Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Saturday, October 19, 2019

“True Vedic Root Of Gulika Found” – a research article written by Vishal Aksh

(1) I don’t remember any Astrologer except me using most of the Upagarh described in Vedic Jyotish in predictive side effectively and those fewer ones only use Gulika and they are all found to be confused by considering it as Maandi.

(2) Several years before I read a splendid  article in some Jyotish based Hindi magazine on Upagrah in that I read that Gulika is not a Sanskrit Word after that I started searching this word and I did not get that. It was in year 2008 when I read the Sanskrit word Kulika in Bhavishya Purana and there Kulika was said to be a Sarpa (Snake) and the word found very near to Gulika and several indications given in Bhavishya Purana about Kulika lead me to conclude that Kulika is the original Sanskrit word for Gulika.

(3) It was on Thursday, July 5, 2018 when I published a small article titling “My Researches On The Calculations Of Gulika & Maandi” first on my Blog and then on my Facebook Page in this context stating that, “In Sanskrit no meaning of Gulika is found but its near about word: “Kulika” exists in Sanskrit which is one of the twelve great Sarpa…….”. You can see the picture of that Article on Facebook below or click the Link given:

Then I thought that I found the Vedic root of Gulika and very soon a very detailed Article on various Upagrah would be written though I already published few research oriented Articles on Gulika, Maandi & Yamakantaka on my various sites on internet. Few days after publishing that Article suddenly a thought came into my mind that Bhavishya Purana and other Purana were written by Veda Vyasa but the how Parashara the father of Veda Vyasa could err in writing a Tadbhava (A word which is a impure word of a pure Sanskrit word) Word Gulika in place of Kulika and this further led me to conclude that this Gulika is Kulika but Gulika needs further searches and researches.

(4) It was in Solar Month Ashvini or the Sun’s Transit in Kanya started from Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 12:54:08 (IST) to Friday, October 18, 2019 at 00:54:26 (IST) when my years long research about the Sanskrit Origin of Gulika completed. It was in Gaurada Upanishada the Gulika was found to be described as Sarpa (Snake). Below those Sanskrit Shlokas are being given:

पद्मोदक्षिणकर्णे तुमहापद्मस्तुवामके ।
शङ्खः शिरःप्रदेशेतुगुलिकस्तुभुजान्तरे॥
[Padmodakshinkarne Tumahapadmstuvamke!
Shankhah Shirah PradehetuGulikastubhujantra!!]

Note: In above Sanskrit Shloka Gulika the Snake is described as an ornament of Garud decorating between his arms.   

यदि गुलिकदूतोऽसि यदि वा गुलिकः स्वयं सचरति सचरति
तत्कारी मत्कारी विषनाशिनी विषदूषिणी विषहारिणी
हतं विषं नष्टं विषं हतमिन्द्रस्य वज्रेण विषं, हतं तेब्रह्मणा विषमिन्द्रस्य वज्रेण स्वाहा
[Yadi Gulikadutoasi Yadi Va Gulika Swaym Sacharti Sacharti
Tatkaari Matkaari Vishnaasini Vishdushini Vishhaarni
Hatam Visham Nashtam Visham Hatmindrasya Vajren Visham Hata Tejbrhamana Vishindrasya Vajren Swaha]

Note: In above Shloka the Mantra is given to remove the ill effect of the poison on account of the attack of the messenger sent by Gulika or the attack of Gulika himself.

अनन्तवासुकितक्षककर्कोटकपद्मकमहापद्मकशङ्खकगुलिकपौण्ड्रकालिकनागक इत्येषां दिव्यानां महानागानां महानागादिरूपाणां……
[AnantvasukitakshakkarkotakpadamkmahapadmakshankhakGulikapaundrakaliknagak Ityesham Divyanaam Mahanaganam….]

Note: In above Shloka ten Divine & Great Naga (Snakes) are described as:

(i) Ananta, (ii) Vasuki (iii) Takshak (iv) Karkotak (v) Padmak (vi) Mahapadmak (vii) Shankhak (viii) Gulika (ix) Paundrakalik & (x) Nagak.

In above place Gulika appears on 8th Place.

(5) Conclusion: Gulika is a pure Sanskrit word of Vedic Roots and in Bhavishya Purana it is mentioned as Kulika.

Written on Saturday, October 19, 2019 at 03:27 (IST) by:
Vishal Aksh

Copyright© 2019 Vishal Aksh

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