Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

“Baalarishtha” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

“Baalarishtha Yoga…. (01)” – an article written by Vishal Aksh
[This article written by me was published in my Facebook Public Group on Saturday, July 1, 2017 at 13:17 (IST). Follow link: to view this there]

(1) The Sanskrit Shloka written in forthcoming paragraph (2) is the fifth Shloka of Fifth Chapter: Ristaaristbhanga of first part of Brihit Parashara Horashaastra and same Shloka appears as Forth Shloka in the Fifth Chapter Aristaadhyaay of Horaratanam (Part 1) written by Balbhadra with slight different wordings not affecting the meaning of this Shloka.

(2) पापेक्षितो युतो भौमो लग्नगो न शुभेक्षितो।
मृत्युदस्त्वष्टमस्थो सौरेणार्केण वा पुनः॥५॥
(Paapekshito Yuto Bhaumo Lagngo Na Shubhekshito
Mritudstvshtamsto Saurorenaarken Vaa Punah5)

(2.1) The aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka means that if Mars occupies rising sign in conjunction with natural malefic planets and receiving the aspects of natural malefic planets and without any aspect of natural benefic Planets or if Mars occupies eighth house the native born with this Aristha Yoga dies quickly after his birth and this combination also holds if Mars is replaced by either Saturn or Sun.

(3) In forthcoming paragraphs (3.1), (3.2), (3.3), (3.4), (3.5), (3.6) & (3.7) I am sharing my researches pertaining to this Aristha Yoga for the benefits of learners, researchers and experts of Vedic Jyotish:

(3.1) The aforesaid Aristha Yoga should be judged in Chalit Chakra, Rashi Chart, Shasthansh Chart (D6), Asthmansh Chart (D8), Trishansh Chart (both traditional and cyclic, D30) and Shysthansh Chart (D60).

(3.2) This Aristha Yoga should also be judged with reference to Lagnaroodhpadalagna or Ashtamaaroodhpadalagna in Rashi Chart, Shasthansh Chart (D6), Asthmansh Chart (D8), Trishansh Chart (both traditional and cyclic, D30) and Shysthansh Chart (D60).

(3.3) This Aristha Yoga should also be judged with reference to the signs occupied by Chara Aatmakarka Planet in Shasthansh Chart (D6), Asthmansh Chart (D8), Trishansh Chart (both traditional and cyclic, D30) and Shysthansh Chart (D60). In other words, this Aristha Yoga should be judged in the Swansha Kundli of these charts.

(3.4) This Aristha Yoga should be judged in Rashi Chart with reference to Karkansh obtained from the signs occupied Chara Aatmakarka in Shasthansh Chart (D6), Asthmansh Chart (D8), Trishansh Chart (both traditional and cyclic, D30) and Shysthansh Chart (D60). In other words, this Aristha Yoga should be judged in the Karkansh Kundlis so formed by taking the signs occupied by Chara Aatmakaraka in these divisional charts as Karkansh.

(3.5) This Aristha Yoga should be judged with reference of Jeevit Saham and taking this Jeevit Saham as a special Lagna in Rashi Chart, Shasthansh Chart (D6), Asthmansh Chart (D8), Trishansh Chart (both traditional and cyclic, D30) and Shysthansh Chart (D60).

(3.6) This Aristha Yoga should be judged with reference of Mritu Saham and taking this Mritu Saham as a special Lagna in Rashi Chart, Shasthansh Chart (D6), Asthmansh Chart (D8), Trishansh Chart (both traditional and cyclic, D30) and Shysthansh Chart (D60).

(3.7) Gulika and Maandi should be considered as natural malefic planets in judging this Baalarishtha yoga as described in this article.

“Baalarishtha Yoga…. Part -2” – an article written by Vishal Aksh
[This article written by me was published in my Facebook Public Group on Sunday, July 2, 2017. Follow link: to view this there]
Chapter: 01
(1) Baalarishtha Yoga existing in the horoscope of a newly born baby should be judged very precisely and if found in his horoscope then it is the duty of an expert astrologer to recommend suitable remedial measures to be performed by the parents of that newly born baby.

