Articles written by Vishal Aksh

"Know Your Spiritual Level" - an article written by Vishal Aksh

Published: Thursday, October 25, 2018
Edited: Friday, October 26, 2018 at 12:40 (IST)

Part (I)

(1) It is almost a tough job for an astrologer to judge the spiritual level of his client or that of someone.

(2) Several times he finds even his client's horoscope does not reflect spirituality but in actual practice his client is rich in spirituality and vice versa.

(3) Here are some guidelines for astrologers or similar people about the judgement of spiritual level of anyone astrologically.

(4) In "Catechism of Astrology", while replying Q.88. of PART 1 Dr. B.V. Raman writes that, "Saturn in 4th or 5th brings success in occult sciences.

(4.1) Astrologers may find this combination as given under (4) not working in actual practice. For all of you I am writing few words to enable you to make that combination understood as per my experiences of more than 28 years in the field of Vedic Jyotish in forthcoming paragraph:

(4.2) Check this combination in Bhansh Chart (D27). If you have Saturn in 4th or 5th house in Bhansh Chart (D27) or from Aatmkaarka and Lagnaroodhapade in this Chart then you have instincts to receive and understand occult and this is bigger thing if you have that.

(4.3) If you have Saturn in 4th or 5th house in Vinshansh Chart (D20) then you achieve successes and findings in the field of occult.

(4.4) If you have Saturn in 4th or 5th house in Panchmansh Chart (D5) then you have success in occult on philosophical and religious basis.

(4.5) Researches conducted by me in the field of Vedic Jyotish clearly indicate that Saturn in 4th or 5th house in Bhansh Chart (D27), Vinshansh Chart (D20) or Panchmansh Chart (D5) also support Vairagya, Aadhyatna (spirituality), Dharma and Jyotish / Astrology.


Part (II)

(1) In this article I am writing several other rules to judge the spiritual prospects from a horoscope based on my huge experience of more than 28 years in the Field of Vedic Jyotish.

(2) Rule 01: Check your Ascending signs existing in Vinshansh Chart (D20) or Panchmansh Chart (D5) and the ruling Planet of the Ascending sign of either of these two governs your spirituality and if that lord occupies Kendra or Trikona Bhava then in the Vinshottri, Ashtottri, Yogini, Sandhya,Nesargika or Paatyani
Vinshottri Mahadasha of that ruling Planet your spirituality will increase.

(3) Rule 02: Check your Chara Aatmkarka Planet if this Planet occupies 1st, 5th or 9th house in Vinshansh Chart (D20) or in Panchmansh Chart (D5) in conjunction with Ketu or under the in􀂢uence of Jupiter then be sure you reflect spirituality.

(3.1) If the Planet in conjunction with Ketu as described in aforesaid point (3) occupies 1st or 9th house in Vinshansh Chart (D20) or Panchmansh Chart (D5) then the person performs spiritual journeys

(4) Rule 03: Same results apply as described under (3) if in one's horoscope his Chara Aatmakarka is replaced by lord of 5th Bhava or that of 9th Bhava.


Part (III)

(1) Maansagri was perhaps the one of the book on Vedic Jyotish studied by me through self efforts in year 1990. Under Shanibhaavphalam Chapter of that book it was written that if Saturn occupies 9th house in any horoscope then that person is (i) Hypocrite (ii) Antitheist (iii) Haughty (v) Poor. Though there were several other results but only fewer results befitting this article have been given in this paragraph from Vedic Jyotish text Maansagri in this paragraph.

(2) At that time I already read in Shivapurana that Shanischara (Saturn) was described as Shanischwara Mahadeva so how can Saturn’s presence in 9th house make someone a hypocrite and an Antitheist. Shiva the only profounder of Dharma cannot make one hypocrite and an Antitheist even in his form of Shani (Saturn). These were my views in year 1990 about Saturn’s presence in 9th house.

(3) Similar views about Saturn as described in Maansaagari were given in other texts like Phaladeepika which I read within one or two years. I remember in those years I came across the horoscopes of several people having Saturn in 9th house but they were religious, spiritual and pure hearted.

(4) In other Vedic Jyotish text like Horaratna the Saturn was also denoted as “Yama” and in Vedic literature Yama is also known as Dharmaraj or the lord of Dharma so how can the presence of Saturn the Dharmaraj in 9th house make one a hypocrite and an Antitheist? My thought about Saturn’s that situation at that time were nothing but making one religiously awakened.

(5) It was in agreement with my thinking when I read in Horasara the following Sanskrit Shaloka describing Saturn’s placement in 9th as given below:

धर्मध्वजोऽतिनिपुणो मेधावी नितिपुत्रवान् नवमे।
(Dharmdhawajoatinipuno medhaavi nitiputravaan Nevme)

Translation: The person having Saturn in 9th house is a Flag of Dharma, he is an expert, he is extremely wise and full of Vedic Conducts and he will have sons.

(6) In forthcoming paragraphs (7), (8) and (9) I am sharing my researches in this context:

(7) If you find in your horoscope that Saturn moves to 9th Bhava from 8th house or 10th house then it reflects that you will come to spirituality within your lifetime and it will enable you to understand Dharma in its true form.

(8) If you have Saturn in 9th house in Bhansh Chart (D27) or Saturn in 9th house from Chara Aatmkarkansh in Bhansh Chart (D27) or Saturn in 9th house from the Lagnaaroodhpada of Bhansh Chart (D27) then be sure you have wonderful instincts to understand Dharma, Philosophy and Vairagya and it also gives you inclination towards performing spiritual and religious journeys.

