Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Thursday, July 12, 2018

"A Note On Chalit - Chakra" - written by Vishal Aksh

Chalit-Chakra……(part 01)

(This article written by me was first published on my facebook page follow link: to view it there)

In all the books and magazines related to Vedic astrology the Chalit-Chakra has been dealt with in some form or the other. This has been praised too. But in actual practice it is not for all particle purposes. In astrological magazines and horoscopes, astrologers draw it clearly but find it unable to use it in full and clear manner for predictions.

But what is this chalit chakra also known as Bhava Chakra? What is its use in predictive astrology? Is there any relevance in it or just it is used to attract others? And these types of many questions relating to it come in every one’s mind taking interest in Vedic astrology. The thinker or researcher of Vedic astrology when puts these questions before an expert of Vedic astrology than so called experts either does not pay his attention to these questions or deviate that person by giving baseless reasons. The reason behind the baseless reasoning by these so called experts is simple that they are totally ignorant about Chalit-Chakra.

In my years of experiences in the field of Vedic astrology I paid my attention on this Chalit-Chakra, most of the times this did wonder and time to time its functioning was checked and researched. At last the validity of Chalit-Chakra proved and it was observed that in Vedic astrology it will be a big mistake to ignore Chalit-Chakra.

Now let us discuss in brief about Chalit-Chakra. Mathematically a Bhava starts from aarambh sandhi (starting point) and extends up to viram sandhi (resting point) and in between these two sandhi, there is the strongest point of a Bhava known as Bhava Madhya. The sign in which this Bhava Madhya appears the planet ruling that sign is the lord of that Bhava. Sometimes two Bhava Madhya appear in single sign than in that condition single planet becomes the ruler of two bhava and sometimes no Bhava Madhya exists in a sign than in that case that planet looses the lordship over that Bhava.

The planets with lesser degrees than aarambh sandhi moves to previous Bhava and planets with greater degrees than viram sandhi moves to next Bhava. Despite it there are many more questions that appear in one’s mind while analyzing Chalit-Chakra e.g. planets situated in single sign move to previous and next Bhava, planets in single sign move to same Bhava, In rashi the planet receiving aspect from one planet looses receiving the aspect of that planet when it moves to either previous Bhava or next Bhava, in rashi chart any planet does not receive aspect from other planet but in Chalit-Chakra this planets comes under the aspect of other planet and many more such questions about Chalit-Chakra appear in one’s mind.

Sometimes it was also observed that Chalit-Chakra stops giving its results and Rashi Chart becomes powerful to give results under certain conditions.

Before going into such deep prospects of Chalit-Chakra it will be good to understand its usages in Vedic astrology.

Generally Chalit-Chakra is used in the following spheres in Vedic astrology:

(1) It is used in natal horoscopes
(2) It is used in Varshphal to predict about a year
(3) It is used in Maasphal to predict about Month
(4) It is used in Dashaprevesh to predict the results of Dasha / antardasha
(5) It is used in horary horoscope to predict the results.
Before discussing the utility of chalit chakra it is essential to understand it properly. The Chalit is a Sanskrit word which means moving from one point to other. In Rashi Chart the planets present in various signs move either in previous Bhava or in next Bhava and because of this moving this chart is known as Chalit-Chakra.


Chalit-Chakra……(part 02)

(This article written by me was published on Thursday, March 13, 2014 on my facebook page. Follow link: to view it there.)

To understand Chalit-Chakra logically it should be assumed that a person by the effects of planets in his Chalit-Chakra approaches to an astrologer or calls in the astrologer then in that situation with respect to astrologer there is the movement of that person by the effects of planets in his Chalit-Chakra and in either of these cases this is the first use of Chalit-Chakra.

For example the person approaching to an astrologer may be of different age groups:

(1) The person approaching to an astrologer is up to 25 years of age group

(2) The person approaching to an astrologer is between 25years to 36 years of age group

(3) The person approaching to an astrologer is between 36years to 60 years of age group

(4) The person approaching to an astrologer is above 60 years of age group

Suppose a person up to 25 years of age group approaches an astrologer to get his horoscope analyzed and in his horoscope the lord of mahadasha / antardasha moves from 6th house to 5th bhava in Chalit-Chakra then the astrologer should understand that the person approaching has a question relating to his education.

When the person approaching to an astrologer is between 25 years to 36 years of age group and in his horoscope the lord of mahadasha / antardasha moves from 6th house to 5th bhava in Chalit-Chakra then the astrologer should understand that the person approaching has a question relating to the child birth in general.

When the person approaching to an astrologer is between 36years to 60 years of age group and in his horoscope the lord of mahadasha / antardasha moves from 6th house to 5th bhava in Chalit-Chakra then the astrologer should understand that the person approaching has a question relating to the education of his child / children in general.

When the person above 60 years of age group approaches an astrologer to get his horoscope analyzed and in his horoscope the lord of mahadasha / antardasha moves from 6th house to 5th bhava in Chalit-Chakra then the astrologer should understand that the person approaching has a question relating to employment or alliance of his child / children.

The other Bhavas should also be considered in similar way.The successes or failures of these types of questions also depend on the transit of Jupiter for successes and transit of Saturn for failures in general.