(2) In case when the Baalarishtha becomes too effective within the few hours of the birth of newly born baby then what will be the use of recommending remedial measures? In my opinion the couple going to plan for their baby must consult an competent astrologer for the judgment of their horoscopes and then an astrologer with Karmic & spiritual approach should judge both horoscopes in terms of Fifth houses, Saptansh Charts, Navansh Charts and Prashan Kundlis (Horary Horoscopes) and if astrologer finds any affliction in anyone or both the charts then he should recommend remedies to be performed by the couple planning for baby and this is the safest way to protect a newly born baby from the evil curse of Baalarishtha but mind it is a very complicated and tough job for an astrologer to do so because every time he remains under the compulsion of that couple to judge more events other than the main purpose for which he has been consulted so it is then becomes duty of an astrologer to say no to the judgment of any more new events and in this way he will do justice to his works.

(3) Unknowingly most of the astrologer started fixing the time of congress for the couple planning for baby and this may be dangerous and can even bring unseen Aristhas for their baby. No astrologer can take the place of Parmatma and every astrologer should keep this in mind.

(4) Garbhadhaan Muruthas are given in standard texts on Vedic Jyotish and an astrologer with Karmic and Spiritual approach should recommend them in the light of his experience with remedial measures but the very first thing that that astrologer should have an authority to judge his horoscope correctly for his future events. This is very important for every astrologer to understand.

Chapter: 02
(5) In this article I would like to discuss typical Baalarishtha. There is a Shloka in Maansaagari the famous text on Vedic Jyotish which is given below:

(5.1) शशांकस्तु विशेषेण जन्मकाले च मृत्युदः।
कृष्णपक्षे दिवाजातःशुक्लपक्षे यदा निशि।
तदा षष्ठाष्टमश्चन्द्रो मातृवत परिपालकः॥
(Shashankstu Visheshene Janamkale Ch Mritudah
Krishanapakshe Devejaath Shukelpakshe Yada Nishi
Tada Shashthasthamshchandro Matrevat Paripaalkh)

(5.2) The aforesaid Shloka means that Moon has a specialty it gives death if it occupies 8th house but under this situation if birth occurs in dark half in day time or in the night of bright half the Moon saves him like his mother.

(5.3) This is clear from aforesaid Shloka that the Moon in 6th or 8th house forms Aristha for the babies born in the night of Krishana Paksha or Andheri or Dark fortnight or in the daytime of Shukla Paksha or Ujaali or Bright fortnight but for the babies born in the Daytime of Krishana Paksha or Night time of Shukla Paksha with Moon occupying 6th or 8th house will not suffer on account of this Baalarishtha formed by Moon.

(6) In Sanket Nidhi the legendry work of Rama Dayalu the Sanskrit Shloka as described earlier under (5.1) is given in a very effective form as Shloka Forth in SANKET third which is written in forthcoming paragraph (6.1)

(6.1) सक्रूरोऽबजो व्ययमृतिमदागेष्वकेन्द्रस्थसौम्यैनों दृष्टोऽसौ शिशुमृतिकरोऽथाष्टमारिस्थितोऽबजः।
दृष्टः क्रूरैरहनि जननं यस्य कृष्णे च पक्षे शुक्ले सदि्र्निशि जनिरवत्यत्र तं नान्यथोह्यम्॥४॥

(6.2) The meaning of the Sanskrit Shloka written under (6.1) is as written in forthcoming paragraph (6.3)

(6.3) If Moon in conjunction with a natural malefic Planet occupies 12th, 8th, 7th or 1st house without the aspects of natural benefic planets occupying Kendras falling on it results in sudden death of newly born baby. When Moon occupies 8th house or 6th house and Moon under the aspects of natural malefic Planets when birth occurs in daytime in Krishana Paksha (Dark Half) or when under such condition the birth occurs at night time in Shukla Paksha (Bright Half) with Moon under the aspects of natural benefic Planets protects newly born baby.

(7) It is clear from (5.3) & (6.3) that when Moon occupies 8th or 6th house result in the removal of Baalarishtha so formed provided birth occurs during daytime in Dark fortnight even if Moon stands under the aspects of natural malefic Planets or in night time of Bright fortnight when Moon receives the aspects of natural benefic planets occupies 8th or 6th house.

