Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Friday, October 11, 2019

Kaal Chakra Dasha – (I)

“The Origin Of Kaal Chakra Dasha” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

(i) It was the January of Year 2013 when I first registered my entry to Internet in the form of joining of Facebook. I made several fulfilled predictions on Facebook by using Kaal Chakra Dasha then it appeared that it was new concept for the then established Astrologers on Facebook. Several Astrologers who became my students then requested me to write a complete Article on Kaal Chakra Dasa. The Calculations of Kaal Chakra Dasha and its applications for predictive purposes is too vast to write in a single Article or it is like writing a complete book on this topic.

(ii) I have also wrote few Articles on Kaal Chakra Dasha before but they were only the glimpses not the complete one. Now I am going to write Articles on Kaal Chakra Dasha in parts so that it can be written otherwise it will be very difficult to write and this present Article is the first part.

(iii) In this Article I shall explain the origin of Kaal Chakra Dasha with authentic evidences.


Chapter: (I)
The Sayings Of Muni Parashar In Brihitparasharhorashastram

(i) In my few earlier Articles I have written that the Sanskrit Word Jyotish is an ancient well developed concept and the Sanskrit Word Vedic Jyotish is a new developing concept found originated in the legendry works of Dr B. V. Raman and in the explanations of fulfilled predictions of legendry Mundane Astrologer Shri. Lachchman Das Madan. The understanding of Jyotish by tracing its roots in Veda is the Vedic Jyotish.

(ii) While starting the Vinshottri Dasha the Vedic Muni Prashara gave an important clue about the origin of this universal dasha but before explaining it I would like to Quote and Translate that Sanskrit Shloka which is given hereunder:

मार्तण्डं च प्रणम्य सर्वजगतामीशं शिवं शङ्करं सर्वेषा हृदि संस्थितं पशुपतिं भर्गं भवानीपतिम्॥ लोकानां प्रलयोदयस्थितकरं त्रैलोक्यंनाथं हरिं वक्ष्यामीह महेश्वरस्य कृपया दायप्रकाशं शुभम्॥१॥
[Martandam Ch Pranyam Sarvjagatamesh Shivam Shankram Servesh Hridi Sansthithm Pashupatim Bhargam Bhavanipatim!! Lokanaam Pralayodaystahthikaram Tralokyanaatham Harim Vakshyamih Mahesheshwarrasya Krapya Daayprakasham Shubham]

Translation: Lord Parashar says, “After bowing before Surya and the lord of this universe Shiva or Shankra who sits in the heart of all is Pashupati, Bharg or Bhavanipati and also bowing before the Destroyer, Creator and Preserver the lord of three worlds Hari the very details about the Daay (Dasha) will be brought into light with the merciful blessings of Maheshwara”  

Note: 01: मार्तण्डं (Martand): It is one of the Vedic Name of Surya or Sun and here by devoting it Lord Parashara indicates that the applicability of this Vinshottri Dasha effectively to this Solar Family.

Note: 02: च प्रणम्य (Ch Pranyam): After bowing before or devoting to

Note: 03: सर्वजगतामीशं शिवं शङ्करं (Sarvjagatamesh Shivam Shankram): Lord of Anantkoti Brahmanda or infinite universes that is Shiva also known as Shankar. The meaning of Jagat indicates those things which are in motion and when it is used to understand celestial phenomena then it talks about infinite universes those are moving.   

Note: 04: सर्वेषा हृदि संस्थितं पशुपतिं भर्गं भवानीपतिम् (Servesh Hridi Sansthithm Pashupatim Bhargam Bhavanipatim): That supreme lord who sits in the heartland of all as a witness is also known as Pashupati, Bharga or Bhavanipati. The kinds starting from Devta to Pishacha come under Pashu Yoni (Beasts) and Supreme God Shiva has lordship over them and that is why Shiva is also known as Pashupati, because of having all the knowledge and riches and the giver of them Shiva is also known as Bharga and as Bhavani also known as Parvati, Gauri and Durga is the consort of that Supreme God Shiva so Shiva is also known as Bhavanipati.

Note: 05: लोकानां प्रलयोदयस्थितकरं त्रैलोक्यंनाथं हरिं (Lokanaam Pralayodaystahthikaram Tralokyanaatham Harim): The various Loka are known as Abodes as Earth is a Abode of all the creatures, the sky separating the Earth and Swarga is the abode of various Planets, Vidyadhara, Naga, Sarpa etc. and Swarga is the Abode of all the Devta and it includes various other Loka those are fourteen in numbers but here Vedic Muni Parashara restrict them to three by saying Hari as the Tralokayanatha the lord of three worlds the Earth, the sky and the Swarga (Heaven) and who is the very cause of destruction, creation and maintenance of all the three worlds. That Hari also known as Vishnu is also devoted by Vedic Muni Parashara in his sayings. For a long time I found this statement mysterious and confusing as why Hari was adored in this and the other confusion was the allotments given by various Avataras of Vishnu from Nine Planets and after years of search several years before in a Upanishada I found what that unveiled the curtain of ignorance covering my knowledge and what I would like to let you know is as below and it was the Answer of Creative Lord Brahma to Vedic Rishi Yagyavalaykya:

Creative Lord Brahma Speaks

प्रणवेन व्याहृतयः प्रवर्तन्ते, तमसस्तु परं ज्योतिष्कः पुरुषः स्वयम्।
भूर्विष्णुरिति ह ताः स्वाङ्गुल्या मथेत॥
मथ्यमानात्फेनो भवति फेनाद्बुद्बुदो भवति बुद्बुदादण्डं भवति
अण्डवानात्मा भवति आत्मन आकाशो भवति आकाशाद्वायुर्भवति
वायोरग्निर्भवति अग्नेरोङ्कारो भवति ओङ्काराद्व्याहृतिर्भवति
व्याहृत्या गायत्री भवति गायत्र्याः सावित्री भवति सावित्र्याः
सरस्वती भवति सरस्वत्या वेदा भवन्ति वेदेभ्यो ब्रह्मा भवति
ब्रह्मणो लोका भवन्ति तस्माल्लोकाः प्रवर्तन्ते चत्वारो वेदाः साङ्गाः
सोपनिषदः सेतिहासास्ते सर्वे गायत्र्याः प्रवर्तन्ते।

Simple Translation By Vishal Aksh: In short the meaning of aforesaid is that when Vishnu started churning with one of his fingers then on account of that process from that Churning the Foam appeared, from Foam Bubble appeared, from that Bubble the Mighty Egg appeared, from that Egg Aatma appeared, from Aatma Sky appeared, from Sky Air appeared, from Air the Fire appeared, from Fire ॐ – कार (Omkaar) appeared, from ॐ – कार (Omkaar) Vyhritiyaan (Bhu, Bhuv and swah etc) appeared, from Vyhritiyaan Gayatri appeared, from Gayatri the Savitri appeared, from Savitri the Sarswati appeared, from Sarswati the Veda appeared, from Veda the Creator Brahma appeared, from Brahma Loka (Three Worlds/Fourteen Worlds) appeared and in those Loka there exist Four Veda, Sangah Upanishads and thus all appeared from Gayatri.

What Did I Understand From It?: One thing becomes clear from that Sanskrit Vedic Shloka that Vishnu is the cause of All Of These Three Worlds. All the Planets reside in Sky and thus Vishnu takes his Avatara from all these Nine Planets. Parashara’s sayings about the philosophies of Jyotish exist in Veda and thus Jyotish has purely Vedic base.

The other thing that becomes clear from it to me that the results of Dasha in the form of Karmaphala extend up to Swarga via Sky and this signifies the importance of Dasha.

Note: 06: वक्ष्यामीह महेश्वरस्य कृपया दायप्रकाशं शुभम् (Vakshyamih Mahesheshwarrasya Krapya Daayprakasham Shubham): Now Vedic Muni Parashar starts to bring the auspicious Dasha in light.
(iii) I know most of you will be confused to see why I am writing the origin of Vinshottri Dasha in place of Kaal Chakra Dasha but don’t worry it is essential to understand the origin of Kaal Chakra Dasha too.  


