Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

"Exchange Of Houses Or Sthan Parivartana Yoga In Vedic Jyotish" - An article written by Vishal Aksh

 Parivartana Yoga in Vedic jyotish is one of the strongest parts of grah sambandha or planetary relationship which comes under sthan sambandha and this sthansambandha is strongest among four great planetary relationships. For better understanding of parivartana it will be wise to know about four great planetary relationships and they are as below:

Four great planetary relationships:

  1. Sthan sambandha which is of several types but the important ones are the house exchange and the conjunction of two planets occurring in any one of the signs owned by those two planets forming that conjunction so parivartana yoga comes under this planetary relationship. This type of planetary relationship gets sixty units of strength if shown numerically.
  2. Drishti sambandha which is a mutual aspectual relationship between two or more planets. Minimum two planets or upagrah six signs apart from each other form this. If measured numerically then it gets forty five units of strength. If Saturn is fourth from Mars or Mars is in tenth from Saturn this type of planetary relationship is formed and if Rahu or Ketu is fifth or ninth from Jupiter then the same planetary relationship is formed.
  3. Ekatra drishti sambandha occurs whenever the lord of the sign occupied by one or more planets aspects the planet or planets occurring in its ruled sign. Numerically it gets thirty units of strength. In cancellation of debilitation it works well.
  4. Ekatra sthathi sambandha also known as yuti is the conjunction of two planets in any sign except in any of the signs owned by those two planets in conjunction. Numerically it gets fifteen units of strength.

Parivartana or exchange of houses occurs when the ruler of the sign occupied by a planet appears in the sign ruled by that planet which occupies the sign ruled by it. In jyotish a sign is also known as sthan which is different from bhava. The following are the seven planets ruling over the twelve signs as recommended in Vedic jyotish:

  1. Sun rules sidereal Leo.
  2. Moon rules sidereal Cancer.
  3. Mars rules sidereal Aries & Scorpio respectively.
  4. Mercury rules sidereal Gemini & Virgo respectively.
  5. Jupiter rules sidereal Sagittarius & Pisces respectively.
  6. Venus rules sidereal Taurus & Libra respectively.
  7. Saturn rules sidereal Capricorn & Aquarius respectively.

So if Sun occupies Cancer and Moon occupies Leo then there will be parivartana between Sun & Moon. See the following two possibilities for better understandings:

  1. If the sidereal ascendant is Cancer ruled by Moon and the parivartana occurs between Sun & Moon respectively then Sun becomes second lord so the parivartana is also said to be a parivartana between the lords of ascendant and that of second. If this combination occurs at the time of someone asking a query about money then it is excellent but if the query is about investment then it is not a favorable one.
  2. If sidereal ascendant Leo ruled by the Sun with Moon in it and Sun occupies Cancer then this parivartana is also a parivartana between rising lord and twelfth lord. It is favorable at the time of query about investments but highly unfavorable at the time of query about financial incomings.

In this way the parivartana between other planets should be taken into account. The parivartana yoga should be considered in following charts:

  • Rashi chart.
  • Chalit chart.
  • Dasha pravesh or the dasha commencement chart
  • Horary chart.
  • Varshphala or Vedic annual chart.
  • Forward progressed & converse progressed charts
  • The cyclic or labh hora, drashkan, chaturthansh, panchmansh, shasthansh, saptansh, ashtmansh, navansh, dashmansh, ekadashnah, dwadashansh, shodashansh, vinshansh, siddhansh, bhansh, trishansh, khavedansh, akshvedansh, shystyansh, naadi and sooksham naadi divisional charts in natal, horary, dasha pravesh and varshphala horoscopes.
  • The parivartana in naadi (150th) or sooksham naadi (300th) charts many times does wonders.

In horary horoscope the parivartana between rising lord and the lord of house for which the query is being asked then it indicates grand success provided one of the lord forms seventh aspect with Moon it is a horary rajayoga. See the following for further understandings of parivartana in horary chart:

  • If parivartana is between the rising lord and second lord then it favors the queries regarding the acquisition of money, delivering a speech, affairs relating to banks and wellbeing in family.
  • If parivartana is between the rising lord and third lord then it favors queries relating to writing letters or emails, writing books or documents, conversation on telephone or mobile, presentations, short journeys, affairs relating to post offices, affairs relating to railways and wellbeing of siblings.
  • If parivartana is between the rising lord and fourth lord then it favors queries regarding the acquisition of lands, buildings, flats and assets and their sale purchase, peace, wellbeing of mother, wellbeing of relatives, swimming, finding underground water source, agriculture and academy.
  • If the parivartana is between the rising lord and that of fifth then it favors the queries regarding academy, well being of children, writing books of higher levels, philosophical outlook, knowledge, enlightenment, mantrajapa and Vedic deity to be worshiped to get success.
  • If parivartana is between the rising lord and that of sixth then it favors queries regarding the recovery of health, health issue, competitive success, relationship with maternal uncle, acquisition of camels, asses and other animals, accidents, fall from elevation, attacks from spirits and abhira or black magic.
  • If parivartana is between the rising lord and seventh lord then it favors queries regarding spouse, marriage, business, partnership and relationship between husband & wife.
  • If parivartana is between the rising lord and that of eighth then it favors queries regarding the completion of research, yogic practices, pranayam, occult, mysticism, metaphysic, gambling, caves, sea voyages, inheritance and death or death like conditions. If someone asks about his death then the astrologer should not reply to that and the same applies to queries about gambling.
  • If the parivartana is between the rising lord and that of ninth then it favors queries regarding father, guru, bhakti, bhagya, teerth yatra or pilgrimages and long distance journeys.
  • If the parivartana is between the rising lord and that of tenth then it favors queries regarding father, professional successes, respect, fame, political success and karmic success.
  • If parivartana is between the rising lord and that of eleventh then it favors queries regarding gains, fulfillment of objectives and also unearned wealth.
  • If the parivartana is between the rising lord and that of twelfth then it favors queries regarding investments, loss of money, charity, bed pleasures, moksha, devadosha, vedic deity to be worshiped to get success, charitable institutions, foreigners, strangers and secret foes.

Vedic muni Parashara mentioned twelve yoga in natal chart based on parivartana which are given below:

  1. Parivartana between the rising lord and that of second is labh yoga or the combination of extreme gains.
  2. Parivartana between the second lord and that of the third is the combination favoring a government servant.
  3. Parivartana between the third lord and that of the fourth favors an army official.
  4. Parivartana between the fourth lord and that of the fifth is a combination of ministers.
  5. Parivartana between the fifth lord and that of sixth is a combination which favors the natives who perform challenging & tough works.
  6. Parivartana between the sixth lord and that of seventh gives rajyoga or higher office in services or political success.
  7. Parivartana between the seventh lord and that of the eighth gives danger to one’s spouse.
  8. Parivartana between the eighth lord and that of the ninth results in poverty.
  9. Parivartana between the ninth lord and that of the tenth results in the rajyoga or political success of the highest order.
  10. Parivartana between the tenth lord and that of the eleventh gives lands and wealth.
  11. Parivartana between the eleventh lord and that of the twelfth gives expenditures & debts.
  12. Parivartana between the twelfth lord and that of the first results in loss of money.

Source: Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra

In natal horoscopes too the twelve parivartana yoga between rising lord and that of other houses are also given and they are given below:

  1. Parivartana between the rising lord and that of the second makes one rich, luxurious, powerful, noble thinker and governed by his own intellect.
  2. .Parivartana between the rising lord and that of the third makes one weaker in strength, respected by the government, famous, head in his family. He gets help from relatives from mother’s side and he is always with exalted relatives.
  3. Parivartana between the rising lord and that of the fourth then the person performs the works of government easily, obeys his father, fulfills all the commitments made and guides noble people. He is of forgiving nature and a great noble person.
  4. Parivartana between the rising lord and that of the fifth makes one’s thinking noble and pure and he gets a distinguished rank in his family. He is very knowledgeable, educated and has a strong sense for self respect.
  5. Parivartana between the rising lord and that of the sixth then the native develops ill will toward others. He is rich, healthy, strong & a rebel. He gathers various things also.
  6. Parivartana between the rising lord and that of the seventh then his mind always thinks about his spouse and serves his father and wife’s brother.
  7. Parivartana between the rising lord and that of the eighth makes one a gambler, thief and he gets his death on account of displeasure of the public.
  8. Parivartana between the rising lord and that of the ninth then the native gets respect from the government and lives in some foreign land.
  9. Parivartana between the rising lord and that of the tenth then the native possesses many lands and huge wealth. He is known for his huge wealth and beauty.
  10. Parivartana between the rising lord and that of the eleventh makes one powerful like a king and long lived.
  11. Parivartana between the rising lord and that of the twelfth then the native is less intelligent, miser and works without applying his brain. He wastes his wealth and develops enmity with others.

Source: Acharya Mukand Devajya’s Bhavamanjari

Note: The parivartana between rising lord and that of sixth results in poverty if either of two receives an aspect from a death inflecting planet.

Now I am writing the results of parivartana between the rising lord and the lords of the remaining houses based on my understanding of Vedic jyotish and my experience in the field of Vedic jyotish in following eleven paragraphs:

Parivartana between rising lord and that of second:

  • If this occurs in the cyclic or labh hora chart then it results in the acquisition of self earned money and the same result applies if it occurs in ekadashansh chart.
  • If this occurs in a dashmansh chart it results in acquisition of money through profession and affairs concerning the accounts and banks.
  • If this occurs in the siddhansh chart then this results in academic attainments.
  • If it occurs in the bhansh chart then it indicates a nice way of delivering speech.
  • If this occurs in a shyshthansh chart or akshvedansh chart then it gives self earned wealth in earning age, academy in student life and a nice way of delivering speech.

Parivartana between rising lord and that of third:

  • If it occurs in the drashkan chart then it indicates better understanding among siblings.
  • If it occurs in the dashmansh chart then it gives official correspondences, some official dealing with post offices,railways and publishing houses.
  • If it occurs in the siddhansh chart then it gives decent writings at academic levels.
  • If it occurs in a bhansh chart then it gives various skills, musical talents, skillful writings and ability to make short term decisions.
  • If it occurs in a shyshthansh chart or akshvedansh chart then it gives better understandings among siblings, official correspondences, some official dealing with post offices,railways and publishing houses, decent writings at academic levels and various skills, musical talents, skillful writings and ability to make short term decisions.

Parivartana between rising lord and that of fourth:

  • If it occurs in a chaturthansh chart then it results in the acquisitions of lands and affairs relating to landed property.
  • If it occurs in a dashmansh then it results in affairs relating to agriculture, water or lands in professional matters.
  • If it occurs in a shodashansh chart then it results in the acquisitions of vehicles, assets and luxuries.
  • If it occurs in a siddhansh chart then it results in academic success.
  • If it occurs in the bhansh chart then it results in purity of heart.

Parivartana between rising lord and that of fifth:

  • If it occurs in a cyclic panchmansh then it results in the increase in the inclination towards philosophy and intuition.
  • If it occurs in a saptansh then it improves the mental level of children and their academic success and it can also result in the birth of a child..
  • If it occurs in a vinshansh chart it results in mantra, tantra, spiritual or similar practices.
  • If it occurs in a siddhansh chart then it results in a big boost in the academy.
  • If it occurs in a bhansh chart then it indicates foresightedness, intuition, higher level of intellect, wisdom and taking of long term decisions. This also indicates writing skills of higher level.

Parivartana between rising lord and that of sixth:

  • If it occurs in a chaturthansh chart it results in some legal issues.
  • If it occurs in shasthansh, ashtmansh or cyclical or traditional trishansh then it results in diseases, falling from an elevated place or accidents.
  • If it occurs in the dashmansh chart then it results in some affairs concerning employees or some legal issues concerning profession.
  • If it occurs in cyclic hora, labh hora or the ekadashansh chart then it results in the taking of debts.
  • If it occurs in shodashansh then it results in damage to vehicles and other assets.
  • If it occurs in the bhansh chart then it results in the increase in stamina and struggling nature.

Parivartana between rising lord and that of seventh:

  • If it occurs in the navansh chart then it results in alliance, marriage or increasing intimacy between married couples.
  • If it occurs in the dashmansh chart then it results in partnership.
  • If it occurs in the bhansh then it results in increased sexual power.

Parivartana between rising lord and that of eighth:

  • If it occurs in cyclic hora, labh hora or the ekadashansh chart then it indicates paying back of loans.
  • If it occurs in cyclic panchmansh then it results in metaphysical approaches, mysticism, illusions produced by the action of maya.
  • If it occurs in shasthansh, ashthmansh, traditional trishansh or cyclic trishansh then it results in dreadful diseases.
  • If it occurs in the shodashansh chart then it indicates the continuous damages in vehicles and other assets.
  • If it occurs in the vinshansh chart then it results in samadhi sadhana.
  • If it occurs in the bhansh chart then it results in pranayama practices or inventive habits.

Parivartana between rising lord and that of ninth:

  • If it occurs in the chaturthansh chart then it results in bhagyodaya or rise in fortunes.
  • If it occurs in cyclic panchmansh then it results in the knowledge of dharma or religion.
  • If it occurs in the vinshansh chart then it results in bhakti.
  • If it occurs in the bhansh chart then it results in the leading of a well disciplined life.

Parivartana between rising lord and that of tenth:

  • If it occurs in the dashmansh chart then it results in professional success of higher order, fame and a rank in life.
  • If it occurs in the bhansh chart then it results in the increase in working efficiency.

Parivartana between rising lord and that of eleventh:

  • If it occurs in cyclic hora, labh hora or the ekadashansh chart then it indicates continuous incoming of money without much effort. It also results in the boost in financial position.
  • If it occurs in the dashmansh chart then it results in professional benefits.