(8) Alternately what has been written under (7) about the position of Moon can be said if births occur during the daytime in Dark fortnights with Moon under the aspects of natural benefic Planets occupies 8th house or 6th house and if births or if births occur during nights of Bright Fortnights with Moon under the aspects of natural malefic Planets occupies 8th or 6th house results in Baalarishtha of worst order.

(9) The 8th or 6th house occupied by Moon as described in foregoing paragraphs should be considered from various Lagnas according to my researches in the field of Vedic Jyotish and once again in this article too I am sharing my researches in this context in forthcoming paragraphs (10), (10.1), (10.2), (10.3), (10.4), (10.5) & (10.6) for the benefits of learners, researchers and experts of Vedic Jyotish:

(10) The aforesaid Aristha Yoga should be judged in Chalit Chakra, Rashi Chart, Shasthansh Chart (D6), Asthmansh Chart (D8), Trishansh Chart (both traditional and cyclic, D30) and Shysthansh Chart (D60).

(10.1) This Aristha Yoga should also be judged with reference to Lagnaroodhpadalagna or Ashtamaaroodhpadalagna in Rashi Chart, Shasthansh Chart (D6), Asthmansh Chart (D8), Trishansh Chart (both traditional and cyclic, D30) and Shysthansh Chart (D60).

(10.2) This Aristha Yoga should also be judged with reference to the signs occupied by Chara Aatmakarka Planet in Shasthansh Chart (D6), Asthmansh Chart (D8), Trishansh Chart (both traditional and cyclic, D30) and Shysthansh Chart (D60). In other words, this Aristha Yoga should be judged in the Swansha Kundli of these charts.

(10.3) This Aristha Yoga should be judged in Rashi Chart with reference to Karkansh obtained from the signs occupied Chara Aatmakarka in Shasthansh Chart (D6), Asthmansh Chart (D8), Trishansh Chart (both traditional and cyclic, D30) and Shysthansh Chart (D60). In other words, this Aristha Yoga should be judged in the Karkansh Kundlis so formed by taking the signs occupied by Chara Aatmakaraka in these divisional charts as Karkansh.

(10.4) This Aristha Yoga should be judged with reference of Jeevit Saham and taking this Jeevit Saham as a special Lagna in Rashi Chart, Shasthansh Chart (D6), Asthmansh Chart (D8), Trishansh Chart (both traditional and cyclic, D30) and Shysthansh Chart (D60).

(10.5) This Aristha Yoga should be judged with reference of Mritu Saham and taking this Mritu Saham as a special Lagna in Rashi Chart, Shasthansh Chart (D6), Asthmansh Chart (D8), Trishansh Chart (both traditional and cyclic, D30) and Shysthansh Chart (D60).

(10.6) Gulika and Maandi should be considered as natural malefic planets in judging this Baalaarishtha Yoga as described in this article.

Written by
Vishal Aksh

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

“Ayu (Longevity) As Per Vedic Jyotish” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

In general, Ayu is the duration by which a physical body relating to Animal Kingdom, Plant Kingdom, Fungal Kingdom or Monera Kingdom remains in this Mrituloka (Mortal world). Rishi Parashar in his Brihit Parashar Horashaastra appears to indicate two types of Ayu (1) Ayu as per Vedas (2) Ayu as per Dasha and these are further classified into (1) Alp (Short), (2) Madhyam (Medium) & (3) Deergha (Long) but there are several terms like Apermit Ayu (Age equal to earth’s age or age of Kalpa and even more) is also found in several ancient texts on Vedic Jyotish.

(1) Ayu As Per Veda: In Vedas the request is made to Parmatma (God) to give 100 years of healthy life for human beings in a mantra “Jeevem Shradhaa Shatam” and this kind of Ayu is accepted by great rishi Parashar and he trisected it mathematically to divide it in three parts since the 3rd part of 100 comes in fraction 33.33333333 not in whole number so to make this kind of Ayu in whole number rish Parashar took 100 years as 96 + 4 = 100 years in which he trisected 96 years as = 96 ÷ 3 = 32 years and made a arithmetic series of three terms with 32 as first term and 32 as a common difference to represent this kind of Ayu as Swalpa or Alpa (Short), Madhyam (Madhyam) and Deergha (long) and this AP series with three terms becomes: 32, 32 + 1 × (32), 32 + 2 × (32) = 32, 64, 96. From birth to 32 years, from 32 years to 64 years and from 64 years to 96 years are termed as Swalpaayu (Short life), Madhyaayu (Medium life) & Deerghaayu (Long life) and in this kind of Ayu rishi Parashar attributes 96 to 100 years as Uttamayu (Excellent life).

