Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Sunday, November 18, 2018

“About Sun” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

(i) This article written by me was first published on the timeline of my Facebook on Sunday, February 19, 2017 at 11:43 (IST) and points (1), (2), (3), (3.1) and (3.2) of this article written by me were published on the Comments Section of this post on Sunday, March 26, 2017.

(ii) At the end of this Article the Screenshot of this Article written by me and published on the timeline of my Facebook is also introduced. You may also view this Article by clicking the Link:   

ताम्रं स्वर्णं पितृ शुभफलं चात्मसौख्यप्रतापं, धैर्यं शौर्यं समितिविजयं राजसेवा प्रकाशम्।
शैवं कार्यं वनगिरिगतिं होमकार्यप्रवृत्तिं, देवस्थनं कथयतु बुधस्तैक्ष्ण्यमुत्साहमर्कात्॥
[Tamram Swarnam Pitri Shubhphalam Chaatmsauokhhyaprataapam, Dahiryam Samitivijayam Rajsewa Prakasham!
Shaivam Karyam Vangirigatim Homkaarypravritim, Devsthanam Katyatu Budhsthaiksyanyamutsahmarkaat!!]

विवेयुक्त पुरुषो के अनुसार सूर्य की स्तिथि से विचारणीय विषय हैं: तांबा, सोना, पिता के सन्दर्भ में , शुभफल​, आत्मबोध​, सुख​, प्रताप​, धैर्य​, शौर्य​, सभाविजय (शास्त्रार्थ आदि), राजसेवा, प्रकाश​, परमात्मा शिव सम्बन्धित समस्त कृत्य​, वनो एवं पर्वतशृंखलाओं में भ्रमण यज्ञादि कार्यों में प्रवृति व मन्दिर।

(1) Translation Of the Aforesaid Article In English: According to wise men it is from the position of Sun one should consider: Bronze, Gold, all the events about father, auspicious results, knowledge of self, gratification, glory, patience, chivalry, victory in debates, government service, rays, every rituals related to Parmatma Shiva, visiting jungles & hills, inclination towards performing Yagya and Temple.

(2) All the rituals related to Parmatma Shiva should be judged from the Sun. This clearly means that Sun represents Parmatma Shiva. Check your Vinshansh or Panchmansh Charts if you have Sun in 5th house or you have Simh Rashi as the Lagna in your Vinshansh Chart (D20) or Panchmansh Chart (D5) then be sure you have spiritual or philosophical inclination towards Parmatma Shiva.

(3) In the aforesaid article it is said that the Sun represents Aatmbodh (Knowledge of Self). In this way it is so treated on spiritual plane. Continuous upasana of Parmatma Shiva enables mind to understand the Aatma.

(3.1) This Aatmbodh helps astrologers to predict the events even when a horoscope does not reflect that event. This is very important to understand.

(3.2) Now I am sharing my research in this context. Check your Bhansh Chart (D27) if you have Sun in 10th house in your Bhansh Chart then you possess strong instincts of this Aatmabodh.

Screenshot Of The Article Written By Vishal Aksh On The Timeline Of Facebook

Written by

Vishal Aksh 


Sunday, November 11, 2018

“Few Words About Kavach” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) The Kavach was metallic casings worn by warriors in battle fields to protect their bodies in earlier times but here this term Kavach has been used as a divine casing worn to protect physical body, mental body and spiritual body.

(2) There are a number of Kavach described in Vedic literatures and almost all of them are used to remove the bad effect of evil configurations of Planets. The famous Kavach (1) Shri Ganesh Kavach, (2) Devyah (Chandi) Kavach & (3) Gayatri Kavach are asked to recite three times daily in the periods of Sandhya.

(3) Great belief is the requisite qualification to recite Ganesha Kavach and Devyah (Chandi) Kavach on the other hand no such qualification is required to recite Gayatri Kavach but the only qualification required to recite Gayatri Kavach is that the person should have an intellectual mind set so the Guru, Scientists, Astrologers and thinkers can recite this Gayatri Kavach to get practical benefits.

(4) Devyah (Chandi) Kavach is given by Brahma the creator to Vedic rishi Narada and the Gayatri Kavach was given by Brahma the creator to Vedic rishi Vishwamitra. In addition of being a great Vedic rishi Vishwamitra was a great Vedic Scientist who made a Trishanku Swarga in sky between the Prithvi (Earth) and the Swarga (Heaven). Vishwamitra earlier a great Vedic Kshatriya King Vishwarath who after performing Tapasya for many years upgraded to Brahmin by Kartikeya was known as Vishwamitra.

