Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Sunday, September 28, 2014

More About Divisional Charts

Part (A)
Existence Of Divisional Charts In Indian Astrology
(This article was written by me on the timeline of my facebook on Friday, October 18, 2013 and the link for that:

It is a very controversial question among Indian astrologers about the existence of divisional charts in Vedic astrology. There is difference in opinions concerning the existence of divisional charts in Indian astrology. There are some astrologers having opinion that the only the divisions of राशी as per षोङषवर्ग scheme given in बृहत्पाराशरहोराशास्त्रम् is applicable and there is no mention about divisional charts based on this scheme. According to these astrologers these divisional charts are newly invented and introduced to Indian astrology. There are other astrologers who use these divisional charts for predictive purposes but they take these charts as latest introduction to Indian astrology.

But the fact is totally different. In the same बृहत्पाराशरहोराशास्त्रम् it is also written:
अथ षोङषवर्गेषु चिंतालग्नं वदाम्यहम्
The aforesaid Sanskrit sentence is the dialogue spoken by the great पाराशर, thousands of years before to his शिष्य मैत्रेय while teaching him होराशास्त्र. The meaning of the aforesaid Sanskrit sentence is, NOW IT IS SAID THAT IN THIS षोङषवर्ग WHICH वर्ग LAGNA SHOULD BE USED TO ANALYSE WHICH ASPECT. This is clear from this sentence that great पाराशर in his बृहत्पाराशरहोराशास्त्रम् directs to consider the lagna of each and every वर्ग in षोङषवर्ग scheme in addition to षोङषवर्ग divisions.

When lagna are allotted to various वर्ग of षोङषवर्ग then next राशी to lagna will become 2nd house and so on. Thus in this way divisional horoscopes are prepared. So it is clear that these divisional charts are not the invention of modern time they existed and properly used thousands of years before this modern time. Even in other classical books on Indian astrology, the use of divisional charts is clearly indicated. The following two श्लोक from a book on classical Indian astrology are written here for further considerations:

नवांशलग्नात्सुतपश्च सौम्यः शुभाशुभैर्युक्तविलोकितो वा ।
शुभैः सुताः स्युः प्रचुरा नरस्य क्रूरग्रहैर्पुत्रसुखञ्च न स्यात्  ।।

The meaning of aforesaid श्लोक is if in any one’s horoscope the lord 5th house from navmansh lagna is in conjunction or comes under the aspects of benefic planets or malefic then the benefic influences bless one with many sons and malefic influences on the lord of 5th from navmansh lagna do not give one happiness on account of his sons.
In the above श्लोक the importance of navmansh chart, which is a divisional chart is clearly shown. In this श्लोक not only the lord of 5th from a divisional chart navmansh is taken for prediction but also the aspects falling over it in navmansh are also taken into consideration for predictive purposes. From aforesaid श्लोक it is clear that navmansh chart should be judges as the main chart is judged. The position, conjunctions and aspects should be considered in navmansh chart too.
The second श्लोक is as follows:

त्रिशांशादष्टमस्थानाधिपे सोम्ये शुभेक्षिते ।
शुभे त्रिशांशके मृत्युः शोभनो नो विपर्यये ।।

The meaning of above श्लोक is that if in one’s Trishmansh chart the benefic lord of 8th from his Trishmansh lagna comes in conjunction with benefic planet or receives aspect from benefic planet then one’s death will be under auspicious situations and if lord of 8th in Trishmansh chart is malefic or under the aspect of malefic the one will have painful death in an inauspicious situations.

In above श्लोक the Trishmansh chart is directed in analyzing miseries in one’s life. In this Trishmansh chart too lord of house from its lagna along with conjunction of planets and the aspects of planets are also directed to consider for predictive purposes. 

From above it becomes clear that the concept of divisional charts in Indian astrology is as ancient as the concept of षोङषवर्ग scheme. It is not a modern concept.  

Part (B)
The Use Of Divisional Charts In Indian Astrology
(This article was written by me on the timeline of my facebook on Thursday January 2, 2014 and the link for that:

In Indian astrology to know specific events in life rashi chart is analyzed in addition to divisional charts. For the fulfillment of prediction in full measure the practical use of divisional chart is essential.