(9) Saturn in 9th house in Panchmansh Chart (D5) enables you to understand Dharma and spirituality on philosophical basis.

(10) Saturn in 9th house in Vinshansh Chart (D20) enables you to practice Dharma in your lifetime now wonder it gives you Varigya the spirituality of highest order.


Part (IV)
A True Sadhu (Saint)? 

“Anyone with saint like qualities leading a family life by fulfilling his responsibilities is a Sadhu (Saint) who is more than a Sadhu living in a Kuti (Hut)”

Astrologers please note and what are being sharing below are based on my researches in the field of Vedic Jyotish:

(1) If you find Jupiter in Lagna in Rashi Chart. Forget about whether it is retrograde or in debility etc.,

(2) In Bhansh Chart you find Jupiter in 1st, 5th, 7th or 9th house,

(3) Check the sign occupied by Chara Aatmakarka and Chara Aamatya Karaka Planets in Bhansh Chart (D27) Chart and if you find Jupiter in Bhansh Chart (D27) disposed in 1st, 5th, 7th or 9th house from the sign occupied by either Chara Aatmakarka or Chara Aamatya Karka in Bhansh Chart (D27). Forget if these Planets are retrograde or in debilities in Bhansh Chart or Rashi Chart,

(4) Or Check the signs occupied by Chara Aatmakarka and Chara Aamatyakarka Plents of Bhansh Chart in Rashi Chart and if you find Jupiter disposed in 1st, 5th, 7th or 9th house from either of signs occupied of Chara Aatma Karka or Chara Aamatya Karka of Bhansh Chart (D27) in Rashi Chart. Forget if you find any concerned Planet in debility in Rashi Chart.

(5) Then you are judging the horoscope of a Sadhu person (Saint like person) who is more than a Sadhu living in a Kuti (Hut)


Part (V)
Aatm Manthana

(1) In this small article I am sharing my researches on Aatm Manthana though there may be several other combinations resulting in Aatm Manthana as described in forthcoming paragraphs

(2) In Vedic era Samudra Mnathana took place to get Amrita and the two most important pillars of that Samudra Manthana were Shiva who protected the creation by drinking Halala which came out as a side effect of that Samudra Manthana and Vishnu who in his Kurma Avataara acted as a base for Mandrachal Parvata.

(3) In Planetary terms Sun represents Parmatma Shiva and Saturn represents the Kurma Avataara. In case of Aatma Manthana too these two Planets are significant. Shiva the Mritunjai (Sun) and Vishnu the protractor of life (Saturn signifies Ayu). Saturn also signifies Vrikati from worldly affaires and Aasakti towards Parmatma Shiva represented by Sun through unusual approaches like challenges, researching, performing Yoga etc.

(4) Check your Vedic Horoscope in that if you find Saturn’s aspect over Sun then it is an indication that you have an inbuilt mechanism of Aatm Manthana but it is operative or not there is no guarantee.

(4.1) If you find in your Panchmansh Chart (Cyclic D5) Sun under the aspect of Saturn then the mechanism of Aatm Mantha will work even if it does not exist in your Rashi Chart.

(4.2) If you find in your Vinshansh Chart Sun under the aspect of Saturn the mechanism of Aatm Munthans works without fail even if it does not exist in your Rashi Chart or Panchmansh Chart.

(4.3) If you find in your Bhansh Chart (also known as Saptvinshansh Chart or Nakshatransh Chart and symbolized as D27) Sun under the aspect of Saturn you have wonderful mechanism of Aatm Manthan even if it does not exist in your Rashi Chart, Panchmansh Chart and Vinshansh Chart. You came in this world to activate the Mechanism of Aatma Manthana for others too.

(4.4) If either between Sun and Saturn becomes your Chara Aatmakarka you have the superior Mechanism of Aatm Manthan. If not any Planet holding the rank of Chara Aatmakarka should conjoined either one of them.

(4.5) As per my experience &researches of more than 28 years in the field of Vedic Jyotish there is no doubt in saying that the aspects as per Vedic Jyotish work in Divisional Charts too and this is very important to understand.

(4.6) The aspect of Saturn over Sun in foregoing paragraph are Vedic aspect. Saturn has 3rd and 10th aspect in addition to 7th aspect. In almost all the literatures of predictive Vedic Jyotish aspects are considered as sign to sign not degree wise so the aspect should be considered in Divisional Charts too. The aspects considering the degrees are used to calculate Shadabala and Bhava Bala.

(5) A human body consists of 75% of water so the concept of Samudra Manthana also applies to it and the Samudra Mantha at individual level turns to Aatm Manthana.


Part (VI)
How Does A Horoscope Reflect Spirituality?

(1) It was in Year 1991 when I read “Brihat Jataka” originally written by great Varaha Mihira translated into English by Usha & Shashi. In that book no Sanskrit Shloka was given. It was Third Paragraph under CHAPTER XV titling On ASCETIC YOGAS in which greatest rank of spirituality one can achieve was described by giving entire credit to Saturn.

