Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Thursday, June 14, 2018

"The Dharma" - written by Vishal Aksh

[This Article written by me on August 1, 2017 was published on the timeline of my Facebook on August 1, 2017 at 11:53 (IST). Follow link: to view it there]

"Knowledge Comes From Learning and Wisdom Comes From Living" - An Immature Statement Made By An Astrologer which I saw in Facebook News Feed on August 1, 2017

"Knowledge Comes From Tapa and Learning Comes From Practising" - A Valid Vedic (Puranic) Statement.

Several years before an intellectual told me when Knowledge is made transferable it becomes Vidya


[This Article written by me on Wednesday, August 30, 2017 at 02:07 (IST) was first published on the timeline of my Facebook on Wednesday, August 30, 2017 at 02:09 (IST). Follow link: to view it there]

(1) it is very shocking that we all Hindus who once gave Dharma to this Globe do not understand it at present. For your awakening here are few points written in forthcoming paragraphs concerning the Dharma:

(2) The very meaning of Dharma indicates Satya, Vaishnava, Sanatana or Hindu.

(3) Shaivas, Vaishnava (in present form), Saura and Shakta are Sampradaya or somewhat school of thoughts and they are not meant for a common man as they are for experts only. The joining of various Sampraday and so called Sampraday by common men resulted in the formation of different societies and the ignorance of folks deviates the mankind from the concept of Vasudevkutumbakam (The entire earth is one family)

(4) Whereas Dharma unites the mankind.

(5) The Dharma has two major classifications 

(i) Lokik: It includes all the rituals connected from birth to death. It strengthens one’s moral and social characters on the basis of truth. 

(ii) Alokik: It includes all the Vedic spiritual practices such as Japa, Tapa and Yoga etc to attain Moksha and to make the roads for superior worlds after the finish of one’s role in this Mritu Loka (The earth)

(iii) It is highly essential to understand the Dharma and ignoring Sampraday.


[This article written by me on Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at 22:30 (IST) was first published on the timeline of my Facebook on Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at 22:39 (IST). Follow link: to view it there] 

(1) Dharma gives you the way and spiritual insights to build your realistic image and impart you the position of trust provided you have seriously followed it. Sampredayavaad in modern times removes the inventive and godly thoughts from your mind and creates the figure of head of Sampradaay in your mind and with the passage of time that figure controls your mind and souls.

(2) The divine concept of Guru is followed in the learning period such as Sadhana, Education and like but Dharma never allows the entrance of Guru, Sadhu or similar person in your family and social life.

(3) Students of Jyotish know that Jupiter & Venus are two Guru and in female’s horoscope Jupiter signifies her husband and in male’s horoscope Venus signifies his wife. Out of Jupiter and Venus the Jupiter is the true Guru so the husband of a female is her true Guru and she does not require any Guru. In Shiva Purana it is written that without the permission of her husband a lady should not worship Shiva the Parmatma. In case of man his wife acts as his best guide and in confusing situations it is better for a man to take advice of his wife and this the second Guru Venus (Shukra) reflects.

(4) Nowadays the people have forgotten the real concept of Guru on account of this spreading Saampradayavaad. I am trying here to tell you the very concept of Guru as described in Dharma but before that keep in mind a common man with Dharmic and Karmic approaches leading a simple and meaningful family life is many times greater than a Sadhu, Mahent or head of Sampradaaya.

(5) A well qualified person who performs the Upnayan Sanskaar of his disciple and teaches his disciple about Rahasya (Yagya, Vidya & Upnishida), Kalpa and Vedas is known as Aacharya. You can see all the so called Aacharya do not have this qualification.

(6) A well qualified person teaches his disciple a part of Veda or Vedanga for his livelihood is known as Upadhyaya.

(7) A well qualified person under whose guidance all the Shodash Sanskaara are to be performed is called Guru

(8) A well qualified person who performs Agnishtom, Agnihotra and Pakyagyaadi Karma is known as Ritiwik.

(9) A well qualified person who is well versed in 18 purana, Ramayana, Vishnu Dharma (Dharma when viewed from Vishnu philosophy), Shiva Dharma (Dharma when viewed from Shiva philosophy), Mahabharata and Shroota and Smarta is known as Mahaguru. Merely the expertise in Bhagwata or Shiva Purana cannot make a person Mahaguru. A learned person heading any Sampradaya cannot be a Guru. The Guru is above all the Sampradaya. That Guru should be able to give Shaiv Mantra and Vaishnav mantra whichever fit on his disciple as per that Guru.

(10) In Veda there is a great Mantra:

ॐ अग्ने! व्रतपते! व्रतं चरिष्यामि, तच्छकेयं तन्मे राध्यताम्।
[Om Agne! Vratpate! Vratam Charishayami, Tachchekayaam Tanme Raadhytaam

Translation in English: “O Agini (Here Parmatma not simple Fire) you are the lord of all the Vrataas like Ahinsa, Satyaaacharan and following Dharma in a practical way in your divine presence I take the oath to follow the Dharma please bless me to do all such Vrataas and make me capable for them. Right from now I keep myself away from evil thinking, bad acts or any form of bad act by accepting divine thoughts, good conduct and living of a truthful life.”

(11) The Vedic Mantra clearly indicates that there is no difference between Dharma and Satya. As I have said in one of the article written by me that the Dharma is also known as Satya, Vaishneva, Sanatan or Hindu.

(12) Everyone should leave Sampradaayavaad and follow the Dharma to unite world and to save mankind.

Written by
Vishal Aksh