Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Thursday, June 28, 2018

“The Legends Of Second House” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) It was in year 1990 when I started to learn astrology from various text books written by the then prevailing authors and in same year I found there is difference between Indian Astrology and Western Astrology but in year 2013 I gave up using the term Indian Astrology and started thinking the use of Bharteey Jyotish in place of Indian Astrology but I knew that there are several systems prevail in India like Kp, Lal Kitab and Ramal etc so Parashri Astrology as a whole cannot be Bhaarteey Jyotish. In same year 2013 I saw several authors and astrologers using the term Vedic Jyotish to address Prashari Jyotish thus I started using the term Vedic Jyotish in place of Indian Astrology.

(1.1) The other branches such as Jamini, Uttrakalamitra and Taajik Neelkanthi have Prashari base so they all come under Vedic Jyotish. Vedic Jyotish includes Prashara, Jamini, Taajik and Nadi. The root of Prashari Jyotish exists in Veda so the Vedic Jyotish is very appropriate title to be given to the works of great Vedic muni Parashara.

(1.2) In year 1990 I read in several modern books about the greatnesses of Kendra (Quadrants) and Trikona houses (triangular houses) and 2nd Bhava as the house of Wealth and house of Death. Even in the judgment of wealth prospects the astrologers were found to use 5th and 9th houses in those days. But no one was found giving clear picture about 2nd house. Mainly the 2nd house was treated as the house of Death. The other things to be judged from 2nd house given in the then prevailing modern books were Speech, Education, Right Eye and Face etc. In those times in India several rich people were found almost illiterate and several educated people were heard with lesser wealth or almost poor. That confused me at that time repeatedly. In case if I judge someone’s horoscope and find the Dasha / antar of 2nd house going on then what should I predict? Was those one’s death like situations, attainments of wealth or academic success / failure? And several such type of confusions.

(1.3) In year 1990 I arrived at the conclusion that all the modern astrologers or authors writing on Indian Astrology were either concealing facts or they are at the initial stages of learning and trying to make their images. Several predictions given by me in year 1990 started becoming true and that motivated me to understand this subject more and more. Then I decided to read the original texts on Vedic Jyotish in the two or three months of the starting of the year 1991. It was Maansagri which I read first and then Brihit Parashara Horashaastra in year 1991. It was very difficult to understand those books in modern values. The Hindi translations of these books were not found good. Then I decided to read and understand the original Sanskrit Shloka given in these two books. The level Sanskrit of these two books was too advanced to understand easily. But continuous focusing on Sanskrit Shlokas helped me to understand them. The first part of Charak Samhita proved helpful in understanding the meaning of several terms used in Brihit Parashar Horarshaastra. In those days several predictions made by me just glancing at horoscopes proved true. I formed somewhat opinion that I was having Vak Siddhi in some form. Almost all the ancient Vedic Jyotish I read during 1991 displayed 2nd house as Vak Sthan or House of Speech. In those days I was also curious to know about the combinations of Planets in my horoscopes helping me to give correct predictions without having such vast knowledge of Vedic Jyotish at that time. I was of firm belief that I have a helpful second house which supports me to give almost correct predictions but how? That reason was unknown to me. It took me years to understand that but that is not the motive for which this article is being written and this is discussed to make it cleared about the things those made my serious attention towards the proper understandings of 2Nd House.    

(1.4) It was in year 1994 when I was able to predict a native of Kumbh Lagna his academic success and his adverse health and his financial ascendency in 2nd lord Jupiter’s Mahadasha and all the predictions made by me about him in his Jupiter’s Mahadasha came into being. Though I have seen several cases earlier but those were the astrological predictions given with full confidence. This was the first chance when I confidently predicted about that native considering his second house of his horoscope. It took me four more years to understand the 2nd House properly.

(2) It was the night of January 31, 2018 when I got insight to write on the Legends Of 2ND Bhava (2ND House).

(2.1) So far from my first appearance on Facebook on January 2013 I wrote various article on Vedic Jyotish describing its practical approaches. Earlier in year 1993 to 2012 I wrote several articles those are not published yet on the theoretical side of Vedic Jyotish.

