Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Monday, January 4, 2021

"Chandra Lagna The Vedic Moon Sign" - an article written by Vishal Aksh


The Vedic jyotish regards the radical Moon as one of three lagnas among the rising sign, lunar sign and Sun sign to know one’s future. The Moon lagna is also known as Chndra lagna or Vedic Moon sign. 

The rising sign representing the physical body is the abode of the soul or atma is used to know every aspect of life from birth to death. The earth possesses seventy five percent of water and in a similar way a human body contains seventy five percent of water so water registers its presence both in earth as well in human body. Moon’s actions bring tides in oceans and in the human body it brings emotional disturbances so no one can disregard the lunar impact and thus comes into play  the importance of the Moon sign.

The Moon sign works on the physical body through mental actions so its functioning is clear and easy to understand thus all the likings or disliking, mood, thought process and emotions are influenced by the Moon.

It is  the mana or mind which governs the  five  senses and  these five  senses  govern the entire body and  thus mana or mind governs the entire body. In jyotish Moon signifies the mana or mind.

Our mind apart of influencing our body gets influenced by several events occurring in surroundings e.g. if one of the neighbor purchased a costly car or any assets then your mind too will be influenced by that and you will feel uneasy and make up your mind to purchase such asset and you also find many episodes occurring nearby influencing you.

As already written earlier that in a horoscope Moon signifies mind so instead of influencing your five sense organs it gets influenced by planets influencing it in your horoscope.

Right from your birth you find yourself in an environment where you get influenced by several people of different mindsets several of them display purity or sativik behavior and you want to be like them, several of them display their great learning and helpfulness or rajsik behavior and you want to follow them and there are several who display negative attitude or tamsik behavior and you never like them. Satvik, rajsik and tamsik are nothing but the three stages of mana or mind.

When it is translated in terms of planets then there are three groups of planets as written below:

The Satvik group of planets contains the Sun, Jupiter and Moon. The extremely auspicious upagrah Yamakantaka can also be treated as sativik upagraha for all predictive purposes as per my understanding of Vedic jyotish.

So when the Moon is under the influence of the Sun, Jupiter or Yamakantaka then it becomes rich in purity.

If in a horoscope, the Moon is under the influence of the Sun by conjunction one will be wise & courageous and if Sun influences the Moon by its seventh aspect then one will be intelligent. It should be noticed that wisdom, fearlessness and intelligence comes under sativk nature. The same applies when such solar influence occurs on the Moon in the bhansh chart.

If in a horoscope or bhansh chart Moon comes under the influence of Jupiter by its fifth, seventh or ninth aspect or by its conjunction then the person is able to make his mana in accordance with eighth basic characteristics of aatma and thus accepts purity by heart, he becomes free from sorrow and joy, hot and cold, respect and disrespect, he wins his six inner foes like kama or sensual desires, krodaha extreme anger, lobha or extreme greediness, moha extreme affection, mada or  negative ego & maya or illusions.

If in a horoscope or bhansh chart Moon comes under the influence of Yamakantaka by its fifth, seventh or ninth aspect or by its conjunction then it increases the thinking facility of mind with lots of inventive ideas and several times it results in wonders.

The rajsik group of planets contains Mercury and Venus. It makes a person inclined towards learning, sciences and arts. It also gives musical talents, generally Cheerful Mood, intention to dominate and protect others.

If in a horoscope or bhansh chart Moon comes under the influence of Mercury by its seventh aspect or by its conjunction then it gives inclinations towards learning, wonderful understandings, sharp memories and writing skills.

If in a horoscope or bhansh chart Moon comes under the influence of Venus by its seventh aspect or by its conjunction then it gives inclination towards poetry, music, dance, drama, beautifications and singing etc.

If in a horoscope or bhansh chart Moon comes under the influence of Ardhyama by its seventh aspect or by its conjunction then it gives a wonderful ability to express observed things into wordings or writings.


The tamsik group of planets contains Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Gulika, Maandi and as per my understandings of Vedic jyotish the upagrah like Mritu, Dhoom, Upaketu, Indradhanush and Parivesh also come under tamsik group of planets. If in a horoscope or bhansh chart Moon comes under the influence of tamsik planet or planets by its aspect or by its conjunction then it gives negative attitude, tendency to steal other’s money, speaking of unfair language, habits to harm or deceive others or confused and worried mind with escaping from responsibilities.

If in a horoscope or bhansh chart Moon comes under the influence of Saturn by its third, seventh or tenth aspect or by its conjunction then it gives worried mind and the person does not find himself fit for materialistic world and it may also result in Sanyaas. Irrespective of tamsik planet Saturn also represents vairagya so if Moon in bhansh chart comes under the influence of Saturn then it motivates the person to leave the materialistic world and to join the spiritual kingdom. In the materialistic world he always finds his mind worried and depressed and taking escaping routes so he becomes an unwelcome member of his family.

If in a horoscope or bhansh chart Moon comes under the influence of Mars by its fourth, seventh or eighth aspect or by its conjunction then it results in dictatorial approaches. The person imposes his own thinking forcibly on others.

 If in a horoscope or bhansh chart Moon comes under the influence of Rahu by its fifth, seventh or ninth aspect or by its conjunction then it gives dirty thoughts with selfish approaches. But the overall horoscope needs to be judged before announcing the results.

If in a horoscope or bhansh chart Moon comes under the influence of Ketu by its fifth, seventh or ninth aspect or by its conjunction then it gives occult thoughts and tendency to wander in the limitless ocean of maya.

If in a horoscope or bhansh chart Moon comes under the influence of Gulika or Maandi by its third, seventh or tenth aspect or by its conjunction then it gives destructive thoughts & greediness.


So far it is seen through the foregoing paragraphs that Moon’s importance in jyotish in the judgment of one’s nature is unique.


I am sure you are aware of the person with different attitude approaching you after regular intervals of time also influence your mind and those are neither you neighbors nor from your circle but they are able to guide your minds e.g. an insurance agent totally unknown to you from your childhood and birth approaches you regularly and while doing so he is able to make up your mind for the investments of your hard earned money in some policies and you do that. In the similar fashion the transitory planets do their job to influence Moon or in other words to influence your mind to do actions according to their wishes so in Vedic jyotish the Moon sign or Chandra lagna is used to judge the transitory results or gochar phala of planets or planet on human affairs.

Vedic jyotish holds Moon sign or Chandra lagna to be most effective among the three signs viz rising sign, Moon sign and Sun sign in giving transitory results.

The results of Sun’s transit with respect to radical Moon through various houses from first to twelve are as follows:

        Stress, monetary losses, short temperament & sickness.

        Loss of wealth, living in destitute, deceived by others & stubbornness.

        New office, windfall of money, happiness, sound health & ruin of foes.

        Diseases & impediments in one’s sex life.

        Mental stimulations, sickness & all round embarrassment.

        Disappearance of all the diseases, ruin of foes, the ending of all the sorrows & mental uneasiness.

        Tiring journeys, disorders of the digestive system & anus and sufferings on account of being humiliated.

        Fear of diseases, becoming the disputant, governmental displeasure and suffering on account of intense heat.

        Facing fear & mental depression and separation from relations.

        The accomplishment of great works.

        Getting a new office, wealth and freedom from all ailments.

        Sorrows, monetary losses, disputes with friends and suffering from diseases.

 In short Sun’s transit gives favorable results in third, sixth, tenth and eleventh houses from radical Moon whereas in remaining places it proves adverse.


The results of Moon’s transit with respect to radical Moon through various houses from first to twelve are as follows:

        The bhagyodaya or rise in fortunes.

        Loss of wealth.




        Freedom from ailments.




        The accomplishment of a task.



 In short the transitory Moon gives favorable results while transiting first, third, sixth, seventh, tenth and eleventh houses from radical Moon whereas in remaining houses it gives adverse results.


