Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

“Body The Abode Of Diseases” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) This article is being written for all research minded astrologers. The very first thing needed in conducting research is the philosophical understanding of that concerned subject over which the research is to be conducted.

(2) The modern pattern of research is different but I always use a simple process while conducting any research concerning Vedic Jyotish. Whenever I understand any phenomenon in terms of Planetary language and then I apply it to a number of Horoscopes and if that is found valid I try to predict on that basis and after getting successful predictions on that basis and the next very thing is to find that in Vedic sources such as Vedas, Upnishadas, Puranas, Ramayana, Mahabharta and similar Vedic Texts for its documentations. If that is found there I accept as the completion of my research work and till now I am doing that. I am sure every research minded astrologer will get necessary insights from it.

(3) “Any research conducted concerning Vedic Jyotish if not exists in Vedic sources as a reference cannot be treated a research on Vedic Jyotish even though it is result giving” – this is to be understood by every researcher of Vedic Jyotish.

(4) For the benefits of all of you in forthcoming paragraphs I will share few parts of my researches conducted relating to diseases and their occurrences as per Vedic Jyotish.

(5) It was since from my childhood whenever I heard about the spreading of any epidemic or similar cases about heart attacks on a particular day etc. every time a thought appeared in my mind that the body is an abode of diseases and no one is free from diseases.

(6) In years 1991 to 1992 when I studied various texts on Vedic Jyotish through self efforts and also judged a number of horoscopes and found that the Mahadasha of Sun in general gives one eye diseases and irregular heartbeats etc.

(6.1) Moon’s Mahadasha gives depression, cold fever, problems relating to cough and malaria etc, acidity, unknown fears, feelings of untimely death.

(6.2) The Mahadasha of Mars gives piles, anger, high fever and accidents etc, diseases related to bile and loss of good conduct etc.

(6.3) Mercury’s Mahadasha gives one problems relating to memory, headache and the sudden use of abusive language etc,

(6.4) Jupiter’s Mahadasha gives diseases relating to heart, over corpulence and hepatitis etc.

(6.5) Venus Mahadasha gives diseases relating to water, urine, eyes, eye flu, diabetes, dental diseases and frequent night discharges etc.

(6.6) Saturn’s Mahadasha gives diseases like problems relating to joints, knees, ankles, windy complaints and feeling of loneliness etc.

(6.7) Rahu’s Mahadasha gives fractures on account of accidents, windy complaints, Knee problems, dental problems and wrong judgment of diseases even by expert doctors.

(6.8) Ketu’s Mahadasha give accidents, piles, escaping from responsibilities, diseases on account of bitten by poisonous creatures such as mosquitoes and dogs etc.

(6.9) The Mahadasha of Moon, Mercury, Rahu & Ketu can also give psychic and psychological diseases.

(6.10) These observations led me to refine the statement made by me in my childhood regarding a body that the body is an abode of diseases and no one is free from diseases but it is the time that decides the nature of disease one suffers from. It was decided by me in year 1991 or in 1992.

(7) Years after years my researches on this started advancing and I found that planets in 6th, 8th and 12th houses in Shasthansh Chart (D6), Ashtmansh Chart (D8), Trishansh Chart (D30, both types) and Shyastansh Chart (D60) give diseases without fail in their concerned effective periods but I was not able to find the statement made by me about body and disease in clear manner in any Vedic literature.

(8) To understand Ayur Bhava (8th Bhava) more precisely I decided to study first part of Charak Simhata a rare text on Ayurveda through self efforts and there I found a number of terms used in Vedic Jyotish such as practical applicability of theory of Karma, functioning of brain in terms of Satvik, Rajsik and Tamsik nature and many more were dealt in detail and that helped me more to understand Vedic Jyotish but I did not find the references of my statement about body and disease in a very clear manner.

(9) It was in year 2008 when I visited Hardwar (Haridwar) with my wife, son and daughter. It was the divine insight of Parmatma Shiva and Bhagwati Parvati that unknowingly I purchased Bhavishya Purana and in one night stay in Hardwar I read that Bhavishya Purana.

(9.1) And what I found was amazing. In one of the Chapter of Bhavishya Purana there was a dialogue between Krishana Vasudeva and Krishana Dwapayana. Everyone knows about Krishana the avatara of Vishnu but few people know that in Mahabharta there were two Krishana one the lord Krishana who gave the updesa of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta to the Arjuna and other was lord Krishana Dwayapayana from whose tongue the entire Mahabharta appeared and that Krishana Dwayapayana the son of rishi Parashara (The vedic author of Vishnu Purana and Brihit Parashar Hora Shaastra) was also known as Ved Vyasa. In forthcoming Paragraph (9.2) the divine dialogues between these two lords are being described as given in Bhavishya Purana:

(9.2) Bhagwan Shrikrishana says, “O Mahamune! Please be kind to describe all the acquired knowledge of Bhojaka”

Lord Vyasa said:
अस्थिस्थूलं स्नायुयुतं मांसशोणितलेपन्।
चर्मावनद्धं दुर्गन्धिपूर्णं मूत्रपुरीषयो॥
[Asthisthulam Sanaayuyutam Maansshonitlepanam
Charmavandham Durgandhipurnam Mutrpurishyo]

जराशोकसमाविष्टं रोगायतनमातुरम्।
रजस्वलमनित्यं च भूतावासमिमं त्यजेत्॥
[Jarashoksamavistham Rogaaytanmaatrum
Rajaswalamnityam Ch Bhootaavaasamimam Tyajet]

Lord Vyasa said, “This body rests on bones, it is winded with nerves and muscles, it is filled with flesh & blood and covered by skin. The body is filled with foul smelling sludge”

Lord Vyasa further said, “The body is the abode of ripe old age, sorrows and all the diseases and they appear with time. The body contains Rajoguna etc & is short lived and it also contains the organization of five basic elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Ether) so there so fascination towards body should be avoided.”

(9.3) From the dialogues between two Vedic legends as described in Bhavishya Purana written in centuries ago I got the validity of my statement and research that the body is an abode of diseases and no one is free from diseases but it is the time that decides the nature of disease one suffers from.

Written by
Vishal Aksh

(The aforesaid Article written by me was published on Sunday, August 13, 2017 at 19:15 (IST) first on the timeline of my Facebook. Follow link: to view it there)