(2.2) Few months back in a group a theoretical self proclaimed Astro Master some Mr. U. K. Jha criticized my way of writings in the comments section of someone’s post. Then I saw his several Audio clips on Vedic Jyotish on U- Tube and it took no time to understand that he is only playing Shabdajaal which can only attract new comers and budding Astrologers.

(2.3) In this Article I am going to write the theoretical side of Vedic Jyotish so that learners and researchers of Vedic Jyotish can get necessary insights and experts can enjoy this.

(2.4) Muni Parashara attributed following Shloka in Brihit Parashara Horashaastra concerning the 2nd Bhava (2nd House):

धनस्यपि कुटुंबस्य मृत्युजालममित्रकम्।
धातुरत्नादिकं सर्वं धनस्थानान्निरीक्षयेत॥
[Dhansypi Kutumbasya Mritujaalmamitrkam!
Dhaturatanaadikam Sarvam Dhansthananirikshiyet!!]

Translation Of Aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka In English: One should judge 1. Dhana (Wealth, Finances, Money & Currency), 2. Kutumb (All relating to family like family members, Family life and Family status) 3. Mritujaalam (Death and trapping in deathlike situations), 4. Amitrkam (Unfriendly person and Foes), 5. Dhatu (Metals such as Gold, Silver or Bronze etc) and 6. Ratnadikam (All the precious stones) for the 2nd House or 2nd Bhava.  

(2.5) What confused me at that time was that great Parashara did not mention Vak (Speech) and Vidya (Learning) in the aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka relating to 2nd House / 2nd Bhava or I was not able to see them in that Sanskrit Shloka.

(2.6) The second valuable Sanskrit Shloka concerning 2nd House / 2nd Bhava given in Prasna Marga is as follows:

भर्त्तव्यमखिलं वित्तं वाणी चक्षुश्च दक्षिणाम्।
विद्याश्च विविधा ह्योतत्सर्वं चिन्त्यं द्वितीयतः॥४॥
[Bhartvyamkhilam Vittam Vaani Chakshuschch Dakshinaam!
Vidyasch Vividha Hayotsarvam Chintyam Dwitiyatah!! 4 !!]

(2.7) Translation Of Aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka In English: It is from 2nd House / 2nd Bhava the judgment about 1. Bhartvyam (Family), 2. Vittam (Wealth), 3. Vaani (Speech), 4. Chakshuschch Dakshinaam (Right Eye), 5. Vidyasch Vividha (Various forms of learning) should be done.

(2.8) That also confused me a lot as in that Sanskrit Shloka of Prasna Marga there was no mention about the Death Inflecting role of 2nd House / 2nd Bhava and the Dhaturatnadikam (Metals & precious stones).

(2.9) Prasna Marga the text on Vedic Jyotish was written in Kaliyuga as in this era the mental level of human beings has its limits the Vedic experts of Kaliyuga can understand Vedic muni Parashar but they cannot go beyond Parashara as the Vedic Jyotish is concerned.

(2.10) Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra is in the form of teachings given to Maitrya by Muni Parashara in Dwapura and Vedic muni Parashar had divine level of wisdom so his teachings cannot be wrong even in this Kaliyuga. That means I was missing something.

(2.11) If everything about Vedic Jyotish appears in the teachings of Vedic muni Parashara then whatever is written in the aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka must be in the aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka of muni Parashara as written under (2.4) i.e. Vidya (learning), Chakshu (Eyes) and Vak (Speech) existing in Prasan Marga concerning 2nd House must reflect in muni Parashara’s Shloka concerning 2nd House / 2nd Bhava.

(2.12) In Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra, in the chapter: “Dweetiya Bhaav Phalam” Vedic Muni Parashara addressed lord of 2nd House as Netranath means the lord of Eyes and also gave several combination of eye diseases there. This clearly indicates that Parashara also indicated 2nd House / 2nd Bhava to be considered to judge the Eyes. Now the only two things Speech and Learning needed to be traced in Parashara’s teachings about 2nd House / 2nd Bhava.

(2.13) In the same Chapter: “Dweetiya Bhaav Phalam” Vedic Muni Parashara gives a yoga which states, “If lord of 2nd House is associated with malefic Planet and 2nd house is occupied by malefic Planet the native is a liar, tale bearer and he suffers from windy complaints. This gives clear idea that muni Parashara also accepts 2nd House / 2nd Bhava as Vaksthana or House of speech.

(2.14) In the same text while describing the effects of Aprakash Chaap Grah in 2nd House / 2nd Bhava muni Prashara says that the person speaks good sentences and almost same result muni Parashara attributes for a person having Aprakash Shikhi (Upaketu) in 2nd House / 2nd Bhava.

(2.15) The descriptions under (2.13) & (2.14) clearly indicate that muni Parashara is also in favor to take 2nd House / 2nd Bhava as House Of Speech and tendency to speak truth and untruth and this tendency to speak truth and untruth clearly mentioned as one of the portfolio of 2nd House / 2nd Bhava by Mahakavi Kalidasa in his famous book: “Uttrakalamirita”

(2.16) Several years ago (that year was after year 2000 but before year 2011 as the exact year I do not remember) on a very fine day suddenly the Shloka dealing with 2nd House / 2nd Bhava as given by Vedic muni Parashara appeared in my Mind which I read in year 1991 and also read many times after that. The Sanskrit word “Ratnadikam” existing in that Sanskrit Shloka started motivating me to rethink about the meaning of Ratna. Ratna or precious stones are well known but suddenly my entire thinking progresses to the very first mantra of Rig-Veda. For the benefits of all I am writing that mantra below:

अग्निमीडे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवमृत्विजम्,
होतारं  रत्नधातमम्
[Om Agnimide Purohitam Yagsaya Devamritvijam, Hotaram Ratandhatmam]

(2.17) In the very first mantra of Rig Veda the prayer has been made to Parmata to get Ratna. I thought that the Rig Veda the ocean of spirituality cannot inspire us to pray Parmatma to get precious stones only that means the Sanskrit word Ratna existing in the very first Mantra of Rig Veda and mentioned by Vedic muni Parashara definitely has other reasonable meaning.

(2.18) In Vedic literatures the Sanskrit word Ratna is used for generally two types:

(i) Navaratna: These are well known precious stones associated with nine Planets from Sun to Ketu.

(ii) Fourteen Ratna: They appeared during great Samudra Manthana when Vedic creation was going on.

(2.19) I started thinking about those fourteen Ratna to understand the Sanskrti Shloka mentioned by Vedic muni Parashara about 2nd House / 2nd Bhava and a simple sturdy of those Fourteen Ratna made a clear picture in my mind enabling me to understand the legendry Sanskrit Shloka given by Vedic muni Parashara about 2nd House / 2nd Bhava. For your benefits in forthcoming Paragraphs I am sharing my understandings of Fourteen Ratna:

(2.20) The fourteen Ratna appeared during Samudra Manthana are as follows:

1. Kaalkuta: It was the poison of the Snake Vasuki and to save the world from it Parmatma Shiva drank it and stopped it in the inner region of his neck to save him.

1.1. My Understandings from it: The very first Ratna appeared in Samudra Manthana was Kaalkuta the snake poison and if anyone takes it in it results in death. Thus when viewing it from the angle concerning the 2nd House / 2nd Bhava of Vedic Jyotish it attributes it the Death Inflecting Powers. Thus Parashara also wants that 2nd House / 2nd Bhava to be death inflecting House.

1.2. In Ramayana it is written that in a battle Meghnada applied poisonous Sarpastra (Snake weapon) against lord Rama and Laxmana and both Rama & Laxmana came under Mritujala (Web of Death like circumstances). Thus Vedic rishi also considered Snake Poison under Ratna because it was used to protect against enemies.

1.3. In year 1990 I read an astrologer’s views about allotting Marka or death inflicting powers to 2nd & 7th houses. According to him 8th house is the house of Longevity and 7th house from it i.e. 2nd House and 12th House from it i.e. 7th house are the Marka or death inflicting Houses in any Horoscope. But I was not convinced with his logic. My view was clear at that time too. Seventh House in any horoscope represent Sunset and that means setting of natural Aatmkarka Sun resulting in death so 7th house is considered as a Marka or Death Inflicting House in Vedic Jyotish.  

1.4. The discussions under 1.1. and 1.3. give interesting understandings of 8th House / 8th Bhava as 8th House is Marka i.e. 2nd from 7th House and 7th from Marka i.e. 2nd House and there it proves Marka of Marka or Death of Death thus it becomes the House of Longevity and 8th house from this 8th house i.e. the third house also becomes the house of Longevity.  

2. Kaamdhenu: This was a divine cow that had divine power to fulfill need of food, milk and other milk products.

2.1. My Understandings from it: Cow milk acts as a food for those children running in their infancy age and other milk products such as butter, Ghee and curd also used in food. If food is categorized into (1) Liquid Food, (2) Vegetable Food and (3) Meat Food then cow milk and its milk products are best Liquid Food. Kamadhenu heads the entire cow specie and ancient Vedic rishi put the Kamadhenu under the Ratna. That was enough for me to understand why Mahakavi Kalidasa in his “Uttrakalamirita” wrote that all about food should be judged from 2nd House / 2nd Bhava. This proves what Mahakavi Kalidasa wrote in this context already exists in the teachings of Vedic muni Parashara.

3. Uchchshrava: It was the divine horse which headed all the horse specie and it was also put under Ratna.

3.1. My Understandings from it: 2nd House / 2nd Bhava represents Kutumba (Family) and the introduction of horses in Vedic era indicates the status symbol of one’s family. Nowadays vehicles like Cars etc have replaced the horses.

3.2. For Vedic Jyotish point of view 2nd house / 2nd Bhava is eleventh from 4th House / 4th Bhava. The acquisition of vehicle is also possible in the Mahadasha of well placed 2nd lord.

3.3. No classical authorities of Vedic Jyotish allot 2nd House / 2nd Bhava one of the house signifying Vehicles.

3.4. In Vedic Era the Horses were used to perform Aswamegha Yagya which comes under Vedic Religious Acts. It indicates the concept of theism and that is what great Mahakava Kalidasa attributes “Astikata” (Theism) as signified by 2nd House / 2nd Bhava.

3.5. As the time started passing in Vedic Era then horsed were started sacrificing in Ashwamegha Yagya and people eating meat started to accept the meat of horse and thus the meat of horse and similar animals like sheep and goats were also started using as food by them who ate meat. Thus 2nd House / 2nd Bhava also indicates meat food.  

4.  Earavat: It was the divine elephant which headed all the elephant and that was also put under Ratna.

4.1. My Understanding from it: If entire Vedic India is considered to be a family then the role of elephant in that family becomes clear.

4.2. Vedic Indians were first to tame elephants and used them in wars against their enemies.

4.2. There are several Vedic stories in which the elephant is allowed to select the Vedic King in case where it becomes difficult to select a King after tough competitions.

4.3. If common sense is applied you can easily find that anyone who has Horses or Elephants should be able to give them foods and shelters. If you have precious stone or precious metals you must be able to protect it. Poshkatva or the ability to look after others is one of the significations attributed to 2nd House or 2nd Bhava by Mahakavi Kalidasa in his “Uttrakalamrita”  

5. Kaustubh Mani: This was the precious stone in true sense which appeared during Samudra Manthana and it appears to represent all the precious stones.

5.1. My Understanding from it: Navratna are also represented by 2nd House / 2nd Bhava.

5.2. The discussion so far indicates that the dominion of Ratna is too vast and Navratna are the part of that.

5.3. The precious stones are mainly used by human beings for beautification purposes and thus it enhances the use of artificial means to beautify oneself. The great Mahakavi Kalidasa used the Sanskrit word: “Kritrima” (Artificial) under 2nd House / 2nd Bhava and that is artificial means to beautify oneself.  

5.4. This also adds values to one’s family status in a society.     

6. Kalpdrum: It was the divine tree which appeared from Samudra Manthana. It was also put under Ratna.   

6.1. My Understanding from it: It represents vegetables used as food or vegetable food and thus 2nd House / 2nd Bhava also represents Liquid Food, meat food as described earlier and vegetable food. Thus every kind of food comes under 2nd House / 2nd Bhava.

7.  Apsara: Various Apsara also appeared from Samudra Manthana. They were also put under Ratna. Apsara were most beautiful ladies having expertise in dance and music.

7.1. Various Vedic sources give different information about them. Here the descriptions about them as described in Valmiki Ramayana are being given.

7.2. Once rishi Vishwamitra was giving some valuable information to his disciples Rama and Laxmana. While describing the story of Samudra Manthana the great Vedic rishi Vishwamitra said to them:

अप्सु निर्मथनादेव रसात तस्माद वरस्त्रियः।
उत्पेतुर्मनुजश्रेष्ठ            तस्मादप्सरसोऽभवन्॥३३॥
Translation In English: O the superior among all men! (It was addressed to shri Rama by Vishwamitra). Because of Manthna of the water (Apsu) of sea those beautiful ladies appeared from the essence of that sea water (Apsu) that is why they were known as Apsara.

षष्टि कोट्योऽभवंस्तासामप्सराणां सुवर्चसाम्।
असंख्येयास्तु काकुत्स्थ यास्तासां परिचारिकाः॥३४॥
Translation In English:O Kakusth(shri Rama)! Those shining Apsara were sixty crores in numbers and their innumerable female attendents who also appeared with them from SamudaraManthana.

न ताः स्म प्रतिगृह्णन्ति सर्वे ते देवदानवाः।
अप्रतिग्रहणादेव ता वै साधारणाः स्मृताः॥३५॥
Translation In English:Neither Deva nor Danava accepted them as their consorts that was why they were considered as of average status.

7.3. My Understanding from it: As already written that those Apsara were expertise in Nrity (Dance) & Sangeet (Music) Vidya and that indicates 2nd House / 2nd Bhava also represents learning of Arts.

8. Laxmi: Vedic goddess of wealth & prosperity who became the consort of lord Vishnu also appeared from that great Samudra Manthana. Devi Laxmi was also taken as one of the fourteen Ratna.

8.1. My Understanding from it: It is because of the great Ratna Devi Laxmin the second house is probably known as The House Of Wealth. There is no doubt in it. In Vedic way of leading life one’s female life partner is considered as Griha Laxmi (The Laxmi Of The Home).

8.2. I have well predicted the occurrences of marriages of several people on the basis of  the Dasha / Antardasha of the Planets influencing 2nd House / 2nd Bhava in their horoscopes.

9. Varuni (Sura): Varuni the daughter of Varuna (Vedic devta) also appeared from that great Samudra Manthana. She was supposed the presiding deity of Sura (Wine?)

9.1 The description about Varuni is found different is various Vedic stories but in Valmiki Ramayana the given description about Varuni clear many wonderful facts about Deva & Danva.

9.2. In Valmiki Ramayana the Varuni was also known as Sura (Wine?). The following Sanskrit Shloka are from Valmiki Ramayana in this context:

वरुण्स्य   ततः  कन्या  वारुणी  रघुन्दन​।
उत्पपात महाभगा मार्गमाणा परिग्रहम्॥३६॥
Translation In English: O Raghunandana (Shri Rama)! After that the daughter of Varuna who was also the dignified goddess of Sura appeared from that Samudra Manthana and she started searching her consort.

दितेः पुत्रा न तां राम जगृहुर्वरुणात्मजाम्।
अदितेस्तु सुता वीर जगृहुतामनिन्दिता॥३७॥
Translation In English: O Sri Rama! The sons of Diti (Datyas) did not accepted Varuni but the sons Aditi (Devta) accepted the most beautiful Varuni or Sura.

असुरास्तेन दैतेयाः सुरास्तेनादितेः सुताः।
दृष्टाः प्रमुदिताश्चासन् वारुणीग्रहणात् सुराः॥३८॥
Translation In English: Because of not accepting Sura (Varuni) the Daitya were known as Asura and because of enjoying Sura (Varuni) the sons of Diti were known as Sur. After accepting Varuni all the Devta filled with eternal joy.

9.3. My Understanding from it: There is a great difference regarding the acceptance of Varuni (Sura) between Valmiki Ramayana and the Vedic literature available at internet. The Vedic literature available at internet shows that Varuni was accepted by the Deityas. In Valmiki Ramayana the addressing of Devta as Sur and Deitya as Asura was based on the acceptance of Varuni (Sura) by Devta and rejection of Varuni (Sura) by Detya appears logical and authentic.

9.4. The Sura of Devloka is the Wine (Alcohol) of Earth so it comes under Liquid Food. Being Liquor it is an unwelcomed edible but it also has its medicinal value which cannot be ignored.

10. Chanderma (Moon): Chanderma also appeared from that great Samudra Manthana and thus Chanderma (Moon) is also considered as one of the Fourteen Ratna.

10.1. My Understanding from it: This Vedic story about appearance of Chanderma from Samudra Manthana clearly indicates that Chanderma (Moon) is a part of Earth and this great story reflects the fact which is now accepted by Science.

10.2. Chanderma (Moon) who appeared from Samudra Manthana causes tides in the oceans and as per Vedic Jyotish it also affect over thinking by making it as 1) Sativik (Pure), 2) Rajsik (Pure & Impure with more Purity) and 3) Tamsik (Impure).

10.3. As per Vedic Jyotish Moon presides over Water and all the water products including Milk and Wine and Rasa (Taste) so being watery Planet it gets exalted in Vrish Rashi (Sidereal Taurus) the 2nd House / 2nd Bhava of Kalpurush Kundli (natural Zodiac). It also indicates the balancing of thinking levels among all the family members represented by 2nd House / 2nd Bhava to give stability to family.

10.4. The other watery Planet Venus also indicates Rasa (Taste) and presides over 1) Apsara & 2) Laxmi owns Vrish Rashi (Sidereal Taurus) the 2nd House / 2nd Bhava of Kalpurush Kundli (natural Zodiac).

11. Paarijaata Vriksha: It was also a divine tree known for his beautiful flowers which produce sweetest fragrance. This was also considered as one of fourteen Ratna appeared from Samudra Manthana.

11.1. My Understanding from it: Any flower is known for his sweet fragrance than its beauty. The fragrance is recognized through Nose and that was the reason why Mahakavi Kalidasa in his “Uttrakalamrita” allots 2nd House / 2nd Bhava for Nose.

11.2. Fragrance also exists in 2nd House / 2nd Bhava.

11.3. About 2300 years ago Acharya Chanakya gave the following Sanaskrit Shloka in his Nitis (Ethics):

"रूप - यौवन - सम्पन्ना, विशाल - कुल - सम्भवाः।
विद्या - हीना न शोभन्ते, निर्गन्धा इव किंशुकाः॥"
Translation In English: One born in a great family even having beauty, youthfulness and prosperity if uneducated is an ugly like the flower of Tesu or Dhaak (Butea monosperma) which does not have fragrance.  

Gist: Acharya Chanakya considers Vidya (Learning) as Fragrance that defines a person according to it and lacking of which makes a person insignificant.

11.4. In Vedic Jyotish the following Sanskrit Shloka is also valuable:

इन्दुः सर्वत्र बीजाम्भो लग्नं च कुसुमप्रभम्।
फलेन संदृशोंऽश्च भावः स्वादुरसः स्मृतः॥
Translation In English: Everywhere (In Vedic Jyotish) Indu (Chanderma or Moon) is considered as Beeja (Seed) and Ambhu (Water), Lagna (Sidereal Ascendant, Body) as Kusum (Flower), Ansha as Phala (Fruit) and Bhava (House) as Swaad (Taste).

11.5. The aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka from Vedic Jyotish nominates physical human body indicated by Lagna (Sidereal Ascendant) as Flower then the fragrance of this should exist in 2nd House / 2nd Bhava like that of the fragrance of Paarijaat Flower. It is enough to understand that great Vedic muni Parashara also teaches that Vidya (Learning) should also judge from 2nd House / 2nd Bhava while saying the Sanskrit word Ratnadikam though he also gave 5th House / 5th Bhava to judge academy.

11.6. Honey bees collect honey from the Flower and from the beehive the honey is taken as Liquid Food and that also come under 2nd House / 2nd Bhava.

12. Paanchjanya Shankh: That was the divine Conch which appeared from Samudra Manthana and this also come under Ratna.

12.1. My Understanding from it: Basically Shankha is used in Vedic Puja to produce sound like a flute. In human’s larynx the sound is produced and from human mouth this produced sound comes out as Speech and Shanka as Ratna symbolically indicates that. Thus great Vedic muni Parashara also allotted 2nd House / 2nd Bhava as Speech under his saying Ratanadikam.

12.2. The Shankha (Conch) is a sea or water animal like fishes and crabs etc. and thus it also indicates Animal Food and now it becomes evident that each and every type of Food comes under 2nd House / 2nd Bhava.   

13. Dhanvantri: Dhanvantri the great expert Vaidya (Healer & Surgeon) of Ayurveda and expert Ayurvedic knowledge also appeared from Samudra Manthana and he was also one of the fourteen great Ratna appeared from that Samudra Manthana.

13.1. In Valmiki Ramayana the following Sanskrit Shloka describes the lord Dhanvantri:

उदतिष्ठत् सुधर्मात्मा सदण्ड सकमण्डलुः।
पूर्वं     धन्वतरिर्नाम अप्सराश्च सुवर्चसः॥३२॥
Translation In English: Then from that Kheersagara (Samudra) a religious man Dhanvantri, filled with Ayurveda appeared. He was holding a Dand (bar) and a Kamandul (water container use to carry by Vedic Sadhu) and after his appearance Apsara of high luster also appeared. Dhanvantri the religious man and Ayurvedic Vaidya (Doctor) also considered Ratna in those fourteen Ratna.  

13.2. My Understanding from it: Dhanvantri with all the Ayurvedic Knowledge is an indication of higher order of knowledge allotted to 2nd House / 2nd Bhava and that is what reflected from Ratnadikam existing in Vedic muni Parashara’s Sanskrit Shloka regarding 2nd House / 2nd Bhava as described earlier under (2.4).

13.3. Dhanvantri the one of the Ratna is described as Sudharmatma in aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka of Valmiki Ramayana which means a person follows a good Dharma and academy is the part of Dharma.

13.4 There are six limbs of Veda as described below:

(i) Eyes: Jyotish is the Eye of Veda

(ii) Face: Vyakaran (Vedic Grammar) is the Face of Veda

(iii) Nose: Siksha the phonetics of the Veda is the nose of Veda

(iv) Ears: Nirukta the special meaning of Vedic words is the Ears of Veda

(v) Hands: Kalpa the procedure of doing sacrifices and the Dharma of the experts performing Vedic sacrifices are the Hands of Veda

(vi) Feet: Chanda speak about Vedic Rishi and Vedic Chanda Devta and they are the legs of Veda.

13.5. If the house division of Vedic Jyotish is applied to aforesaid six limbs of Veda then it can be said that Eyes, Face and Nose come under 2nd Bhava so Jyotish, Vedic Grammar and Siksha come under 2nd House / 2nd Bhava. An Astrologer having well disposed 2nd House / 2nd Bhava is a blessed Astrologer.

13.6 Ears and Hands come under 3rd House / 3rd Bhava but according to Vedic Jyotish rule Bhavet Bhavem the 3rd House is 2nd house from 2nd house. Nirukta and Kalpa come under it.

13.7. Out of six limbs of Veda three comes directly under 2nd House / 2nd Bhava and thus 2nd House / 2nd Bhava represents highest form of learning. 

14. Amrita: Amrita the greatest Ratna appeared last from Samudra Manthana. It was the divine drink and its taking made one strong, healthy and immortal and just after the appearance of Amrita the war started between Devta and Detya for their claim on Amrita and finally Devta won the war against Detya and they drank the Amrita.