The results of Mars’s transit with respect to radical Moon through various houses from first to twelve are as follows:

        Sufferings on account of emotional disturbances, separation from kith & kin and diseases relating to blood, bile or heat.

        Fear, unfair wordings and loss of wealth.

        All round success or victory, acquisitions of gold or gold ornaments.

        Fall from status, stomach disorders and pains on account of relatives.

        The fever, invalid anxieties or quarrels with kith & kin.

        Ending of dispute with foes, relief from sickness, victory, acquisition of wealth, favorable atmosphere for the accomplishment of all works.

        Misunderstandings with spouse, diseases related to eye and stomach, loss of money and pride.

        Fever and loss of body shine because of anaemia.

        Loss of wealth, limpness in walking on account of emaciation of the body.

        Mischievous behavior, impediments in profession and failures in all the attempts.

        Increase in finances, landed property & soundness of health.

        Financial losses and sufferings on account of diseases related to excessive heat.

 In short Mars in its transit through various houses from the radical Moon gives auspicious results in third, sixth & eleventh houses whereas in remaining houses it gives inauspicious results.


The results of Mercury’s transit with respect to radical Moon through various houses from first to twelve are as follows:

        Loss of Money.

        Financial gains.


        Increase of wealth.

        Clashes with wife and children.



        Gain of child & wealth.




        Fear of being defeated.

 In short Mercury in its transit from various houses from the radical Moon becomes auspicious in second, fourth, sixth, eighth, tenth & eleventh houses whereas in remaining houses it becomes adverse.


The results of Jupiter’s transit with respect to radical Moon through various houses from first to twelve are as follows:

        Leaving the country, setback in financial status & development of ill will towards others.

        Acquisition of money through self efforts, pleasing atmosphere in family and fulfilling of verbal commitments made.

        Degradation, separation from near & dear one’s, impediments in works & ailments.

        Sorrows arising out on account of relatives, disgrace and fear from quadrupeds.

        Birth of a child, association with the noble person and favor from the government.

        Pains on account of the actions of foes & relatives and the developments of ailments.

        Journey for auspicious purposes, pleasing moments with wife and birth of a child.

        Agony in the journey, causality & disease, loss of wealth and full of grief.

        Bhagyodaya or fortunes.

        Adverse for profession, status & children.

        Birth of a child, new office & respect etc.

        Sorrows & loss of wealth.

In short Jupiter transit proves auspicious in second, fifth, seventh, ninth & eleventh houses from radical Moon whereas in remaining houses it proves adverse.


The results of Venus’s transit with respect to radical Moon through various houses from first to twelve are as follows:

        Indulgence in sensualities.

        Success in all the attempts to earn money.

        Increase in affluence.

        Increase in comforts and friend circle.

        Birth of a child.


        Adverse to wife.

        Acquisition of wealth.

        Increase in comforts.



        Acquisition of wealth.

In short the transit of Venus gives auspicious results in first, second, third, fourth, fifth, eighth, ninth, eleventh & twelfth houses whereas in remaining houses it gives adverse results.


The results of Saturn’s transit with respect to radical Moon through various houses from first to twelve are as follows:

        Ailments & the performing of funeral rites.

        Loss of wealth & children.

        Acquisition of status, employees & wealth.

        Loss of wife, relatives & wealth.

        Loss of self-earned wealth, children & intellect.

        All round prosperity.

        Suffering to wife and being dangerous to him.

        Loss of children, domestic animals, friends, money and increase in ailments.

        Poverty, impediments in leading systematic and well-disciplined life, death of father figure and day to day sufferings.

        The development of nature to do unfair things in business and defamation or diseases.

        Acquisition of comforts, potentials and glory.

        Indulgence in fruitless business, loss of money on account of enemy’s actions and suffering to wife & children on account of diseases.

 In short Saturn’s transit proves auspicious in third, sixth & eleventh houses from radical Moon whereas in remaining houses its transit proves inauspicious.