(2) The English word ASCETIC means the highest reach of spirituality known in Sanskrit as प्रव्रज्या (Pravrajya)

(3) In several other ancient Sanskrit texts on Vedic Jyotish the Saturn is also considered as a planet that indicates Vrikati (Vairagya) and that Saturn should be responsible for divine enlightenment. These were the thoughts I had in year 1991

(4) Now I found that Sanskrit Shloka given in Brihat Jataka in internet search. The following is that Sanskrit Shloka:

जन्मेशोऽन्यैर्यद्यदृष्टोऽर्कपुत्रं पश्यत्यार्किर्जन्मपं वा बलोनम्।
दीक्षांप्राप्नोत्यार्किदृक्काण संस्थे भौमार्क्यंशे सौरदृष्टे च चंद्रे॥३॥
[Janmeshoanyeradrishtoarkputrm Pashytyaarkikrjanapm Vaa Balonam!
Deekshapraapnotyaarkikdrakkan Sansthe Bhaumaarkyanshe Saurdreshte Ch Chandre!!3!!]

(i) Now for the benefits of all of you I am just translating the aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka to make you understood:

(ii) जन्मेश (Janmesh) = Lord of Sign occupied by Moon at one’s birth

(iii) अन्यैः (Anyaeeh) = Other (here planets)

(iv) यदि (Yadi) = If

(v) अदृष्ट: (Adrishthah) = does not receive Aspects

(vi) Note: As per Sanskrit Sandhi Rules: यदि (Yadi) + अदृष्ट: (Adrishthah) = यद्योदृष्टः (Yadyodrishtah). This word exists in the very first Sanskrit word in aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka. Combining (4.4) and (4.5)

(vii) अर्कपुत्रं (Arkputram) = Ark = Surya (Sun), Putram = Son and it means Son of Sun in Vedic Purana Shani (Saturn) is described as Son of Sun. Arkputram indicates Shani (Saturn) 

(viii) जन्मेशोऽन्यैर्यद्यदृष्टोऽर्कपुत्रं (Janmeshoanyeradrishtoarkputrm) = If at the time of one’s birth the lord of his Vedic Moon Sign while receiving no aspects from other Planets aspects Saturn.

(ix) पश्यत्यार्किर्जन्मपं (Pashytyaarkikrjanapm) = पश्यति (Pashyati) + अर्कि (Arki) + जन्मपं

(x) पश्यति (Pashyati) = Aspects

(xi) अर्कि (Arki) = Saturn

(xii) जन्मपं (Janapam) = Lord of one’s Vedic Moon Sign at his birth.

(xiii) पश्यत्यार्किर्जन्मपं (Pashytyaarkikrjanapm) = Saturn aspects the lord of Vedic Moon Sign at his birth

(xix) वा (Vaa) = Or

(xv) पश्यत्यार्किर्जन्मपं (Pashytyaarkikrjanapm) वा (Vaa) = or Saturn aspects the lord of Vedic Moon Sign at his birth

(xvi) बलोनम् (Balonam) = Weak

(xvii) Or (xv) + (xvi): or Saturn aspects the weak lord of Vedic Moon sign at his birth

(xviii) दीक्षांप्राप्नोति (Deekshaampraponoti): gets (praponoti) initiation (दीक्षा)

(xix) Combining (viii), (xvii) & (xviii): If at the time of one’s birth the lord of his Vedic Moon Sign while receiving no aspects from other Planets aspects Saturn or Saturn aspects the weak lord of Vedic Moon sign at his birth then he gets (praponoti) initiation (दीक्षा) and the order of Asceticism will be indicated by the Saturn.   

(xx) आर्किदृक्काण (Aarkikdarkkana): the Dreshkan of Saturn

(xxi) संस्थे (Sansthe): Situates

(xxii) भौमार्क्यंशे (Bhaumaarkyanshe): In the Ansh ruled by Mars (Bhauma) or Saturn (Aarkey)   

(xxiii) सौरदृष्टे (Saurdresthe): Aspected by Saturn (Saura)

(xix) (Ch): And
(xxv) चंद्रे (Chendre): Moon

(xxvi) Combining (xx), (xxi), (xxii), (xxiii), (xix) and (xv): If Moon occupies the Dreskana of Saturn and also occupies the Ansha ruled by Mars or Saturn and receives aspect from Saturn then the person gets Pravrajya of the order indicated by Saturn as already described under (xix)

(xxvii) Combining (xix) and (xxvi): If at the time of one’s birth the lord of his Vedic Moon Sign while receiving no aspects from other Planets aspects Saturn or Saturn aspects the weak lord of Vedic Moon sign at his birth then he gets (praponoti) initiation (दीक्षा) and the order of Asceticism will be indicated by the Saturn and same results apply If Moon occupies the Dreskana of Saturn and also occupies the Ansha ruled by Mars or Saturn and receives aspect from Saturn.   

(5) In paragraph (4) the Sanskrit Shloka of Brihit Jataka translated by me under paragraph (xxvii) in full measure is for the benefit of all the learners and researchers of Vedic Jyotish and that is what has been given in the English translation by Usha & Shashi of the CHAPTER XV titling On ASCETIC YOGAS of Brihat Jataka” originally written by Varahamihira.

(6) It took several years to find the combinations for Asceticism with few results in the Rashi Charts of popular spiritual exponents but I conducted my researches by believing that Varahamihira, the great savant of Vedic Jyotish cannot be wrong so only option was that I was missing something in the application of the rules of Asceticism in the Horoscopes of great well known spiritualists, saints, Guru and Dharmaguru.  

