Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Friday, September 26, 2014

More About Vipreet Rajyog

Part (1)

Vipreet Rajyog

In Indian astrology vipreetrajyog is mentioned. Its definition has been given as when in any horoscope the lord of any evil house is in any evil house then this yog is termed as vipreet rajyog. In Indian astrology 6th, 8th & 12 houses are treated as evil houses.

This is considered to be a very powerful yog. Before giving its good effects, this yog makes the entire atmosphere tense & polluted.

This yog works on a principal that when two negative quantities are multiplied the result will be a positive quantity. In this vipreet rajyog these evil houses have negative effects when any lord of these houses occupies any one of evil houses having same negative effects then the resultant effect will be a positive development and there will be auspicious results. But before this these evil houses also give their effects in the form of hurdles, disappointments & mental dejection.

When in any horoscope the 6th lord is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th houses then this type of vipreet raj yog is termed as Harshyog. This type of yog generally blesses one with comforts, enjoyments, fortunes and a stout body. Anyone having this harshyog in his horoscope overpowers his enemies and never commits sinful acts. He has a friend circle of very prominent people. He is blessed with wealth, fame & friends.

When in any horoscope the lord of 8th occupies any one of 6th, 8th or 12th houses then this vipreetrajyog yog is Saralyog. In general this Saralyog makes one respected, learned & wealthy. He will be successful in all his enterprises, overcome his enemies & and widely celebrated.

When in any horoscope lord of 12th house occupies any one of 6th, 8th or 12th houses then this resulting vipreetrajyog is termed as Vimalyog. One having this vimalyog in his horoscope spends less than his earnings & savings. His actions are identical with the thinking of others. He lives in comforts and is independent and pursues a respectable occupation and well known for his merits.

In my experience of many years in the field of astrology I found this vipreetrajyog working in divisional charts such as Navmansh, Dashmansh & Siddhansh etc too. Here this yog works according to the nature of these charts. In Dashmansh charts this vipreetrajyog gives a very big professional success in a polluted atmosphere after hurdles. In Siddhansh chart this vipreetrajyog gives academic success in a polluted atmosphere after hurdles, disappointments & dejection.

(This article was written me on Sunday, August 11, 2013 on the timeline of my facebook and the link for that is given below:

Part (02)
Other Conditions Essential For Vipreet Rajyoga

Most of the people generally ask me about vipreet rajyog. Besides the astrological definition about this yoga given in Vedic astrology there are other factors too making this yoga practically defunct and in such conditions all written about this yoga regarding tough atmosphere, failures & insults fully manifest but the person cannot get success. Thus in these yoga too position of Moon play a vital role though in classical definition of there is no mention about the position of Moon in these yoga.

Now I am describing the role of Moon in the manifestation of these vipreet rajyog. In human body all of his senses are governed by an invisible agency called मन and this मन has three stages (1) सात्विक (2) राजसिक (3) तामसिक.

A person with सात्विक मन has the power of truth that is why he never deviates himself from the right way even though under polluted circumstances.

A person with राजसिक मन displays both qualities of मन such as सात्विक and तामसिक. Sometimes he becomes truthful and sometimes he deviates himself from the right way. So person with more सात्विक qualities in राजसिक मन find, themselves able to withstand the polluted atmosphere after getting some failures. They purify their मन under tough and adverse phase. Person with राजसिक मन with more तामसिक qualities though display truthfulness but only in prosperity but as soon as negative and tough phase of their life starts they deviate themselves from the right way and start the wrong way to fulfill their needs. So person with राजसिक मन may or may not be on the right way under tough situations.

But person with तामसिक मन are always miles away from truth and right way. Weather they are in good phase or tough phase they do not follow truth. So they too can not withstand tough phase of life.

In this कलियुग it is difficult to find person of सात्विक मन. Person with राजसिक मन are found in lesser quantity and person of राजसिक मन with more सात्विक qualities are treated as person of सात्विक मन and person with तामसिक मन are found in abundance.

Combining the three state of मन with tough and adverse situations it become clear that person with सात्विक मन and person with राजसिक मन with more सात्विक, qualities can withstand tough and adverse phase of life.

In vipreet rajyoga tough and adverse phase of life occurs. This tough & adverse phase of life can be won over by person with सात्विक मन and person with राजसिक मन with more सात्विक qualities. These types of person enjoy vipreet rajyoga. In Vedic astrology Moon represents मन. Jupiter represents सात्विक मन, Mercury and Venus represent राजसिक मन and Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu represents तामसिक मन. 

Under following conditions vipreet rajyoga present in horoscope are operative:

(1) From above becomes clear that person with मनोबल can enjoy the vipreet rajyoga present in horoscope.

(2) Person having strong Moon under benefic influence of Jupiter, Mercury or Venus and strong lord of ascendant lord can enjoy the vipreet rajyoga present in their horoscopes.

Under following conditions vipreet rajyoga present in horoscope become defunct:

(1) Person having depression, doubts, ill will and those fulfilling their self interest by telling lies about themselves cannot enjoy vipreet rajyog even it present in their horoscopes.

(2) Person having weak, afflicted Moon under the influence of Saturn, Rahu or Ketu and lord of Lagna weak cannot enjoy vipreet rajyog present in their horoscopes.

The planets forming vipreet rajyoga in rashi chart will become incapable to form vipreet rajyoga if there is shifting of these planets in chalit chakra from one house to other bhava.

(This article was written by me on Saturday, October 26, 2013 on the timeline of my facebook and the link for that is given below:

Part (03)
Cancellation of Vipreet Rajyog

The lord of evil house (6th, 8thor 12th) in any of evil houses (6th, 8thor 12th) constitutes Vipreet Rajyog. This gives success in adverse conditions.

But sometimes situation becomes very interesting as in following three cases:

(1) Lord of 6th house in 8th house and lord of 8th in 6th house

(2) Lord of 6th house in 12th house and lord of 12th in 6th house

(3) Lord of 8th house in 12th house and lord of 12th in 8th house

If common sense is applied to the aforesaid three conditions than anyone can understand that these are the conditions of powerful Vipreet rajyog. Even some experts also consider these conditions as powerful Vipreet rajyog.

But in actual practice it is not so. These conditions or even one of them if found in any horoscope result in the cancellation of Vipreet Rajyog. These are the most malefic conditions and their results are more or less similar to that of kemdrum yoga.

In other words, if in any horoscope the cancellation of Vipreet Rajyoga occurs than this situation is known as Dainya Yog. In classical Indian astrology the Dainya yog is defined as the person having this yoga in his horoscope is stupid, always criticizes others, does sinful actions, always hurts the feelings of others by his speech and his mind is unstable. Whatever he ventures it is full of hurdles.

In my long experience in the field of Indian astrology I have found these Dainya yoga also work if they are present in chaturthansh, navmansh, dashmansh and Bhansh charts in addition to rashi chart.

(1) If this Dainya yoga are present in chaturthansh chart of any person than that person takes undue risks and suffers losses.

(2) If this Dainya yoga is present in dashmansh chart of any person than he always criticizes his seniors and employers, disobeys them and he never fulfills his duties at professional levels. He suffers from setback in his career.

(3) If this Dainya yog is present in the Bhansh chart of any person than this person never mixes up in society he always criticizes others and he becomes insignificant in the eyes of other person.

(This article was written by me on Monday, November 18, 2013 on the timeline of my facebook and the link for that is given below:

Written by

Vishal Aksh


  1. Beautiful Expressions According to Vipreet Rajyogas.
    Thank you very much Vishal Bhai.

  2. This article is totally wonderful, I really enjoyed it but I found some details are not properly accurate. I read an article on this website and they have different theories or we can say approaches Rajyog Astrology, and also they are pretty good at predicting the future, if you live in India then you can also try his Career Astrology, Match Making Astrology, Gemstone Astrology and Love Life Astrology services, and trust me it’s worth it.
    Thank you so much for this wonderful post and I am looking forward to reading more.

  3. What if planets are forming this placement in chalit chart but not in rashi chart?
