Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

“Apamritu Saham” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

Apamritu Saham is nowhere mentioned in Tajikneelkanthi though there are several Astrologers who use it but anyhow it is found effective 

All the accidental deaths or untimely deaths are astrologically indicated by this Apamritu Saham. 

The Mathematical Calculations for this Apamritu Saham is same for Day/Night and the Formula is as below:

Apamritu Saham = (Sidereal Longitude Of Eight Bhava Madhya – Longitude Of Mars)⁰ + Longitude Of Lagna⁰

In short,

Apamritu Saham = (VIII - Mars) + Lagna

Note: …… Add 30⁰ if Longitude of Eight Bhava Madhya does not come within the path starting from the Longitude of Mars to the Longitude of Lagna

The Apamritu Saham is applicable in Mundane Charts, Dasha Pravesh Horoscopes, Transitory Horoscopes, Vedic Annual Horoscopes (Varshphala) and Vedic Horary Horoscopes (Prashan Kundli)

Written on Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at 17:43 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh
