Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

"Spirituality" - an Article written by Vishal Aksh

The Only Devta Other Then Durga Devoted In Durga Saptshati

Dear Learners and Researchers of Vedic Jyotish!!

(1)Nowadays the Navratra are going on and every Hindu performs puja, japa and anusthana these days with full devotion to get the blessings of Devi Durga.

(2) Durga Saptshati contains 700 Shlokas and every Shloka is a powerful mantra when recited with devotion

(3) The only Devta who is directed in Durga Saptshati to be worshiped is Parmatma Shiva and it is written in Keelka strotra of Durga Shaptshati and a power ful mantra is given to get the blessings of Parmatma Shiva to unlock all the secret knowledge of Anant Koti Brhmanda (infinite universes) and to get the welfare on various grounds.

(4) If you are a student, researcher, scientist, artist, businessman, astrologer, doctor or associated with any other dignified profession to make your thinking level wider and to get the results of you efforts you must recite the following powerful mantra of Parmatma Shiva for some times during the remaining days of this Navratra in addition to Durga puja:

In English script this mantra will be written as:

Om Vishuddhjayaandehaaye trevedeediveyachakshushea
Sheryeh     Praptinimittya     Namah     Soamardhdhaarinae

Why Chamunda, Mahalaxmi and Mahasawarsati Are Taken As Devta Instead of Devi In Durga Saptshati?

(1) On Sunday, October 18, 2015 I received an email from someone. In his email to me he wanted to know about the definition of Devta such as Chamunda Devta of Kavach, Sarswati Devta in Keelkam. 

(2) I remember this type of question was also asked by one of my facebook friend in 2014 and I replied him in facebook messaging and I also shrare that reply to one of my other facebook friend during 2014. 

(3) Now in the Navratre of 2015 I am sharing that reason to all the respective members of this group and that reason is as follows: 

(i) The Kavach in Durga saptshati is ruled by Chaamunda the Devi of Yudh and Brhma devoted this devi when he was troubled by Madhu & Ketabh so in Devi atharvasheersh this Devi is also known as Brham stuta. In the case of malefic influences of planets or very adverse situations this Devikavach is to be recited. The Brhma signifies knowledge and Chhamunda signifies Shakti and in fight there is a wonderful use of presence of mind and forceful actions. 

(ii) In argla strot the rishi is Vishnu and the Devata is Mahalakshmi. This is generally for grahsths and recitation of it wards off the negative influences of Venus. In it argala is a wooden lock of ancient times applied to the doors from inside. 

(iii) The Keelak is ruled by Sarswati the Devi of Knowledgeand its rishi is Shiv the pramkalyankaari parmatma. This indicates The use of Durga Saptshati for the wellfare not fulfilling meanmotives. It is the key to unlock Durgasaptshati and that will not possible without the knowledge ruled by Sarswati and pure intentions siginified in Veda as shivsankalpamastu. 

(iv) The pratham charita is ruled by Mahakaali and its rishi is Brhma. This is a war between agyana signifies by Madhu & Ketabh and shakti signified by Mahakaali. This brings awakening of knowledge. The students weak in studies or having no vidyayoga in their horoscopes should recite this prathama charita for years to get profeciency in education. 

(v) The madhyam charitra is ruled by Mahalaksmi and its rishi is Vishnu. This is a war between dectatory signified by Mahishasura and prajashakti signified by Mahalakshmi. The madhyam charitrs should be recited by grasths to get prosperty and to ward off the difficulties in life. 

(vi) The uttarcharita is the war between mana and mentaldulism (Chittvritee) and Chittvritee signified by Shumb and Nishumbh and the satwika mana signified by Sarswati and the mana becomes satwika only when it has shivasankalpa. Its rishi is not Shiva as in case of Keelaka. Its rishi is Rudra one of the form of Shiva. The researchers, scientists and intellectuals should recite the uttar chrita for years. 

(4) Still there are many secrets of Durgasaptshsti one of them is why Devi Chhamunda, Mahalakshmi and Mahasarswati are treated as Devata in the begining of Kavach & pratham charita, argala & madhyam charitra and keelaka & uttar charita ?

Written by

Vishal Aksh

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Amazing Fact (अद्भुत सत्य)

Part (I)

(1) The attachment given at the end of this Article is the screenshot of one of the Article written by me which was published in my Fcebook Closed Group: विशाल अक्ष द्वारा संचालित वैदिक ज्योतिष विश्व administrated by me through my Facebook Page in Hindi: विशाल अक्ष

(2) This small but valuable Article written by me on Wednesday, September 27, 2017 at 22:23 (IST) was published in that Facebook Closed Group as described earlier under (1) of this Article on Wednesday, September 27, 2017 on 22:26 (IST).