(7) I always find the teachings given by Vedic muni Parashara in Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra blissful in understanding the inner meanings of all the works on Vedic Jyotish done by the modern exponents of Kaliyuga.

(8) The very first thing I recommend for every learner and researcher of Vedic Jyotish is to apply common sense to understand the rules of Vedic Jyotish and after that apply them in a number of Horoscopes (minimum twenty horoscope) and then apply them for predictive purposes and after successful feedback of minimum twenty cases an Astrologer should search his concerned findings in other Vedic literatures like (i) Ramayana, (ii) Mahabharta, (iii) Veda, (iv) Upanishada, (v) Purana, (vi) Ayurveda and similar other Vedic texts for authentication in Vedic terms.

(9) I have been continuously reading the views of some so called experts since the year 1990 that in Veda there is no mention of Phalit Jyotisha (predictive part of Jyotisha) and this is a very big hoax created by them. I am sure that they have no knowledge of Veda. Ramayana and Mahabharta do not exist in Veda but even though they are considered as Vedanga.     

(10) If you once again see the Translation (As done by me under (xxvii) earlier) of the Sanskrit Shloka (As given earlier under (4) earlier), you will find that three different combinations have been given in a single Sanskrit Shloka for ASCETICISM. If you see in all the three combinations leading to Asceticism the Saturn plays very significant role so my thoughts in year 1991that Saturn is only Planet which is responsible for Vairagya proved right through the understanding of that Sanskrit Shloka.

(11) “When lord of Vedic Moon Sign aspects Saturn” – this is the very first combination of Asceticism given in that Sanskrit Shloha.

(i) What Did I Understand From It? : Moon is the Planet who represents Mana (Mind) and The Understanding thus becomes the subject of Moon. Lord of Vedic Moon Sign influences the Moon and so it also plays an important role in shaping one’s Setup of Mind.

(ii) When Vedic Moon Sign Lord Aspects Saturn it receives the characteristic of Saturn known as Vairagya and sends it to Moon to motivate that person to become Sanyasi or Ascetic.

(iii) If Moon occupies Mesh (Sidereal Aries) or Vrischika (Sidereal Scorpio) then Mars the ruler of these signs should aspect Saturn with its 4th, 7th or 8th aspect to make the Yoga.

(iv) If Moon occupies Vrish (Sidereal Taurus) or Tula (Sidereal Libra) then Venus the ruler of these signs should aspect Saturn by its 7th aspect to make this Yoga. Under such condition Venus & Saturn will be in mutual aspect.  

(v) If Moon occupies Mithuna (Sidereal Gemini) or Kanya (Sidereal Virgo) and ruler of these signs Mercury aspects the Saturn with its 7th aspect to make this Yoga.

(vi) If Moon occupies Kark Rashi (Sidereal Cancer) and Moon being the ruler of this sign aspect Saturn with its 7th aspect to make this Yoga. Here something was found confusing as under this condition Saturn will be in its own sign Makar (Sidereal Capricorn) aspecting Moon too and this also results in Rajyoga. I thought this a contradictory condition. Moon occupying its own sign Kark (Sidereal Cancer) cannot said to be weak to apply second condition of that Sanskrit Shloka stating Moon sign lord should be weak when an aspect of Saturn falls on it.

(vii) If Moon occupies Simh Rashi (Sidereal Leo) and ruler of this Sign Sun aspect Saturn with its 7th aspect. Under such situation Saturn will be retrograde.

(viii) If Moon occupies Dhanur (Sidereal Sagittarius) or Meen (Sidereal Pisces) and the ruler of these signs Jupiter aspects Saturn with its 5th, 7th or 9th aspect.   

(ix) If Moon occupies Makar (Sidereal Capricorn) or Kumbh (Sidereal Aquarius) and lord of these signs is Saturn itself which in no way can aspect himself so this condition appears invalid. It was illogical to think that no true saint had taken birth in these two signs so far.

(12) When Saturn Aspects The Weak Moon Sign Lord? : This is the second combination of Asceticism existing in that Sanskrit Shloka:

(i) What Did I Understand From It? : There may be several causes indicating Moon’s Sign Lord weakness in any horoscope and few may be 1) In any horoscope Lord of Moon sign is combust , 2) Moon’s sign lord iss weak in Shadabala, 3) Moon’s sign lord  is in debilitation without its cancellation, 4) Moon’s sign lord less in directional strength, 5) In the Ashtavarga of Moon’s Lord gets less than four benefic points, or 6) Moon’s lord getting less than 28 benefic points in Sarvashtaka Varga.
(ii) Whatever be the sign occupied by Moon if the lord of Moon Sign comes under the 3rd, 7th or 10th aspect of Saturn the yoga of Asceticism is formed.

(iii) An interesting thing comes out from the understanding of this combination. If Moon itself becomes the lord of Moon Sign then it indicates that it occupies Kark Rashi (Sidereal Cancer) and theoretically it is not weak and there if it comes under the aspects of Saturn only if Saturn occupies Vrish Rashi (from this Sign Saturn aspects the Moon in Kark Rashi from its 3rd Aspect), Makar Rahi (From this Sign Saturn aspects Moon occupying Karak Rashi from its 7th Aspect) or Tula Rashi (From this Sign Saturn aspects Moon from its 10th Aspect).