The results of Rahu’s or Ketu’s transit with respect to radical Moon through various houses from first to twelve are as follows:

        Decaying health.

        Loss of money.



        Loss of wealth.






        Bhagyodaya or fortunes.



The twenty seven zones of 13⁰ 20’ each known as nakshatra occupied by radical Moon speak about satvik, rajsik and tamsik nature of person if they belong to three groups known as Devta gana, Manushya gana and Rakshas gana.

If the longitude of radical Moon falls within anyone of the following nine ranges then the native belongs to devta gana group:

        Aries 00° 00’ to Aries 13° 00’.

        Taurus 23° 20’ to Gemini 06° 40’.

        Gemini 20° 00’ to Cancer 03° 20’.

        Cancer 03° 20’ to Cancer 16° 40’.

        Virgo 10° 00’ to Virgo 23° 20’.

        .Libra 06° 40’ to Libra 20° 00’.

        Scorpio 03° 20’ to Scorpio 16° 40’.

        Capricorn 10° 00’ to Capricorn 23° 20’.

        Pisces 16° 40’ to Aries 00° 00’.

The native having their radical Moon’s longitude falling within any one of the nine zones written above have devta gana group so they are handsome, generous, virtuous, wise, straightforward, consume less food and extremely intelligent.


If the longitude of radical Moon falls within anyone of the following nine ranges then the native belongs to manushya gana group:

        Aries 13° 20’ to  Aries 26° 40’.

        Taurus 10° 00’ to Taurus 23° 20’.

        Gemini 06° 40’ to Gemini 20° 00’.

        Leo 13° 20’ to Leo 26° 40’.

        Leo 26° 40’ to Virgo 10° 00’.

        Sagittarius 13° 20’ to Sagittarius 26° 40’.

        Sagittarius 26° 40’ to Capricorn 10° 00’.

        Aquarius 20° 00’ to Pisces 03° 20’.

        Pisces 03° 20’ to Pisces 16° 40’

 The native having their radical Moon’s longitude falling within any one of the nine zones written above have manushya gana group so they have self-respect, wealth, large & expressive eyes, strong determination and bow & arrow. They are of white complexion and able to communicate and receive benefits from the natives of outer worlds.


If the longitude of radical Moon falls within anyone of the following nine ranges then the native belongs to rakshash gana group:

        Aries 26° 40’ to Taurus 10° 20’.

        Cancer 16° 40’ to Leo 00° 00’.

        Leo 00° 00’ to Leo 13° 20’.

        Virgo 23° 20’ to Libra 06° 40’.

        Libra 20° 00’ to Scorpio 03° 20’.

        Scorpio 16° 40’ to Sagittarius 00° 00’.

        Sagittarius 00° 00’ to Sagittarius 13° 20’.

        Capricorn 23° 20’ to Aquarius 06° 40’.

        Aquarius 06° 40’ to Aquarius 20° 00’.

 The native having their radical Moon’s longitude falling within any one of the nine zones written above have rakshash gana group so they are crazy, horrible, the lovers of battle, hostile and diabetic.


As written earlier that the sign occupied by radical Moon also acts as lagna so in Chandra kundli or Moon horoscope the various planets from Sun to Rahu give results of the houses they occupy from Moon and they are also given below:


Results of Sun occupying twelve houses starting from first to twelfth in Chandra kundli:

        Living in foreign country, luxurious & always indulges in disputes.

        Many attendants, famous & honored by the government.

        Possession of gold & wealth, pure and like a higher ranking officer.

        Not any regard for mother and an atheist.

        Overpowering foes and intents to join defense services.

        Not get favor from daughters.

        Good looking wife, humble, honors from government and a tapasvi.

        Always faces miseries and diseases.

        Religious, truthful and suffering on account of bonds.

        Surrounded by riches.

        Recognized by the government, expert, famous and chief man of family.

        Defective eyes and ill temperament.