(5) The Ganesha Kavach when recited with devotion gives you materialistic success and also makes your body as strong as possible. All the people having Ganesha as their Kuldevta can recite this Kavach. The person not having Ganesha as their Kuldevta can also recite this Kavach provided Ketu is in their Fifth House in Rashi Chart or in Chalit Chakra or Ketu is in their Lagna, Fifth or Ninth house in their Vinshansh (D20), Panchmansh (D5), Bhansh (D27), Khavedansh (D40), Akshvedansh (D45) and Shysthmansh (D60) Charts. If you are an Athlete or a Player then you should also recite this Ganesha Kavach three times daily in three Sandhya without looking into what your horoscope says.  

(6) Devyah (Chandi) Kavach when recited with full devotion activates all the Rajyoga stored in your Rashi Chart, Chalit Chakra, Dashmansh Chart, Akshvedansh Chart or Shyasthansh Chart provided those Planets causing Rajyoga are well disposed in your Khavedansh Chart (D40). The Punneya obtained on account of its recitation continuously will also enjoyed even by your Children, Grand Children and the all the coming descendants.

(7) If you have Gyana Yoga, Budhaditya Yoga or Guru Yoga in your Rashi Chart, Chalit Chakra, Navansh Chart, Dashmansh Chart, Siddhansh Chart (D24), Trishansh Chart, Bhansh Chart (D27), Akshvedansh Chart or Shyasthasnh Chart then you can also recite Gaytri Kavach to activates these yoga .Continuous recitation of Gayatri Kavach upgrades your intelligence level to higher intelligence level. This Gayatri Kavach is totally Scientific as per Vedic literatures so no belief or devotion is required to recite it.

Written on Sunday, November 11, 2018 at 10:17 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Do Modern Months Exist In Vedic Literatures?

(1) I have seen few people taking keen interests in researching on Vedic Jyotish. A truth seeker should always remain in search of knowledge.

(2) For the entire person here I am sharing some valuable tips about the existence of months like January, February and March in Veda or Vedic literatures. A valuable clue has been given in Bhavishya Purana that the Month Of Phalguna of Vedas is known as “February” in Malechcha Language. The Sanskrit word Malechcha used in Vedic literatures to represent the Westerners and several times for Greeks. This is the greatest clue given in Vedic Bhavishya Purana.

(3) If month (Solar as well as Lunar) Phalguna is February then the next Month March will be Chaitra the starting Month of Vedic Calendar then it can be said that the new Year start Marching from this month i.e. from March. Sun starts transiting 12th Sign i.e. Sidereal Meen from about March 14 to April 14 every year and the Vedic Year starts Marching onwards within this period and this Solar Month is known as Chaitra and the next Lunar Day after the New Moon falling within this period is the first month of Vedic Calendar known as Chaitra Shukla Pratipada or the commencement of Vedic New Year.  

(4) Sanskrit the root language of all the existing languages of the world is used to understand the inner meaning of the origin of the words of other Languages. When counting is done from January the September does not become the Seventh Month of the Year and so is October, November and December. The modern counting is given by Vedic Experts in that light September can be broken into two word I.e. September = Sapt (Seven) + Ambar (The Sky) or the time when Sun starts transiting the Sixth Sign of Sidereal Zodiac  i.e. Kanya Rashi and now a days it is from about September 17 to October 18.

(4.1) Like this October = Oct (The Eighth) + Amber (Sky) or the 8th Month. Sun starts transiting Sidereal Tula from about October 17 to November 17.

(4.2) Similarly, November = Nav (Ninth) + Ambar i.e. the Ninth Month. Sun starts transiting Eighth Sign i.e. Sidereal Vrischika from about November 17 to December 17.     

(4.3) December = Dec (Dec or Tenth) + Ambar (Sky) i.e. the Tenth Month. Sun starts transiting Ninth Sign or Sidereal Dhanur Rashi i.e. from about December 16 to January 14.

(5) Here I would like to say that the Modern Months are nothing but the corrupt Months of Vedic Calendar. They are merely counting of Days and that English word “Day” is also a corrupt word of the original Sanskrit Word “Divas or Diva”

(6) If you are conducting researches on Vedic Jyotish then you should aware that Counting of Days is known as “Ahargana” in ancient Vedic Jyotish which is used to calculate Planetary Positions as per Vedic Methods of Calculations.

(7) Whatever is the meaning of the word Amber in Western Languages but in Sanskrit its meaning is Sky so the understanding of Sanskrit is essential for them who are conducting their researches on Vedic Jyotish or even on Western Astrology and Numerology.

(8) Well this is a small Article but in future I shall write a detailed Article on this subject.

Written on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at 16:46 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh