(i) This article written by me was first published on the
timeline of my Facebook on Sunday, February 19, 2017 at 11:43 (IST) and points
(1), (2), (3), (3.1) and (3.2) of this article written by me were published on
the Comments Section of this post on Sunday, March 26, 2017.
(ii) At the end of this Article the Screenshot of this
Article written by me and published on the timeline of my Facebook is also
introduced. You may also view this Article by clicking the Link: https://www.facebook.com/vishal.aksh.7/posts/724046277773206
ताम्रं स्वर्णं पितृ
शुभफलं चात्मसौख्यप्रतापं, धैर्यं शौर्यं
समितिविजयं राजसेवा प्रकाशम्।
शैवं कार्यं वनगिरिगतिं
होमकार्यप्रवृत्तिं, देवस्थनं कथयतु
Swarnam Pitri Shubhphalam Chaatmsauokhhyaprataapam, Dahiryam Samitivijayam
Rajsewa Prakasham!
Karyam Vangirigatim Homkaarypravritim, Devsthanam Katyatu
पुरुषो के अनुसार सूर्य की स्तिथि से विचारणीय विषय हैं: तांबा, सोना, पिता के सन्दर्भ में , शुभफल, आत्मबोध, सुख, प्रताप, धैर्य, शौर्य, सभाविजय (शास्त्रार्थ आदि), राजसेवा, प्रकाश, परमात्मा शिव सम्बन्धित समस्त कृत्य, वनो एवं पर्वतशृंखलाओं में भ्रमण
यज्ञादि कार्यों में प्रवृति व मन्दिर।
Translation Of the Aforesaid Article In English:
According to wise men it is from the position of Sun one should consider:
Bronze, Gold, all the events about father, auspicious results, knowledge of
self, gratification, glory, patience, chivalry, victory in debates, government
service, rays, every rituals related to Parmatma Shiva, visiting jungles &
hills, inclination towards performing Yagya and Temple.
All the rituals related to Parmatma Shiva should be judged from the Sun. This
clearly means that Sun represents Parmatma Shiva. Check your Vinshansh or
Panchmansh Charts if you have Sun in 5th house or you have Simh Rashi as the
Lagna in your Vinshansh Chart (D20) or Panchmansh Chart (D5) then be sure you
have spiritual or philosophical inclination towards Parmatma Shiva.
In the aforesaid article it is said that the Sun represents Aatmbodh (Knowledge
of Self). In this way it is so treated on spiritual plane. Continuous upasana
of Parmatma Shiva enables mind to understand the Aatma.
This Aatmbodh helps astrologers to predict the events even when a horoscope
does not reflect that event. This is very important to understand.
Now I am sharing my research in this context. Check your Bhansh Chart (D27) if
you have Sun in 10th house in your Bhansh Chart then you possess strong
instincts of this Aatmabodh.
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Screenshot Of The Article Written By Vishal Aksh On The Timeline Of Facebook |