Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

“Can It Be Possible To Predict Merely On The Basis Of Rashi Chart” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) Well this is a simple Query that has somewhat tough reply. The reply of these types of Queries is beyond the reach of those Astrologers who don’t have dedicated & honest experiences in the field of Vedic Jyotish.

(2) Suppose you have a Book and let assume that Book has a title: “How To Predict Astrologically?” You buy that Book and start going through its Index. You find in the Index of that assumed Book several chapters having different technique to predict.

(i) Now you go through that Book and find several techniques very complicated and several very simple to predict. Obviously you would like to apply simple techniques first. If you don’t find success you will possibly discontinue your researches but you find partial success you will stick to those simple techniques but after some time you find that the technique is not working in several Horoscope then you will either forced yourself to accept that the failure of your Prediction on the basis of simple technique is nothing but the Law Of Average then you will stick to those simple techniques forever.

(ii) On the other hand if you think that nothing is fixed and rules of Vedic Jyotish act as street light and while moving to next street at night you will be find your path illuminated by the street light of that next street and thus you require new and somewhat complex technique to predict. If you do that you progress well in the field of Vedic Jyotish.

(iii) The Divisional Charts are like the Street Lights of different Streets. Suppose you in a night you are going through a street leading to Wealth (Consider it to be a spot) then Hora Chart (D2) and Ekadashansh Chart (D11) will be the street lights and so on.

(iv) The term night used in foregoing paragraphs refers to the hidden prospects to be traced by a wise Astrologer and that is the Rashi Chart of his client.

(v) Whatever is described earlier in (ii) and (iii) under paragraph (2) is applied in case of dark nights but if you are going through the concerned street in Full Moon night or the nights having enough Moon light making the visibility almost clear in night then there is no need of street lights in the night to walk on the concerned streets.

(vi) The dark nights and visible nights described under (v) refer to the Weak and Strong Prarabdha that reflects in client’s Horoscope.

(vi) If you find in the Horoscope of your client the reflecting of strong Prarbdha then you can make predictions of your client about his marriage, professional success & failures, academic success, spiritual attainments and many more prospects of his life.

(3) While reading this Article you may find some confusion about the judgment of the Prarabdha of your client through the Horoscope. In forthcoming paragraph under (3) the efforts will be made to enable all of you to understand this:

(i) The great Vedic astrologer Varhamihira in his famous book Brihitjataka wrote whenever a person suffers on account of misfortunes then that sufferer approaches to an astrologer so there is a relation between the Planets in his horoscope and the position of planets at the time he puts his query before an astrologer. This is the most important thing to understand as it clearly indicates the importance of a horary horoscope.

(ii) Always erect a Horary Horoscope (i.e. Question Horoscope) it will be helpful to judge the strength and weakness of the Prarabdh of you client. Here I would like to say that most of the practicing Astrologers always do the mistake of not taking into consideration the Horary Horoscope.

(iii) If you find the configuration of Planets in the natal Rashi Chart of your client and that of Horary horoscope is different than his Horoscope is week in his Prarabdh so here various Divisional Charts are needed to predict about your client.

(iv) If you find your client’s natal Rashi Chart reflecting strong indications say his tenth house or seventh house is found strong but in Horary Horoscope you find the Planets forming strong yoga in your client’s nativity weak and adversely disposed then it is the indication that the Karma or Kirymana Karma performed by your client in this life have ceased all of his Karma from his previous birth to manifest in this life. Here the different divisional charts in Horary Horoscope too need to be judged by you to give the fruitful predictions.

(v) If you find in your client’s Rashi Chart the adverse pattern of planets regarding a particular House say Seventh or Tenth House and the Planets so disposed adversely form favorable pattern nourishing Seventh or Tenth House in a Horary Horoscope then you should understand that your client has performed auspicious Karma in this life those altered the adverse results indicated by the nativity of his client. In such cases too, you should analyze the concerned Divisional Charts in your client’s nativity to predict accurately and if you find it suitable he can recommend necessary remedies to his client on the basis of the concerned Divisional Charts of his client.

(vi) If you find in your client’s natal Rashi Chart the planets nourishing a particular House say Seventh or Tenth also nourish same house in Horary Horoscope then it is the unique auspicious combination that your client is going to get from his Prarabdha in full measure and this is the only condition when you can predict the fruitful results likely to be enjoyed by your client very soon.  

(4) The predicting of events merely on the basis of Rashi Chart is very feeble so an Astrologer should consider concerned Divisional Charts.

(5) Earlier in this Article the term Horary Horoscope (Prashana Kundli) has been used. Many of you find it confusing about the considering the time to erect a Horary Horoscope. In forthcoming paragraphs under this paragraph I am going to explain that:

(i) Nowadays the people approaches an astrologer in various ways. I am giving some hints about the time to cast horary horoscope of concerned person.

(ii) Time of the posting of the email of your client. But in this case you should know the location of your client at the time of posting of email to you. Generally people do not write their location at the time of sending emails to astrologer.

(iii) Time of receiving of mobile call from your client. It is one of the most trustworthy times for an astrologer to cast a horary horoscope for his client and in this case the location of astrologer will be taken as the place of Question.

(iv) Whenever you receive a message from any person recommending another person to you for consultations and in case that recommended person neither makes a mobile call or any email and he suddenly visit your office / residence then the time he asks question should be taken under consideration to cast a horary horoscope for him. Same process should be applied in case any known or unknown person approaches to an astrologer suddenly without prior information.

(v) Whenever a astrologer receives a call from his client about his visit to that astrologer then that astrologer should ask his client to give him a missed call as soon as he left his house / office / immediate location and started his journey to that astrologers and astrologer should also ask that client to send a message mentioning the immediate place that client had left while making his journey to that astrologer. In this case this Yatra Lagna or Journey horoscope of his client should be taken as horary horoscope. It is also a brilliant process. The main advantage of this process is that astrologer can fix the commencement of journey moment for his client by taking into consideration of astrological rules to fix a Yatra Muhurtha or auspicious time to commence journey. From that journey lagna it should be decided by that astrologer about the results of the journey of his client to him and the fulfilment of the motive of his client through that journey. But every Vedic astrologer should note that while fixing such moment you should be expertise in judging Khavedansh Chart or D40 Chart otherwise you are doing a mistake. So in this case avoid fixing the moment.

(vi) Whenever you see your emails and one of your client sends an email with a query in that case note the time when you read his query. It is also one of the most trustworthy recoded times to cast a horary horoscope. You have read in my pervious posts how I best use this time for making horary horoscope for others for predictions. In this process the astrologer’s location becomes the place of Question.

(5.7) You can consider every time and cast horary horoscope for every selected time and the horary horoscope you find giving best result befitting the motive of your client should be taken into consideration.

(6) I hope this Article written by me will prove insightful to all the dedicated learners and researcher of Vedic Jyotish and it will also entertain the experts very well.

Written on Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 12:30 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh
