Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Monday, May 28, 2018

“Jyotish – Vastu – Numerology & Palmistry” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) On various sites everyone see well established so called multi talented astrologers. A talented astrologer deserves appreciations if he is only astrologer but what happens when an astrologer claims himself as expert in Vastu, Numerology and other occult subjects? This is very simple to answer that either that astrologer is over smart or confused.

(2) Try to understand it minutely numerology (Vedic) is a part of Vedic Jyotish but this Vedic Numerology is different from modern numerology. An expert of Vedic numerology only has his identity as Vedic Astrologer as here his expertise in Vedic Numerology merges into Jyotish. Vedic Numerology is a part of Vedic Jyotish and not a separate subject.

(2.1) For the benefits of all of you I am sharing the numbers 1 to 9 coming under the dominion of Planets. As per Vedic Numerology no. 1 is ruled by Sun, 2 by Mars, 3 by Jupiter, 4 by Mercury, 5 by Venus, 6 by Saturn, 7 by Moon, 8 by Rahu and 9 by Ketu and it is different from modern numerology except 1 ruled by Sun and 3 ruled by Jupiter. This every research minded astrologer needs to keep in mind.

(2.2) In modern numerology due to the few days differences between Gregorian and Julian Calendars the two different ruling numbers occur in case of person born under Julian Calendar when changed to Gregorian Calendar. Here this modern numerology appears impractical.

(2.3) Modern Numerology does not give any basis in allotting the numbers to various Planets.

(2.4) Modern Numerology considers English Alphabets not the alphabets of Devnaagri Sanskrit whose Swara & Vyanjana are directly connected with Parmatma and also have definite meaning e.g. कः (Who), यः (That), सः (He), खं (Sky), च (And) and वा (Or) they are many more like that. In modern numerology this greatness of Sanskrit words has been disregarded and superiority of Malechch Bhasa (English) over Sanskrit has been taken into account. Astrologers are playing with the innocent person for earning sudden gains. Let me make it more clear there are three different words but they have same spelling in English…. कृष्ण (Krishana, it means black), कृष्णः (Krishana, it means Lord Krishana) & कृष्णा (Krishana, but it means Draupadi). You have seen the inner meaning of words completely changes when they are written in English script. People should avoid seeking remedies based at modern numerology.

(2.5) I know person practising modern numerology will be disheartened on reading this article but they should understand it seriously for their better future too in long run.

(2.6) The approach of Vedic Numerology is divine and pure and it can be understood by regularly reciting certain mantras of Shiva & Parvati.

(2.7) I have written an exclusive article: “How To Predict Without Horoscope” to dignify Vedic Numerology and that was an on line fulfilled prediction too. Follow link:…/how-to-predict-withou…/ to view that article written by me for clear understandings of Vedic Numerology. You will see that Vedic Numerology comes under Jyotish and it is not a separate thing.

(3) The understandings of Vedic Jyotish is a subject of common sense and a serious study of Vedic literature and its predictive side is a subject based on  researches with divine approach. It takes a minimum of 90 hours for me to judge a single horoscope. What I mean to say that it is a complete subject and no other Vidya is required in its support. Astrologers who cannot devote such huge time to read a horoscope generally becomes Vastu Consultant cum Astrologer to get easy going

(3.1) One thing goes in their favour that practising Vaastu they are able to purify their hearts though unknowingly as Vaastu and heart both relate to 4th house and so in several cases their predictions come true but they should keep this in mind that their fulfilled predictions are due to their pure heart not on account of their astrological judgements.

(3.2) Vaastu too has some portions of Jyotish like Karmakanda Khanda of Vedic rituals. But Vedic Jyotish has its superiority over Vaastu. If one has in his horoscope damaged 4th house then what Vaastu does in his case?

(3.3) In ancient India the Cities were officially designed on the basis of the rules of Vaastu but nowadays they are not designed as per Vaastu. In those days Vedic Aacharan was followed by society but nowadays this Vedic Aacharan is rarely found to be followed in any society so the rules of Vaastu if followed in constructional works or as remedies prove fruitless or may even result in side effect. Every Vaasu researcher and expert should keep this in mind for his own health as well as his client’s health in long run. I am sure no one has read Sanskrit texts on Vaastu in their original form and most of the Vaastu experts studied Vaastu through translated works and commentaries.

(4) Palmistry in modern form relates to Skin and thus is an inferior subject and this is for them who devote Khudra Devta and recite Khudra Mantra such as Karan Pischani Mantra and like that. It should be avoided by astrologers for their better health and fortunes at every cost.

(4.1) There is a subject which is known as Astro Palmistry and this too needs the devotion of Khudra devta and reciting of Khudra Mantra. It is the correlation between Jyotish and Palmistry and it should be avoided at every cost.

(4.2) But there is a subject known as Saamudrika Shaastra and it deals with the relationship between Planetary Cabinet with entire human body setup. It is a complete subject like Vedic Jyotish but it needs deep researches. The Vedic Rishi Narada was the greatest expert of this subject. It appears to be similar to astro palmistry but it only appears in fact it is quite different and when this subject is practised with purity it removes all the curses coming out due to practising of palm readings and astro palmistry.

Written by
Vishal Aksh


(The aforesaid article written by me on Friday, August 11, 2017 at 19:51 (IST) was first published on the timeline of my Facebook on Friday, August 11, 2017 at 19:53 (IST). Follow link: to view it there)