Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

“Shivalinga” – An article written by Vishal Aksh

 I have not written any article on this topic but you can understand that the entire article is still in my mind. Sanatana gives you the right to think on Shivalinga and draw your own conclusions. I am sharing few tips in this context befitting the approaches of modern sciences below:

1] Linga stands for the zander and in Shivalinga the elevated cylindrical part indicates male's generative organ and the lower part indicates the female's generative part so it indicates the union between these two parts to result in the entire creation or Maithuni Shresthi. This applies to a small creature to the infinite universes.

2] Just expand your arm parallel to the ground and fold your four fingers and allow your thumb to stand vertically upwards and just see what you observe behind the thumb at this position and it is self-explanatory i.e. you will see the Shivalinga. Several Vedic granthas praise this Shivalinga to meditate to get the divine powers. Well I am not explaining the process here.

3] See the Yagya it is also a Shivalinga as its Vedi indicates the lower part and fire or agni indicates the upper part.

4] The circular disc of the Sun indicates the lower part of Linga whereas solar flames or Agni indicate the upper portion.

5] The first mantra of the world i.e. the very first mantra of Rigveda is dedicated to Agni which indicates Shiva.

6] In fact Shivalinga is a Sanatana technology to elevate mankind. Tanme manaha Shiva Sankalpa Mastu

According to Sanatana Darshana he was Shiva who created the infinite universes through his sentence, "Ekoham Bhusyaam" which means that Shiva is one but wanted to divide that clearly indicates that all the living and nonliving beings have the fraction of Shiva or everything from an atom to a universe contain the fractions of Shiva.

So 1] In body the fraction of Shiva is Aatma.

2] In the process of creation the part of Shiva is Brahm.

3] The unknown part of Shiva is Parbrahma. Basically in religions the known part i.e. the Brahm is praised with different approaches but in Sanatana the unknown part i.e. the Parbrahma is worshipped and praised. Knowing the unknown is an integral part of Sanatana which turns into inventions.

In short Shivalinga is the way to discover unknown


Written on Tuesday, September 28, 2021 in a WhatsApp group as a reply of someone’s query by

Vishal Aksh


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