Results of Mars occupying twelve houses starting from first to twelfth in Chandra kundli:

        Wealthy and diseases related to flow of blood.

        Land lord, peasant and will have children.

        Humble and happy.

        Poor, without comforts and ailing spouse.

        Unhappy on account of children.

        Increasing enmity on account of following the wrong way and suffering on account of diseases.

        Bad  and foul speaking spouse

        A sinner and a wicked and without truth.

        Rich but happiness on account of a child in old age.

        Extremely rich with all the possible assets.

        Recognized by the government, famous and handsome.

        Not good for mother.


Results of Mercury occupying twelve houses starting from first to twelfth in Chandra kundli:

        Without beauty, intelligence  & comforts, speaks unfair words and faces degradation.

        Possesses wealth, crops and relatives and suffers on account of diseases.

        Wealthy, rajyayoga and always surrounded by sages.

        Lives in comforts and gains from maternal relatives.

        Expert, intelligent, handsome, sexy and always speaks bad.

        Miser, terrible, dreads the disputes, hairy skin and large eyes.

        Always dominated by wife, miser, wealthy and long lived.

        Famous among sovereigns and defeats foes

        Always follow other religions except his own, inimical and malevolent.


        Always gainful..

        Always miser, children always face defeats.


Results of Jupiter occupying twelve houses starting from first to twelfth in Chandra kundli:

        Free from all the diseases, brave and rich.

        Favor from government, long lived, outrageous, religious and pure.

        Loved by females.

        Without comforts, suffers on account of maternal side, serves others and is powerful.

        Divyadrishti, glorious, rich and cruel.

        Sad, homeless, lives in a foreign country and a beggar.

        Long lived, rich, corpulent, impotent but chief of his family.

        Sick, sufferer and without comforts.

        Rich, follows righteous path and a devotee.

        Becomes a sage by leaving his family.

        Kingly status and his children live in comforts.

        Always opposes his family members.   


Results of Venus occupying twelve houses starting from first to twelfth in Chandra kundli:

        He suffers on account of water, paralysis or violence.

        Rich, knowledgeable and like a king.

        Religious, intelligent and gets gains from westerners.

        Weak and poor in old age.

        Rich but without fame.

        Fear of loss and getting defeat in the battle.

        Does not perform his duties and is confused.

        Famous, warrior, charitable, luxurious and rich.

        Many brothers, sisters and friends.

        Gets happiness on account of parents and long lived.

        Long lived and without foes & diseases.

        Always in the company of females other than his wife and is without knowledge.


Results of Saturn occupying twelve houses starting from first to twelfth in Chandra kundli:

        Waste his wealth and put his relatives in trouble.

        Troublesome for his mother and makes his life better by consuming goat milk.

        Among his children, daughters bring fortunes for him.

        Dutiful and victorious.

        Sweet spoken wife.

        Always sad.

        Religious and charitable.

        Troublesome to father but charitable.

        Spiritual practices.

        Kingly status, miser and wealthy.

        Suffers on account of physical pains, sad and non religious.

        Poor, beggar and a non believer. 


Results of Rahu occupying twelve houses starting from first to twelfth in Chandra kundli:

        Rahu in first, tenth, third or ninth the rajyayoga results

        Rahu in sixth or twelfth as powerful rajyayoga or political success results

        Rahu in fourth or seventh gives no comfort.

        Rahu in second or eleventh gives no money, pride and comforts.

        Rahu in fifth gives calamities.