(iv) While aspecting from 3rd aspect Saturn will be in 11th house from Moon so it will enhance the strength of Chandra Lagna (Moon Sign) as Moon Sign also acts as powerful Lagna.

(v) While aspecting from 7th aspect Saturn will be in Makra Rashi (Sidereal Capricorn) and this will be a powerful Rajyoga and this will be the same combination as earlier described under (11) / (vi).

(vi) Saturn’s 10th aspect from its exaltation on Moon residing in Kark Rashi is also a powerful Rajyoga. I have seen this combination in the horoscope of several rich businessmen. In the horoscope of Maryada Purushottam Prabhu Shri Rama this combination existed with its effects Shri Rama led the life of Ascetic in fourteen years of Vanavaas (Exile) and after that he became a powerful Vedic King so here both results of this combination occurred in the life of Shri Rama.

(vii) When Moon occupies Makar (Sidereal Capricorn) or Kumbh (Sidereal Aquarius) then Saturn itself becomes the lord of Vedic Moon sign so Saturn cannot aspect Saturn. Here to this combination seems invalid to form the Yoga and this condition is similar to that described under (11) / (ix) earlier.     

(13) When Saturn Aspects The Moon Which Occupies Drashkan Of Saturn By Occupying Navansh Of Mars Or That Of Saturn? : This is the third combination of Asceticism existing in that Sanskrit Shloka. In short Moon should occupy the Drashkan (D3) of Saturn (Makar or Kumbh) and under such condition Moon should be in the Navansh of Mars (Mesh or Vrischika) or Saturn (Makra or Kumbh) and in Rashi Chart Saturn should aspect that Moon to result in ASCETICISM.

(i) What Did I Understand From It? :The very first thing came into my mind was that all the Agnitatwa (Fiery) signs like Mesh (Sidereal Aries), Simh (Sidereal Leo) and Dhanur (Sidereal Sagittarius) and all the Jalatatwa (Watery) signs like Kark (Sidereal Cancer), Vrischika (Sidereal Scorpio) and Meen (Sidereal Pisces)  do not have Saturn’s Drashkan so this combination does not apply to the people having Moon in Fiery or Watery Signs.

(ii) Thus this combination is applicable when Moon either occupies Prithivi Tatwa Rashi (Earthy Signs) like Vrish (Sidereal Taurus), Kanya (Sidereal Virgo) or Makar (Sidereal Capricorn) or Vaayu Tatwa Rashi (Airy Signs) like Mithuna (Sidereal Gemini), Tula (Sidereal Libra) or Kumbh (Sidereal Aqurius).

(iii) In Prithivi Tatwa Rashi (Earthy Signs):

i) The Third Drashkan of Vrish Rashi from 20⁰ to 30⁰ is the Drashkan of Saturn which falls in Makar Rashi (Sidereal Capricorn) and within this zone neither the Navansh of Saturn nor the Navansh of Mars falls.

ii) The Second Drashkan of Kanya Rashi from 10⁰ to 20⁰ is the Drashkan of Saturn which falls in Makar Rashi (Sidereal Capricorn) within this zone the Navansh of Mesh Rashi (Sidereal Aries) ruled by Mars exists so natives having Moon in Kanya Rashi within 10⁰ to 13⁰ 20’ receiving 3rd, 7th or 10th aspect of Saturn have yoga of प्रव्रज्या (Pravrajya or ASCETICISM)

iii) The First Drashkan of Makar Rashi from 00⁰ to 10⁰ is the Drashkana of Saturn which falls in Makar Rashi (Sidereal Capricorn) and within this zone the Navansh of Makar Rashi (Sidereal Capricorn) and Navansh of Kumbh Rashi (Sidereal Aquarius) ruled by Saturn exist so natives having Moon in Makar Rashi within 00⁰ to 06⁰ 40’ receiving 3rd, 7th or 10th aspect of Saturn have yoga of प्रव्रज्या (Pravrajya or ASCETICISM).

(iv) Vaayu Tatwa Rashi (Airy Signs):

i) The Third Drashkana of Mithuna Rashi from 20⁰ to 30⁰ is the Drashkan of Saturn which falls in Kumbh Rashi (Sidereal Aquarius) ruled by Saturn and within this zone the Navansh of Mesh Rashi exists so natives having Moon in Mithuna Rashi within 20⁰ to 23⁰ 20’ receiving 3rd, 7th or 10th aspect of Saturn have yoga of प्रव्रज्या (Pravrajya or ASCETICISM)

ii) The Second Drashkana of Tula Rashi from 10⁰ to 20⁰ is the Drashkan of Saturn which falls in Makar Rashi (Sidereal Capricorn) within this zone the Navansh of Makar Rashi (Sidereal Capricorn) and Navansh of Kumbh Rashi (Sidereal Aquarius) ruled by Saturn exist so natives having Moon in Tula Rashi within 10⁰ to 16⁰ 40’ receiving 3rd, 7th or 10th aspect of Saturn have yoga of प्रव्रज्या (Pravrajya or ASCETICISM)

iii)* The First Drashkana of Kumbh Rashi from 00⁰ to 10⁰ is the Drashkana of Saturn which falls in Kumbh Rashi (Sidereal Aquarius) within this zone the Navansh of Vrischika Rashi (Sidereal Scorpio) ruled by Mars exists so natives having Moon in Kumbh  Rashi within 10⁰ to 13⁰ 20’ receiving 3rd, 7th or 10th aspect of Saturn have yoga of प्रव्रज्या (Pravrajya or ASCETICISM)

