscope I asked his few past events as I found stored in his horoscope and he confirmed them. That Doctor was above fifty years at that time despite the presence of retrograde Saturn in his 2nd House under affliction his eye sight was good and several other symptoms when related to other activity occurring in nature at that time lead me to conclude that the Saturn was beneficially placed in the 2nd house of his horoscope aspecting 4th house. I predicted he need not to worry very soon the clouds of uncertainties will disappear and he will have Sunshine so no danger to his professional reputation and in his Saturn’s Dasha he will be able to have his own hospital. All the predictions given by me about that Doctor came true successfully.

(7.1) During years 2002 to about years 2004 several such Nadi Jyotish sufferers came to me for solutions. I never intent to defame Nadi Jyotish but no research works on Nadi seem to be performed yet.

(7.2) In Ayurveda the term Nadi is used to indicate 1. (i) Vaat (ii) Pitta & (iii) Kapha which a Vaidya knows after examining the pulse of his patient and 2. Nerves which are spreaded in human body. In yoga there are basically ten types of Nadis (i) Ida, (ii) Pingla, (iii) Sushumana, (iv) Gandhari, (v) Hastijivaha, (vi) Khoo, (vii)Pusha  (viii) Yashahvini (ix) Shankhini and (x) Alumbusha but basically three Nadi Ida, Pingla and Sushumana are given importance in Yoga and in Swaroday is used to predict these three Nadi are given importance. In short Vedic literature accepts present of 7200 Nadi in human body.

(8) Let me make it clear the use of Nadi is not Jyotish as Nadi is the part of Jyotish to understand Jyotish we need to understand the meaning of  Sanskrit word Parashar. In compound Sanskrit word ‘Para’ stands for outer space from this Solar System and ‘Shar’ stands for arrows, Divine rays or Divine Light so the word Parashar indicates Divine Rays from outer space. Exactly the Divine Knowledge of Jyotisha, muni Parashara got from Brahma (Satya Loka). In this Kaliyuga the works of Parashara are recommended to use for predictions.

(9) I don’t know what period was calculated by historians and scientist when Ayurveda was written by Charaka but I think the proof is given in Charak Sanhita. Both Charak and Parashar were the disciples of Vedic rishi Punarvasu Aatrey and both of them were getting education on in the Ashrama of Punarvasu Aatrey situated on the bank of river Chandra bhaga. I think several codes are present in Sanskrit words like Punarvasu Aatrey and Chandrabhaga. The Sanskrit word Chandrabhaga indicates the part or land of Chandrma and the river flowing in that land is Chandrabhaga. The Sanskrit word Aatrey existing in Punarvasu Aatrey indicates the son of Vedic rishi Atri. There were three sons of Vedic rishi Atri (i) Durvasa the greatest Vedic Rishi and the avatara of Shiva, (ii) Dattatrey the greatest Yogi and the avatara of Vishnu and (iii) Chandrama the King of Night Kingdom and the avatara of Bhrama. In Punarvasu Aatrey the Sanskrit word Punarvasu is Punarvasu Nakshatra so relating them it can be said Durvasa and Datatrey have nothing to do with Nakshatra but Chandrama is the Lord of Nakshatra so Punarvasu Aatery indicates Moon in Punarvasu Nakshatra and the 4th quarter of this Nakshatra falls in Kark Rashi (Sidereal Cancer) ruled by Moon indicating river also so here comes the relationship between Chandrama (Moon), Punarvasu and Chandrabhaga River. I have also seen several healers having Kark Lagna and several best Astrologers having Kark Lagna.

(9.1) Chandrama (Moon) is given importance in Jyotish and as per Ayurveda Chandrama develops essence in trees, plants etc or in Vanaspati and they are used to make Ayurvedic medicines.

(9.2) If Charak and Parashara were contemporary then the Charak existed more than five thousand year before.

(10) Perhaps it was year 1991 when I received information from one of friend that his Guruji has come in their home. Next day I also went to my friend’s house to seek the blessing of his Guruji. His Guruji was high spirited saint with all-round knowledge. When I met his Guruji that high spirited saint started to tell what was in my mind and heart and those were unbelievable moments for me. As I was researching on Jyotish so I wanted to know if I was on the right track but I was not able to put this before that pious saint. Suddenly the saint said to me that I need not to worry soon Question asked by me will be replied in a park under a tree. I don’t know how the program to visit a park was made and in that park that saint sit on a chair placed in that park. I did not know what made me to sit before him on the ground of that park and my friend also sit on the ground of that park before that saint. I gathered my scattered courage and asked the saint about the future successes of my researches on Jyotisha. The saint at once prophesized that the researches conducting by me on Jyotisha were on right track but ultimately my progresses will be towards ultimate reality. It was from year 1996 when I started getting success to relate Jyotisha with Adhyatma, Darshana, Veda & Purana and recitation of Mantra also started.

(11) It was in year 1998 or so when I went New Delhi to buy Ephemeris and in that book shop a gentleman from West Bengal was also purchasing the books on Astrology and when that Bengali gentleman saw me buying the Ephemeris he started talking me on predictive side of Jyotisha. I was greatly impressed by his Knowledge of Jyotisha. Then we decided to carry that discussion and there were several stalls of juce, coffee and tea nearby that Book Shop so we sit on chairs and started our discussion further while having glass of juice. That gentleman from west Bengal came to New Delhi for business purposes as per him he was running his factory. After finding a suitable time that Bengali gentleman drew a Rashi Chart in North Indian Style on a tissue paper served to us with the glasses of juice. I looked at his Rashi Chart his Lagna was Meen with Saturn in fourth house. I started saying that since he had Saturn in his fourth house so he is very pure hearted like a child and as a response he was amazed and he told me that he had a pure heart but many astrologer opine that in such position Saturn made him cunning. He was greatly impressed by me and then he requested me that he would ask two more questions one direct and other silent. One question he asked something about his wife and then I asked him to give a three digit number which he spelled. The sum of those three numbers came to be no 4 ruled by Mercury as per Jyotish and that lead me to predict that his wife is a sufferer of skin ailment and there were some spots on his wife’s body and he was greatly amazed and next question he asked with not pronouncing any word. The ruler of no 4 the Mercury was the 7th lord in his Rashi Chart and that lead me to predict about him that he should leave the concubine in favor of his wife and his family and it was a miracle for him and he at once slightly bowed before me to express his gratitude.  Now he asked my Rashi Chart to judge. I draw my Rashi Chart on other tissue paper and then I told him that in my horoscope the running Dasha is going to over and next Dasha is going to start very soon and my family is undergoing financial crisis. He examined my Rashi Chart and gave his predicting about me that the next Dasha Lord is in 11th house from my natal Moon so the financial crises will disappear. I never forget that the prediction made by that Bengali gentle man from West Bengal about the disappearance of my family’s financial crises came true with the advent of the next Dasha.

Written on Saturday, September 1, 2018 at 21:43 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh  
