Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Sunday, November 28, 2021

“Getting of Job by Jupiter’s Transit” - An article written by Vishal Aksh


Jupiter the extremely benefic planet roughly takes one year to transit a sign of 30° so its transit  becomes significant to time an event in Vedic jyotish. To judge a horoscope even in terms of getting a new job or promotion in job too the entire horoscope needs to be judged so no transit is sufficient exclusively.

The very first thing is to find a suitable antardasha in a mahadasha influencing the tenth house or tenth lord in a very positive way. Then that antardasha gives a new job to an unemployed person or promotion in job to an employed person. It is not at all easy to judge that.

  • Several times it becomes easy to find the mahadasha suitable to give professional prospects but difficulties occur in finding the suitable antardasha concerning it so in that case the Jupiter’s transit becomes significant to predict for a time to get a job.

  • When an antardasha of two or three years is found promising a job then Jupiter’s transit indicates the effective time to get a job.

In aforesaid conditions whenever Jupiter transit the signs given below an unemployed native gets a job or an employed native gets promotions:

  1. Jupiter transiting the exaltation sign of such a mahadasha lord or Jupiter aspecting the mahadasha lord in transit.

  2. Jupiter transiting the exaltation sign of such an antardasha lord or Jupiter aspecting the antardasha lord in transit.

If the Jupiter’s transit in the exaltation sign of dasha or antardasha lord as described above does not occur then Jupiter transiting the following signs can also give the job to an unemployed or career betterment to an employed native:

  1. Jupiter in transit aspecting the lord of tenth or transit over the lord of tenth house in transit.

  2. Jupiter in transit aspecting the tenth lord from Chandra lagna or transit over the tenth lord from Chandra lagna.

  3. Jupiter transiting the tenth house from Surya lagna or aspecting the tenth house from Surya lagna by its ninth or seventh aspect in transit.

  4. Jupiter transiting the tenth house from Janam lagna or aspecting tenth house from Janam lagna by its fifth, seventh or ninth aspect in transit.

There are several horoscopes which are powerful in terms of job and contains dhana yoga but the natives having such combinations belong to the families of average financial status or even below and the dasha or antardasha positively influencing tenth house does not occur in the formative years then the Jupiter transit gives them job in following conditions:

  1. When Sun is the tenth lord then Jupiter transiting the first, seventh or ninth house from Sun gives them a job or betterment in job.

  2. When Moon is the tenth lord then Jupiter transiting the second, fifth, seventh, ninth or eleventh house from Moon gives them a job or betterment in job.

  3. When Mars is the tenth lord then Jupiter transiting the first or seventh house from Mars gives them a job or betterment in job.

  4. When Mercury is the tenth lord then Jupiter transiting the first, fifth or ninth house from Mercury gives them a job or betterment in job.

  5. When Jupiter is the tenth lord then Jupiter transiting the first or seventh house from it gives them a job or betterment in job.

  6. When Venus is the tenth lord then Jupiter transiting the fifth or ninth house from Venus gives them a job or betterment in job.

  7. When Saturn is the fifth lord then Jupiter transiting the fifth house from Saturn gives them a job or betterment in job.

When mahadasha or antardasha of the lord of tenth house is in progress then the native can get a job when Jupiter transit the following signs provided no adverse combinations regarding profession or finances present in his horoscope:

  1. Jupiter transits the tenth house in the house owned by the mahadasha or antardasha lord. 

  2. Jupiter aspects the dasha lord in transit.

Written on Sunday, November 28, 2021 at 18:21 by

Vishal Aksh

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