iv) My understandings as described under (13)/ (iii)/iii) and (13)/ (iv)/iii) led me to deduce that, “Anyone having Moon in Makar (Sidereal Capricorn) or Kumbh (Sidereal Aquarius) will become an Ascetic if under either one of the conditions Moon receives 3rd, 7th or 10th aspect from Saturn with Moon occupying 00⁰ to 06⁰ 40’ of Makar or 10⁰ to 13⁰ 20’ of Kumbh Rashi”. This further enabled me to form opinion that the appearing invalid conditions for प्रव्रज्या (Pravrajya or ASCETICISM) as described under (11)/ (ix) and (12)/ (vii) earlier when Saturn itself becomes the lord of Vedic Moon Sign can be workable if and only if Moon occupying Makar or Kumbh comes under the aspect of Saturn by occupying certain degrees as described earlier in this paragraph.

v) My understandings as described earlier under (13)/ (iii)/iii) and (13)/ (iv)/i) led me to deduce that, “Anyone will become an Ascetic if his natal Moon receiving 3rd, 7th or 10th occupies any of the Signs ruled by Mercury provided it is within 20⁰ to 23⁰ 20’ in Mithuna Rashi or within 00⁰ to 06⁰ 40’ in Kanya Rashi.

vi) My understandings as described earlier under (13) / (iii)/i) and (13) / (iv)/ii) led me to deduce that, “Anyone will become an Ascetic if his natal Moon receiving 3rd, 7th or 10th occupies only Tula Rashi owned by Venus provided it is within 10⁰ to 16⁰ 40’ in Tula Rashi.

vii) This rule as described under (13) appeared advocating the use of Divisional Charts like Drashkana & Navansha in predictive side of Vedic Jyotish.

(v) In Vedic Jyotish well being of brothers / sisters comes under Third Bhava / Third House and Drashkan Chart also reflects the same and the Vedic sources like Ramayana and Mahabharata clearly indicate that how the better relations among brothers made one Courageous and clashes among brothers ruined them and Jyotish has its roots in Veda so the Drashkana Chart indicating relationship with brothers also reflect one’s Courage. The condition of Saturn’s Drashkana reflects one’s Courage to leave the materialistic world and to make relationship with Deena Bandhu (Parmatma or God). Saturn also indicates Brahma. Vedic Jyotish also allots the judgment of Karma from Drashkana.  

(i) In Vedic Jyotish Navansh is used to study the overall prospects about one’s life partner. Life partner as per Vedic Knowledge is a Female who unites according to Dharma with a Man to produce his children, to support him to live better life and to give him power to become socially elevated and vice – versa when the uniting person is a Man to a Female as her life partner on materialistic grounds. On abstract ground Navansh indicates Shakti (Nava Durga) or Power. The greatest lifelong commitments made by the couple entering into the wedlock known as Vachana as per Veda are thus also reflected in Navansh. Saturn’s Navansh in Saturn’s Drashkana indicates one’s Courage to leave the materialistic world and to make relationship with Deena Bandhu (Parmatma or God) with full power. The Navansh of Mars in the Drashkana of Saturn indicates this with full power.

(ii) Moon receiving Saturn’s aspect represents Mana (Mind) with the feeling of detachment and its presence in the Navansh of Saturn or Mars represents Vachana or firm commitments given by his Mana to Parmatma to take Sanyasa indicated by Saturn’s Draskana i.e. the Karma.

(iii) If one having power become Courageous he gets Strength. When Drashkana the 3rd part indicating Courage is multiplied by Navansh the 9th part then what will happen?

i) 3rd Part (Drashkana) × 9th Part (Navansh) = 27th Part (Bhansh, Nakshatransh or Saptvinshansh)

ii) Or Parakram (Courage) × Shakti (Power) = Bala (Strength or Force)

iii) The aforesaid derivation as per my understandings led me to think that the third rule existing in the Sanskrit Shloka of Brihat Jataka given under (4) as Translated by me under 4 /(xxvii) contains a code to be decoded. It becomes essential to understand Bala (Strength) in terms of Vedic knowledge to decode that code.

(14) In following Sanskrit Shloka from Suktyh the term Bala (Strength) is found defined:

दुर्बलस्य बलं राजा, बालकानां रोदनं बलम्।
बलं मूर्खस्य मौनित्वं चौराणाम् अनृतं बलम्॥
[Durbalasy Balam Raja, Baalkaanaam Rodanam Balam!
Balam Murkhsy Monitvam Choraanaam Anaratm Balam!!]

(i) Translation:

i) दुर्बलस्य = Durbalasy = Of Weak or Quaking

बलम् = Balam = Strength

राजा = Raja = King

दुर्बलस्य बलं राजा = Durbalasy Balam Raja = Weak or Quaking people get strength on account of King or ruling Government (Nowadays)

Note: If a weak man is unprotected by King or ruling Government then he will be exploited by influential person.

ii) बालकानां = Baalkaanaam = of Kids

रोदनं = Rodanam = Crying

बलम् = Balam = Strength

बालकानां रोदनं बलम् = Baalkaanaam Rodanam Balam = The kids get strength on account of their Crying

Note: It is on account of his Crying that a Kid is able to make his mother ready to breastfeed him.

iii) बलम् = Balam = Strength

मूर्खस्य = Murkhsy = Of an Idiot

मौनित्वं = Monitvam = Keeping Silence

बलं मूर्खस्य मौनित्वं = Balam Murkhsy Monitvam = By keeping Silence an Idiot gets strength

Note: By the maintaining of the silence an Idiot can be able to create his image in the group of intelligent and wise people.

iv) चौराणाम् = Choraanaam = Of Thieves

अनृतम् = Anaratm = Speaking lie

बलम् = Balam = Strength

चौराणाम् अनृतं बलम् = Choraanaam Anaratm Balam = The Thieves get strength on account of speaking lie.    

(ii) The understanding of the Sanskrit Shloka as described under (14) led me to understand the strength of others as follows:

i) An Astrologer gets his strength on account of Intuition

ii) A Player gets his strength on account of his Stamina  

iii) A Doctor gets his strength on account of Pulse reading

iv) A Novelist or A Poet gets his strength on account of his Imaginations

v) Similarly a Sanyasi (Ascetic) gets his strength on account of Vairagya

(iii) In Vedic Jyotish the Bhansh Chart also known as Saptvinshansh Chart or Nakshatransh and symbolized as D27 is used to judge one’s Strength & Weakness. Bhansh is the 27th Division of a Rashi or Sign of 30⁰

i) Mathematically,
One Bhansh Division = 30⁰ ÷ 27 = 1.11111111111111111⁰ = 01⁰ 06’ 40”

ii) A Cyclic order of Rashi (Signs) with 01⁰ 06’ 40” constitutes Bhansh Chart. The very interesting thing about the erecting of Bhansh Table is that all the Fiery Signs (Mesh, Simh & Dhansu) start with Mesh Rashi, All the Earthy Signs (Vrish, Kanya & Makar) start with Kark Rashi, All the Airy Signs (Mithuna, Tula & Kumbh) start with Tula Rashi and all the Watery Signs (Kark, Vrishciks & Meen) start with Makar Rashi. The motive of writing this Article is not to tell about the construction of Bhansh Chart so the construction of Bhansh Table will not be discussed in this Article and that will be discussed in one of the forthcoming Articles.

(iv) The mathematical like expressions which are already described under (13)/ (iii)/i) and (13)/ (iii)/ii) which came as per my understandings also indicate that Moon under the 3rd, 7th or 10th aspect of Saturn if occupies the Drashkana of Saturn and Navansh of Saturn or Mars also give the same results if Moon occupies the Bhansh of Saturn. The reasoning for this is as follows:

i) In a Drashkan of 10⁰ there are Nine Navansh of 1.11111111111111111⁰ each and in Three Drashkan there will be 3 × 9 = 27 Navansh of 1.11111111111111111⁰ each. This was very important to understand as in the Drashkana its Navansh becomes the Bhansh of a Rashi (Sign)

ii) Drashkan of 10⁰ = 9 Navansh of 1.11111111111111111⁰ each
Three Drashkan of 10⁰ = 27 Navansh of 1.11111111111111111⁰ each

Or Three Drashkan of 10⁰ = 30⁰ = One Rashi = 27 Navansh of 1.11111111111111111⁰ each. Here in 30⁰ there are 9 Navansh of 03⁰ 20’ each as Standard so 27 Navansh are replaced by 27 Bhansh as One Bhansh of Rashi = One Navansh of Drashkana = 1.11111111111111111⁰. In other words the One Navansh of Drashkana is replaced by One Bhansh of Rashi Chart so whatever is advised by Varaha Mihira in Brihit Jataka about Moon under the aspect of Saturn in Rashi chart occupying Saturn’s Drashkana in the Navansh of Saturn or Mars should be considered as Moon under the aspect of Saturn in Rashi chart occupying the Bhansh of Saturn and the condition of the Navansh of Mars in the Drashkana of Saturn disappears with the merging of Navansh of Drashkana into the Bhansh of Rashi.

iii) In all the Agnitatwa Rashi or Fiery Signs (Mesh, Simh and Dhanur) from 10⁰ 00’ 00” to 12⁰ 13’ 20” and from 23⁰ 20’ 00” to 25⁰ 33’ 20” are the Bhansh of Saturn

iv) In all the Prithivitatwa Rashi or Earthy Signs (Vrish, Kanya and Makar) from 06⁰ 40’ 00” to 08⁰ 53’ 20” and from 20⁰ 00’ 00” to 22⁰ 23’ 20” are the Bhansh of Saturn

v) In all the Vayutatwa Rashi or Airy Signs (Mithuna, Tula and Kumbh) from 03⁰ 20’ 00” to 05⁰ 33’ 20” and from and from 16⁰ 40’ 00” to 18⁰ 53’ 20” are the Bhansh of Saturn    

vi) In all the Jalatatwa Rashi or Watery Signs (Kark, Vrischika and Meen) from 00⁰ 00’ 00” to 01⁰ 06’ 40”, from 13⁰ 20’ 00” to 15⁰ 33’ 20” and from 26⁰ 40’ 00” to 28⁰ 53’ 20” are the Bhansh of Saturn 

vii) In a Bhansh Zone mentioned as 03⁰ 20’ 00” to 05⁰ 33’ 20” etc. above of a Sign two Bhansh Signs of Saturn Makar and kumbh respectively fall. In a Watery Sign Six Bhansh Zones of Saturn exist so watery signs have more Saturn’s Bhansh Zones as compared to Saturn’s Bhansh Zones existing in Fiery Signs, Earthy Signs or Airy Signs as in these remaining signs the total number of Bhansh Zones are 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 which is equal to the Bhansh Zones existing in Watery Signs.            

