Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Friday, August 10, 2018

“The Essential Conditions For The Application Of Shysthihayeenee Dasha” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) In Brihit Parashara Hora Shastraa that I am having since 1991 and that was published by Khemraj Shrikrishandas Prakashan Bombay and translated in Hindi by Pt. Tarachander Shastri the various dasha come under 31st Chapter of Purvakhanda (First Part). In this context 36th Shloka deals with Shasthyahnee Dasha and here are 35th and 36th Shloka from that book:

(2)गुर्वर्कभूसुतानां वर्षाणि दशाकानि च॥ ततः शशिज्ञशुक्रार्कपुत्रागूनां समाश्च षट्॥३५॥

दास्रात्त्रयं चतुष्कं च त्रयं वेदं पुनः पुनः॥ यदैको लग्नराशीशश्चिन्त्या षष्टि तदा॥३६॥

(3) यदैको लग्नराशीशश्चिन्त्या षष्टि तदा the translator of Brihit Parashara Horashaastra Pt. Tarachander Shastri translates this part of Shloka as when the Lagna and Chander Rashi is same then this dasha should be considered in that case. But this is a wrong translation by Pt. Tarachander Shaastri.

(4) The actural translation as per me should be as follows:

(4.1) यदैको – Yadeko – When there is same

(4.2)लग्नराशीश – Lagnaraashiish – Lord of Lagna (Rising Sign) and Chander Rashi (Lunar Sign)

(4.3) च – Ch – And

(4.4) चिन्त्या – Chintyaa – Should be taken into consideration for deep thinking

(4.5) षष्टि – Shashthi – Shasthayhanee Dasha the dasha of 60 years

(4.6) तदा- Tadaa – Then

(5) Now the meaning of that Sanskrit Shloka is that whenever in any nativity the lord of rising sign and lunar sign is same then this Shasthayhanee Dasha should be applied.

(5.1) So it can be applied when (1) When the Rising sign and Lunar Sign are same or in other words Moon occupies the Rising sign or

(5.2) (2) Rising Sign and Lunar sign are different but ruled by same Planet such as Mesh & Vrischika, Vrish & Tula, Mithuna & Kanya, Dhanur & Meen and Makar & Kumbha.

(5.3) (3) For Kark and Simh Moon should occupy Lagna as there are no alternate signs ruled by Sun and Moon.

Written by
Vishal Aksh


(The aforesaid Article written by me on Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at 15:28 (IST) was published in my Facebook Public Group on Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at 15:34 (IST). Follow link: to view it there)