Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Sunday, April 8, 2018

“Shiva The Only True Healer” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) In Vedic literature Sun is supposed to be visible Deva (God) and Shiva as invisible Deva and both of them supposed to be the great healers but some confusions occur regarding the superiority of healing power between these two great Vedic Healers. In this context I am sharing from what I have gained from my more than 27 years of my spiritual experiences in the forthcoming paragraphs:

(2) In Bhavishaya Purana it is written that Shiva is the Aadideva of Surya (Sun) and Parvati is the Aadideva of Chanderma (Moon) so what are the divine orders from Parmatma Shiva are reflected through Sun.

(3) In Kaalchakra Adhya of Jataka Paarijaata there is an episode where there are some dialogues between Parmatma Shiva and Bhgwati Parvati.

(3.1) प्रणम्य परमात्मानं शिवं परमकारणम ।
खेचारिचक्रमध्यस्थं चतुःषष्ठिकलात्मकम ॥१॥
[Pranamy Parmatmaanam Shivam Paramkaranam
Khecharichakramadhyastham Chatuhshashthikalatmak ॥१॥]

(3.2) हिन्दी अनुवाद: - ग्रहमण्डल के मध्य खडे चौसठ कलाऔं से युक्त सकल वस्तुओं के परमकारण परमात्मा शिव को प्रणाम करके

(3.3) Translation In English: After bowing before the Parmatma Shiva with all the sixty four Kelaas and who is standing at the Centre of Solar System

(3.4) पप्रच्छ देवदेवेशमीश्वरं सर्वमंगला।
कालचक्रगतिं सर्वा विस्तारद्वद मे प्रभो ॥२॥

[Pprachch devdeveshmeswaram Sarvamangala
Kaalchakra Gatim Sarva Vistaardvad mea Prabho॥२॥

(3.5) हिन्दी अनुवाद: - देवी सर्वमंगला पार्वति ने देवाधिदेवमहादेव शिव से पूछा, "हे प्रभु! मुझसे सविस्तार कालचक्रगति का वर्णन करो

(3.6) Translation In English: Devi Sarvamangala Parvati asked Devedhipati Parmatma Shiva about the very details of Kaalchakra Gati.

(3.7) ईश्वर उवाच: -
अहमादित्यरुपोऽसि चन्द्रं त्वां संप्रचक्षते।
संयोगेन वियोगेन जगत्स्थावरजंगमम्॥३॥
Ishwara (Shiva) says
[Ahamaadityaruposi Chandram Twaam Smprachakshte
Sanyogen Viyogen Jagatsthavarjangamam3]

(3.8) हिन्दी अनुवाद: - परमात्मा शिव बोले, "हे देवी! मैं सूर्य रुप हूँ एवं तुम एक घोषित चन्द्र रुपा हो। यह समस्त चल एवं अचल वस्तुओं से युक्त जगत सूर्य एवं चन्द्र के संयोग (युति या अमावस्या) एवं वियोग (पूर्णिमा) से स्थापित है"
Translation In English: Ishwara (Parmatma Shiva) answered Parvati that he is of the format of Sun (Surya) and she is the declared format of Moon and the entire world with movable and immovable things is situated on account of their living together (Conjunction or New Moon) and living apart (Opposition or Full Moon)] 

(3.9) निष्कर्ष: - हे ज्योतिष विद्यार्थीयों! यदि आप श्लोक संख्या ॥१॥ व इसके सरलार्थ पर अपना ध्यान केन्द्रित करे तो आप सरलता से समझ जायेंगे कि परमात्मा शिव को ग्रहमण्डल के मध्य वर्णित किया गया है एवं श्लोक संख्या ॥३॥व इसके सरलार्थ पर अपना ध्यान केन्द्रित करे तो उसमें परमात्मा शिव ने स्वयं को सूर्य घोषित किया है तो यह पूर्णतयः स्पष्ट होजाता है कि सूर्य हि ग्रहमण्डल के मध्य वर्णित किया गया है तो यह प्रमाणित होता है कि ईसवी सन १४२६ तक भारतीय वैदिक गणितज्ञो एवं दैवज्ञो को सौरकेन्द्रीय प्रतिरूप का पूर्णरुपेण ज्ञान था एवं ईसवी सन १५४३ में पाश्चात्य वैज्ञानिकों ने इस तथ्य को स्वीकार किया।
English Translation: O Students Of Vedic Jyotish! If you concentrate on Sanskrit Shloka 1 and its translation then you will easily understand that the situation of Parmatma Shiva is described at the centre of the solar system and by concentrating on Sanskrit Shloka 3 and its translation in that Parmatma Shiva declared himself as Sun so it becomes clear that it is the Sun who is described at the centre of the solar system hence it is proved that up to year 1426 Indian Vedic Mathematicians and Astrologers had the perfect knowledge about Heliocentric Model and this fact was accepted by Western scientists in year 1543.