(1.1) In my opinion Kaal Chakra Dasha should be apply to estimate the critical period or if any in the three sections if the malefic Kaal Chakra Dasha is found to progress an astrologer judging the horoscope his client should start judging his client’s horoscope minutely in terms of Ayur Bhava or House of Longevity.

(1.2) In Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra rishi Parashar did not mention this kind of Ayu as Dasha based as he did not give any Dasha of 96 years.

(1.3) Rishi Parashar disregards the calculation of age of a native below 24 years as per him up to 24 years of age native remains under the influence of the actions of his father, his mother and the Baalaristhas* present in his horoscope. Japa (Recitation of Mantra), Homa (Yagya) and Chikitsa (Medical supervisions) should be performed in the favour of that native up to 24 years by his parents or family members as remedies.

(1.4) In my opinion up to 24 years of age every native should recite gayatri mantra as remedial measures.

(2) Ayu As Per Dasha: Rishi Parashar in his Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra also gives 108 years of life with its section as from birth to 36 years as swaalpaayu (Short life), 36 to 72 years Madhyaayu (Medium life) and 72 to 108 years as Deerghaayu (Long life). Students should note that here the three sections are 36, 72, 108 or 36, 36 + 1 × (36), 36 + 2 × (36) or an arithmetic series of three terms with 36 as first term and 36 as common difference. This is as per Ashtottri Dasha and rishi Parashar recommends Ashtottri Dasha to judge marka (death inflicting) planet from his client’s horoscope.

(2.1) If any of the sections of life as per Ashtottri Dasha an adverse period of Ashtottridasha is found to run an astrologer judging the horoscope of his client should become very much careful.

(2.2) In my opinion Yogini dasha of 36 years should also be applied and if the malefic yogini also synchronizes with Ashtottri Dasha then astrologer must be very careful in judging his client’s horoscope and that astrologer should also be serious in prescribing remedies to his clients.

(2.3) Rishi Parashar gives 120 years of life with its section as from birth to 40 years as swaalpaayu (Short life), 40 to 80 years Madhyaayu (Medium life) and 80 to 120 years as Deerghaayu (Long life). It appears according to Vinshottri Dasha. Rishi Parashar recommends Vinshottri dasha in deciding the Marka (death inflecting) planet. This kind of Ayu follows 40, 80, 120 patterns or an arithmetic progression of three terms: 40, 40 + 1 × (40), 36 + 2 × (40) where 40 is first term and 40 is also common difference.

(2.4) Vinshottri dasha is the most popular dasha in Vedic Jyotish.

(3) Several great exponents of astrology of this Kaliyuga also give two kinds of Ayu as (1) Yogaayu which is based on the contribution of various Yogas dealing with age in one’s horoscope and it is further divided into 6 types (a)Sadyorishtha: this is one’s death within one year of his birth, (b) Aristha: this is one’s death within 12 years of his birth this is also known as Baalaristha, (c) Yogaristha: this is one’s death within 24 years of his birth and some modern great authors did not justify this term properly in their translations, the other three kinds such as (d) Alpaayu: from ones birth to 32 years, (e) Madhyaayu: it is one’s term of life within 32 to 70 years and (f) Deerghaayu: it is one’s life within 70 to 100 years. Those great authors of Kaliyuga also mention an age above 100 as Amitaayu.

(3.1) The Sadyorishtha, Aristha & Amitaayu are said to be independent of Dasha in the Vedic Texts of Jyotish written in Kaliyuga.

(3.2) Dr. BV Raman the greatest astrologer of modern era is of the view that Sadyorishtha & Aristha can also be brought within the purview of Dasha and we should regard his findings.

(4) In my opinion Ayur (Age) is a subject of 8th house indicating Mystery, illusions & Maya so it cannot be decided accurately by any means including Jyotish but every kind of Aristhas including Ayur Aristha can be predicted with great accuracy by the serious astrologers using Vedic Jyotish.

Written on Friday, June 23, 2017 at 13:04 Hrs (IST) by
Vishal Aksh

(The aforesaid article written by me was first published in my Facebook Public Group on Friday, June 23, 2017 at 13:14 (IST). Follow link: to view it there)

Sunday, April 8, 2018

“Shiva The Only True Healer” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) In Vedic literature Sun is supposed to be visible Deva (God) and Shiva as invisible Deva and both of them supposed to be the great healers but some confusions occur regarding the superiority of healing power between these two great Vedic Healers. In this context I am sharing from what I have gained from my more than 27 years of my spiritual experiences in the forthcoming paragraphs:

(2) In Bhavishaya Purana it is written that Shiva is the Aadideva of Surya (Sun) and Parvati is the Aadideva of Chanderma (Moon) so what are the divine orders from Parmatma Shiva are reflected through Sun.

(3) In Kaalchakra Adhya of Jataka Paarijaata there is an episode where there are some dialogues between Parmatma Shiva and Bhgwati Parvati.

(3.1) प्रणम्य परमात्मानं शिवं परमकारणम ।
खेचारिचक्रमध्यस्थं चतुःषष्ठिकलात्मकम ॥१॥
[Pranamy Parmatmaanam Shivam Paramkaranam
Khecharichakramadhyastham Chatuhshashthikalatmak ॥१॥]

(3.2) हिन्दी अनुवाद: - ग्रहमण्डल के मध्य खडे चौसठ कलाऔं से युक्त सकल वस्तुओं के परमकारण परमात्मा शिव को प्रणाम करके

(3.3) Translation In English: After bowing before the Parmatma Shiva with all the sixty four Kelaas and who is standing at the Centre of Solar System

(3.4) पप्रच्छ देवदेवेशमीश्वरं सर्वमंगला।
कालचक्रगतिं सर्वा विस्तारद्वद मे प्रभो ॥२॥

[Pprachch devdeveshmeswaram Sarvamangala
Kaalchakra Gatim Sarva Vistaardvad mea Prabho॥२॥

(3.5) हिन्दी अनुवाद: - देवी सर्वमंगला पार्वति ने देवाधिदेवमहादेव शिव से पूछा, "हे प्रभु! मुझसे सविस्तार कालचक्रगति का वर्णन करो

(3.6) Translation In English: Devi Sarvamangala Parvati asked Devedhipati Parmatma Shiva about the very details of Kaalchakra Gati.

(3.7) ईश्वर उवाच: -
अहमादित्यरुपोऽसि चन्द्रं त्वां संप्रचक्षते।
संयोगेन वियोगेन जगत्स्थावरजंगमम्॥३॥
Ishwara (Shiva) says
[Ahamaadityaruposi Chandram Twaam Smprachakshte
Sanyogen Viyogen Jagatsthavarjangamam3]

(3.8) हिन्दी अनुवाद: - परमात्मा शिव बोले, "हे देवी! मैं सूर्य रुप हूँ एवं तुम एक घोषित चन्द्र रुपा हो। यह समस्त चल एवं अचल वस्तुओं से युक्त जगत सूर्य एवं चन्द्र के संयोग (युति या अमावस्या) एवं वियोग (पूर्णिमा) से स्थापित है"
Translation In English: Ishwara (Parmatma Shiva) answered Parvati that he is of the format of Sun (Surya) and she is the declared format of Moon and the entire world with movable and immovable things is situated on account of their living together (Conjunction or New Moon) and living apart (Opposition or Full Moon)] 

(3.9) निष्कर्ष: - हे ज्योतिष विद्यार्थीयों! यदि आप श्लोक संख्या ॥१॥ व इसके सरलार्थ पर अपना ध्यान केन्द्रित करे तो आप सरलता से समझ जायेंगे कि परमात्मा शिव को ग्रहमण्डल के मध्य वर्णित किया गया है एवं श्लोक संख्या ॥३॥व इसके सरलार्थ पर अपना ध्यान केन्द्रित करे तो उसमें परमात्मा शिव ने स्वयं को सूर्य घोषित किया है तो यह पूर्णतयः स्पष्ट होजाता है कि सूर्य हि ग्रहमण्डल के मध्य वर्णित किया गया है तो यह प्रमाणित होता है कि ईसवी सन १४२६ तक भारतीय वैदिक गणितज्ञो एवं दैवज्ञो को सौरकेन्द्रीय प्रतिरूप का पूर्णरुपेण ज्ञान था एवं ईसवी सन १५४३ में पाश्चात्य वैज्ञानिकों ने इस तथ्य को स्वीकार किया।
English Translation: O Students Of Vedic Jyotish! If you concentrate on Sanskrit Shloka 1 and its translation then you will easily understand that the situation of Parmatma Shiva is described at the centre of the solar system and by concentrating on Sanskrit Shloka 3 and its translation in that Parmatma Shiva declared himself as Sun so it becomes clear that it is the Sun who is described at the centre of the solar system hence it is proved that up to year 1426 Indian Vedic Mathematicians and Astrologers had the perfect knowledge about Heliocentric Model and this fact was accepted by Western scientists in year 1543.

(3.10) Whatever has been written under (3) to (3.9) is from the article: सौरकेन्द्रीय प्रतिरूप (Heliocentric Model) written by me on Monday, March 14, 2016 on my Hindi Facebook Page. Follow link: to view this complete article.

(4) Like Bhavishya Purana Vedic Jyotish also recommends the consideration of Sun as Parmatma Shiva but only up to its existence in this Cosmos. Sun has a definite life and after that it merges into Avyakt (Bhrama) but Parmatma Shiva is also known as Mritunjay or the Conqueror of The Death and Mahakaal or the Destroyer of Kaal (Time and Death) and he never dies and he remains even after the destruction of Anantkoti Bhrmanda (Infinite Universes).

(4.1) In Shri Shiv Mahapurana it is written that once Prajapati Daksha cursed Chandrama (Moon) and on account of that curse Chandrama (Moon) suffered from Tuberculosis and through the divine inspirations Chandrama (Moon) started reciting Mritunjay Mantra and on account of that Chandrama (Moon) got the blessings of Parmatma Shiva and also got cured. According to Vedic literatures all the incurable diseases are the results of evil Karma performed and also due to various Shraapaa (Curses). Parmatma Shiva when devoted removes all the incurable diseases and Shraapaa.

(4.2) For the benefits of all of you I am sharing my experiences in this context. In the Year 1989 I suffered from incurable eye disease and doctors declared that eye disease incurable and several doctors warned me that my eyes would not support me but by the grace of Parmatma Shiva and Bhagwati Parvati all the doctors proved wrong and still at this age of 50 years my Eyes are fine with good eyesight. In about September / October 1995 I suffered from acute depression and in the year 1996 doctors declared that incurable in lifetime and that continued up to year 2006 in full measures but by the grace of Parmatma Shiva and Bhagwati Parvati I was able to control it right from year 1997 to year 2005 up to lesser extent and that helped me to conduct my extensive researches in the field of Vedic Jyotish and from year 2005 to year 2010 up to greater extent. It was year 2011 or year 2012 when the acute depression from which I was suffering from years disappeared almost completely. Here too Doctors proved completely wrong. I am sure everyone reading this article will get necessary insights from it. The recitation of Mritunjay mantra proved divine medicine for me to get rid of that depression.

(5) In Rig Vedas the following mantra is given for Parmatma Shiva in context of his healing powers:

ॐ क्व स्य ते रुद्र! मृडयाकुर्हस्तो यो अस्ति भेषजो जलाषः ।
अपभर्ता रपसो दैव्यस्याभी नु मा वृषभ! चक्षमीथाः ॥
[Om kva esya te Rudra! Mridyakurhasto yo asti bhesjo jalaashyo
Apbhart rapso deevyesyabhi nu ma Vrishabh chakshmeethah ]

(5.1) The meaning of aforesaid Rig Vedic Mantra is as follows:

O Rudra! Where is your famous hand? That hand removes all the diseases and thus makes us healthy this hand always devoted to bless all peace and relief.

