Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Thursday, January 13, 2022

“Who Is Perfect Man Astrologically” - An article written by Vishal Aksh

 The English word ‘man’, as understood, indicates a person who has a well developed brain to think, innovate, explore, invent and express. When we talk about the characteristics of a man according to Vedic jyotish then it becomes essential to know the exact word for a man in Sanskrit.

In Sanskrit the words used to refer to a man are manushya, manav, manuj, vyakti and purush. The little introductions of these words will be useful before going into the depth of this article.

Manu was the first person of this earth and the descendants of him are known as manushya, manav and manuj. The English word ‘man’ appears to be the distorted word of Sanskrit words manushya, manav or manuj.

Vyakti is the descendant of Manu on which avyakt parmatma vyakt or expressed himself.

Purush is the descendant of Manu who does four purushartha which are dharma, artha, kama and moksha.

There is hardly any difference between manushya, manav, manuj, vyakti and purusha.

In fact manushya belongs to the animal kingdom and several Vedic sources support it. The following Sanskrit shloka is of great importance in this context:

देवादयः पिशाचांताः पशवः परिकीर्तिताः।

तेषां पतित्वात्सर्वेशो भवः पशुपति स्मृतः॥

Devadyah pischashantah pashvah parikirtitah

Tesham patitvasarveshwaro Bhava Pashupati smritah.

Source: Ling Purana.

All the species starting from devas or gods to pisacha or vampires are said to be animals and because of being their sole master Bhava or Shiva is called Pashupati.

The aforesaid Sanskrit shloka clearly indicates that all the species like devas i.e. Brahma, Vishnu, Indra, Varuna, Agni, Vayu and Jala etc. or gods, yaksha, naga, gandharva, vidyadhara, apsara, rakshas, human, animals and vampires are beasts. In other words they all are beasts so human beings also belong to the animal kingdom.

On the earth the manushya is the only kind which has a fertile brain so this kind is the only superior kind living on this earth.

This superior kind is also well defined in a Sanskrit shloka of the Vedic literature given below:

साहित्यसङ्गीतकलाविहीनः साक्षात्पशुः पुच्छविषाणहीनः ।

तृणं न खादन्नपि जीवमानस्तद्भागधेयं परमं पशूनाम् ॥

Sahitysnageetkalaviheenah sakshatpashuh puchchvishanhinah

Tranam n khadannapi jeevmaanstdbhagdheyam param pashunaam.

Source: Shloka: 12, Neeti Shatkam.

A man devoid of literature, music and art is like an animal without tail and horn. And it is the good fortune of animals that he doesn’t graze grass to live like them.

The aforesaid Sanskrit shloka clearly indicates that the qualities of a manushya or man are creating and reading literature, enjoying music and involving in the further development of the arts & sciences. In other animals existing on this earth these qualities are not found except mankind or manushya yoni. Human beings have the brain to cook and bake food.

The eight characteristics of a manushya have also be well defined in Vedic literature in the following Sanskrit shloka:

येषां न विद्या न तपो न दानं

ज्ञानं न शीलं न गुणो न धर्मः ।

ते मर्त्यलोके भुवि भारभूता

मनुष्यरूपेण मृगाश्चरन्ति ॥

Yesham ne vidya ne tapo ne danam

gyanam ne sheelam ne guno ne dharmaha

Te martyloka bhuve bharbhuta

Manushyarupen mrighahascharanti.

Source: Shloka: 13, Neeti Shatakam.

Those who have neither acquired education, nor engaged in austerity, nor donated, nor acquired knowledge, nor exhibited good conduct, nor earned merits, nor followed Dharma and wander like animals in the form of human beings in this world of death are all a burden on this earth.

  1. Mercury signifies vidya or education.
  2. Sun represents Shiva and Shiva most of the time remains in tapasya. On the other hand, the Sun gives heat or tapa.
  3. Mars gives abhaydana or protection, balidana or sacrifice, bhudana or land donation etc. Basically a great courage is required to donate and Mars gives the courage of that kind. Balidana is supposed to be the greatest dana.
  4. Jupiter is the planet that gives gyana or wisdom & knowledge.
  5. Moon gives sheela or good conduct. Moon represents mother and a man learns good conduct from his mother in his childhood.
  6. Venus signifies guna or merits. It gives skills and talents.
  7. Saturn signifies Dharma. In planets this Saturn represents Yama and Yama is said to be Dhramraj so this Saturn indicates Dharma.

In short, astrologically it can be said that vidya, tapa, dana, gyana, sheela, guna and Dharma come under the jurisdiction of Mercury, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Moon, Venus and Saturn respectively. This is how a manushya or man utilizes the characteristics of seven visible planets to make himself almost perfect. Vedic jyotish is based on common sense and Vedic literature and it has its roots in Vedas.

A purush or man wins by fighting the enemies contained within him like lust, anger, greed, attachment, mada and matsara. These six inner foes always bring calamities and diseases. So when you say purush then it indicates a man who conquers his six inner foes and successfully removes all his diseases and safeguards himself against any calamity.

You see people with many excellent yoga in their Vedic horoscopes too suffer on account of occasional starvation, diseases and other calamities. But they have inner strength and other managing skills to solve their problems.

A mahapurush is a superior man who not only solves his problems in this modern world but also makes ways in this world for others to proceed.

On the basis of forgoing analysis it can be said that a perfect man is understood as mahapurusha in Vedic terms. And if one is a perfect man, mahamanav or mahapurush then his life reflects victories over calamatites, diseases, starvations, impediments and other misfortunes. People around the world learn lessons from his struggling life.

In Vedic jyotish there are five yogas which make one almost a perfect man of mahapurush. They are known as pancha mahapurusha yogas. They are given below:

  1. Ruchaka yoga is formed when Mars occupies the first, fourth, seventh or tenth house either in its own sign or exalted sign.
  2. Bhadra yoga is formed when Mercury occupies the first, fourth, seventh or tenth house either in its own sign or exalted sign.
  3. Hansa yoga is formed when Jupiter occupies the first, fourth, seventh or tenth house either in its own sign or exalted sign.
  4. Malavya yoga is formed when Venus occupies the first, fourth, seventh or tenth house either in its own sign or exalted sign.
  5. Shash yoga is formed when Saturn occupies the first, fourth, seventh or tenth house either in its own sign or exalted sign.

Important notes to follow:

  1. People with Ruchaka yoga are found to be over ambitious and they suffer on this grounds generally. When they control it they rise in life. They are well disciplined, fearless and charitable. They care about rules and regulations.
  2. People with Bhadra yoga are found to suffer from depression. If they control it they rise in life. They are gentle, polite and humorous in nature. Generally they are jack of all but master of none. They are found in every field. They care about societies and social duties.
  3. People with Hansa yoga suffer from depression, consciousness of guilt and repent. They also do atonements to make their life ideal. They have an ability to introspect which makes them ideal. Basically they are guru and students of nature. They care about civilization and the world.
  4. People with Malavya yoga suffer on account of illicit relationship with opposite sex and misfortunes. They rise in life when they are able to control their sensualities. They are poetic, impressive and expressive in nature. They care about relationships and peace.
  5. People with Shash yoga suffer from prarabdha or past deeds, shrapas or curses and immoral activities. They have wonderful abilities to introspect and this quality makes their life ideal and great. They are philosophical, relinquishing and forgiving in nature. They care about humanity and the universe.

Important notes to follow:

  1. The aforesaid pancha mahapurusha yogas should also be considered in chalit chakra, navansh chakra, dashmansh chakra and bhansh chakra.
  2. The aforesaid pancha mahapurusha yogas should also be considered in traditional trishansh chakra as well as in cyclic trinshansh chakra. Basically the life of a mahapurush or a perfect man is full of tragedies, impediments and insults and trinshansh chakra indicates these tragedies, impediments and insults so these pancha mahapurusha yogas should also be considered in this chakra.
  3. The aforesaid pancha mahapurusha yogas should also be considered in khavedansh chakra, akshvedansh chakra and shyshthansh chakra.

The following yogas also make one similar to a mahapurush or a perfect man:

  1. Gajakeshari yoga is formed when Jupiter occupies the first, fourth, seventh or tenth house from the Moon. This gives one strength to defeat his enemies.
  2. Adhi yoga is formed when natural benefic planets Mercury, Venus & Jupiter occupy sixth, seventh and eighth houses from the Moon. This makes one emperor, minister or commander.
  3. Lagnadhi yoga is formed when natural benefic planets occupy seventh and eighth houses from ascendant and the fourth house should be free from the occupancy of a natural malefic planet. This makes one pure hearted, learned, commander, famous, mahatma or great man, rich, unobtrusive and well versed in shastras.

Written on Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 23:01 (IST) by

Vishal Aksh


Copyright©2022 Vishal Aksh


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