Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Thursday, December 30, 2021

“Was Narad Muni An Astrologer?” - An article written by Vishal Aksh


Before writing about it let me first clear it that Vedic rishi Narad was not only a muni or an expert of the subject but also a rishi or one who possesses all round knowledge. In Vedic literature he was also addressed as brahmrishi and devrishi. So no one should disrespect him calling an astrologer, soothsayer or deivagya. Astrologer is the word of modern language and the person with this title will be the resident of the earth. Muni Narad was the resident of Brahamloka or Satyaloka.

To spread the divine knowledge and bhakti Vedic muni Narad used to travel on earth and on the earth many people became his disciple and the flew of his such disciple are given below:

  1. Adikavi and Vedic rishi bhagwan Valmiki.

  2. Vedic rishi bhagwan Vedvyas.

  3. Vedic king Dhruva.

  4. Asura king and Haribhakta Prahalad.

Vedic rishi Narad gave Ramnaam mantra diksha to the greatest dociate Doshakara and with the effect of that the sinner dociate Doshakar became Valmiki who wrote Ramayana. Prabhu Rama and bhagwati Sita used to address rishi Valmiki as Bhagwan. It is said that rishi Valmiki wrote the Ramayana before the birth of shri Rama and he not only gave the horoscopes of shri Rama, Bharat, Lakshman & Shatrughna but also gave valuable information about cosmos in his immortal Ramayana.

Vedic rishi Vedvyas was also a disciple of rishi Narad who not only wrote Mahabharata and compiled Vedas, Upanishads, Darshana and Puranas. Vedvyas was the son of rishi Parashara. There are several Purana compiled by bhagwan Vedvyas in which valuable knowledge about jyotisha is written.

Vedic king Dhurva after getting the blessing of rishi Narad saw the parmatma Narayana and also got the Dhruloka in cosmos. The study of cosmos also comes under jyotisha.

So it is clear that rishi Valmiki, rishi Vedvyas and king Dhurva the disciples of rishi Narad were proficient in jyotish. If Narad did not possess the knowledge of jyotish then how could his given diksha be so effective to make his disciples proficient in jyotisha. It means that the muni Narad the guru of rishi Valmiki, rishi Vedvyas and king Dhruva was also proficient in jyotish.

Vedas have six limbs given below:

  1. Jyotish is referred to as  the eyes of Vedas so without jyotish it is impossible to understand Vedas.

  2. Vyakarana or Vedic grammar is referred to as  the face of Vedas.

  3. Siksha is referred to as the nose of Vedas.

  4. Nirukta is referred to as the ears of Vedas.

  5. Kalpa is referred to as the hands of Vedas.

  6. Chanda is referred to as the feet of Vedas.

In ancient times Vedic literature was taught in gurukula so everyone who learned in Vedic era knew jyotish. So if in Vedic era a common man knew jyotish then it is obvious that the enlightened souls of the status of rishi & muni were the exponents of jyotish so on that grounds it can be said that the Vedic muni Narad was also an exponent of jyotish.

Vedic muni Parashara the exponent of jyotish says that the originator of jyotish was Brahma and according to the Vedic literature Narad was the son of Brahma so it can be said that muni Narad inherited the knowledge of jyotish from his father Brahma so Narad must have specific knowledge of jyotish.

In Vedic literature it is mentioned that Sanakadi rishi, the sons of Brahma, were the siblings of muni Narad. Sankadi rishi are supposed to be four in numbers and their names are given below:

  1. Sanak.

  2. Sanatan.

  3. Sanandan.

  4. Sanat.

Vedic muni Narad got the knowledge of jyotish from rishi Sanandan.

Source: Dwitya paada of Poorvabhaga of Shri Narad Mahapuran.

It is almost clear from the Narada Purana that the Vedic muni Narad was also involved in jyotish. In Vedic literature eighteen parvartakas or the great originators of jyotish are mentioned which are given below:

  1. Surya.

  2. Pitamah or Brahma.

  3. Vyasa or Vedvyas.

  4. Vashisth.

  5. Atri.

  6. Parashara.

  7. Kashyapa.

  8. Narad.

  9. Garg.

  10. Marichi.

  11. Manu.

  12. Angira.

  13. Loamash.

  14. Polish.

  15. Chavan.

  16. Yavan.

  17. Brigu.

  18. Shaunak.

So Vedic muni Narad was one of the eighteen Jyotish parvartakas or the originators of jyotish, not merely an astrologer.

Written on Thursday, December 30, 2021 at 01:31 (IST) by

Vishal Aksh


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