14.1. My Understanding from it: Befitting the concept of Amrita for general purposes it can be said that Amrita can be medicated syrup taken to remain healthy, strong and energetic and syrup is always drunk from mouth represented by 2nd House / 2nd Bhava.

14.2. Out of two Ratna Halal (Kalkut) and Amrita the quality of Halalvisha is to influence 2nd House / 2nd Bhava to speak lie and that of Amrita is to speak truth. Mahakavi Kalidasa also allotted Satyanarta to 2nd House / 2nd Bhava. In Sanskrit word Satyanrta the meaning of Satya is Truth and the meaning of Anrata is Untruth.

14.3. Vedic rishi Kashyapa had many wives and his two main wives were Diti whose sons were Detya and second was Aditi whose sons were Devta like Indra, Surya and Upendra (Vishnu) so both Detya and Devta were from the same family but following opposite thoughts. The thoughts of Devta were to do welfare based on truth whereas the thoughts of Detya to harm others and fulfill their mean motives were based on untruth and 2nd House / 2nd Bhava represents family.

14.4. It is cleared that all the authors of Vedic Jyotish followed Vedic muni Parashara in allotting the various significations to 2nd House / 2nd Bhava.

(3) Let us understand the very formation of 2nd House / 2nd Bhava through a different concept. Astrologers with serious approaches know that to calculate Bhava Sphasth (Longitude of every Bhava) the two Lagna as Janamlagna (Ascendant) and Dasham Lagna (Medium Coeli or 10th House) is calculated first and other houses are calculated from these two houses (how to do that is not given here) so efforts have been made to let everyone understand the concept of 2nd House / 2nd Bhava with reference to 10th House.

(3.1) 2nd House / 2nd Bhava is fifth from 10th house / 10th Bhava so this 2nd House / 2nd Bhava is an offspring of 10th House / 10th Bhava and it inherits several things from 10th House / 10th Bhava. To know that it should be noted that 10th House as per Vedic Jyotish is also known as Nabha (Sky) so the knowledge of Purana (Vedic) about Nabha (Sky) indicate the inheritances received by 2nd House / 2nd Bhava as an offspring of Nabha (Sky).

(3.2) As per Purana (Vedic) the Nabha (Sky) is also known as:

1. Aakasha, 2. Kha, 3. Dik, 4. Vyoma, 5. Antriksha, 6. Nabha, 7. Ambara, 8. Puskara, 9. Gagna. 10. Meru, 11. Vipula, 12. Bila, 13. Aapochidra, 14. Shooneya, 15. Tamasa and 16. Rodisi.

(3.3) The 2nd House / 2nd Bhava inherits Shonneya from 10th House / 10th Bhava and thus acts as Jeevanshonneya or Death Inflicting agent in every Horoscope.

(3.4) The property of Nabha (Sky) is Shabda (Sound) so 2nd House / 2nd Bhava inherits Shabda (Sound) from Nabha (Sky) which results in Speech.

(3.5) Nabha (Sky) is the abode of Eight Deva Yoni (1. Devta, 2. Danava, 3. Gandharva, 4. Yaksha, 5. Raksha, 6. Sarpa, 7. Bhoota & 8. Vidyadhara). Thus 2nd House inherits 1. Satya or Truth (from Devta), Anarta or Untruth (from Danva and Raksha), Nritya & Gyana Vidya or the learning of Dance and Singing (From Gandharva), Enjoyments of life and tastes (from Yaksha), Visha or Poison or death inflecting effects (from Sarpa) and Vidya or learning of every kind (from Vidyadhara) from Nabha (Sky)

(3.6) Nabha is the abode of 1. Eight Deva Yoni, 2nd Seven Loka (Seven Worlds), 3. Maruta, 4. Pitra, 5. Agni, 6. Grah (Planets) and 7. all types of Moort (Visible like Surya) and Amoort (Invisible like Vishnu, Indra and Rudra) in other words Nabha (Sky) contains the family of all those described in this paragraph (3.6) and 2nd House / 2nd Bhava inherits the concept of Family from Nabha (Sky)

Written on Tuesday, June 26, 2018 at 23:32 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh


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