(1) If you look at any Horoscope you will find that 8th
house is 2nd from 7th house so it is the Marka house of
Marka house. Similarly it is the 7th house from 2nd house
it also indicates that it is a Marka house of Marka 2nd house. Hence
being Maraka of both the Marka house this 8th house is known as
House of life and Longevity in Vedic Jyotish.
(2) There a several occasion in your life when you find
yourself alone then you always have a chance to communicate to your inner self.
At that moment ask your inner self about the life, the purpose of your life and
who you are. One think you will receive from your inner self that life is
sometimes clear like the panorama, sometimes it is illusive like a mirage in a
deadly desert and sometimes it appears
to be mysterious like horizons. You at once draw a conclusion that life is
mysterious as clarities and illusions easily merge with Mystery so if 8th
house is a house of Longevity and life then it must represent Mystery and occult.
Knowing and unlocking the doors leading to mysteries is a subject of Science
with logical and practical approaches.
(3) Like the mysterious sky several times you think is there
any sky within you and this mysterious thought motivates you to travel towards
the ultimate horizon known as Parmatma and thus the development of Yoga comes
into being so 8th house represents Yoga, Pranayama and all the other
Yogic Practices.
(4) Leading a life you often think is crossing of endless
ocean known as Bhavasagara so on physical plane this 8th house
indicates sea voyages, on mental plane it indicates instincts to go into depth
of thinking in either ways and on positive ways it results in inventions and discoveries
and on spiritual Plane this 8th house indicates a deep trance state
known as Samadhi.
(5) Sometimes you think life like the period of spending several
days in a deadly desert where days are the hell like heat and nights are the
hell of cold and you find yourself into a hell on this earth and thus this 8th
house also indicates punishments and imprisonment.
(6) Sometimes you think life that all the essence which you
enjoyed has gone and suddenly you think that in your childhood you hit a street
dog barking at you by throwing a stone and after passing several years you
start feeling and regretting on that action and that results in huge mental
pains and sustainment of these huge mental pains for longer period result in depression
so 8th house also indicates huge mental pains and depression.
(7) Several times you think that if in your life any tragedy
putting you on bed occurs then you get insights that you should save money for
those days too and you plan to invest money in insurance and so money invested
in life insurence is also indicated by 8th house.
(8) Several times you think that life is a Jungle where
beasts like Kama, Kroadha, Lobha, Moha, Maya, Ahankaara etc live and this leads
you to virakti so 8th house also indicates Virakti.
(9) The mere presence of malefic Planets or any node in 8th
house in a horoscope does not indicate threaten to life for that several
Divisional Charts like (i) Shastansh Chart (D6), (ii) Ashtansh Chart (D8),
(iii) Trishansh Charts (D30, Both Traditional and Cyclic) and (iv) Shyasthansh
Chart (D60) are to be judged precisely which is beyond of the approaches of
most of the astrologers having less than 20 years of dedicated experiences in
the field of Vedic Jyotish.
(10) To know more about the 8th house just read the
Article: “The Positive Side Of 8th Bhava / House In Vedic Jyotish” written by
me which was published on my Website on Wednesday, February 15, 2017. Follow
link: https://horoanalysis.wordpress.com/2017/02/15/the-positive-side-of-8th-bhava-house-in-vedic-jyotish-an-article-written-by-vishal-aksh/
to view that there.
Written on Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 19:50 (IST) by
Vishal Aksh