Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

“Vrishbhanujaa (वृषभानुजा)” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) The Sanskrit is a language which has the meaning of several Vyanjana like (K), ख​ (Kh), (G), (Ch), (J), (P), न​ (N), ज्ञ (Gya) where (K) means Who, ख​ (Kh) Sky, (G) Motion, (Ch) And, (J) Genesis, (P) Possessor or Owner, न​ (N) No and ज्ञ (Gya) Wise, Knowledgeable or Astrologer

(2) The Sanskrit Vyanjana (P) when comes in the end of several Sanskrit words indicates the Owner or Possessor of the creature represented by that Sanskrit word. See below

(i) Gop (गोप) where गो (Gau) means Cow and (P) means Owner or Possessor so Gop means Cowman or Milkman

(ii) Ajap(अजप​) where अज (Aja) means Goat and (P) means so owner of Goats is known as Ajap(अजप​)

(iii) Avip (अविप) where अवि (Avi) means Sheep and (P) means owner so owner of Sheep.

(iv) Mahip (महिप) where महि (Mahi) means Earth and (P) means owner so owner Earth i.e. a King

Note: Nowadays the owner of Goats or Sheep is known as Gadaria but in Vedic India the owner of Goat was known as Ajap and that of Sheep the Avip.

(3) The Sanskrit Vyanjana ज्ञ (Gya) when comes at the end of a Sanskrit word it indicates the Knowledge of the amount shown by that Sanskrit word. See below

(i) Alpagya (अल्पज्ञ) where अल्प (Alpa) means Little and ज्ञ (Gya) means knowledgeable so Little Knowledgeable is known as Alpagya (अल्पज्ञ)

(ii) Sarvagya (सर्वज्ञ) where सर्व (Sarv) means All ज्ञ (Gya) means knowledgeable so a man of All round Knowledge is known as Sarvagya (सर्वज्ञ).

(iii) Shaastragya (शास्त्रज्ञ) where शास्त्र (Shaastra) indicates Six Shaastra and ज्ञ (Gya) means knowledgeable so a man having knowledge of all the Six Shaastra is known as Shaastragya (शास्त्रज्ञ).

Note: *A person may be Alpagya (अल्पज्ञ) but no one except Parmatma can be Sarvagya (सर्वज्ञ) someone told me years before*
Note: *Jyotish is one of the Shaastra among Six Shaastra*.     

(4) The Sanskrit Vyanjana (J) when comes at the end of any Sanskrit words then it indicates the genesis from the living or non living beings indicated by that Sanskrit word where (J) indicates Male and जा (Ja) indicates female births. See below:

(i) Pankaj (पंकज) where पंक (Pank) means Mud and (J) means appeared from Mud so it is Lotus so Lotus is known as Pankaj in Sanskrit.

(ii) Padmaj (पद्मज​) where पद्म (Padm) is Lotus and (J) means appeared from Lotus so it is Brahma the Creator.

(iii) Vrishbhanujaa (वृषभानुजा) where it has three possible meanings when viewed from three angles but most of the people knew only two so the two common views are written below first. See below

1. वृषभानुजा (Vrishbhanujaa) = वृषभानु (Vrishbhanu) + जा (Jaa) that means genesis of a Female from वृषभानु (Vrishbhanu) or the Daughter of वृषभानु (Vrishbhanu) means Radha or Radhika.

2. वृषभानुजा (Vrishbhanujaa) = वृषभ (Vrishabh) + अनुजा (Anuja) that means the younger sister of a Bull. The younger sister of a Bull is cow but elder one is also a cow but Bull represents a fully grown up calf so its younger one will be She Calf thus वृषभानुजा (Vrishbhanujaa) indicates She Calf not a Milk giving Cow.    

Note: It was around twenty four years ago on a fine day I was walking on a road and a group of Gurukul students was also walking on that road they were discussing about the Sanskrit word वृषभानुजा (Vrishbhanujaa) and its relationship with Shri Krishana. There was no Gurukula near that road and still there is not so I though they came here on a tour. I found their discussion about वृषभानुजा (Vrishbhanujaa) interesting and informative. The essence of their discussion was that Radha and Cows were related to Shri Krishana and still Shri Krishana resides in Goloka (Cow Land in Universe) with Radha. Nowadays several expert think like that and there is no harm in thinking so. Cow is considered as Mother figure in Hinduism but anyway I was not totally satisfied by their logic of relating Cow with Krishana by saying it वृषभानुजा (Vrishbhanujaa) but still I don’t deny this logic.   

(3) But before producing my logic I would like to write few words as an etymology of Sanskrit word वृषभ (Vrishabh) which we nowadays known as Bull and second sign of Zodiac. In Veda the Parmatma is described as One and Rudra, Shiva, Agni, Indra and वृषभ (Vrishabh) are his names whereas in Purana they are different deities. In Purana वृषभ (Vrishabh) known as Nandi is the Bull of Parmatma Shiva. In following Vedic Mantra the Sanskrit word वृषभ (Vrishabh) appears:
ॐ क्व स्य ते रुद्र! मृडयाकुर्हस्तो यो अस्ति भेषजो जलाषः।
अपभर्ता रपसो दैव्यस्याभी नु मा वृषभ! चक्षमीथाः॥

The above Rig Vedic Mantra can be written in English script as:

Om Kva Esya Te Rudra! Mridyakurhasto Yo Asti Bhesjo Jalaashyo
Apbhart Rapso Deevyesyabhi Nu Ma
Vrishabh Chakshmeethah

(i) The meaning of aforesaid Rig Vedic Mantra is as follows:

O Rudra! Where is your famous hand? That hand removes all the diseases and thus makes us healthy this hand is always devoted to bless all peace and relief.

O Vrishabha! The symbol of fulfillment of all desires! Pardon all the human being by removing all the sins done by them under the influence of divine Maya and bless all the forgiveness.

Note: In aforesaid Vedic Mantra Vrishabha is adored for the removal of all the sins done knowingly or unknowingly and same Shri Krishana speaks as:

सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज।

अहं त्वा सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुचः
[Sardharmaanparitayjya Maamekam Sharanam Vraj!
Aham Twaa Sarvpaapebhyo Moksyishyamaa Maa Shuchh!!]

Lord Shri Krishana says, Leave all the Dharma and come to my shelter. Do not worry!  I shall remove all of your sins

(ii) This is really insightful and connects Vedic Wisdom with Puranic Wisdom indicating that after the great worships of people towards वृषभ (Vrishabh) for the removal of their sins that lord appeared on earth as Shri Krishana. Shri Krishana was born in Vrish Rashi & Vrish Lagna clearly indicating him as Vedic Vrishabha Parmatma.

(iii) It was that time when there was no TV Channels other than Doordarshan and Doordarshan telecasted a short serial on Krishana. That was really a research oriented serial and in that it was clearly mentioned that the origination of the word Krishana is from the Sanskrit word Krishka which means a peasant and I found it valid as Balrama the elder brother of Krishana also known as Haldhar which mean a Plough Bearer and Haldhar Ji always held a Plough in his hand.

(iv) In ancient India a peasant had plough for ploughing the field and it was kept on the shoulders of the Bulls which means Bulls were the plough bearers so if Krishana was Krishaka then his elder brother Haldhar Ji also becomes the Bull or वृषभ (Vrishabh).

(v) Shri Krishana & Balram the two वृषभ (Vrishabh) had their younger sister named Subhadra so being the younger sister of वृषभ (Vrishabh) indicating Krishana and Balrama Subhadra also becomes वृषभानुजा (Vrishbhanujaa) who was also related to Shri Krishana.     

Written on Tuesday, May 26, 2020 at 15:18 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh

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