(3.10) Whatever has been written under (3) to (3.9) is from the article: सौरकेन्द्रीय प्रतिरूप (Heliocentric Model) written by me on Monday, March 14, 2016 on my Hindi Facebook Page. Follow link: to view this complete article.

(4) Like Bhavishya Purana Vedic Jyotish also recommends the consideration of Sun as Parmatma Shiva but only up to its existence in this Cosmos. Sun has a definite life and after that it merges into Avyakt (Bhrama) but Parmatma Shiva is also known as Mritunjay or the Conqueror of The Death and Mahakaal or the Destroyer of Kaal (Time and Death) and he never dies and he remains even after the destruction of Anantkoti Bhrmanda (Infinite Universes).

(4.1) In Shri Shiv Mahapurana it is written that once Prajapati Daksha cursed Chandrama (Moon) and on account of that curse Chandrama (Moon) suffered from Tuberculosis and through the divine inspirations Chandrama (Moon) started reciting Mritunjay Mantra and on account of that Chandrama (Moon) got the blessings of Parmatma Shiva and also got cured. According to Vedic literatures all the incurable diseases are the results of evil Karma performed and also due to various Shraapaa (Curses). Parmatma Shiva when devoted removes all the incurable diseases and Shraapaa.

(4.2) For the benefits of all of you I am sharing my experiences in this context. In the Year 1989 I suffered from incurable eye disease and doctors declared that eye disease incurable and several doctors warned me that my eyes would not support me but by the grace of Parmatma Shiva and Bhagwati Parvati all the doctors proved wrong and still at this age of 50 years my Eyes are fine with good eyesight. In about September / October 1995 I suffered from acute depression and in the year 1996 doctors declared that incurable in lifetime and that continued up to year 2006 in full measures but by the grace of Parmatma Shiva and Bhagwati Parvati I was able to control it right from year 1997 to year 2005 up to lesser extent and that helped me to conduct my extensive researches in the field of Vedic Jyotish and from year 2005 to year 2010 up to greater extent. It was year 2011 or year 2012 when the acute depression from which I was suffering from years disappeared almost completely. Here too Doctors proved completely wrong. I am sure everyone reading this article will get necessary insights from it. The recitation of Mritunjay mantra proved divine medicine for me to get rid of that depression.

(5) In Rig Vedas the following mantra is given for Parmatma Shiva in context of his healing powers:

ॐ क्व स्य ते रुद्र! मृडयाकुर्हस्तो यो अस्ति भेषजो जलाषः ।
अपभर्ता रपसो दैव्यस्याभी नु मा वृषभ! चक्षमीथाः ॥
[Om kva esya te Rudra! Mridyakurhasto yo asti bhesjo jalaashyo
Apbhart rapso deevyesyabhi nu ma Vrishabh chakshmeethah ]

(5.1) The meaning of aforesaid Rig Vedic Mantra is as follows:

O Rudra! Where is your famous hand? That hand removes all the diseases and thus makes us healthy this hand always devoted to bless all peace and relief.

O Vrishabha! The symbol of fulfilment of all desires! Pardon all the human being by removing all the sins done by them under the influence of divine Maya and bless all the forgiveness.   

(5.1) In the Rigavedic Mantra as described under (5) the healing power of Parmatma Shiva is witnessed in the form of therapeutic touch and his blessings.

(6) In Rudra Sukta the following Mantra is very significant:

(6.1) अध्योवोचद् अधिवक्ता प्रथमो दैव्यो भिषक्।
अहींश्च सर्वान् जृम्भयन् त्सर्वाश्च यातुधान्योधराचीः परासुव॥
[Adhyovochad Adhivakta Prathmo Daivyo Bhishak
Ahinsh Sarvaan jrimbhyen tsarvaash Yaatudhaanyodharaachih Parasuva]

(6.2) In Vedic Mantra described under (6.1) प्रथमो दैव्यो भिषक् or “Prathmo Daivyo Bhishak” appears to indicate first divine doctor. भिषक् or Bhishak in Sanskrit stands for an expert who gives भेषज or Bhesaj (Medicine) to patients to heal them.

Written by
Vishal Aksh

(The aforesaid article written by me was published on Thursday, August 3, 2017 on the timeline of my Facebook. Follow link: to view this there.)