Chapter: (II)
The Sayings Of Muni Parashara In Brihitparasharhorashastram

(i) While teaching the Kaal Chakra Dasha to his disciple Maitrya what Lord Parashara says is given as under:

वन्देऽहं गोपिकानाथं भारतीं गणनायकम्। पार्वत्यै कथितं पूर्वं कालचक्रं पिनाकिना॥
[Vendeham Gopikanatham Bhartim Gannaaykam! Parvtyaee Kathitam Purvam Kaal Chakram Pinikina!!]

Translation: I adore Gopikanath, Bharti and Gannaayaka. What Piniki said earlier to Parvati.
 I have not quoted next Sanskrit Shloka to make this Sanskrit Shloka completed as this much only is requirement for this Article.

Note: 01: वन्देऽहं (Vendeham): I adore. In this Lord Parashara adore several deities like Gopinath, Bharti and Gananayaka.

Note: 02: गोपिकानाथं भारतीं गणनायकम् (Gopikanatham Bhartim Gannaaykam): Gopinath is Lord Krishana the Purnavatara (complete Avatara) of Hari or Vishnu the lord of Traloka and Vishnu is also known as Kaal or Kaalpurush whereas Shiva is also known as Mahakaal. Lord Parashara in this saying wants all of us to understand the Words of Krishna e.g. in Bhavishya Purana Lord Krishana says, “No remedy work when death comes” or in other words remedies can remove Aristha and same thing Prashara says in the Brihit Prashara Hora that in the Calculations of lifespan the intelligence of great rishi and muni fails.

But why Lord Parashara devoted Bharti also known as Swarsati this took long time for me to understand as earlier described the appearance of Veda from Swarsati was not enough to understand it properly. It was possible when I traced a Vedic root of this in one of Upanishada and below given are few words in Sanskrit in this context:

सायंसन्ध्या कृष्णा कृष्णपद्मासनस्था कृष्णाम्बरधरा
कृष्णवर्णा कृष्णगन्धानुलेपना कृष्णमाल्याम्बरधरा
एकमुखी चतुर्भुजा द्विनेत्रा शङ्खचक्रगदापद्मधारिणी
सर्वाभरणभूषिता सरस्वती वृद्धा वैष्णवी गरुडवाहिनी
सामवेदसंहिता विष्णुदैवत्या त्रिपदा षट्कुक्षिः पञ्चशीर्षा
अग्निमुखा विष्णुहृदया रुद्रशिखा ब्रह्मकवचा काश्यपसगोत्रा
स्वर्लोकव्यापिनी सूर्यस्तत्त्वमुदात्ताऽनुदात्तस्वरितमकारः कृष्णवर्णो
मोक्षज्ञाने विनियोगः ।इत्येषा सरस्वती।

Simple Translation By Vishal Aksh: The Sarswati is well defined in aforesaid Sanskrit wordings of Upanishada against the present belief about goddess Sarswati. She is defined as a Black Old Lady in Black Clothing who is decorated with Black Ornaments and Black perfume who in one of her holds Skull and has one mouth & five heads who sits on the back of Gaurada, she also holds Shankha, Chakra, Gada & Lotus in her four arms, she is of the Gotra of Kashyapa and has fiery face, she resides in the heart of Vishnu and her expansion is up to Swargloka and she gives the great knowledge of Moksha.

The riding of Saraswati on Gaurada, her old age and black color go against the present believes about goddess as at present she is considered as of white color in white clothing riding on Hansa but in these Vedic wordings the secrets of Parashara’s wordings exist.

What Did I Understand From It?: Vishnu is of Black color and his complete Avatara Shri Krishana is also of Black color and same is the Saraswati and Vishnu is Kaala and this indicates the darkness to understand Kaal so Kaal is also Black. While describing Surya Vedic muni Parashara says that Surya or Sun is the soul of Kaal and thus Surya indicates Shiva in this Saurparivar or Solar Family.
All Vishnu, his complete Avatara Krishana and Saraswati reside on Gaurada a bird with limitless speed even thousands and thousands times more than the speed of solar light indicate the accuracy of Kaal Chakra Dasha. It also indicates the utility of Kaal Chakra Dasha to know the periods of Air travel and space travelling.
Vishnu, Krishana and Saraswati all hold Chakra in circular motion indicating that Kaal Chakra Dasha decides Maraka period and all the Arishtha. It also indicates the repetitive cycle of time creating new events in new surroundings resembling previous events. Anyone who knows how to rotate Chakra is able to rotate it in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions and thus this Kaal Chakra Dasha can be best used to rectify time of birth.

