Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

“Is Garuda Really An Eagle?” - An article written by Vishal Aksh


I have written so many times earlier that Vedic Jyotish is based on common sense and Vedic literature and it has its roots in Vedas. When we talk about predictive jyotish or phalit jyotish then several times common sense does not give results then it is the duty of a well experienced & well versed astrologer to churn the Puranas, Upanishads and shastras to prepare the sutras to predict.

 Nowadays Garuda is considered an eagle so common sense says that being a flesh eater Garuda is represented by Mars. If hearsayings are considered then it is found that Indian people never considered Garuda as an eagle so it becomes essential to churn purana to arrive at a definite solution.

 The following Sanskrit shloka, from Vishnu Purana, is very informative in this context: 


कश्यपस्य तु भार्या यास्तासां नामानि मे शृणु।

अदितिर्दितिर्दनुश्चैवारिष्टा सुरसा खसा

सुरभिर्विनता चैव ताम्रा क्रोधवशा इरा

कद्रुर्मुनिश्च धर्मज्ञ तद्पत्यानि मे शृणु

                              Source: Vishnu Purana 


Translation: Now listen to the names of the spouses of rishi Kashyapa which were:

1. Aditi.

2. Diti.

3. Danu.

4. Arishta.

5. Sursa.

7. Khasa.

8. Surbhi.

9. Vinta

10. Tamra.

11. Kroadhvasha.

12. Ira.

13. Kadru.

14. Muni.


Vedic rishi Kashyapa with his ninth spouse Vinta gave birth to two sons named Garuda and Arun. Garuda was superior to all the birds and was the eater of serpents and heinous in appearance. He became the vehicle of Vishnu. Arun became the charioteer of Surya.


With his tenth spouse Tamra, rishi Kashyapa produced six influential females known as ‘Six Daughters’ in Vedic literature. Their names are given below:

1. Shuki.

2. Shyenee.

3. Bhasi.

4. Sugrivi.

5. Suchi.

6. Gridhika.


The ‘Six Daughters’ of Kashyapa and Tamra with their offsprings are called ‘Tamra’s Vansh’ or ‘Tamra’s Linage’ in Vedic literature.

Shyena the son of Shyenee was the grandson of Kashyapa and Tamra. Nowadays this Shyene is known as Baaz, eagle or hawk.


It is clear that Garuda is not an eagle and both of them are different. Nowadays Garuda as a bird doesn’t exist on earth whereas eagles are found almost everywhere.


Garuda is also known as Khagesh or the king of birds. Every planet moving in this solar system is also known as Khaga or bird so Garuda also becomes the king of all the planets. This is useful for remedial purposes in Jyotish. The upasana or worship of Garuda, if prescribed as astrological remedy, removes the following affliction existing in natal chart and mundane chart:

When a majority of planets are afflicted in natal chart or involved in bad yogas.

When Kaal Sarpa Yoga is formed in transit or in a mundane chart. It should be noted that Kaal Sarpa Yoga is ineffective in natal charts.


Vishnu, the avatara of Vishnu and the devotees of Vishnu are represented by Budh or Mercury and so being the one of the greatest devotees of Vishnu the Garuda is also represented by Mercury.

 In a Vedic horoscope Mercury is found dominating and influencing the fifth. Ninth or twelfth house and Lagna or Moon afflicted by Rahu, Ketu, Gulika, Upaketu or Vyatipata then the recitation of ‘Gaurada Upanishad’ is the best remedy. 


Written on Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 10:31 (IST) by

Vishal Aksh



Copyright©2022 Vishal Aksh

“Bhadrika Yogini Dasha” - An article written by Vishal Aksh


According to Mansagri the following results occur in Bhadrika Dasha:


√ Cordiality among kinsman, devotion towards guru and increase of the faith in parmatma. 

√ Regards from friends. 

√ Auspicious celebrations at home. 

√ Mind always engrossed in the best business. 

√ Rajya yoga. 

√ Enjoyments, fun & joy in the company of various beautiful damsels. 

