Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Friday, December 21, 2018

“How Is The Formation Of The Sutras Of Predictive Jyotish?” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

"कैसे होता है फलित ज्योतिषी सूत्रों का निर्माण?" - विशाल अक्ष द्वरा रचित एक लेख

द्वितीयस्थो यदि कुजास्तर्कशास्त्रविशारदः।
तत्रैव च भवेदिन्दु सूत्रज्ञो यज्ञको भवेत्॥
[Dwiteeyastho Yadi Kujastarkshaatrvishardah!
Tatraiv Ch Bhevindu Sutrjo Yajko Bhavet!!]

(१) उपरोक्त श्लोक ज्योतिष के अनुपम ग्रन्थ भावार्थरत्नाकर से है। इस श्लोक का सरल शब्दों में अर्थ कुछ इस प्रकार है, "यदि मंगल द्वितीय भाव में है तो जातक तर्क शास्त्र का अध्यनकर्ता होता है। द्वितीयभावास्थ यदि चन्द्र हो तो जातक पण्डित अथवा पुरोहित होता है।"
(1) The aforesaid Shloka is from an unrivalled Jyotish Text the Bhaavartha Ratnakara. The meaning of this Shloka in simple wordings is, “If Mars in 2nd House then the person learner of the logic. If there be Moon in 2nd House the person is Pandit or Purohita.”    

(२) यदि सूक्ष्मरूप से इस श्लोक का विचार किया जाय तो ज्योतिष में सूत्रों का निर्माण कैसे होता है यह स्पष्ट होता है:
(2) If this Shloka is taken for minute consideration then it reveals how the rules of predictive Jyotish are made:   

(२.१) कुज या मंगल श्री शिवमहापुराण के अनुसार भगवान शिव के पसीने की बूंद के पृथ्वी पर पतन के स्वरूप प्रकट हुआ था एवं ज्योतिष के अनुसार यह मंगल भगवान शिव के पुत्र कार्तिकेय को दर्शाता है। कार्तिकेय देवताओं के सेनापति है जो अपने युद्धकौशल में प्रवीणता के कारण विख्यात है एवं ब्राह्मणो के प्रिय होने के कारण सुब्रह्मण्यम भी कहा जाता है। यह सामान्य ज्ञान है कि बिना वाकचातुर्य के उस वैदिक काल में कोई भी व्यक्ति ब्राह्मणो का प्रिय नही हो सकता था।
(2.1) According to Shri Shiva Mahapurana Kuja or Mangal (Mars) was appeared when a droplet of sweat of Parmatma Shiva fell on earth’s surface and according to Jyotisha this Magal (Mars) represents Shiva’s son Kartikeya. Kartikeya who is famous for his expertise in strategics is the Army Commander of Devta and because of being admired by Brahmins he is known as Subramaniam. This is a common sense that without the cleverness in speech no one could become the admirable of Brahmins in Vedic Era.         

(२.२) जब यहि युद्ध कौशल में प्रवीण मंगल वाकस्थान (द्वितीय भाव) में विराजमान होगा तो सुब्रह्मण्यम होने के कारण वाक में अपने नैसर्गिक गुण तीक्ष्णता से भी संपन्न होगा अतः वाणि में तीक्ष्णता का समावेश करेगा पर इसका अर्थ यह कदापि नही है कि वाणि में अभद्रता का संचार होगा।
(2.2) When this Mangal (Mars) being expertise in strategics sits in 2nd house then also being Subramaniam it will also be endowed with its natural character of Sharpness so it will include Sharpness to Speech but it does not mean there will be the flow of indecency in the speech.        

