Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

"A Short Note On Drishti (Aspect) - an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) If you apply your common sense you will find that there are two types of Dristi (Aspects) any human can have:
(i) Bhyaay Dristi: It is External aspect used to visualize physical objects in this world and even in this universe. You see tree, animal, Stars and yourself in a reflecting surface like Mirror etc. If you have good external sight you can visualize smaller things also. The Vedic Jyotish is based on common sense and Vedic Literature and this External Aspect is taken into consideration in (1) Rashi Chart, (2) Chalit Chakra and (3) Mathematical Aspects (as per Drishti Bala in Shadbala) and this is useful to calculate apparent results assuming no external force will oppose the calculated results to manifest.
(ii) Antar Dristi: It is Internal Aspect and nobody can deny this aspect. It is the most powerful Aspect. In Mahabharata it is written that Sanjay had this kind of Sight and he was able to see the entire battle of Mahabharta and he well explained it before the King Dhritrashtra. Every human has this Antar Drishti or Internal Aspect. As an exercise just close your eyes and concentrate in the middle of your eyebrows and if you have good Internal sight then soon you see a circle of light. This indicates your internal light or spiritual light. The Divisional Charts are based on the Vedic Law which states, "Yeta Pinde Tata Brhmande" which means a smaller object even like Anu(an atom) is similar to a Brahmanda (Universe)
According to that Vedic dictum every living being has a complete Brahmand in it. Similarly Every Rashi (Zodiacal Sign) has a complete universe represented by the group of other Rashi (Zodiacal Sign) in itself and it is the basis of the concept of Divisional Charts and if there is Drisgti (Aspect) concept working in Rashi Chart, Chalit Chakra or Mathematical Aspects as Externally then it must work as Internal Aspect in Divisional Charts.
People with rich Internal Sight become rich in spirituality and anyone of such person is able to see Parmatma (God) in the similar way the Divisional Aspect gives clear indication about all the hidden aspect. Astrologers very rich in spirituality can understand it properly.
(2) Vedic Jyotish is not like a modern science. Vedic Jyotish is an applied form of spirituality which relates spirituality with materialism.
(i) Astrologer intending to get true knowledge must read Ancient texts on Vedic Jyotish by ignoring translations and commentaries and he should read in Sanskrit only.
(ii) About 90% of translations of Sanskrit Texts on Vedic Jyotish have errors in their translations or suffered on account of the views of translator or Astrologer.
(3) Always remember Jyotish is a practical subject which advocates predictions and if anyone appreciates it in theoretical form then be sure either he is misguiding you or he himself is misguided.

Written on Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 10:49 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh