Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Friday, January 2, 2015

Some Guidelines About Yogini Dasha

(1) Regarding yogini dasha I would like to say this is unique system and also a Nakshatra dasha. In Vedic Jyotish the dasha calculated from the Nakshatra occupied by Moon or Lagna are termed as Nakshatra Dasha and Yogini is also Nakshatra based Dasha.

(2) In any horoscope yogini dasha works well uo to 36 years and if we look at the useful years of any person than we find that up to 36 years one gets physical developments, education, involvement in job and many other useful events thus this Yogini dasha becomes significant. In my long experience in the field of Vedic astrology I have found that this Yogini Dasha has three cycles:

(2.1) Frist Cycle: up to 36 years

         Second cycle: 36 to 72 years

        Third cycle: 72 to 108 years

(3) But up to 36 years it is effective from one's natal chart but to make it effective for other cycles additional calculations has to be done and additional horoscopes are to be erected and this is my research on Yogini dasha.

(4) As per ancient Vedic Texts on Jyotisha Mangla (Moon= 1 year)Dhaanya (Jupiter = 3 years)Bhadrika (Mercury= 5 years) & Siddha (Venus = 6 years) are benefice periods.  

(4.1) Pingla (Sun = 2 years), Bhamari (Mars = 4 years), Ulka (Saturn = 6years) & Sankata (Rahu = 8 years) are supposed to be malefic periods.

(4.2) Somewhere I have read in year 1993 that Pingla Yogini (Sun) Dasha is a benefice Dasha and in several horoscope I saw this Pingla Yogini Dasha ruled by Sun giving very good results

(5) In this Yogini Dasha System Ardra, Chitra & Shravan Nakshatra are ruled by Yogini Mangala (Moon) and person having either one of these Nakshatra as their birth Nakshatra have Mangla Yogini of one year at their births and the Yogini Dasha Sequence will be as follows:

(5.1) (!) Mangla (Moon)       = 1 year

       (!!) Pingla (Sun)             = 2 years

       (!!!) Dhaanya (Jupiter)  = 3 years

       (!V) Bhamri (Mars)        = 4 years

       (V) Bhadrika (Mercury) = 5 years

       (V!) Ulka (Saturn)          = 6 years

       (V!!) Siddha (Venus)      = 7 Years

       (V!!!) Sankata (Rahu)     = 8 Years

                              Total         = 36 Years

(5.2) Punarvasu, Swati & Dhanista Nakshatra are ruled by Yogini Pingala (Sun) so person having one of these Nakshatra as their birth Nakshatra will have Pingala Yogin Dasha ruled by Sun at their births and the Yogini Dasha Sequence as follows:

(5.3) (!) Pingla (Sun)             = 2 years

       (!!) Dhaanya (Jupiter)  = 3 years

       (!!!!) Bhamri (Mars)      = 4 years

       (!V) Bhadrika (Mercury) = 5 years

       (V) Ulka (Saturn)          = 6 years

       (V!) Siddha (Venus)      = 7 Years

       (V!!) Sankata (Rahu)     = 8 Years

       (V!!!) Mangla (Moon)    = 1 year

                            Total         = 36 Years

(5.3) Pushya, Vishakaha and Shatbhisha Nakshatra are ruled by Yogini Dhaanya (Jupiter) so person having one of these Nakshatra as their birth Nakshatra will have Dhannya Yogin Dasha ruled by Jupiter at their births and the Yogini Dasha Sequence as follows: 

(5.4) (!)   Dhaanya (Jupiter)  = 3 years

       (!!)   Bhamri (Mars)        = 4 years

       (!!!) Bhadrika (Mercury) = 5 years

       (!V) Ulka (Saturn)          = 6 years

       (V)   Siddha (Venus)      = 7 Years

       (V!)   Sankata (Rahu)     = 8 Years 

      (V!!) Mangla (Moon)       = 1 year

       (V!!!) Pingla (Sun)          = 2 years

                           Total         = 36 Years

(5.5) Ashwani, Ashlesha, Anuradhs & Poorvabhadrapada Nakshatras are ruled by Yogini Bhamari (Mars) so person having one of these Nakshatra as their birth Nakshatra will have Bhamari Yogin Dasha ruled by Mars at their births and the Yogini Dasha Sequence as follows:  

(5.6) (!)   Bhamri (Mars)        = 4 years

       (!!)  Bhadrika (Mercury) = 5 years

       (!!!)  Ulka (Saturn)          = 6 years

       (!V)   Siddha (Venus)      = 7 Years

       (V)    Sankata (Rahu)     = 8 Years 

      (V!)  Mangla (Moon)       = 1 year

      (V!!)  Pingla (Sun)          = 2 years

     (V!!!) Dhaanya (Jupiter) = 3 years

                          Total         = 36 Years

 (5.7) Bharni, Magha, Jyestha and Uttarbhadrapada Nakshatras are ruled by Yogini Bhadrika (Mercury) so person having one of these Nakshatra as their birth Nakshatra will have Bhadrika Yogin Dasha ruled by Mercury at their births and the Yogini Dasha Sequence as follows:

(5.8)  (!)  Bhadrika (Mercury) = 5 years

       (!!)  Ulka (Saturn)          = 6 years

       (!!!)   Siddha (Venus)      = 7 Years

       (!V)    Sankata (Rahu)     = 8 Years 

      (V)  Mangla (Moon)       = 1 year

      (V!)  Pingla (Sun)          = 2 years

     (V!!) Dhaanya (Jupiter) = 3 years

    (V!!!)Bhamri (Mars)        = 4 years

                          Total         = 36 Years 

 (5.9) Kritika, Poorvaphalguni, Moola and Revati Nakshatras are ruled by Yogini Ulka (Saturn) so person having one of these Nakshatra as their birth Nakshatra will have Ulka Yogin Dasha ruled by Saturn at their births and the Yogini Dasha Sequence as follows:

(5.10) (!)  Ulka (Saturn)      = 6 years

       (!!)    Siddha (Venus)    = 7 Years

       (!!!)    Sankata (Rahu)  = 8 Years 

      (!V)  Mangla (Moon)     = 1 year

      (V)  Pingla (Sun)          = 2 years

     (V!) Dhaanya (Jupiter) = 3 years

    (V!!)Bhamri (Mars)        = 4 years

(V!!!)  Bhadrika (Mercury) = 5 years

                          Total         = 36 Years 

 (5.11) Rohini, Uttarphalguni and Poorvashada  Nakshatras are ruled by Yogini Siddha (Venus) so person having one of these Nakshatra as their birth Nakshatra will have SiddhaYogin Dasha ruled by Venus at their births and the Yogini Dasha Sequence as follows:

(5.12)(!) Siddha (Venus)    = 7 Years

       (!!)    Sankata (Rahu)  = 8 Years 

      (!!!)  Mangla (Moon)     = 1 year

      (!V)  Pingla (Sun)        = 2 years

     (V)Dhaanya (Jupiter) = 3 years

    (V!)Bhamri (Mars)       = 4 years

(V!!)Bhadrika (Mercury) = 5 years

(V!!!)  Ulka (Saturn)        = 6 years
                       Total         = 36 Years

 (5.13) Mrigshira, Hastha and Uttrashada  Nakshatras are ruled by Yogini Siankata(Rahu) so person having one of these Nakshatra as their birth Nakshatra will have Sankata Dasha ruled by Rahu at their births and the Yogini Dasha Sequence as follows:

(5.14) (!)Sankata (Rahu)  = 8 Years 

      (!!) Mangla (Moon)     = 1 year

      (!!!)  Pingla (Sun)        = 2 years

     (!V)Dhaanya (Jupiter) = 3 years

    (V)Bhamri (Mars)       = 4 years

(V!)Bhadrika (Mercury) = 5 years

(V!!)  Ulka (Saturn)        = 6 years

(V!!!) Siddha (Venus)    = 7 Years
                       Total      = 36 Years

(6) While predicting Sankata (Rahu) Yogini Dasha of 8 years it should be noted that firsh four years of this Sankata Yogini Dasha is Ruled by Rahu and remaining four years of this Yogini Dasha are ruled by Ketu and this is very important to know.

(6.1) Since Sankata is suppose to give worst results and in Trishmansh or D30 Chart both Rahu as well as Ketu are found in conjunction so it does not make any difference while judging the malefic nature of this Yogini Sanketa through Trishmansh or D30 Chart.

(7) Since Yogini is a Nakshatra Dasha so its Balance of Dasha should be calculated first to use it in horoscopes for predictive purposes. As the process of that is somewhat technical and so that is not given here. 

(8) This Yogini Dasha is one of the accurate and reliable Dasha and I have found in my experience of more than 25 years in the field of Vedic Jyotish that this Yogini Dasha should be applied to Vedic Horary Horoscopes or Prashana Kundli. 

Written by 
Vishal Aksh


  1. Namaskaar
    If rahu is placed in good position... den too sankata will give bad result?

    1. Whatever is the positions of the positions of rulers of Sankta as described under (6) in aforesaid post written by me the Sankta puts its signature!!

  2. Means if rahu is benefic in natal chart ,sankata dasha will be beneficial?

  3. Means if rahu is benefic in natal chart ,sankata dasha will be beneficial?

  4. I have siddha and ulka as antardasha running. What can be remedies for ulka? Whether that of Saturn works for ulka as well? Please reply.

  5. Pingala​ Dasha results are good or bad???? Kindly help ,of how to judge the result

  6. Born on 28-07-1971, 2.04 pm, Dindigul,Tamil Nadu. Do I have any scope for leading my life or simply existing here. Please give some true feedbacks.

  7. My details r 08/12/1970,12:30 noon,Delhi.I'm running sankata and dhanya antar.Is this good for me.pls reply..thanks

  8. Running Dhanya and Mangala Antardasha. What are the positive I can expect by this time?