(२ .३) वाकस्थान में विराजमान मंगल अपनी विशेष दृष्टियों से बुद्धि के भाव पंचम भाव एवं मर्यादा (धर्माचरण) के भाव नवम भाव से प्रसारित करेगा। यह सूक्ष्म रूप से विचार करने का विषय है कि इस स्थति में मंगल पंचम भाव से दशम एवं नवम भाव से छटे भाव में होगा जो इन दोनो भावों से शुभ स्थिति को दर्शाता है अतैव अपनी विशेष दृष्टियों (४थी एवं ८वी) के माध्यम से वाक स्थान को बोध एवं मर्यादा प्रदान करेगा।
(2.3) The sitting down of Mangal (Mars) in the house of speech aspects 5th house the house of intelligence and 9th House the house of limits (Vedic Religious Duties). This is the subject of minute consideration that under such situations Mangal (Mars) will be 10th from 5th house and 6th from 9th house and that indicates auspicious position from these two houses so it will give to the Speech Of House the comprehension and limits on account of its special Aspects (4th & 8th).       

(२.४) बोध एवं मर्यादा का जब वाणि में समावेश हो जाता है तब इस अवस्था में मंगल द्वितीयस्थ हो जातक को तर्कशास्त्र में निपुण कर तार्किक बना देता है।
(2.4) Whenever there is the inclusion of comprehension and limits in speech then under such situation if Mangal (Mars) sits in 2nd house then it makes a person Logician after making him well versed in Rules Of Logic  

(३) वैदिक साहित्यानुसार चन्द्रमा के पिता ऋषि अत्रि थे अतः चन्द्रमा को ब्राह्मणत्व के संस्कार अपने पिता ऋषि अत्रि से प्राप्त है तथा यहि चन्द्रमा प्रथम ब्राह्मण ब्रह्मदेव के भी अवतार है। ज्योतिष ग्रंथो के अनुसार द्वितीय भाव आस्तिकता को भी दर्शाता है। अतैव द्वितीयभावास्थ होकर चन्द्रदेव जातक को पण्डित अथवा पुरोहित बना देंगे। यहि उपरोक्त श्लोक की अन्तिम पंक्ति का भाव है।
(3) According to Vedic Literature rishi Atri was the father of Chandrama (Moon) so Chandrama (Moon) got the Brahmin Sanskara from his father rishi Atri and this Chandrama (Moon) is the Avatara of Brhmadeva. According to texts on Vedic Jyotish 2nd house also indicates Vedic Theism. Thus while in 2nd house Chanderadeva (Moon) will make a person Pandit or Purohita. This is the gist of the last line of the aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka.      

Written on Friday, December 21, 2018 at 18:11 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh


Sunday, December 16, 2018

"Rahu & Ketu" - An article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) It was perhaps many centuries before creation as per Vedic literatures when the existence of Brhama (The divine creator and the profounder of the Gyana (True knowledge)) occurred and then Brhmadeva saw Vishnu (The divine preserver and the operator of the universe) and because of getting superiority both of them started grappling and suddenly a mighty Shiva linga appeared with a aakashvaani that between them who would see the top or bottom of that Linga will be declared as superior.

(2) That Shivalinga was up to Ardra Nakshatra (As described in Vedic literatures) in Mithuna Rashi (As per Vedic Jyotish) and its other end was in Moola Nakshatra (Nowhere it is given just common sense) in Dhanur Rashi. Ardra nakshatra is ruled by Rahu and its presiding deity is Shiva and Moola nakshatra is ruled by Ketu according to Vedic Jyotish.

(3) So it can be understood that the Rahu and Ketu are the two extreme points of the divine Shiva Linga.

(4) Neither Vishnu nor Brhama reached the bottom and top of that divine Shiva Linga so the Rahu and Ketu are beyond the reach of Vishnu and Brhama. Thus Ardra Nakshtra indicates the highest glory of Parmatma Shiva within known limits and that is why in Vedic Jyotish Ardra Nakshatra is considered to be the Nakshatra ruled by Shiva.

(5) Astrologer with pure devotion towards Shiva (The deity of Rahu), Shakti (Parvati or Durga devoted by person under the influence of Rahu) and Ganesha (the deity of Ketu) can only understand the inner meanings of Rahu and Ketu.

Written by
Vishal Aksh

The aforesaid Article written by me was also published in my Facebook Public Group on Wednesday, June 8, 2016 at 11:09 (IST). Follow link: to view it there also