In Vedic astrology the नक्षत्र दशा (Nakshatra Dasha) calculations are
made on the basis of the longitude of Moon. The planetary lord of the नक्षत्र occupied by the Moon at the time of one’s birth is the first दशा lord in all the नक्षत्र दशा
(Nakshatra Dasha) such as Vinshottri, Yogni, and Ashottotri the दशा (Dasha).
Some astrologers opine that the main reason given behind it that in
Vedic literature the Moon is said to be lord of नक्षत्र (Nakshatra )
that is why the नक्षत्र दशा
Dasha) should be calculated from the
longitude of Moon.
Other astrologers opine that this Moon primarily
signifies mind and governs मानस
कर्म (Maanas Karma) and these मानस
कर्म (Maanas Karma) are strongest in all कर्म (Karma) that is why the नक्षत्र दशा (Nakshatra
Dasha) calculations
should be made from the longitude of Moon only.
In Vedic astrology the नक्षत्र (Nakshatra) occupied by Lagna
also plays significant role. The lagna of, Bhansh chart also known as नक्षत्रांश (Nakshatransh) i.e. the 27th
part of a राशी (Rashi), is calculated by the longitude of lagna. This Bhansh chart is
used to calculate the strength of a person. In other words if the लग्न नक्षत्र (Lagna Nakshatra) was found effect
less and then there was no Bhansh chart in Vedic astrology.
All the physical actions are performed by body and this body is
represented by Lagna. It took approximately two hours to change from on sign to
another one whereas Moon takes near about 2.5 days to shift itself from one
sign to another sign. The lagna moves faster than Moon. Thus Lagna shifts from
its occupied नक्षत्र to another one quicker than Moon. So it will be of no harm
to calculate नक्षत्र दशा (Nakshatra Dasha) from लग्न नक्षत्र
Nakshatra) in addition to the usual calculation of नक्षत्र
दशा (Nakshatra Dasha) from the longitude of
The following श्लोक (Shloka) is from
the literature of ancient classical Vedic astrology is also found very much
supportive in this context:
वा ब्रूयात्क्रमणैव दशफलानि ।
च सर्वे कुर्वन्ति सामान्यमिदं नराणाम् ॥
The meaning of above श्लोक is that the
results of Dasha should be spoken after calculating Dasha from one’s जन्म नक्षत्र (Janma Nakshatra) i.e. नक्षत्र (Nakshatra) occupied by Moon
and लग्न नक्षत्र (Lagna
Nakshatra) i.e. नक्षत्र in which Lagna has
risen at the time of one’s birth. The concluding periods of all the Dasha are
generally adverse.
So it is clear from above श्लोक (Shoka) that the नक्षत्र दशा (Nakshatra
Dasha) should be calculated from the longitude of the Lagna too in addition
to that of Moon. I think this is very useful clue that exists in above श्लोक (Shloka).
In my long experience in the field of astrology I have found
that the नक्षत्र दशा (Nakshatra Dasha) calculated from
the longitude of lagna is as important as it is calculated from that of Moon.
Though the interpretation of this Dasha is somewhat more technical that is why
a beginner may find difficulty in its interpretation in analyzing the
horoscopes for the timing of events. Now I am giving some brief idea about the
use of this Dasha calculated from the longitude of Lagna on the basis of my
long experience in the field of astrology:
judgment of this Dasha should be in the similar fashion as done in case of the
Dasha calculated from the longitude of Moon.
in any horoscope it is found that the Dasha calculated usually giving the
results of any bhava for education, entrance into career first time or physical
growth operates very much in late in one’s life but the Dasha calculated from
the longitude of Lagna giving these results operates at an appropriate age than
this Dasha calculated from the longitude of Lagna should be used for predictive
the Dasha / Antardasha calculated from both the ways support one another than
that indicated events stored in horoscope bound to occur.
both types of Dasha calculated supports each other or not if there is perfect
agreement between Dasha calculated from the longitude of Lagna and the transit
then the event indicated by the Dasha calculated from the Longitude of Lagna is
bound to occur.
Dasha calculated from the longitude of Lagna proves to be helpful while
conducting rectification of time.
calculation should be done from the longitude of Lagna too in addition to the
dasha calculated from the longitude of Moon. Any prediction given on, this
basis results in its fulfillment.
article written by me on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 on the timeline of my facebook
& following is the link for that: