Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

“Ayu (Longevity) As Per Vedic Jyotish” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

In general, Ayu is the duration by which a physical body relating to Animal Kingdom, Plant Kingdom, Fungal Kingdom or Monera Kingdom remains in this Mrituloka (Mortal world). Rishi Parashar in his Brihit Parashar Horashaastra appears to indicate two types of Ayu (1) Ayu as per Vedas (2) Ayu as per Dasha and these are further classified into (1) Alp (Short), (2) Madhyam (Medium) & (3) Deergha (Long) but there are several terms like Apermit Ayu (Age equal to earth’s age or age of Kalpa and even more) is also found in several ancient texts on Vedic Jyotish.

(1) Ayu As Per Veda: In Vedas the request is made to Parmatma (God) to give 100 years of healthy life for human beings in a mantra “Jeevem Shradhaa Shatam” and this kind of Ayu is accepted by great rishi Parashar and he trisected it mathematically to divide it in three parts since the 3rd part of 100 comes in fraction 33.33333333 not in whole number so to make this kind of Ayu in whole number rish Parashar took 100 years as 96 + 4 = 100 years in which he trisected 96 years as = 96 ÷ 3 = 32 years and made a arithmetic series of three terms with 32 as first term and 32 as a common difference to represent this kind of Ayu as Swalpa or Alpa (Short), Madhyam (Madhyam) and Deergha (long) and this AP series with three terms becomes: 32, 32 + 1 × (32), 32 + 2 × (32) = 32, 64, 96. From birth to 32 years, from 32 years to 64 years and from 64 years to 96 years are termed as Swalpaayu (Short life), Madhyaayu (Medium life) & Deerghaayu (Long life) and in this kind of Ayu rishi Parashar attributes 96 to 100 years as Uttamayu (Excellent life).

(1.1) In my opinion Kaal Chakra Dasha should be apply to estimate the critical period or if any in the three sections if the malefic Kaal Chakra Dasha is found to progress an astrologer judging the horoscope his client should start judging his client’s horoscope minutely in terms of Ayur Bhava or House of Longevity.

(1.2) In Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra rishi Parashar did not mention this kind of Ayu as Dasha based as he did not give any Dasha of 96 years.

(1.3) Rishi Parashar disregards the calculation of age of a native below 24 years as per him up to 24 years of age native remains under the influence of the actions of his father, his mother and the Baalaristhas* present in his horoscope. Japa (Recitation of Mantra), Homa (Yagya) and Chikitsa (Medical supervisions) should be performed in the favour of that native up to 24 years by his parents or family members as remedies.

(1.4) In my opinion up to 24 years of age every native should recite gayatri mantra as remedial measures.

(2) Ayu As Per Dasha: Rishi Parashar in his Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra also gives 108 years of life with its section as from birth to 36 years as swaalpaayu (Short life), 36 to 72 years Madhyaayu (Medium life) and 72 to 108 years as Deerghaayu (Long life). Students should note that here the three sections are 36, 72, 108 or 36, 36 + 1 × (36), 36 + 2 × (36) or an arithmetic series of three terms with 36 as first term and 36 as common difference. This is as per Ashtottri Dasha and rishi Parashar recommends Ashtottri Dasha to judge marka (death inflicting) planet from his client’s horoscope.

(2.1) If any of the sections of life as per Ashtottri Dasha an adverse period of Ashtottridasha is found to run an astrologer judging the horoscope of his client should become very much careful.

(2.2) In my opinion Yogini dasha of 36 years should also be applied and if the malefic yogini also synchronizes with Ashtottri Dasha then astrologer must be very careful in judging his client’s horoscope and that astrologer should also be serious in prescribing remedies to his clients.

(2.3) Rishi Parashar gives 120 years of life with its section as from birth to 40 years as swaalpaayu (Short life), 40 to 80 years Madhyaayu (Medium life) and 80 to 120 years as Deerghaayu (Long life). It appears according to Vinshottri Dasha. Rishi Parashar recommends Vinshottri dasha in deciding the Marka (death inflecting) planet. This kind of Ayu follows 40, 80, 120 patterns or an arithmetic progression of three terms: 40, 40 + 1 × (40), 36 + 2 × (40) where 40 is first term and 40 is also common difference.

(2.4) Vinshottri dasha is the most popular dasha in Vedic Jyotish.

(3) Several great exponents of astrology of this Kaliyuga also give two kinds of Ayu as (1) Yogaayu which is based on the contribution of various Yogas dealing with age in one’s horoscope and it is further divided into 6 types (a)Sadyorishtha: this is one’s death within one year of his birth, (b) Aristha: this is one’s death within 12 years of his birth this is also known as Baalaristha, (c) Yogaristha: this is one’s death within 24 years of his birth and some modern great authors did not justify this term properly in their translations, the other three kinds such as (d) Alpaayu: from ones birth to 32 years, (e) Madhyaayu: it is one’s term of life within 32 to 70 years and (f) Deerghaayu: it is one’s life within 70 to 100 years. Those great authors of Kaliyuga also mention an age above 100 as Amitaayu.

(3.1) The Sadyorishtha, Aristha & Amitaayu are said to be independent of Dasha in the Vedic Texts of Jyotish written in Kaliyuga.

(3.2) Dr. BV Raman the greatest astrologer of modern era is of the view that Sadyorishtha & Aristha can also be brought within the purview of Dasha and we should regard his findings.

(4) In my opinion Ayur (Age) is a subject of 8th house indicating Mystery, illusions & Maya so it cannot be decided accurately by any means including Jyotish but every kind of Aristhas including Ayur Aristha can be predicted with great accuracy by the serious astrologers using Vedic Jyotish.

Written on Friday, June 23, 2017 at 13:04 Hrs (IST) by
Vishal Aksh

(The aforesaid article written by me was first published in my Facebook Public Group on Friday, June 23, 2017 at 13:14 (IST). Follow link: to view it there)

1 comment:

  1. संस्कृतसंवर्धनप्रतिष्ठानम्
    अत्र जालपुटे संस्कृत-पाठ्य-पुस्तकस्य (कक्ष्या 6 तः 12 पर्यन्तम्) सर्वेषां पाठानाम् आलेख-पीपीटी-श्रव्य-दृश्यश्रव्यरूपेण अनुशिक्षणसामग्री उपलब्धा अस्ति । संस्कृतगीतानां श्रव्यरूपं चलचित्ररूपं च अपि उपलब्धम् अस्ति । भवन्तः जालपुटमाध्यमेन मोबाईल-एप-माध्यमेन च सर्वं पठितुं शक्नुवन्ति । अधः अस्माकं जालपुट-संकेतः प्रदत्तः अस्ति । जालपुट-संकेत-द्वारा भवन्तः अस्माकं सोशल-मीडिया-संसाधन-माध्यमेन (facebook/twitter/whatsapp etc.) संस्कृतक्षेत्रेण सम्बद्धं सर्वविधान् विषयान् / सूचनाः वा ज्ञातुं शक्नुवन्ति । वयं यथासामर्थ्यं भवतां साहाय्यं करिष्यामः ।
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