There are more than 19 divisional charts in Indian astrology out of them 19 divisional charts have been used by astrologers frequently. Among 19 divisional charts 16 charts have been found in Indian ancient classical astrology written thousands & thousands years before and rest of them were introduced by modern exponents of Indian astrology.

The group of 16 divisional charts is known as षोडश वर्ग. They are (1) राशी (2) होरा (3) द्रेष्काण (4) चतुर्थांश (5) सप्तांश (6) नवमांश (7) दशमांश (8) द्वादशांश (9) षोडशांश (10) विंशांश (11) चतुर्विशांश (12) भांश (13) त्रिंशांश (14) खवेदांश (15) अक्षवेदांश (16) षष्ठयंश.

(1)    राशी : This chart is directed to judge the physical health prospects under षोडश वर्ग scheme. But it is being used to judge the entire prospects of life.

(2)    होरा : This chart is directed to judge the wealth prospects. Later on it was used to judge the planetary aspects falling on Moon & Sun. In actual practice no one uses this chart.

(3)    ) द्रेष्काण : This chart is directed to judge about co born. Later on it is being used to predict about miseries in life. This chart is frequently discussed but rarely used for predictions. In my experience in the field of astrology I have found this chart giving the results of all events of life for many years.

(4)    चतुर्थांश : This chart is directed to judge about भाग्य. Later on it is being used to predict about property acquisitions. I have found this chart suitable for people who take risk such as entrepreneurs, for them taking major decisions of life such as decision to change jobs etc. This chart is not effectively used. It is used as supportive chart.

(5)     सप्तांश : This chart is directed to judge about all the events concerning children.

(6)    नवमांश : This chart is directed to judge the events concerning life partner. But later on it is being used to predict all events of life. This is widely used divisional chart.

(7)    दशमांश : This chart is directed to judge the महत्फल i.e. the major thing concerning life. Now a day the major thing concerning life is only profession. Like नवमांश this chart is also widely used.

(8)      द्वादशांश : This chart is directed to judge all the events concerning parents.

(9)     षोडशांश : This chart is directed to judge the vehicles and comforts. I have found this chart also gives information about assets.

(10) विंशांश : This chart is directed to judge the spirituality. I have found this chart also gives information about discovery, research & Invention. It is not used frequently.

(11) चतुर्विशांश : This chart is directed to judge about academic prospects. It is wonderful chart. It gives all the information about the academy. It is also rare in use.

(12) भांश : This chart is directed to judge strength / weaknesses. I have found this chart gives information about character, instinct & habit. In actual practice it is not used.

(13) त्रिंशांश : This chart is directed to judge about miseries in life.

(14) खवेदांश : This chart is directed to judge the auspicious and inauspicious results. I have found this chart gives information about doing welfare of others, emotionally linking with others and hearing of inner voice and good events with tears of devotion in eyes.

(15) अक्षवेदांश : All events of life.

(16) षष्ठयंश : All events of life.

The other divisional charts not included in this षोडश वर्ग are (17) D6 chart for the judgment of diseases, (18) D8 chart for the term of life in this world, (19) D11 for monetary gains with no pains and (20) Panchmansh for the judgement of philosophical knowledge and spirituality. 

In my experience in the field of astrology I have found except होरा chart under specific conditions each divisional chart gives information about all prospects of life. Persons with deep knowledge of astrology can understand this.    

Written by

Vishal Aksh        


  1. Respected Shri V Aksh ji, Compliments for the article looks like nectar of Astrology in such a simple way for all to get in brain . Warm regard and best wishes .

  2. Wonderful, very clear, simple, convincing and authenticated explanation about divisional charts in vedic astrology. With best regards and waiting for such another articles on Vedic Astrology.

  3. Great List !! Thanks for sharing, I was looking for something like that about Horoscope. Cheers ! share market tips

  4. My compliments for the article wonderful very clear convincing explanation about the divisional charts in such a simple way to understand in Vedic astrology.Thanks a lot for sharing it with us all warm regards and best wishes from Germany.

  5. D40,: It is used to know Maternal Legacy also.
    D45: It is used to know Paternal Legacy.
