Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Mutual Aspect Between Exalted Saturn and Exalted Sun

Many times several person put a question before me that what does happen when in any horoscope there is mutual aspect between exalted Saturn & exalted Sun? It is taken as very negative generally. This appears to be simple question but difficult to answer.

It is supposed that if any planet is found exalted in any horoscope than that planet possesses its full qualities which it signifies and when it is 180deg. From Sun than it becomes retrograde and also forms aspectual relationship with Sun. When Sun is found exalted it generally means exalted aatma with Satwik guna and when Saturn is exalted than it means grapple between justice and injustice within the predominance of Tamas guna.

At this very position Sun throws its divine light over Saturn and the clashes between justice and injustice gets a turn here with the divine light of Sun justice gets strength and starts dominating over injustice and in the exalted sign of Saturn and by the grace of parmatma Shiva the Justice wins and implements the famous mantra of upnishad “Satyamev Jayetae” or “Ultimately The Truth Wins”

In Ramayana it is written that Sri Ram, Bharat, Lakshman & Shatrughan in their horoscopes had this combination of the mutual aspect between exalted Sun & exalted Saturn. With the effect of this combination the clashes between satya & asatya started and finally Sri Rama had been exiled along with Sita and Laksmana and on the other hand Bhrat along with Shatrughan started leading the life of sage and on simhasana the khadaun (a kind of wooden sleepers) of the feet of sri Ram were put. Here one should note that feet also signified by Saturn. Here the dominance of exalted Saturn in the form of khadaun of Shri Rama took the significant position and the Sun in the form of King came under that and this was the first episode of this combination.

In second episode the then world conqueror Ravana came into play and the battle between justice and injustice started. The Justice signified by sri Ram fought against injustice signified by Ravana and the Sun signifying parmatma Shiva blessed sri Rama to defeat Ravana.

From Ramayana the results of the mutual aspect between exalted Saturn & exalted Sun can be understood.
In year 2003 I analyzed the horoscope of a person and in one of the divisional chart of the horoscope of that person I saw mutual aspect between Saturn & Sun and when I asked if he had any confrontation with higher authorities and he totally surprised and appreciated me for my analysis about his horoscope.
Even if only mutual aspect between Saturn & Sun is found in the horoscope of a person than this mutual aspect at professional level creates his differences with authorities especially this aspect exists in one’s dashmansh chart (D10).
The existence of this mutual aspect in siddhansh chart (D24) in any person’s horoscope makes his differences with school / college authorities.
If this mutual aspect exists in the bhansh chart (D27) in any person’s horoscope than that person have frequent clashes with his elders and seniors.
Regular recitation of Gayatri Mantra removes the negative effects of this mutual aspect.

Written by
Vishal Aksh


(The aforesaid article written by me was first published on February 23, 2014 at 03:37 (IST) on the timeline of my Facebook. Follow link: to view it there)