Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

“Are Trees & Vegetables Living Beings?” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

Vishal Aksh
(Astrologer, Researcher, Writer, Thinker & Philosopher)
(1) We all Hindu believe that we should not take Animal Food and should only consume Vegetable Food. It is good to take Vegetarian Food but as far as Dharma is concerned the food is a requirement for survival and the types of Food are based on the Guna such as Satvik, Rajsik and Tamsik.

(2) Satvik Food is made up of Vegetables and Milk Products and does not contain stimulants and that is why it is best suited for the people doing Intellectual Works and Trading Works where the Wisdom and Intelligence are applied as a part of livelihood. Though Milk Products don’t come under Vegetable Food but it comes under Satvik Food.

(3) Rajsik Food is a mixture of the several ingredients of Vegetable Foods and Animal Food. This type of food provides physical energy and thus it is the requirement of Warriors and all those doing similar works.

(4) Tamsik Food includes stimulants and Vegetables like Onion. It is the requirement of people belonging to Labor Works.

(5) In Vedic Literature it is written जीवजीवस्य भोजनम्। (Jeevjeevasya Bhojanam) which means an animal is a food for other animal. This clearly reflects that all types of Food belong to Animal or living beings come under Animal Food.

(6) In Sativik Food the Curd contains microbes and this clearly verifies जीवजीवस्य भोजनम्। (Jeevjeevasya Bhojanam).

(7) But what about Trees and other Vegetables. Are they living beings or not? Several Vedic Experts consider them as non living. If this is taken then the validity of Vedic Rule जीवजीवस्य भोजनम्। (Jeevjeevasya Bhojanam) will become questionable.

(8) Now I am going to explain what Vedic Literatures speak about Trees and other Vegetables:

(i) ओषध्यः फलपाकान्ता नानाविधफलोपगाः।
अपुष्पा फलवन्तो  ये  ते वनस्पतयः स्मृताः॥

Translation: The Plants which survive up to the ripe of their fruits and after that they die and the trees with plenty of flowers and fruits are known as Aushdhi.

The Plants which produces fruits without flowers are known as Vanaspati

Note: Every Plant is not Aushdhi similarly every Plant is not Vanaspati.   

(ii) पुष्पिणः फलिनश्चै वृक्षास्तूभयतः।
तमसा बहुरुपेण वेष्टिताः कर्महेतुना॥

Translation: The Plants which grow very much and fructify are known as Vriksh (Trees)

Note: In Sanskrit the other word used for Vriksh is Taru which is very near to English Word Tree both in pronunciation and meaning.

(iii) अन्तःसंज्ञा भवन्त्येते सुखदुःखसमन्विताः।

Translation: These Trees and other vegetables etc also possess self consciousness and feelings of joy and sorrow but because of the existing of Tamo Guna on account of their Past Karma they are not able to express that.

Note: This is a great information described in aforesaid Sanskrit Shloka written under ((8)/(iii)). The Trees and all the other Plants have feelings and self consciousness with Karmic Approaches but unable to express. This is enough to prove that Vedas give to members of Vegetable Kingdom a status of Living Beings with Karmic Approaches.

(9) All the Vegetable Foods thus also come under Animal Food and thus it gets authentication under the Vedic Statement जीवजीवस्य भोजनम्। (Jeevjeevasya Bhojanam).

(10) If you consume Vegetable Food don’t say you are Vegetarian just say you are Satvik

Written on Monday, April 23, 2019 at 16:14 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh

Copyright © 2019 Vishal Aksh
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