Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Ancient Indian Vedic System of Conduct and morals

Vishal Aksh
(Astrologer, Researcher, Writer, Thinker & Philosopher)
(1) In ancient India to get rid of negative influences of planets a profound system was developed by great Maharishi and today that unique system was totally disregarded or less regarded and with its effects the youth up to the age group of 32 years is found totally deviated from the right way of conduct.

(2) Today in society most of the youth are seen disrespecting and disregarding their parents, elders, teachers and other person of advanced age In the of society.

(3) The Vedic system of conduct provides a way and by applying it in day to day life every youth will enhance his Aatmbala (Inner strength) and find himself fit for his role in this world.

(4) The very first thing is to understand is to know the character of Antaratma (spirit) residing in human body and this is very important because most of the adversaries appear in one’s life are due to non understanding of the characteristics of Antaratma. The following sloka taken from Vedic texts gives valuable information about the characteristics of Antaratma:

अनसूया दया क्षान्तिरनायासं च मंगलम् ।
अकार्पण्यं तथा शौचमस्पृहा च कुरुद्वह ॥

The above Sanskrit sloka in English script is written as:
Ansuya Daya Kshantirnayasam Ch Mangalam!
Akaarpanyam Tatha Schochamaspraha Ch Kurudwaha!!

In aforesaid Sanskrit saloka the eight types of the characteristic of Antaratma has been described and they are as follows:

(i) अनसूया (Ansuya): Not disregarding the qualities and talents of others is अनसूया (Ansuya). If you know some person having skills, qualities or talents and you also possess the same but in lesser quantity then it may be possible that you start fault finding in those person and it is bad and should be avoided and if you develop this quality then you will be able to understand and communicate with this characteristic of antaratma known as अनसूया (Ansuya).

(ii) दया (Daya): Applying same and good pattern of conduct while dealing with known &unknown person, friends & foes and always thinking about the welfare of suffering person is दया (Daya) and if you are able to develop this quality then you will find that even an unknown person becoming a known person to you and it is the key to get eternal joy.

(iii) क्षान्ति (Kshanti): If you find some person against you and humiliating you by their physical, verbal & mental actions and in that condition you are able to control you anger and the feeling of enmity towards them then you will be able to understand and communicate this characteristic of Antaratma known as क्षान्ति (Kshanti). This will give extra strength to your mind to take a firm decision in tense situations.

(iv) अनायास (Anayas): If you find any good action performed by you may result in your physical injury or not necessary anyway than that action should not be performed repeatedly unless & until there is no option for that and this is अनायास (Anayas).

(v) मंगल (Mangal): If you do good actions daily and avoid doing bad actions then this is मंगल ( Mangal) and if you develop this then you will be able to do welfare of others

(vi) अकार्पण्य (Akaarpanya): If you donate some amount of your hard earned money daily with full devotion and becoming kind then this is अकार्पण्य (Akaarpanya).

(vii) शौच (Schocha): Avoid eating unhygienic food or drinking such drinks and keeping yourself away from bad person or even bad friends and always displaying good conduct is शौच (Shauch). If you are able to develop this quality then it will enhance the purity of your mind and heart.

(viii) अस्पृहा (Aspraha): To remain satisfied in whatever you have earned and not keeping your eyes on other’s wealth is अस्पृहा (Aspraha) and if you develop this then you will develop peace of mind.

(5) The aforesaid characteristics of Antratma are not difficult to apply in your day to day life and with little practice you will do that. Since Sun is the Aatma so person with afflicted Sun in their horoscope will find these as remedies for Sun.

(6) Person with Sun well disposed in their Bhansh (D27) chart will find it very easy to develop the aforesaid characteristics of Antaratma with very little practice.

Written by
Vishal Aksh


You will also find the aforesaid Article written by me on my Facebook Page. Follow link: to view it there also.


  1. You are right.Today world even small kids, teens ,are so impatient that they cannot judge any thing
