Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Will BJP Win Assembly Elections 2021 Of West Bengal?

  1. The lagna of BJP falls in the Navansh of Taurus ruled by Venus so Dwadashotti dasha is to be applied for predictive purposes.

  2. The Dwadashotti dasha calculated from lagna longitude has been taken into consideration for predictive purposes 

  3. In this context the following are the details of Dwadashottri Dasha, Antara & Prytantra for the Dasha calculated from the longitude of lagna:

  4. From 17/03/2008 to 18/03/2027: Saturn’s dwadashottri Dasha

  5. From 02/08/2019 to 16/10/2021: Mercury’s Antar in Saturn’s dwadashottri dasha

  6. From 01/04/2021 to 22/05/2021: Sun’s Pryatantar in Mercury’s antar in Saturn’s dwadashottri dasha

  7. In Rashi Chakra Punney Saham, Mahatamya Sham & Shaastra Saham fall in ninth house in Aquarius ruled by Dwadashottri Dasha lord Saturn and the lagna lord Mercury also falls in Aquarius in conjunction with Indra Dhanush, Upaketu & Ketu so they enhance the quality of ninth house in terms of Hinduttva, National approaches, Mandir issue, Vasudhevkutumbhkam and Ramrajya etc. in Saturn’s dwadashottri dasha

  8. Ninth lord Saturn is in conjunction with tenth lord Jupiter is the Rajyayoga of highest order and the Samsaptak apectual relationship between the conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn as the conjunction of lords of tenth & ninth and Mercury the lord of Lagna gives Rajyoga and Bhagyayoga.

  9. So Saturn, Mercury & Jupiter from Rajyayoga & Bhagyayoga in BJP’s horoscope.

  10. Sun gets digbala by occupying tenth house in the sign owned by Jupiter

  11. So Saturn, Mercury & Sun forms Rajyayoga in BJP’s Rashi Chakra and Sun’s Pratyantar in Mercury’s Antar in Saturn’s Dasha is from 01/04/2021 to 22/05/2021 but Sun’s pratyantar needs further judgment to predict with accuracy and for that Dashmansh Chakra is used

  12. The Dashmansh lagna is Capricorn ruled by Dwadashottri Dasha lord Saturn and the Antar lord Mercury being the lord of sixth (Struggle & Voting) & Ninth (Bhagya & Constitution) occupies tenth house in conjunction with Jupiter the extremely benefic planet so the Antar of Mercury is in a Mood to give Rajyayoga to BJP at any time within a period starting from 02/08/2019 to 16/10/2021

  13. The entire process of west Bengal’s assembly election will happen mostly in Sun’s Prytantar from 01/04/2021 to 25/05/2021

  14. In Dashmansh Chakra Eighth house is occupied by two malefic planets Mars and Parivesh respectively and the lord of eighth the Pryatantar dasha lord Sun occupies sixth house forming Saral Yoga in Dashmansh Chakra and Saral Yoga gives successes in all works, defeat of all opponents and oppositions, purity of mind and fame.

  15. In terms of assembly elections likely to be held in west Bengal in 2021 this Saral Yoga present in Dashmansh Chakra gives the winning of assembly elections by defeating all the opponents and oppositions to BJP at any time within a period starting from 01/04/2021 to 25/05/2021.

  16. The Pryatantar lord Sun transits its exaltation sign Aries from 14/04/2021 at 02:24:22 (IST) to 14/05/2021 at 23:16:33 (IST) with a maximum of eight benefic point scores in its own Ashtakavarga so a remarkable success to BJP is almost confirmed at any time within this period in the assembly elections of west Bengal.

Written on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 16:46 (IST) by

Vishal Aksh


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