(v) What Did I Understand From It? : The understandings of mine further led me to think that in Jalatatwa Rashi or Watery Signs (Kark, Vrischika and Meen) also known as intellectual signs the Saturn’s Bhansh Zones i.e. six are more than any other Rashi or Signs and the probability to become Sanyasi (Ascetic) for a person having their Moon sign in Watery Sign will be more than those born with their Vedic Moon Signs in Fiery Signs, Earthy Signs or Airy Signs.

i) The natal Vedic Moon sign falling in Saturn’s Bhansh Zones of Intellectual Watery Signs produces 50% of the total number of Sanyasi (Ascetic) born on theoretical basis as per my understandings.

ii) In a Horoscope Moon under the 3rd, 7th or 10th aspect of Saturn occupies the Saturn’s Bhansh Zones of any sign enhances the feeling of Vairagya even if Moon occupies Kark Rashi (Sidereal Cancer) and this solved my confusions about the Aspect of Saturn exalted or Swaristh on Moon occupying Kark Rashi as earlier described under (11) / (vi), (12) / (v) and (12) / (vi) forming Rajyoga instead of forming Sanyas Yoga.    

iii) As Moon rules Mana (Mind), Sun rules Aatma (Soul) and thus presence of Sun in the Saturn’s Bhansh Zone in any sign also gives Varigya as per my understandings.  

iv) As per Vedic Jyotish Saturn is the most distant Planet visible to eyes thus it gives highest approach of feeling and thinking known as Vairagya if it is found influential on Moon and Sun in Rashi Chart or Chalit Chakra by Conjunction or Aspect and in Bhansh Chart either or both of them comes under the influence of Saturn by conjunction or Aspect. This is also as per my understandings of Vedic Jyotish.

v) If both Sun and Moon occupies Makar or Kumbh Rashi in Bhansh Chart and both or either of them comes under the aspect or conjunction of Saturn and that also results in Vairagya.

vi) Mere presence of Moon in Makar Rashi or Kumbh Rashi in Bhansh Chart also gives Vairagya even though this Moon has no influence of Saturn like conjunction or aspect in Rashi Chart.

vii) Saturn & Moon conjunction in Bhansh Chart results in Vairagya too.

(15) Both the first two combinations of प्रव्रज्या (Pravrajya or ASCETICISM) described under 4 /(xxvii) earlier should also be judged in Bhansh Chart as they become powerful in Bhansh Chart even if they are found absent in Rashi Chart. See the following:

(i) In Bhansh Chart If the lord of sign occupied by Moon aspects the Saturn प्रव्रज्या (Pravrajya or ASCETICISM) results provided

(ii) In Bhansh Chart if the lord of Sign occupied by Moon by being in debilitated in Bhansh Chart without its cancellation comes under the 3rd, 7th or 10th aspect of Saturn प्रव्रज्या (Pravrajya or ASCETICISM) results. It may also results if the lord of sign occupied by Moon in Bhansh Chart is strong in Bhansh Chart.

(iii)The following combination also found powerful for प्रव्रज्या (Pravrajya or ASCETICISM) as per my researches:
 In Bhansh Chart lord of Vedic Moon Sign is in conjunction with Saturn प्रव्रज्या (Pravrajya or ASCETICISM) exists.     

(16) प्रव्रज्या (Pravrajya or ASCETICISM) is the highest form of spirituality.

(17) In first part of Sanskrit Shloka describing) प्रव्रज्या (Pravrajya or ASCETICISM) it is mentioned that lord of Vedic Moon sign should be unaspected by any Planet and it should aspect Saturn to result in) प्रव्रज्या (Pravrajya or ASCETICISM) yoga and in second part it is mentioned that weak Moon sign lord should receive aspect from Saturn to result in ) प्रव्रज्या (Pravrajya or ASCETICISM) Yoga and this appears to be contradictory. Perhaps legendry author of Brihit Jataka Varaha Mihira gives exemption to Saturn’s Aspect in the first part of the Sanskrit Shloka dealing with) प्रव्रज्या (Pravrajya or ASCETICISM)    

(18) All the combinations of प्रव्रज्या (Pravrajya or ASCETICISM) described so far in this Article are found powerful in the Horoscopes of Sages, Purohits, Priests, Astrologers, Dharma Guru, Mantrik, Scientists, Doctors and researchers.

(19) The प्रव्रज्या (Pravrajya or ASCETICISM) yoga described above if found strongly existing then it does not allow native to run his business relating to entrepreneurship. This yoga seldom gives big successes of the materialistic world.

(20) This  प्रव्रज्या (Pravrajya or ASCETICISM) Yoga proves almost fruitless in Materialistic Kingdom whereas the Spiritual Kingdom is concerned it proves to be a Rajyoga of Highest Order Reflecting The True Spirituality.  

Written by
Vishal Aksh 


Note: Part (I), Part (II), Part (III), Part (IV), Part (V) & Part (VI) of the aforesaid Article written by me were published on various sites such as Facebook or The following are the links to view them:

6. Know Your Spiritual Level ……. Part (VI)/ How Does A Horoscope Reflect Spirituality? :    

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