√ There will be welfare of the native too.

 Note: All the aforesaid results are general but effective.


Almost every astrologer will say that nakshatras Bharni, Magha, Jyeshta and Uttarbhadrapada are ruled by Venus, Ketu, Mercury and Saturn respectively but it is not so in case of Yogini dasha. You will be surprised to know that all the four nakshatras written in this paragraph are ruled by Mercury’s Yogini Bhadrika.

 A closer look at these four nakshatras revels that Bharni is a malefic nakshatra that comes under the rulership of Vedic devta Yama and Magha & Jyestha are malefic Mool sanjyaka nakshatras so the benefic yogini Bhadrika ruled by Mercury is the ruler of three malefic nakshatra ruled by it out of four nakshatras.

 While predicting Bhadrika yogini dasha following guidelines, based on my experience & research in the field of Vedic jyotish for more than three decades, must be followed:


√ If Bharini nakshatra is occupied by a natural malefic planet, maraka planet, malefic upagraha such as Gulika, Maandi, Mrityu, Kalvela, Parivesh or Upaketu etc., badhaka planet or a planet ruling the third, fifth or seventh nakshatra from the birth nakshatra then this Bhadrika yogini will give adverse results regarding health.

 √ If Magha nakshatra is occupied by a planet forming dhana yoga, sampatti yoga or rajyoga then the native will get wealth, sampatti or rajyoga on account of the grace of his parents or forefathers in the Bhadrika yogini dasha.

 √ If Jyestha nakshatra is occupied by a well disposed Mars or Sun, a well disposed third lord or a well disposed tenth lord then the native gets exaltation, courage and professional success in Bhadrika yogini dasha.

 √ Anyone of the Bhadrika’s nakshatras if occupied by the planet ruling the nakshatras other than the rulers of third, fifth or seventh nakshatra from the birth nakshatra then Bhadrika yogini gives auspicious results. 

 √ Anyone of the Bhadrika’s nakshatras if occupied by the planet ruling the third, fifth or seventh nakshatra then Bhadrika yogini gives adverse results regarding health. 

 √ Anyone of the Bhadrika’s nakshatras if occupied by the badhaka planet gives obstacles in profession, health problems and some unknown troubles.

 √ If any nakshatra owned by Bhadrika is occupied by a well disposed Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu then the Bhadrika yogini dasha will increase highness, strength, behavioral approaches, inner joy, abilities to introspect, materialistic approaches or spiritual approaches respectively.

 √ The nakshatra occupants of Bhadrika also display their results, according to their positions in varga charts, in Bhadrika dasha. This is also very important to understand.

 √ In any good vinshottri dasha if Bhadrika yogini starts and ends then almost the entire period of Bhadrika will prove prosperous & memorable even if the Bhadrika’s nakshatras are unoccupied.


Written on Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 00:54 (IST) by

Vishal Aksh



Copyright©2022 Vishal Aksh

Saturday, February 26, 2022

"Who Is A Fraud Astrologer?" - An article written by Vishal Aksh

 Any astrologer even so called expert astrologer is definitely a fraud if found talking about:

  • The use of navansh chart, pushkar navansh, sixty fourth navansh and twenty second drashkan by leaving aside other varga charts
  • Vargottamansh based on rashi & navansh positions occupied by planets only
  • If that astrologer tries his best to divert your attention to your birth time rectification then be sure either he is having less than 20 years of experience or he is trying to take extra charges for that.
  • If the astrologer speaks about Kaal Sarpa Yoga present in your horoscope then that astrologer has no knowledge of Jyotish and he only wants to make money.
  • The phase of sade sati without its proper use in the judgement of horoscope.
  • Retrograde & combust planets in horoscope
  • The recommendations of several remedies, Anusthan and wearing of gemstones etc.
  • The applications of black magic or tantra kriya by someone in the known circle of his client
  • Curses of previous births and the bad karma performed by his client in previous births
  • Only use nakshatra while predicting without their proper use.