The following are the characteristics of natives born in Vedic Signs from Aries to Pisces:




        Truth as a strength


        A number of children and attendants

        Consumes more





        His wife devotes him


        Speaks less



        Consumes more

        Decent looking


        Acquisits money



        Of a sweet name

        Knows black magic, tantra, abhichara, chemical to harm other

        Thinks before speak


        Loves sex

        Suffers on account of throat problems

        Gets fame


        Good speaker

        Of long stature




        Patiently accomplishes all of his works

        Truth as strength

        Possesses good intellect

        Clever speaker


        Extremely intelligent

        Versatile genius on account of all round knowledge

        Very auspicious to see him






        Face like a lion

        Stout bodied

        Non Vegetarian

        Impossible to be faced

        Always hungry

        Obeys his mother



        Silver Tongued


        Always thinks about his wife

        Always looks like a teenager

        Of the descent intelligence

        Liked by generous people

        Skillful author




        His wordings reflect intelligence and purity

        High souled

        Pure natured

        Good looking


        Bhagyawaan or fortunate

        An author







        Revered by nobler like a god



        Always intent to harm others



        Honored by state

        Always with new ideas & thoughts

        Of exalted character



        The soul of truth



        Devotes Guru & Parmatma

        An author



        Always likes roaming into jungles

        Likes music & comedy

        Nicely & beautifully dressed


        Always intent to share bed with the wives of others




        Less happy


        Low spirited

        Starts many ventures

        Preaches his relatives

        Deceives his Guru



        Gets position of trust







        Silver tongued speaker


The Chandra Lagna or Vedic Moon Sign should judged precisely before predicting any event and it becomes essential to judge its position in Shadvarga like Rashi, Hora, Drashkan (Decanate), Navansh, Dwadashansh and Trishansh:


When Janamlagna (Natal Ascendant) and Chandra Lagna (Vedic Moon Sign) are same then the native is of conduct, polite, humble, religious, dutiful, honored by state, Grateful, Enthusiastic and without madness.

Chandra Lagna Falling In Various Hora:

  1. When Chandra Lagna falls in Solar Hora the the native is sexy, his wife suffers from pains, without relatives and of ailing body. He has enemies too.
  2. When Chandra Lagna falls in Lunar Hora then the native is charming, attractive and he has a son loved by gorgeous damsels.


Chandra Lagna Falling In Various Drashkan:

When Chandra Lagna falls in Sun’s Drashkan then the native:

        Day to day commits sins

        Surrounded by enemies and opponents

        Becomes lesser rich and of lesser in strength

        Destroys his wealth

        Bhagyaheen or without fortunes

        Always puts his eyes on others wealth


When Chandra Lagna Falls in Moon’s Drashkan then the native:


        Possesses many friends

        Possesses money, children & relatives



        Never disobeys


When Chandra Lagna falls in the Drashkan ruled by Mars (Aries or Scorpio):

        The native is without fame

        Always does wicked activities

        Suffers from many sorrows

        The native’s greed is always to acquisite others wealth

        The native is without any friendly attitude


When Chandra Lagna falls in the Drashkan of Mercury (Gemini or Virgo):

        The native is simple

        He is fortunate


        Rich in character


        An expert of all the skills & talents


When Chandra Lagna falls in the Drashkan of Jupiter (Sagittarius or Pisces):

        The native is fond of understanding the inner meaning of six shaastras

        He is of good conduct

        He is praised by his enemies and unfriendly people

        He always welcomes guests with his full heart

        He displays less anger

        He is a great devotee of Guru and Parmatma


When Chandra Lagna falls in the Drashkan of Venus (Taurus or Libra):

        The native acquisite excellent vehicle.

        Surrounded by beautiful females and even invited by them

        Always speaks truth

        Lord of many skills and talents

        Gets favors from state


When Chandra Lagna falls in the Draskan of Saturn (Capricorn or Aquarius):

        The native is sick




        He gets high status in state or country



Chandra Lagna Falling In Various Navansh:

Chandra Lagna falling in Sun’s Navansh (Leo):

        The native is immoral and wicked

        He is playful

        His intellect and wisdom stop working

        He is defeated by his enemies


Chandra Lagna falling in Moon’s Navansh (Cancer):

        The native is handsome

        Bhagyawaan or fortunate


        Agreeable to his wife

        Man of character

        Becomes modest after getting the learning of higher order.



Chandra Lagna falling in the Navansh of Mars (Aries or Scorpio):

        The native suffers on account of diseases related to blood

        He is weak

        He is of lesser strength

        Unfortunate to his wife

        Always remains sensual


Chandra Lagna falling in Mercury’s Navansh (Gemini or Virgo):

        The native is simple

        Always happy

        Always displays friendly attitude

        Always devote Guru and Parmatma

        Extremely rich

        Fantastic learned


Chandra Lagna falling in Jupitery’s Navansh (Sagittarius or Pisces):

        The native is moralist and understands natural justice

        Becomes modest after getting the learning of higher order

        He gets strength by strongly following the truth

        He is exalted among his friends

        He loves intellectuals or the people of higher intellect

        He is free from all the fears of being suffering from illness


Chandra Lagna falling in the Navansh of Venus (Taurus or Libra):

        The native is extremely rich

        He has children

        Spends his money for the auspicious purpose and charity

        Always welcomes guests

        Always loved by public


Chandra Lagna falling in Saturn’s Navansh (Capricorn or Aquarius):

        The native speaks unfair wordings

        He is the person of temperamental disorders

        He is always greedy to take others wealth

        He has many bad habits


Chandra Lagna falling in Sun’s Dwadashansh (Leo):

        The native always remains frightened


        Without friends




Chandra Lagna falling in Moon’s Dwadashansh (Cancer):

        The native is extremely rich

        Speaks cleverly

        He has good and auspicious child

        He has good vehicle

        He is without enemies


Chandra Lagna falling in the Dwadashansh of Mars (Aries or Scorpio):

        The native is happy



        He always performs auspicious attempts to do welfare

        He is an idol of religiousness or Dharmamurti

        He always remains humble


Chandra Lagna falling in the Dwadashansh of Mercury (Gemini or Virgo):

        The native is simple



        Displays amazing karmic approaches

        The admirer of guests

        He always remains famous


Chandra Lagna falling in Jupiter’s Dwadashansh (Sagittarius or Pisces):

        The native remains well dressed

        He is favorite to ministers or officers of high rank


        He has beautiful vehicle

        He has a number of friends


Chandra Lagna falling in the Dwadashansh of Venus (Taurus or Libra):

        The native is modest

        Prosperous on account of state favors

        He also possess costly and exalted vehicles

        He also has grains and other food in large quantities


Chandra Lagna falling in Saturn’s Dwadashansh (Capricorn and Aquarius):

        The native’s relatives display varying truths or truths suitable to fit in a situation to cash it

        His body is of red glow like the colour of the head of a monkey

        He gets no use of his relatives


Chandra Lagna Falling In Various Trishansh:

Chandra Lagan falling in the Trishansh of Mars (Aries or Scorpio):

        The native is without any reverence


        Always remains in the company of unfair people

        He suffers from diseases relating to blood


        He has good hope to get victory


Chandra Lagna falling in Saturn’s Trishansh (Capricorn or Aquarius):

        The native possesses an ugly body

        Speaks unfair

        Always progressive

        He has many good hopes

        Always complaining against others


Chandra Lagna falling in Jupiter’s Trishansh (Sagittarius or Pisces):

        The native is wise and intelligent

        Gets fame in land dealings

        Extremely wealthy

        Dear to state, ministers or high ranking officials


Chandra Lagna falling in Mercury’s Trishansh (Gemini or Virgo):

        The native is pure


        Dear to females

        Expert in singing and other skills

        Admirer of guests



Chandra Lagna falling in the Trishansh of Venus (Taurus or Libra):

        The native is very much courageous


        Possesses vehicles


        Always likes the company of gentlemen


From birth to the completion of thirty one years the Rashi Chart works but from thirty second year the radical Moon sign or Chandra lagna starts working effectively and it should also be taken into consideration for all predictive purposes and brief description about the judgement of the Chandra Kundli has been given in foregoing paragraphs.


Written by

Vishal Aksh


Copyright© Vishal Aksh

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