O Vrishabha! The symbol of fulfilment of all desires! Pardon all the human being by removing all the sins done by them under the influence of divine Maya and bless all the forgiveness.   

(5.1) In the Rigavedic Mantra as described under (5) the healing power of Parmatma Shiva is witnessed in the form of therapeutic touch and his blessings.

(6) In Rudra Sukta the following Mantra is very significant:

(6.1) अध्योवोचद् अधिवक्ता प्रथमो दैव्यो भिषक्।
अहींश्च सर्वान् जृम्भयन् त्सर्वाश्च यातुधान्योधराचीः परासुव॥
[Adhyovochad Adhivakta Prathmo Daivyo Bhishak
Ahinsh Sarvaan jrimbhyen tsarvaash Yaatudhaanyodharaachih Parasuva]

(6.2) In Vedic Mantra described under (6.1) प्रथमो दैव्यो भिषक् or “Prathmo Daivyo Bhishak” appears to indicate first divine doctor. भिषक् or Bhishak in Sanskrit stands for an expert who gives भेषज or Bhesaj (Medicine) to patients to heal them.

Written by
Vishal Aksh

(The aforesaid article written by me was published on Thursday, August 3, 2017 on the timeline of my Facebook. Follow link: to view this there.)

Saturday, April 7, 2018

"More About Foreign / Distance Land Travelling" - an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) It is possible to predict foreign travelling or distance land travelling from the judgment of one's horoscope.

(2) I am giving some guidelines about how to predict foreign / distance land travelling from one's horoscope:

(2.1) In any horoscope 9th Bhava / house & 12th Bhava / house indicate foreign / distant land travelling and planets influencing these Bhavas / houses generally give foreign / distance land travelling in their main period or sub period or even in transit.

(2.2) In annual horoscope the presence of Muntha in 9th house and well disposition of (a) Yatra Saham (Journey Saham), (b) Jalpath Saham (Sea Voyage) give foreign / distance land travelling

(2.3) Same results as described under (2.2) applies to Vedic horary horoscopes.

(3) But before applying the condition described under (2), (2.1), (2.2) it is highly essential to justify the motive of person whose horoscope is under judgement and for this I am giving some indications below:

(3.1) Hora Chart (D2) will be very much useful to decide the foreign or distance land residence of any person and I have already written a post on this subject so see that post on my blog:       

(3.2) If in any horoscope you find 4th Bhava / House afflicted by natural malefic then under these circumstances the person whose horoscope is under judgement will move from his native land to some foreign land / distant land.

(3.3) The presence of Sada Sanchaar (Always Moving From Place To Place) yoga in any horoscope allows that person to remain in travelling always very much away from his birth place.
[Sada Sanchar Yoga: Lord of Ascendant occupying movable sign in one’s Horoscope forms this Yoga]

(3.4) There may be travelling to distance land / foreign land for professional purpose and for that planets in 9th or 12th houses of Dashmansh Chart play very important role specially containing movable signs if any natural malefic planet is found debilitated in 9th or 12th house then that person does not get professional success in foreign or distant lands and he will definitely have set back

(3.5) If the motive of journey to foreign / distant land is spiritual then consider 9th and 12th houses in D20 or Vinshansh Chart

(3.6) If the motive of journey to foreign land is for academic purpose then consider 9th and 12th houses in D24 or Chaturvinshansh Chart.

(3.7) If the motive of journey is for medical treatment then consider 9th and 12th houses of Trishmansh Chart (D30), Ashtansh Chart (D8) and Shasthansh Chart (D6) and it will give some picture about it. 12th house also represents hospitalization and a journey weather short / long / foreign has to be performed in hospitalization and this is very important.

(3.8) For pleasant trips for foreign / distance lands 9th and 12th houses of Saptvinshansh Chart or D27 are also useful

(3.9) For fulfilment of auspicious desires through pilgrimage 9th and 12th houses of Khavedansh Chart or D40 Chart are useful and it should be taken as useful remedial measure by Astrologer to prescribe to his clients.