Sometimes the transit of Jupiter is just enough to give successes / failures of the questions. Jupiter transiting the exaltation sign of antardasha lord in any horoscope gives successes and its transit in debilitation sign of antardasha lord gives failures.

All the creatures in this world attract toward abhava. The abhava is a Sanskrit and Hindi word and it means deficiency. A poor has abhava of money in his life so he gets attracted towards money, a rich person has abhava of mental peace so he gets attracted towards mental peace and in the similar way a teenagers get attracted towards opposite sex.

Thus in this abhavapurna life everybody struggles to fulfill abhava and theses fulfillment of abhava express themselves through his facial expressions e.g. the attraction of teenagers towards opposite sex shows their abhava towards opposite sex and with this effect the teenagers start searching the company of opposite sex and as soon as they get this they get bhava of santhusthi (Satisfaction)

In the similar fashion the position of planets in one’s horoscope creates the abhava in all the directions and with the effect these planets in one’s horoscope motivates that person to approach an astrologer and the learned astrologer predicts the karmaphala of that person approaching him on the basis of Chalit-Chakra position of planets.

This Chalit-Chakra in anyone’s horoscope thus becomes helpful in removing abhava by making one’s life bhavapurna and that is why Chalit-Chakra is also known as Bhava Chakra.

The learned astrologer amazingly predicts on the basis of one’s Chalit-Chakra only when the person approaching him first time but when such client by the fructification of the prediction of the astrologer starts visiting him repeatedly then most of the times it becomes impossible for an astrologer to predict merely on the basis of Chalit-Chakra and then the astrologer should include other technique to predict on the basis of Chalit-Chakra.


Chalit-Chakra……(part 03)

(This article written by me was first published on Friday, March 21, 2014 on my facebook page. Follow link: to view it there)

In this context The Rashi Chart & Chalit-Chakra along with Mahadasha described in Example: 01 given below is of a female native whose horoscope was analyzed on 26th March 2003:
Example: 01:
Rashi Chart: (1) Lagna: Simh, (2) Moon: Kanya, (3) Saturn: Tula, (4) Sun, Mercury & Ketu: Vrischika, (5) Jupiter & Venus: Dhanur, (6) Mars: Makar, (7) Rahu: Vrish.
Chalit-Chakra: (1) Lagna Bhava: Moon, (2) Third Bhava: Sun, Mercury, Saturn & Ketu, (3) Forth Bhava: Jupiter & Venus, (4) Fifth Bhava: Mars, (5) Ninth Bhava: Rahu.
Mahadasha Details: Mars: from 01st May 1996 to 01st May 2003

(1.1) In above horoscope the exalted Mahadasha lord Mars moved to 5th Bhava from 6th house and at the time of analyzing of her horoscope she was of 18 years of age that means she came under group 01 of 25 years of age group and that means her question be related to her education.

(1.2) In her horoscope the Mahadasha lord Mars is the lord of 4th Bhava representing her mother and 9th bhava representing her father indicate she came along with her father and her mother.

(1.3) If the indications described in (1.1) and (1.2) are combined then it becomes clear that she came along with her mother and her father to know the future about her studies.

(1.4) At the time of the analysis of her horoscope the Mahadasha lord Mars was transiting 5th house in her horoscope and this Mars being the lord of 9th bhava also acts as Badhaka planet. In transit Moon ruling her mind was in Dhanur rashi in 5th house of her Rashi Chart.

(1.5) From about 06th July 2002 to about 29th July 2003 Jupiter transited Kark rashi i.e. the debilitation sign of her Mahadasha lord Mars adversely affecting 5th Bhava indications of her Chalit-Chakra.

(1.6) Combining (1.3), (1.4) & (1.5) the picture about her became clearer i.e. at that time she was having problems in her study with effect from 06th July 2002 onwards and she also wanted to know future about her studies.

(1.7) After analyzing her Rashi Chart and Chalit-Chakra minutely I asked her if she was having adverse phase in her studies after 06th July onwards and it was the only question she was having in her mind. Then she replied surprisingly in a way favoring what I had said about her after analyzing her horoscope and she was not able to clear some of her papers after 06th July 2002.

(1.8) In her horoscope Rahu Mahadasha was going to start from 01st May 2003 and in her Chalit-Chakra exalted Rahu moved to 9th Bhava from 10th house. In any horoscope 9th Bhava also signifies work hard for education and considering this I predicted her academic betterment and her line of education in professional course in her Rahu Mahadasha.

This is the way how one can use Chalit-Chakra at initial level. As I have written in previous article Chalit-Chakra…. (part 01) that the sign in which this Bhava Madhya appears the planet ruling that sign is the lord of that Bhava. Sometimes two Bhava Madhya appear in single sign than in that condition single planet becomes the ruler of two bhava and sometimes no Bhava Madhya exists in a sign than in that case that planet loses the lordship over that Bhava and this is the most confusing thing while dealing with Chalit-Chakra and this is perhaps the main reason why astrologers ignore this wonderful Chalit-Chakra while predicting.

In the articles based on Chalit-Chakra I have used the word house to denote Rashi Chart position of planets and rashi while counting from Lagna rashi and Bhava to denote Chalit-Chakra position of planets and rashi while counting from Lagna Bhava.

Written by
Vishal Aksh


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