Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Saturday, May 19, 2018

“Aatm Manthana” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) In this small article I am sharing my researches on Aatm Manthana though there may be several other combinations resulting in Aatm Manthana as described in forthcoming paragraphs

(2) In Vedic era Samudra Mnathana took place to get Amrita and the two most important pillars of that Samudra Manthana were Shiva who protected the creation by drinking Halala which came out as a side effect of that Samudra Manthana and Vishnu who in his Kurma Avataara acted as a base for Mandrachal Parvata. 

(3) In Planetary terms Sun represents Parmatma Shiva and Saturn represents the Kurma Avataara. In case of Aatma Manthana too these two Planets are significant. Shiva the Mritunjai (Sun) and Vishnu the protractor of life (Saturn signifies Ayu). Saturn also signifies Vrikati from worldly affaires and Aasakti towards Parmatma Shiva represented by Sun through unusual approaches like challenges, researching, performing Yoga etc.

(4) Check your Vedic Horoscope in that if you find Saturn’s aspect over Sun then it is an indication that you have an inbuilt mechanism of Aatm Manthana but it is operative or not there is no guarantee.

(4.1) If you find in your Panchmansh Chart (Cyclic D5) Sun under the aspect of Saturn then the mechanism of Aatm Mantha will work even if it does not exist in your Rashi Chart.

(4.2) If you find in your Vinshansh Chart Sun under the aspect of Saturn the mechanism of Aatm Munthans works without fail even if it does not exist in your Rashi Chart or Panchmansh Chart.

(4.3) If you find in your Bhansh Chart (also known as Saptvinshansh Chart or Nakshatransh Chart and symbolized as D27) Sun under the aspect of Saturn you have wonderful mechanism of Aatm Manthan even if it does not exist in your Rashi Chart, Panchmansh Chart and Vinshansh Chart. You came in this world to activate the Mechanism of Aatma Manthana for others too.

(4.4) If either between Sun and Saturn becomes your Chara Aatmakarka you have the superior Mechanism of Aatm Manthan. If not any Planet holding the rank of Chara Aatmakarka should conjoined either one of them.

(4.5) As per my experience &researches of more than 28 years in the field of Vedic Jyotish there is no doubt in saying that the aspects as per Vedic Jyotish work in Divisional Charts too and this is very important to understand.

(4.6) The aspect of Saturn over Sun in foregoing paragraph are Vedic aspect. Saturn has 3rd and 10th aspect in addition to 7th aspect. In almost all the literatures of predictive Vedic Jyotish aspects are considered as sign to sign not degree wise so the aspect should be considered in Divisional Charts too. The aspects considering the degrees are used to calculate Shadabala and Bhava Bala.

(5) A human body consists of 75% of water so the concept of Samudra Manthana also applies to it and the Samudra Mantha at individual level turns to Aatm Manthana.

Written by
Vishal Aksh

(The aforesaid Article written by me on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at 12:02 (IST) was published on the timeline of my Facebook on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at 12:03 (IST). Follow link: to view it there.)