Written by
Vishal Aksh

(The aforesaid article written by me was published in my Facebook public group on Friday, December 12, 2014 at 8:13pm. Follow link:  to view it there)

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Why Guru (Jupiter) Is Known As Jeeva? – An Article Written By Vishal Aksh

(1) Several times I have told you that Vedic Jyotish is based on {1} Common sense and {2} The knowledge stored in Puranas. Every Vedic Astrologer should have a vision to understand that knowledge of Puranas and apply that to understand the secrets of Vedic Jyotish. Vedic Jyotish has its roots in Vedas and Puranas are best to understand Vedas.

(2) The ancient experts of Jyotish addressed Guru (Jupiter) as Jeeva. I have seen several Vedic astrologers taking the literal meaning of Jeeva as animal and thus Jupiter signifies the entire animal kingdom as per them. It is the wonder of Sanskrit and Jyotish that each meaning of a single Sanskrit word used as a terminology of Jyotish holds good.

(2.1) As per Shivamahapurana the Shresthee Krama (Cycle of creation) on this Mrituloka (Earth) evolves due to Maithuna (Sexual intercourse) and thus in literal mean the Jeeva indicates the product after sexual intercourse between a male and a female and that is why Jupiter is also termed as Santankarka (A planet signifying offspring). But that maithuni Shreesthi was not possible without Shukra (sperm) and the other Guru of Daitya (Devils) Shukra presides over Shukra (Sperm) and sexual intercourse between a male and a female. On this ground it may be considered that the Jeeva (Jupiter) is an evolution of the beeja (Seeds) Shukra (Venus) and thus both the Gurus Jupiter and Venus are responsible for this maithuni Shreesthi prevailing on this earth.

(3) But very few people know the other fact about Guru (Jupiter) being known as Jeeva and that has another great aspect in Vedic Jyotish. In Shivapurana it is written that once to meet Parmatama Shiva both the Devaguru Bristipati and Devaraja Indra went to Kailash and while on the way to Kailash Devaraja Indra saw a yogi in the state of Samadhi (Deep Trance) and then Devraja Indra asked that yogi about the Parmatma Shiva but that Yogi gave no reply even after the repeated queries from Devraja Indra. Devraja Indra took those silent actions of that Yogi as his insult and then he lost his temper and he hit the head of that Yogi by his Vajra (A weapon used by Indra).

(3.1) What was that? As soon as Devraja Indra hit the head of that yogi the countless volcanoes started appearing from the head of that yogi and then Devguru found Indra under the tides of fire emanating from the head of that Yogi.

(3.2) Then Devaguru saw Devraaja Indra by his Karunamayee drishtee (took him at a merciful glance) and that fire started growing and growing and to protect his brilliant disciple Indra that Sadguru saw that Yogi posited in the state of deep trance and he recognized that Yogi by his divine vision.

(3.3) That Yogi was Parmatma Shiva and for the protection of his brilliant disciple Indra the Sadguru (Jupiter) with folded hands was before the Mahaguru of Anantkoti Brhamsnda Shiva. What a divine scene that was!

(3.4) On account of divine prayers performed by Devaguru the Ashutosh Prabhu (A lord who pleases quickly) Shiva pleased & appeased and he then freed Indra from his divine anger.

(3.5) In that way Devguru gave Jeevan Daana (Donated new life) to Indra and that was why Devguru is also known as Jeeva.

(4) The aforesaid Katha (story) as described under (3), (3.1), (3.2), (3.4) & (3.5) indicates an astrological fact. Dear students if you concentrate on this Kaatha (story) and use your common sense you will find that Indra is the divine king and all the Navagrah from Sun to Ketu come under his dominance without him all the Navagrah become powerless and inactive (A Vedic fact) and Devguru Brihispati is the Guru of Indra who protected him from the anger of Parmatma Shiva also protected Navagrah. It clearly indicates that Planet Guru protects Navagrah including himself and thus in any horoscope if an ill disposed planet comes under the aspect of Jupiter it gets protected to give auspicious results. 

(5) Dear students if you want to get the depth of Vedic Jyotish then understand properly what has been written in Vedic literature.

Written by
Vishal Aksh

(The aforesaid article written by me was published on Thursday, June 30, 2016 at 17:27 (IST) in my Facebook Public group. Follow link: to view it there.)