Articles written by Vishal Aksh

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

“Influence Of Planets On Minds/Moods” – an article written by Vishal Aksh

Vishal Aksh
(Astrologer, Researcher, Writer, Thinker & Philosopher)
(1) All Planets can influence our Moon. The actual word for it is Sanskrit word Mana and this Mana has three stages

(i) Sativik: The purity or pure thoughts without any ill will, fear and it leads one to divinity

(ii) Rajsik: To get knowledge and it gives abilities to protect others. It also allows presentations and decorations.

(iii) Tamsik: All the evil thoughts. This quality compels one to harm others. It is full of negativities. Increasing of greediness, ill will towards noble and pious people and shamelessness are few examples of Tamsik qualities.

(2) In any horoscope Moon governs Mana

(i)  Jupiter & Sun signifies Satva Guna state.

Note: As per my researches Yamakantaka also signifies the Satva Guna

(ii) Mercury & Venus Rajsik Guna.

Note: As per my researches Ardhyama also signifies Rajsik Guna

(iii) Saturn, Mars, Rahu & Ketu signify Tamsik Guna.

Note: As per my researches Gulika, Maandi and Miritu also signify Tamsik Guna.

(3) The Saptvinshansh Chart or Nakshatransh Chart or Bhansh Chart or D27 Chart is used to judge one's inner strength so our Mood also influences our strength and weaknesses or vice- versa so the position of Moon is very important to be judged in D27 Chart.

(i) If in that D27 Moon comes under the influence of Jupiter then a person is able to make his Mana in accordance with 8th basic characteristics of Aatma and thus accepts purity by heart, he becomes free from sorrow and joy, hot and cold, respect and disrespect, he wins his 6 inner foes like Kama, Krodaha, lobha, Moha, Mada & Maya so free from every disease!

Note: In aforesaid paragraph (3)/(i) the 8 basis characteristics of Aatma exists and many of you may be ignorant about it. I have written an exclusive Article: “Ancient Indian Vedic System of Conduct and morals” on it. Follow link: to view that Article.  

Note: When in Bhansh Chakra (D27) Moon comes under the influence of Yamakantaka then it increases the thinking facility of mind with lots of inventive ideas and several times it results in wonders

Note: In the Article: “BJP’s Horoscope – analyzed ………” written by me, I predicted a Wave or similar to that in Indian Elections 2019 by considering the BJP’s Mahadasha & Bhansh Lagna Lord Moon under the 5th Aspect of Yamakantaka and that prediction came into being in full measures. Follow link: to view that Article written by me and and see whatever have been written under (3.7) and (3.9) by me in that Article.      

(ii) When in D27 Chart Moon is under the influence of Mercury or Venus and it makes a person inclined towards getting knowledge, sciences and arts. It also gives musical talents and generally Cheerful Mood

Note: It also gives ability to present oneself nicely and decently and several other talents to protect the needy.

Note: In Bhansh Chakra when Moon comes under the influence of Ardhyama then it gives wonderful ability to express observed things into wordings or writings.

(iii) When in this D27 Chart Moon comes under the influence of Saturn it gives worried mind and the person does not find himself fit for materialistic world and it may also result in Sanyaas

Note: Irrespective of Tamsik Planet Saturn also represents Vairagya so if Moon in Bhansh Chakra comes under the influence of Saturn then it motivates the person to leave the materialistic world and to join the Spiritual Kingdom. In materialistic world he always finds his mind worried and depressed. To know more about it in details follow link: to view the Article: “Know Your Spiritual Level …. Part (6)” written by me

(a) If under Rahu it gives dirty thoughts with selfish approaches

(b) If under Gulika or Maandi they give destructive thoughts & greediness

(c) If under Ketu it gives occult thoughts and tendency to wander in the limitless ocean of Maya.

(4) I have also written an article by taking into consideration the influence of Planets on Mood and for that follow link: and read Part (02) of that that article.

Written on Sunday, April 3, 2016 at 00:50 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh


The Original Draft Of This Article

(1) It was on Saturday, April 2, 2016 when Mr. Udhayakumar Balan shared his musical video based on Raga to my Facebook Closed Group: “Prgmanan Chakra In Vedic Jyotish” – A Group Run By Vishal Aksh

(2) After hearing the Raga from his video clip I found my mild depression disappeared and I at once wrote the following wordings in the Comment Section of his Video post on Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 18:34 (IST) which was as follows:

Now I am sharing my experiences Udhayakumar Balan!! in this context!

(1) Abut 3 minutes before listening this raga attached with this aforesaid post written by you I was in a state of some sort of mild depression and I checked the flow breath from my both nostrils and I found Sushmana Swara (Nadi) was flowing

(2) During the listening of this Hamsadhwani Raga as provided by you suddenly the flow of the breath from my left nostril started slowdown and from that of right nostril it started flowing with full pace and as per Vedic Jyotish on weekday ruled by malefic Planets such as Sun, Mars & Saturn flow of breath from right nostril is good and it also removes feeling of depression and today is Saturday ruled by Saturn a malefic Planet and I felt relexed and that feeling of mild depression disappeared.

(3) I am sharing this perhaps it may be useful in your researches and thanks for sharing such nice post!!

Written on Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 18:34 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh

(3) After that Mr. Udhayakumar Balan also thanked me in Comment Section of his post and also put a query about the influence of various planets on our Moods

(4) My reply to his query on his post becomes the Original Draft of this Article. Just see the Picture of Conversations between us in this context:

Picture Of Conversation Between Mr. Udhayakumar Balan And Vishal Aksh 

 Written on Tuesday, June 18, 2019 at 14:49 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh


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