Any astrologer possesses lesser knowledge and predictive skills if found:

  • Decorated himself with several gemstones.
  • With several rings in his fingers
  • Seated in a room containing several mystique figures
  • Wearing the uncommon cloths
  • Performing some sort of mystique actions of hands, neck, eyes and face before his clients
  • Displaying several magic tricks to attract
  • Anything in him which makes you frightened
  • Displaying himself as an agent of parmatma or god
  • Claiming as if he has control over the planets

Nowadays an astrologer is also a fraud if you see the following in his social sites:

  • In his social media profile he only mentions superstitions and unfair beliefs
  • Claiming the solutions of your problems within twenty four hours
  • Asking you to stop your struggle in life before his prescribed remedies or blessings
  • Frightening everyone that the earth is going to vanish.
  • Neither predicted on social sites nor claims his fulfilled predictions with proper evidences
  • Makes his claim about fulfilled predictions which he never did on social sites before

Written by Vishal Aksh

Copyright© Vishal Aksh

Friday, February 18, 2022

“Dashmansh Or Siddhansh For Academy?” – An article written by Vishal Aksh


The very concept of Varga nowadays known as divisional charts exists in Brihitparasharahorashastra. This Vedic text is in the form of the question & answer between the two great Vedic muni Maitriya and his guru Parashara.

For dashmansh the great Vedic muni Prashara says that the dashmansh is used to judge Mahatphalam so the Sanskrit word Mahatphalam indicates the results of great karmas. Profession, occupation or vocation may be the part of karma but not the karma.

To understand the proper use of dashmansh the very first thing is to understand the Sanskrit word karma. So a brief description about karma is being given in following subparagraphs:

·         The three kriyas or actions making karma are physical actions, verbal actions & mental actions.

·         All the physical actions done to perform a work come under physical actions so if you are a student then your discipline, attendances, wearing prescribed uniform & punctuality etc. reflect your physical actions.

·         If you are a student then your vocal & written expressions through your wordings reflect your verbal actions and they are nothing but the ways to earn grades or marks in a broader sense and thus useful in making your figure at academic levels.

·         If you are a student then your concentration on the subject & repeatedly thinking about the subject concerned to arrive at a conclusion is what comes under mental actions.

·         If you are a student you have good thinking ability and expressions or you can perform well in mental actions and verbal actions but not good in performing physical action then in examinations or competitions you either will not be able to sit for three hours or you will forget to attend one of your papers. So for the full performance of your karma at academic level you need to perform well at your physical, verbal & mental actions described so far to get the great success in the field of academia as a student.

·         If you are a student who does not concentrate on the subject concerned to justify mental actions then all of your verbal actions favoring your subject become ineffective and your academic success being a student will result in a big failure.

The karma of a student is to absorb the academy through his physical, verbal & mental actions and in dashmansh chart the following houses become significant:

1.    Sixth house of dashmansh for struggles.

2.    Tenth house of dashmansh for your physical actions.

3.    Second house of dashmansh for your vocal expressions.

4.    Third house of dashmansh for your writings.

5.    Fifth house for your mental actions.

In dashmansh chart a relationship between tenth, sixth, second, third & fifth houses indicate the academic attainment in student life.

The Vinshottri dasha is applied to time the events regarding the getting of education according to the dashmansh chart at student levels.

What I mean to make you understand is that you should not disregard the dashmansh chart while predicting one’s academic attainments.

In this regard I want to narrate that while predicting one’s academy the following charts should also be considered like dashmansh chart:

1.    Cyclic & Labh hora chart to predict the academic attainments up to twenty four years of age and timing of events depends on astrologers experience.

2.    The Drashkan chart to predict academic attainments up to thirty six years of age and yogini dasha should be applied to time the events.

3.    Chaturthansh chart to predict the academic attainments up to forty eighth years of age and the timing of events depends on the experience of the astrologer.

There are other charts also which are helpful in predicting academic attainments and a few of them have been given above.