Parivartana between rising lord and that of twelfth:

  • If it occurs in cyclic hora, labh hora or the ekadashansh chart then it results in financial losses, useful expenses or investments.
  • If it occurs in the bhansh chart then it makes the native’s nature of being extravagant.

The great Mantreswara in his Phaladeepika expanded the concept of parivartana given by the Vedic muni Parashara in a very detailed manner. According to him there are sixty six possible combinations of parivartana so on the basis of malefic and benefic nature of houses involved in parivartana categorized thirty types of malefic parivartana which he called them daineya yoga, eight types of mixed parivartana which he called Khala yoga and remaining twenty eighth types of benefic parivartana which he called them Maha yoga.

According to Vedic jyotish the twelfth, sixth and eighth are the malefic houses where twelfth is the least malefic whereas the eighth is the most so when the lord of these houses are involved in parivartana with the lords of other houses the three groups of daineya yoga are formed. See the following:

  1. The first group parivartana belonging to dainey yoga results when the lord of twelfth house is in any of the remaining houses from first house to eleventh house and lord of that house where the lord of twelfth appears is in twelfth house. So in this case the possible parivartana are eleven.
  2. The second group of parivartana belonging to daineya yoga results when the lord of the sixth house occupies any of the remaining houses except twelfth and the lord of the house where the sixth lord is placed occupies the sixth house. In this group the number of possible parivartana will be ten.
  3. The third group of parivartana belonging to dainey yoga results when the lord of the eighth house occupies any of the remaining houses except twelfth and sixth and the lord of the house where the eighth lord is placed occupies the eighth house. In this group the number of possible parivartana will be nine.

Thus there are eleven types of parivartana of the first group, ten types of the second group and nine types of the third group or the total number of dainey yoga are thirty. The native born under dainey yoga is stupid, speaks unfair language, a sinner, victimized by his foes, he always distresses other by his speech and his mind is always unsteady. Any work performed by him results in failure.

When the lord of third house occupies any one of the remaining houses except twelfth, sixth and eighth houses and the lord of house where the lord of third is placed is in third house so this parivartana is called khala yoga so this fourth group of parivartana belonging to khala yoga contains eighth possible parivartana. The native born under khala yoga sometimes becomes arrogant and sometimes becomes polite, his life is full of successes and failures, sometimes he gets all round prosperity by the grace of his bhagya and sometimes he suffers on account of calamity, poverty and distress.

The fifth, sixth, eighth, ninth and tenth groups of parivartana are of maha yoga and they are as follow:

  1. The fifth group of parivartana belonging to maha yoga results when the rising lord occupies any house except twelfth, sixth, eighth and the third and the lord of the house where the rising lord is placed occupies the rising sign or first house. These types of parivartana are seven in number.
  2. The sixth group of parivartana belonging to maha yoga results when the lord of the second house occupies any house except twelfth, sixth, eighth, third and first and the lord of the house where the lord of second is placed occupies the second house. These types of parivartana are six in number.
  3. The seventh group of parivartana belonging to mahayoga results when the lord of the fourth house occupies any house except twelfth, sixth, eighth, third, first and second and the lord of the house where the lord of fourth is placed occupies the fourth house. These types of parivartana are five in number.
  4. The eighth group of parivartana belonging to maha yoga results when the lord of the fifth house occupies any house except twelfth, sixth, eighth, third, first, second and fourth and the lord of the house where the lord of fifth is placed occupies the fifth house. These types of parivartana are four in number.
  5. The ninth group of parivartana belonging to maha yoga results when the lord of the seventh house occupies any house except twelfth, sixth, eighth, third, first, second, fourth and fifth and the lord of the house where the lord of seventh is placed occupies the seventh house. These types of parivartana are three in number.
  6. The tenth group of parivartana belonging to maha yoga results when the lord of the ninth house occupies any house except twelfth, sixth, eighth, third, first, second, fourth, fifth and seventh and the lord of the house where the lord of ninth is placed occupies the ninth house. These types of parivartana are two in number.
  7. The eleventh group of parivartana belonging to maha yoga results results when the lord of the tenth house occupies any house except twelfth, sixth, eighth, third, first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh and ninth and the lord of the house where the lord of tenth is placed occupies the tenth house or in other words you can say it is the parivartana between tenth and eleventh lords. This type of parivartana is only one in number.

It is clear that there are seven groups of maha yoga.

So there are twenty eight types of maha yoga. The native born under maha yoga is extremely rich, he has beautiful clothes of various colors, he wears gold ornaments, he is awarded by government and other officials of high ranks and he also possesses various vehicles.

Written by Vishal Aksh


Copyright© Vishal Aksh