Saraswati giving the knowledge of Mokasha indicates that this Kaal Chakra Dasha works in Vaikunthaa too and it also hold in the timing of events stored in Vinshansh Chakara (D20) used to know about all the spiritual activities and scientific researches.
Gananayak is Ganesha the elephant headed son of Shiva and Parvati and also an Avatara of Vishnu. Ganesha presides over Ganakottama (Astrologers), Ganaka (Accountants), Ganaka (Mathematicians) and the leader of society and the presiding deity of Stars (Taragana) and thus Kaal Chakra Dasha is the only Dasha which is calculated on the basis of deep mathematical calculations and Astrologers having the knowledge of Mathematics can calculate this Dasha accurately.

Note: 03: पार्वत्यै कथितं पूर्वं कालचक्रं पिनाकिना (Parvtyaee Kathitam Purvam Kaal Chakram Pinikina): Pinaki is one of the names of Supreme God Shiva and he told the secrets of Kaal Chakra Dasha to Parvati much - much before Prashara taught Jyotisha to his disciple Maitraya. Vedic muni Parashar only taught the summery of Kaal Chakra Dasha to his disciple Maitraya.


Chapter: (III)
Searching & Researching Of Vishal Aksh

(i) One Delhi based Astrologer wrote a book on Kaal Chakra Dasha and no doubt he did great work but I never want to mention his name as I never ever want to make that Astrologer mortal in my writings. I don’t hesitate a while in saying that I got my initial understanding of Deha & Jeev Rashi from his book. The pattern of Dasha Rashi in Kaal Chakra Dasha given by him and Shri. Narayan Dutt Shrimali were same with the difference that according to him when Kaal Chakra Dasha cycle jumps to next cycle of different age the Deha & Jeev Rashi remain unaltered but Shri. Narayan Dutt Shrimali opined that under such circumstances Deha & Jeev Rashi interchange each other. Due to lack of authentic source I did not accept them.

(ii) In several Horoscopes predicted by me on the basis of Kaal Chakra Dasha I always found that Planets influencing Jeev Rashi generally gave change of thinking phase of natives in the Rashi Dasha ruled by them and this motivated me to understand the secrets of Kaal Chakra Dasha in details.

(iii) It was after failure of long searches & researches one day I thought that in the beginning of Vinshottri Dasha and Kaal Chakra Dasha the Vedic muni Parashara in his teachings mentioned Shiva as the originator of both of these Dasha so I should study the Vedic literatures related to Shiva. In Shiva Purana the age of a Rudra (Total Eleven in Numbers) is written more than Vishnu where as the age of Shiva is given endless and that led me to think that if there are Eleven Rudra Mandala known to ancient Vedic Rishi & Muni in a Shiva Mandla then a Rudra Mandla contains many – many Vishnu Mandla, A Vishnu Mandla contains many Brhmanda and a Brhmanda contains many Surya Mandla (Solar Systems) so it will be helpful if I concentrate my searches and researches on Vedic Litratures related to Rudra and after a long time I found one such Sanskrit Shloka written below in such Vedic Literature related to Rudra:

द्वौ सुपर्णौ शरीरेऽस्मिज्जीवेशाक्ष्यौ सह स्थितौ।
तयोर्जीवः फलं भुङ्क्ते कर्मणो न महेश्वरः॥

Simple Translation By Vishal Aksh: On the tree resembled by the Physical Body (Sharir or Deha) the two birds Jeev and Maheshwar (Shiva) as a witness lives together and it is the Jeev who consumes Karmaphala and puts itself into the cycle of birth & rebirth but Shiva remains freed from such actions and influences.

What Did I Understand From It?: The Sharir described in this Shloka is the Deha Rashi and Jeev is Jeev Rashi and the concept of Deha & Jeev Rashi taken in Kaal Chakra Dasha is from this Vedic Shloka indicating the Vedic Roots of Jyotish.  

Written on Friday, October 11, 2019 at 11:16 (IST) by:
Vishal Aksh