The Siddhansh chart also known as Chaturvinshansh chart or Vedbhavansh and symbolized as d24 is exclusively used to know one’s academic attainments. In forthcoming subparagraphs I am giving the portfolios of various houses in Siddhansh chart:

1.    First house of Siddhansh chart indicates the intentions to get into the academy, successes & failures in the academy and the effect of the academic environment on you. It also indicates the getting of the academy through self-efforts.

2.    Second house of Siddhansh chart indicates vocal expressions, reading the books, mathematics, commerce, economics, fellowships & scholarships, logics and the studying of Jyotish.

3.    Third house of Siddhansh chart indicates academic short journeys, short term decisions on academic grounds, writing skills, drawings, paintings, fine arts, mass communications, telephony & telegraphy, information technology and academy through correspondences, singing, management, music, dance & drama etc.

4.    Fourth house of Siddhansh chart indicates social sciences, agriculture, civil engineering and architectural engineering etc. It also indicates school or college buildings.

5.    Fifth house of Siddhansh chart indicates bent of mind academically, line of education, success in education, psychology, jyotish & astrology, arts, science, Vedic knowledge, and long term decisions on academic grounds.

6.    Sixth house in Siddhansh chart indicates education relating to law, chemical, home sciences, surgery & medical, animal husbandry and military sciences. It also indicates struggle to get an education and competitive successes etc.

7.    Seventh house in Siddhansh chart indicates the other students supporting one in the progress of academy, love affair with the classmate of opposite sex and failures in academy etc.

8.    Eighth house of Siddhansh chart indicates research, history, fossils, marine engineering and sudden discontinuation of academy etc. It also indicates punishments at academic levels.

9.    Ninth house of Siddhansh indicates school of thought, academy related to various religions, Vedas, law, dharma, jurisprudence and justice etc. It also indicates teachers and professors etc.

10.  Tenth house of Siddhansh chart indicates professional education, honors at academic grounds, headmaster of school, principal of college and chancellor or vice chancellor of a university.

11.  Eleventh house of Siddhansh chart indicates certificates and various benefits at academic levels.

12.  Twelfth house indicates hostels, distance land journeys on academic grounds and deviation from academy etc.

To understand the use of Siddhansh chart in full measures it will be better to understand what great Vedic muni Parashara taught his disciple Maitrya about the use of Siddhansh chart.

The great Vedic muni Parashara says, “Vidya Vedbhavanshae” which means Vidya should be judged from Vedbhavansh or Siddhansh.

Source: Brihitparashara Horashastra

The Sanskrit word Vidya has been translated into academy or education by modern linguists only a few years before but the Vedic expert classified Vidya into several other categories in addition to general education present today.

When I use the term general education it indicates the modern system of education prevailing nowadays.

In Veda the unknown Parmatma is described as Vidya so the general system of education does not satisfy the Vedic concept of Vidya.

In Vedic literatures the Vidya is classified into two categories as given below:

1.    Aparavidya or the known knowledge including Vedas and thus the modern academy is the fractional part of Apravidya.

2.    Paravidya or the unknown knowledge or a knowledge yet to be discovered

The experts of Aparavidya are highly educated and may have a powerful Siddhansh chart but you have seen several lesser educated or uneducated legends who invented new academies unknown to the then present world or in other words they transformed Paravidya into Apravidya and highly experts still follow them.

So the Paravidya expert can also have a strong Siddhansh chart. The following are few experts who were uneducated but became idol of academy:

1.    Vedic rishi Valmiki was uneducated and a criminal but he became the first Kavi or poet and wrote Ramayana.

2.    The Mahakavi Kalidasa was not only an uneducated but also a stupid but later on became the greatest poet of Sanskrit.

3.    Indian mathematician Ramanujam did not have a good education but he became the top mathematician of the present world.

So the Siddhansh chart not only indicates general education but also new theories, new academies and the academies yet to be decoded but divisional charts like dashmansh and other charts mentioned earlier only indicate general education.

The experience and research of an astrologer guides him always about the selection of dashmansh & other divisional charts or Siddhansh chart to judge one’s academy.


Written by Vishal Aksh




Copyright© Vishal Aksh