Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Saturday, February 26, 2022

"Who Is A Fraud Astrologer?" - An article written by Vishal Aksh

 Any astrologer even so called expert astrologer is definitely a fraud if found talking about:

  • The use of navansh chart, pushkar navansh, sixty fourth navansh and twenty second drashkan by leaving aside other varga charts
  • Vargottamansh based on rashi & navansh positions occupied by planets only
  • If that astrologer tries his best to divert your attention to your birth time rectification then be sure either he is having less than 20 years of experience or he is trying to take extra charges for that.
  • If the astrologer speaks about Kaal Sarpa Yoga present in your horoscope then that astrologer has no knowledge of Jyotish and he only wants to make money.
  • The phase of sade sati without its proper use in the judgement of horoscope.
  • Retrograde & combust planets in horoscope
  • The recommendations of several remedies, Anusthan and wearing of gemstones etc.
  • The applications of black magic or tantra kriya by someone in the known circle of his client
  • Curses of previous births and the bad karma performed by his client in previous births
  • Only use nakshatra while predicting without their proper use.

Any astrologer possesses lesser knowledge and predictive skills if found:

  • Decorated himself with several gemstones.
  • With several rings in his fingers
  • Seated in a room containing several mystique figures
  • Wearing the uncommon cloths
  • Performing some sort of mystique actions of hands, neck, eyes and face before his clients
  • Displaying several magic tricks to attract
  • Anything in him which makes you frightened
  • Displaying himself as an agent of parmatma or god
  • Claiming as if he has control over the planets

Nowadays an astrologer is also a fraud if you see the following in his social sites:

  • In his social media profile he only mentions superstitions and unfair beliefs
  • Claiming the solutions of your problems within twenty four hours
  • Asking you to stop your struggle in life before his prescribed remedies or blessings
  • Frightening everyone that the earth is going to vanish.
  • Neither predicted on social sites nor claims his fulfilled predictions with proper evidences
  • Makes his claim about fulfilled predictions which he never did on social sites before

Written by Vishal Aksh

Copyright© Vishal Aksh