(3) This time this Article is being shared to the various social sites with its English Translation as done by me. In Part (II) that Article is being rewritten after its Translation in English from Hindi.  


Part (II)

(1) Bhagwan Parashara before describing Bhagya Bhava at length says to his disciple Maitrya, “Bhagyodhinathopi Ch Bhagyakarta Shukropi……… "

(2) Its meaning in simple wordings is that the lord of Ninth and Shukra (Venus) are the maker of Bhagya

(3) None of any great Astrologer has glorified that statement made by Parashara instead all of them acknowledged Jupiter as the maker of Bhagya and this is nothing but a foolery.

(4) Experience reflects that an average position of Shukra (Venus) in a Horoscope makes that person Bhagyaheena (Unfortunate)

(5) On the basis of my experience of more than 27 years (Up to September 27, 2017) in the field of Vedic Jyotish, I can say that among all the Planets only Shukra (Venus) is Bhagya Karta (Fortune Maker). This is an Amazing Fact.  

Screenshot Of That Article Written By Vishal Aksh

Written by
Vishal Aksh

Saturday, October 6, 2018

"A Short Note On Drishti (Aspect)….. (Part: III) - an article written by Vishal Aksh

A Short Note On Rashi Drishti & Grah Drishti by Vishal Aksh
[This Article written by me was first published in my Facebook Public Group on June 29, 2016 at 08:46 (IST). Follow link: to view it there.]

(1) You know there are rules to consider the Rashi Dristi like Grah Dristi. All the Chara Rashi aspect Sthir Rashi except the adjoining ones, All the Dweswabhava Rashi aspect Dweswabhava Rashi and all the fixed Rashi aspect Chara Rashi except the adjoining ones. The results coming out of these Rashi up to a larger extent say about 80% are free from dasha periods but this does not mean it does not reflect its effect in Dasha Periods.

(2) In Grah Dristi every planet aspect 7th Sign from it with full aspect and in addition to that Mars has 4th & 8th, Jupiter 5th & 9th, Saturn 3rd & 10th and Rahu & Ketu 5th & 9th aspects too. At larger extent this Grahdristi say about 80% gives its effect in dasha periods but it does not mean it that it becomes inoperative when the fixed results are taken into consideration.

(3) Rashi Drishti are even superior to Grah Drishti but very few Vedic astrologers are capable to use this Rashi Drishti. One interesting thing to be noted is while considering Rashi Drishti if any Rashi aspects several Rashi then Planets / Planets occupying that aspecting Rashi also aspect the aspected signs and Planets occupying those aspected signs and this put this Rashi Drishti even superior to Grah Drishti.

(4) Let me given two examples to make you all understand about the fixed effect of Rashi Drashti:

(4.1) For Mesh Lagna Simh Rashi occupy 5th house and from there it aspect Chara Mesh Lagna and this makes the person born in Mesh Lagna bold at thinking level and it totally opposes the natural characteristic of Mesh as in natural state a sheep cannot be found as bold as a Simh. This is because of Rashi Drishti of Simh on the Lagna Mesh. Simh Rashi also aspects the 10th house of Mesh Lagna so person having Mesh Lagna also dominates at professional spheres and it is against the Hindi literature’s saying of Bheda Chaal (The movement of Sheeps meaning one sheep is blindly followed by other sheep and so on.

(4.2) For Kark Lagna Vrish Rashi occupy 11th house and from there it aspect Kark Lagna, 4th house and 7th house and since Venuis Badhaka for Kark Lagna and in addition of creating badha to Lagna it also gives Badhaka effect to 4th house (Sukha or comforts) and 7th house (one’s life partner). See the horoscopes of Prabhu Shri Ram, late prime minister of India Pandit Nehru, late prime minster of India Smt. Indira Gandhi and Yogaguru Ramdev.

(5) There is another system of Dristi in Vedic Jyotish and that is Tripatiki Vedha Drishti and very few Vedic astrologers understand it and use it effectively.

Written on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 08:40 AM (IST) by
Vishal Aksh


Also follow the other Links of the Articles written by me on Drishti:

(2) "A Short Note On Drishti (Aspect)….. (Part: II) - an article written by Vishal Aksh: